Elezioni del Parlamento europeo: sarà più facile per i cittadini candidarsi in un altro Stato membro
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Data documento: 29-01-2014
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European Parliament elections: Citizens should be able to stand as candidates in another EU country more easily
Elezioni del Parlamento europeo: sarà più facile per i cittadini candidarsi in un altro Stato membro
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Under EU rules which should be in place in all Member States as of today, it will be easier for EU citizens living in another Member State to stand as candidates in the 2014 European Parliament elections.
Secondo le regole dell’UE che dovrebbero essere in vigore in tutti gli Stati membri da oggi, sarà più facile per i cittadini dell’UE che vivono in un altro Stato membro candidarsi alle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2014.
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The new law, agreed at the end of 2012 (MEMO/12/1020) and which is an update of previous rules (Directive 2013/1/EU), simplifies the procedure for non-national EU citizens to stand as candidates for the European Parliament.
La nuova disposizione, adottata alla fine del 2012 (MEMO/12/1020), è un aggiornamento delle norme precedenti (direttiva 2013/1/UE) e semplifica la procedura per l’esercizio del diritto di eleggibilità al Parlamento europeo di cittadini dell’UE in uno Stato membro di cui non hanno la cittadinanza.
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Member States had until yesterday (28 January 2014) to implement the updated rules.
Gli Stati membri hanno avuto tempo fino ieri (28 gennaio 2014) per attuare le norme aggiornate.
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However, according to the latest information received by the European Commission, only 14 Member States (Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom) have formally notified their laws in time for the deadline.
Tuttavia, secondo le ultime informazioni pervenute alla Commissione europea, solo 14 Stati membri hanno notificato formalmente le rispettive norme: Croazia, Cipro, Germania, Estonia, Finlandia, Ungheria, Irlanda, Lettonia, Lussemburgo, Paesi Bassi, Portogallo, Slovenia, Svezia, Regno Unito.
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The new law is part of a series of measures taken by the European Commission to promote participation in the European Parliament elections that will take place between 22-25 May 2014 (see also IP/13/215).
La nuova legge fa parte di una serie di misure adottate dalla Commissione europea per promuovere la partecipazione alle elezioni del Parlamento europeo che si svolgeranno tra il 22 e il 25 maggio 2014 (cfr.anche IP/13/215).
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"Europe must be built with the participation of Europeans.
L’Europa va costruita con la partecipazione dei cittadini europei.
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It is essential that citizens have their say as the European Union develops and moves forward.
È essenziale che i cittadini abbiano la possibilità di esprimersi in merito agli sviluppi e ai progressi dell’Unione.
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Every EU citizen has the right to vote or stand as a candidate in European elections, whether they live in their own country or in another EU Member State.
Ogni cittadino dell’UE ha il diritto di votare o di candidarsi alle elezioni europee, a prescindere dal fatto che viva nello Stato di cui ha la cittadinanza o in un altro Stato membro.
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This right must be effective across the Union," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.
Tale diritto deve essere effettivo in tutta l’Unione”, ha dichiarato la vicepresidente Viviane Reding, commissaria UE per la Giustizia, i diritti fondamentali e la cittadinanza.
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“I am disappointed to see that only half of the EU's Member States have met the deadline for updating these rules.
Deploro che solo la metà degli Stati membri dell’UE abbia rispettato il termine per aggiornare tali norme.
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I call on those who have not yet implemented the rules to do so urgently, so that EU citizens can exercise their rights in the forthcoming elections.
Invito quelli che non lo hanno ancora fatto a procedervi con urgenza, in modo che i cittadini dell’UE possano esercitare i loro diritti alle prossime elezioni.
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In the run-up to the European Parliament elections, the European Commission will keep a close eye on the situation.
In vista delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo, la Commissione europea osserverà con occhio attento la situazione.
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Every vote counts in an election."
Nello scrutinio, ogni voto conta.”
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In its 2010 EU Citizenship Report, the Commission addressed the issue of steadily declining turnout in European Parliament elections and the need to facilitate the participation of EU citizens in the elections (IP/10/1390, MEMO/10/525).
Nella Relazione 2010 sulla cittadinanza dell’Unione, la Commissione ha sollevato il problema del costante calo di affluenza alle elezioni europee e ha espresso l’esigenza di facilitare la partecipazione dei cittadini dell’UE alle elezioni (IP/10/1390, MEMO/10/525).
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Simplifying procedures for non-national EU citizens to stand as candidates in their Member State of residence is one way of addressing this issue.
Uno dei modi per realizzare questo obiettivo consiste nel semplificare le procedure di eleggibilità dei cittadini europei nello Stato membro di residenza di cui non hanno la cittadinanza.
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Under the new EU-rules, candidates would no longer be obliged to return to their home Member State to obtain a certificate stating that they are not deprived of their right to stand as a candidate.
Con le nuove norme, i candidati non saranno più costretti a tornare nello Stato membro d’origine per acquisire l’attestazione del fatto che non sono decaduti dal diritto di eleggibilità.
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Instead, when applying to stand as a candidate in their Member State of residence they would only be required to provide a declaration in that sense and the burden of proof would be on the Member State of residence's electoral authority.
Se si candidano nello Stato membro di residenza, saranno invece tenuti soltanto a fornire una dichiarazione in tal senso e l’onere della prova spetterà agli uffici elettorali dello Stato membro di residenza.
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The Commission has also taken action to ensure that EU citizens residing in an EU Member State other than their own can participate in European elections under the same conditions as national citizens (IP/13/874), in line with EU law (Action 18 of the 2010 EU Citizenship Report).
La Commissione è inoltre intervenuta per garantire che i cittadini europei residenti in uno Stato membro di cui non hanno la cittadinanza possano partecipare alle elezioni europee alle stesse condizioni dei cittadini di quello Stato membro (IP/13/874), conformemente al diritto dell’UE (azione 18 della Relazione 2010 sulla cittadinanza dell’Unione).
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Thanks to EU citizenship – which complements, but does not replace national citizenship – all nationals of the 28 EU Member States have a set of additional rights as EU citizens.
La cittadinanza europea – che integra ma non sostituisce quella nazionale – conferisce a tutti i cittadini dei 28 Stati membri dell’Unione una serie di diritti in più.
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These include the right to vote and stand in local and European Parliament elections in the EU country they live in.
Tra questi, il diritto di voto e di eleggibilità alle elezioni del Parlamento europeo nel paese in cui vivono.
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More than 14 million EU citizens currently live in another Member State to their own, including over 8 million of voting age.
Più di 14 milioni di cittadini europei vivono attualmente in uno Stato membro diverso dal proprio, 8 milioni dei quali hanno l’età per votare.
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After discussions on proposed rules to facilitate the use of rights of EU citizens to vote and stand in European elections were blocked in Council in 2008, the European Commission re-launched negotiations in October 2011. It did so by focusing on the main aspect of the original EU proposal from 2006:
Dopo il blocco dei lavori, in sede di Consiglio nel 2008, sulle disposizioni proposte per agevolare l’esercizio del diritto dei cittadini dell’UE di votare e di candidarsi alle elezioni del Parlamento europeo, la Commissione europea ha avviato nuovamente i negoziati nell’ottobre 2011, concentrandosi sull’aspetto principale della proposta iniziale che datava dal 2006:
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simplification of the procedures for non-national EU citizens to stand as candidates.
semplificare le procedure di eleggibilità dei cittadini europei in uno Stato membro di cui non hanno la cittadinanza.
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As a result, the rules were adopted on 20 December 2012 (MEMO/12/1020), with a deadline for implementing them into national law of two years following publication in the EU’s Official Journal.
Le norme sono state quindi adottate il 20 dicembre 2012 (MEMO/12/1020), con un termine di due anni, a decorrere dalla pubblicazione nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea, per il recepimento nel diritto nazionale.
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In 2006 the European Commission had proposed to change the rules from 1993 which set out arrangements to enable EU citizens to make use of their right to vote or stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in the EU Member State they live in.
Nel 2006 la Commissione europea aveva proposto di modificare le norme del 1993, in base alle quali i cittadini dell’UE potevano esercitare il diritto di voto e di eleggibilità alle elezioni del Parlamento europeo nello Stato membro dell’Unione europea in cui vivevano.
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The Commission's proposal would have simplified the procedure for those candidates standing in another Member State to their own and reformed the mechanism to prevent double voting in European elections.
La proposta della Commissione avrebbe semplificato la procedura per i cittadini candidati in uno Stato membro diverso dal proprio e avrebbe riformato il meccanismo volto a impedire il doppio voto alle elezioni europee.
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As Member States were unable to agree unanimously on the arrangements concerning double voting, negotiations on the proposal were suspended in 2008.
Poiché gli Stati membri non sono riusciti a pervenire ad un accordo all’unanimità sulle modalità in materia di doppio voto, nel 2008 sono stati sospesi i negoziati sulla proposta. |
European Parliament elections: Citizens should be able to stand as
candidates in another EU country more easily
Under EU rules which should be in place in all Member States as of today, it
will be easier for EU citizens living in another Member State to stand as
candidates in the 2014 European Parliament elections.
The new law, agreed at the end of 2012 (MEMO/12/1020) and which is an update
of previous rules (Directive 2013/1/EU), simplifies the procedure for
non-national EU citizens to stand as candidates for the European Parliament.
Member States had until yesterday (28 January 2014) to implement the updated
However, according to the latest information received by the European
Commission, only 14 Member States (Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Estonia, Finland,
Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia,
Sweden, United Kingdom) have formally notified their laws in time for the
The new law is part of a series of measures taken by the European Commission
to promote participation in the European Parliament elections that will take
place between 22-25 May 2014 (see also IP/13/215).
"Europe must be built with the participation of Europeans.
It is essential that citizens have their say as the European Union develops
and moves forward.
Every EU citizen has the right to vote or stand as a candidate in European
elections, whether they live in their own country or in another EU Member State.
This right must be effective across the Union," said Vice-President Viviane
Reding, the EU's Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.
"I am disappointed to see that only half of the EU's Member States have met
the deadline for updating these rules.
I call on those who have not yet implemented the rules to do so urgently, so
that EU citizens can exercise their rights in the forthcoming elections.
In the run-up to the European Parliament elections, the European Commission
will keep a close eye on the situation.
Every vote counts in an election."
In its 2010 EU Citizenship Report, the Commission addressed the issue of
steadily declining turnout in European Parliament elections and the need to
facilitate the participation of EU citizens in the elections (IP/10/1390,
Simplifying procedures for non-national EU citizens to stand as candidates in
their Member State of residence is one way of addressing this issue.
Under the new EU-rules, candidates would no longer be obliged to return to
their home Member State to obtain a certificate stating that they are not
deprived of their right to stand as a candidate.
Instead, when applying to stand as a candidate in their Member State of
residence they would only be required to provide a declaration in that sense and
the burden of proof would be on the Member State of residence's electoral
The Commission has also taken action to ensure that EU citizens residing in
an EU Member State other than their own can participate in European elections
under the same conditions as national citizens (IP/13/874), in line with EU law
(Action 18 of the 2010 EU Citizenship Report).
Thanks to EU citizenship – which complements, but does not replace national
citizenship – all nationals of the 28 EU Member States have a set of additional
rights as EU citizens.
These include the right to vote and stand in local and European Parliament
elections in the EU country they live in.
More than 14 million EU citizens currently live in another Member State to
their own, including over 8 million of voting age.
After discussions on proposed rules to facilitate the use of rights of EU
citizens to vote and stand in European elections were blocked in Council in
2008, the European Commission re-launched negotiations in October 2011. It did
so by focusing on the main aspect of the original EU proposal from 2006:
simplification of the procedures for non-national EU citizens to stand as
As a result, the rules were adopted on 20 December 2012 (MEMO/12/1020), with
a deadline for implementing them into national law of two years following
publication in the EU’s Official Journal.
In 2006 the European Commission had proposed to change the rules from 1993
which set out arrangements to enable EU citizens to make use of their right to
vote or stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in the EU
Member State they live in.
The Commission's proposal would have simplified the procedure for those
candidates standing in another Member State to their own and reformed the
mechanism to prevent double voting in European elections.
As Member States were unable to agree unanimously on the arrangements
concerning double voting, negotiations on the proposal were suspended in 2008.