“Mangiare bene per stare bene”: la Commissione propone di riunire e potenziare i programmi Frutta nelle scuole e Latte nelle scuole
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Data documento: 30-01-2014
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"Eat well – feel good": Commission proposes to combine and reinforce existing school milk and school fruit schemes
“Mangiare bene per stare bene”: la Commissione propone di riunire e potenziare i programmi Frutta nelle scuole e Latte nelle scuole
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The European Commission today published a proposal bringing together two currently separate school schemes, the School Fruit Scheme and the School Milk Scheme, under a joint framework.
La Commissione europea ha pubblicato oggi una proposta intesa a riunire in un quadro comune due distinti programmi per le scuole, Frutta nelle scuole e Latte nelle scuole.
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In a context of declining consumption among children for these products, the aim is to address poor nutrition more effectively, to reinforce the educational elements of the programmes and to contribute to fight against obesity.
A fronte del calo dei consumi di tali prodotti tra i bambini, l’obiettivo della proposta è affrontare con maggiore decisione il problema della cattiva alimentazione, rafforzare la dimensione educativa dei programmi e contribuire alla lotta contro l’obesità.
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With the slogan "Eat well - feel good", this enhanced scheme from farm to school will put greater focus on educational measures to improve children's awareness of healthy eating habits, the range of farm produce available, as well as sustainability, environmental and food waste issues.
All’insegna dello slogan “Mangiare bene per stare bene”, questo programma rafforzato, che crea un filo diretto tra aziende agricole e scuole, darà maggiore enfasi alle misure educative destinate a sensibilizzare i bambini sull’importanza di abitudini alimentari corrette, sulla gamma di prodotti agricoli disponibili e su aspetti riguardanti la sostenibilità, l’ambiente e i rifiuti alimentari.
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Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş, said today:
Dacian Cioloş, Commissario per l’agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale, ha dichiarato oggi:
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"With the changes proposed today, we want to build on the existing schemes, to reverse the downward trend in consumption and raise awareness among children of the potential benefits of these products.
“Con i cambiamenti proposti oggi intendiamo prendere le mosse dai programmi esistenti per invertire la tendenza al calo dei consumi e rendere i bambini più consapevoli dei potenziali benefici di tali prodotti.
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This is an important measure for bringing about sustained changes in children's eating habits and improving awareness of important challenges that society faces.
Si tratta di un passo importante per realizzare cambiamenti duraturi nelle abitudini alimentari dei bambini e sensibilizzarli a tematiche importanti per la società.
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I also hope that it will be a great opportunity to strengthen links between the farming community and children, their parents and teachers, especially in urban areas".
Spero inoltre che sarà un’occasione preziosa per avvicinare il mondo rurale ai bambini, ai loro genitori e agli insegnanti, soprattutto nelle aree urbane”.
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The new scheme will operate under a joint legal and financial framework, improving and streamlining the administrative requirements under the two existing schemes.
Il nuovo regime funzionerà nell’ambito di un quadro giuridico e finanziario comune, che permetterà di migliorare e semplificare i requisiti amministrativi dei due programmi esistenti.
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Having this single framework will reduce the management and organisational burden for national authorities, schools and suppliers and make the scheme more efficient.
Disporre di un quadro unico permetterà di ridurre l’onere, in termini di gestione e organizzazione, per le autorità nazionali, le scuole e i fornitori, ma anche di aumentare l’efficacia del programma.
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Participation in the scheme will be voluntary for Member States, which will also have flexibility to choose the products they wish to distribute.
La partecipazione al programma sarà facoltativa per gli Stati membri, che potranno inoltre scegliere i prodotti che intendono distribuire.
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As already programmed in last year's deal on future EU spending, the new scheme, once agreed, will have a budget of € 230 million per school year (€150 million for fruit and vegetables and € 80 million for milk).
Come già previsto nell’accordo dell’anno scorso sulla spesa futura dell’UE, il nuovo programma, una volta approvato, avrà una dotazione di 230 milioni di euro per anno scolastico (150 milioni di euro per gli ortofrutticoli e 80 milioni di euro per il latte).
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This compares with a budget of €197m (€122m and €75m respectively) in the 2014 budget.
Nel bilancio 2014 la dotazione era di 197 milioni di euro (122 milioni di euro e 75 milioni di euro rispettivamente).
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The proposal, which will now be submitted to the European Parliament and to the Council, builds on the findings of evaluation reports and the public consultation that was carried out in 2013 in the context of the Impact Assessment process.
La proposta, che sarà presentata al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio, si basa sui dati emersi dalle relazioni di valutazione e sulla consultazione pubblica che si è svolta nel 2013 nell’ambito del processo di valutazione d’impatto.
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The School milk scheme was set up in 1977 and the School fruit scheme in 2009.
Il programma Latte nelle scuole è stato istituito nel 1977 e il programma Frutta nelle scuole nel 2009.
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Both programmes benefit nearly 30 million children every year (over 20 million for the milk scheme and 8,5 million for the school fruit scheme).
Ne beneficiano quasi 30 milioni di bambini ogni anno (oltre 20 milioni per il programma Latte nelle scuole e 8,5 milioni per il programma Frutta nelle scuole).
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The need for these schemes seems even more relevant today, in the light of the declining trend in the medium-term F&V and milk consumption and emerging nutrition challenges.
Oggi è più che mai evidente l’importanza di tali programmi, in considerazione della tendenza al calo nei consumi a breve e medio termine di latte e ortofrutticoli e delle sfide alimentari emergenti.
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In most countries children's consumption of fruits and vegetables is declining and remains below the recommended daily intake.
Nella maggior parte dei paesi il consumo di frutta e verdura tra i bambini è in diminuzione e rimane al di sotto dell’apporto giornaliero raccomandato.
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Drinking milk consumption is also declining and children's consumption is shifting towards highly processed products.
Cala anche il consumo di latte alimentare, mentre i bambini si orientano sempre più verso prodotti altamente trasformati.
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Overweight and obesity are real concerns:
Sovrappeso e obesità sono preoccupazioni reali:
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In 2010 the WHO estimated that around 1 in 3 children between 6 and 9 in the EU are overweight or obese.
nel 2010 l’OMS ha stimato che nell’UE circa 1 bambino su 3 nella fascia di età tra i 6 e i 9 anni è sovrappeso o obeso.
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This trend is increasing quickly: estimates for 2008 were 1 in 4.
Questa tendenza è in rapido aumento, considerato che nel 2008 la stima era di 1 bambino su 4. |
"Eat well – feel good": Commission proposes to combine and reinforce
existing school milk and school fruit schemes
The European Commission today published a proposal bringing together two
currently separate school schemes, the School Fruit Scheme and the School Milk
Scheme, under a joint framework.
In a context of declining consumption among children for these products, the
aim is to address poor nutrition more effectively, to reinforce the educational
elements of the programmes and to contribute to fight against obesity.
With the slogan "Eat well - feel good", this enhanced scheme from farm to
school will put greater focus on educational measures to improve children's
awareness of healthy eating habits, the range of farm produce available, as well
as sustainability, environmental and food waste issues.
Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş, said
"With the changes proposed today, we want to build on the existing schemes,
to reverse the downward trend in consumption and raise awareness among children
of the potential benefits of these products.
This is an important measure for bringing about sustained changes in
children's eating habits and improving awareness of important challenges that
society faces.
I also hope that is will be a great opportunity to strengthen links between
the farming community and children, their parents and teachers, especially in
urban areas".
The new scheme will operate under a joint legal and financial framework,
improving and streamlining the administrative requirements under the two
existing schemes.
Having this single framework will reduce the management and organisational
burden for national authorities, schools and suppliers and make the scheme more
Participation in the scheme will be voluntary for Member States, which will
also have flexibility to choose the products they wish to distribute.
As already programmed in last year's deal on future EU spending, the new
scheme, once agreed, will have a budget of € 230 million per school year (€150
million for fruit and vegetables and € 80 million for milk).
This compares with a budget of €197m (€122m and €75m respectively) in the
2014 budget.
The proposal, which will now be submitted to the European Parliament and to
the Council, builds on the findings of evaluation reports and the public
consultation that was carried out in 2013 in the context of the Impact
Assessment process.
The School milk scheme was set up in 1977 and the School fruit scheme in
Both programmes benefit nearly 30 million children every year (over 20
million for the milk scheme and 8,5 million for the school fruit scheme).
The need for these schemes seems even more relevant today, in the light of
the declining trend in the medium-term F&V and milk consumption and emerging
nutrition challenges.
In most countries children's consumption of fruits and vegetables is
declining and remains below the recommended daily intake.
Drinking milk consumption is also declining and children's consumption is
shifting towards highly processed products.
Overweight and obesity are real concerns:
In 2010 the WHO estimated that around 1 in 3 children between 6 and 9 in the
EU are overweight or obese.
This trend is increasing quickly: estimates for 2008 were 1 in 4.