Campagna Generation Awake: basta con gli sprechi di rifiuti!
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Data documento: 04-02-2014
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Environment: Generation Awake says Stop Wasting Waste!
Campagna Generation Awake: basta con gli sprechi di rifiuti!
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The latest phase of the European Commission's 'Generation Awake' campaign focuses on the environmental, economic, social and personal consequences of using resources unsustainably.The campaign aims to make consumers aware of the consequences their consumption patterns have on natural resources, illustrating the benefits if they choose to act differently.
La campagna «Generation Awake», promossa dalla Commissione europea allo scopo di sensibilizzare i consumatori all’impatto dei loro modelli di consumo sulle risorse naturali, esamina in questa fase le conseguenze ambientali, economiche, sociali e personali dell’uso non sostenibile delle risorse e descrive i vantaggi di scelte di comportamento diverse.
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It centres round a fully interactive website available in all 24 official EU languages, where cartoon characters show the environmental impact of everyday purchasing decisions.
Attraverso un sito web interattivo, disponibile nelle 24 lingue ufficiali dell’UE, i personaggi di un fumetto illustrano l’impatto ambientale delle decisioni quotidiane di acquisto.
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Despite EU-wide recycling targets and successes in certain areas, Europe's waste is still a hugely under-used resource.
Nonostante gli obiettivi di riciclaggio fissati a livello dell’UE e i buoni risultati conseguiti in certi settori, i rifiuti restano tuttora una risorsa estremamente sottoutilizzata in Europa.
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A study prepared for the Commission estimates that full implementation of EU waste legislation would save EUR 72 billion a year, increase the annual turnover of the EU waste management and recycling sector by EUR 42 billion, and create over 400 000 new jobs by 2020.
Secondo uno studio realizzato per conto della Commissione, la piena attuazione della legislazione dell’UE sui rifiuti consentirebbe di risparmiare 72 miliardi di euro all’anno, di incrementare di 42 miliardi di euro il fatturato annuo del settore della gestione e del riciclaggio dei rifiuti, e di creare oltre 400 000 posti di lavoro entro il 2020.
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The Generation Awake website invites visitors to discover the value of waste, showing how it can be reused, recycled, exchanged and repaired rather than being thrown away.
Il sito della campagna Generation Awake invita i visitatori a scoprire il valore che possono avere i rifiuti e mostra come certi prodotti, anziché gettati via, possano invece essere riutilizzati, riciclati, scambiati e riparati.
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A related Facebook page invites citizens to take up challenges like reducing food waste and cutting water use.
Una pagina Facebook invita i cittadini a provare concretamente a ridurre gli sprechi di prodotti alimentari e a risparmiare l’acqua.
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Anyone can join in, and everyone is encouraged to spread the message: waste which cannot be avoided can become a valuable resource, and saving resources means saving money.
Tutti possono partecipare e ognuno è invitato a diffondere il messaggio: i rifiuti che non possiamo evitare di produrre possono diventare una risorsa preziosa, e risparmiare risorse significa risparmiare denaro!
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Behind the light-hearted campaign is a serious message: waste often contains valuable materials that can be reintroduced into the economic system.
Dietro all’apparente spensieratezza della campagna troviamo un messaggio molto serio: molto spesso i rifiuti contengono materiali preziosi che possono essere reintrodotti nel sistema economico.
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Today, a significant amount of potential secondary raw material is lost to the European Union's economy due to poor waste management.
Oggi, a causa di una cattiva gestione dei rifiuti, l’economia dell’Unione europea perde una quantità impressionante di potenziali materie prime secondarie.
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In 2010 total waste production in the EU amounted to 2,520 million tons, an average of 5 tons per inhabitant and per year.
Nel 2010 la produzione totale di rifiuti nell’UE è stata di 2 520 milioni di tonnellate, che corrispondono a 5 tonnellate per abitante in media all’anno.
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By reducing, reusing and recycling waste we can all contribute to a vibrant economy and a healthy environment.This saves environmental and economic resources, helping push Europe towards a more circular economy, where we get the greatest value out of resources and products by repairing, re-using, re-manufacturing and recycling them.
Grazie alla riduzione, al riutilizzo e al riciclo dei rifiuti tutti possiamo contribuire ad un’economia dinamica e a un ambiente sano, aiutando a risparmiare risorse ambientali ed economiche e a orientare l’Europa verso un’economia più circolare, capace di ricavare il più alto valore possibile dalle sue risorse e dai suoi prodotti, riparandoli, ri-utilizzandoli, riciclandoli e ri-trasformandoli.
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The campaign, which is translated into all EU languages, targets 25-to 40-year-olds with a special focus on young urban adults and families with small children.
La campagna, diffusa in tutte le lingue dell’UE, è rivolta alla fascia di età da 25 a 40 anni, in particolare ai giovani adulti che vivono in ambiente urbano e alle famiglie con bambini piccoli.
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Since its launch in October 2011, the campaign website has been visited over 750 000 times, the videos have been viewed by over 4.5 million people, and the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/generationawake) has attracted close to 100 000 fans.
Dal suo lancio nell’ottobre 2011, il sito web della campagna è stato visitato oltre 750 000 volte, i video sono stati visionati da oltre 4 milioni e mezzo di persone e la pagina Facebook (www.facebook.com/generationawake) ha quasi 100 000 fan.
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This new phase of the campaign includes a photo competition for suggestions on turning rubbish into a resource.
In questa nuova fase la campagna Generation Awake indice un concorso fotografico che invita a presentare suggerimenti per trasformare i rifiuti in risorse.
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The winner will be awarded a trip to Copenhagen, the European Green Capital 2014.
Il premio in palio è un viaggio a Copenaghen, la Capitale verde europea 2014.
Environment: Generation Awake says Stop Wasting Waste!
The latest phase of the European Commission's 'Generation Awake' campaign
focuses on the environmental, economic, social and personal consequences of
using resources unsustainably.The campaign aims to make consumers aware of the
consequences their consumption patterns have on natural resources, illustrating
the benefits if they choose to act differently.
It centres round a fully interactive website available in all 24 official EU
languages, where cartoon characters show the environmental impact of everyday
purchasing decisions.
Despite EU-wide recycling targets and successes in certain areas, Europe's
waste is still a hugely under-used resource.
A study prepared for the Commission estimates that full implementation of EU
waste legislation would save EUR 72 billion a year, increase the annual turnover
of the EU waste management and recycling sector by EUR 42 billion, and create
over 400 000 new jobs by 2020.
The Generation Awake website invites visitors to discover the value of waste,
showing how it can be reused, recycled, exchanged and repaired rather than being
thrown away.
A related Facebook page invites citizens to take up challenges like reducing
food waste and cutting water use.
Anyone can join in, and everyone is encouraged to spread the message: waste
which cannot be avoided can become a valuable resource, and saving resources
means saving money.
Behind the light-hearted campaign is a serious message: waste often contains
valuable materials that can be reintroduced into the economic system.
Today, a significant amount of potential secondary raw material is lost to
the European Union's economy due to poor waste management.
In 2010 total waste production in the EU amounted to 2,520 million tons, an
average of 5 tons per inhabitant and per year.
By reducing, reusing and recycling waste we can all contribute to a vibrant
economy and a healthy environment.This saves environmental and economic
resources, helping push Europe towards a more circular economy, where we get the
greatest value out of resources and products by repairing, re-using,
re-manufacturing and recycling them.
The campaign, which is translated into all EU languages, targets 25-to
40-year-olds with a special focus on young urban adults and families with small
Since its launch in October 2011, the campaign website has been visited over
750 000 times, the videos have been viewed by over 4.5 million people, and the
Facebook page (www.facebook.com/generationawake) has attracted close to 100 000
This new phase of the campaign includes a photo competition for suggestions
on turning rubbish into a resource.
The winner will be awarded a trip to Copenhagen, the European Green Capital