Gli Stati membri sono invitati a migliorare i controlli di qualità nelle università e nelle scuole professionali
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Data documento: 28-01-2014
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Member States urged to improve quality checks in universities and vocational colleges
Gli Stati membri sono invitati a migliorare i controlli di qualità nelle università e nelle scuole professionali
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Member States must shift from a box-ticking approach and upgrade their quality systems if they want to improve the performance of universities and vocational colleges, according to two reports published by the European Commission today on quality assurance in higher education and vocational training.
Secondo due relazioni sulla garanzia della qualità nell'istruzione superiore e nella formazione professionale, pubblicate oggi dalla Commissione europea, gli Stati membri devono abbandonare l'approccio burocratico e aggiornare i loro sistemi di qualità se vogliono migliorare le prestazioni delle università e delle scuole professionali.
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The reports highlight that, although progress has been achieved, further reforms are needed to ensure a 'quality culture' so that teaching is more closely aligned with labour market realities and societal needs.
Le relazioni sottolineano che, nonostante i progressi compiuti, sono necessarie ulteriori riforme per garantire una "cultura della qualità", affinché l'insegnamento sia più allineato alle realtà del mercato del lavoro e alle esigenze sociali.
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They also call for more emphasis to be given to international cooperation and for students to have a greater say in decision-making.
Ed esortano ad incentivare maggiormente la cooperazione internazionale e a favorire il coinvolgimento degli studenti nel processo decisionale.
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“Quality assurance is the basis for building trust in our education systems and we need to make greater use of its potential as a catalyst to modernise our universities and vocational education colleges. Our aim is to drive up standards in a way that encourages diversity and employability rather than uniformity,” said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù ha dichiarato: "La garanzia della qualità è la base su cui si costruisce la fiducia nei nostri sistemi d'istruzione e dobbiamo sfruttare maggiormente il suo potenziale come catalizzatore per ammodernare le nostre università e le nostre scuole professionali. Ci proponiamo di stabilire standard più elevati in modo da favorire la diversità e l'occupabilità piuttosto che l'uniformità."
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The report on higher education sets out how quality assurance is helping to establish quality goals and address challenges such as the expanding student population in Europe, which has grown by more than 25% to 20 million since 2000.
La relazione sull'insegnamento superiore illustra come la garanzia della qualità contribuisce a fissare obiettivi di qualità e ad affrontare sfide quali il numero crescente di studenti in Europa, che dal 2000 è aumentato di oltre il 25% raggiungendo i 20 milioni.
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It underlines the importance of making the most of ICT-based technologies
Sottolinea inoltre l'importanza di sfruttare appieno le tecnologie basate sulle TIC.
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Transparency is also vital: quality assurance results should be publicly available and feed into strategic decision-making.
E il ruolo centrale della trasparenza. I risultati della garanzia della qualità dovrebbero essere disponibili al pubblico ed essere tenuti in considerazione all'atto di prendere decisioni strategiche.
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The report on the European quality assurance reference framework for vocational education (EQAVET) shows that it has also helped develop a quality culture, through support such as an online tool to build and monitor quality assurance systems, and by encouraging the sharing of experience and best practice through the EQAVET network.
Dalla relazione sul quadro europeo di riferimento per la garanzia della qualità dell'istruzione e della formazione professionali (EQAVET) emerge che tale quadro ha anche contribuito a sviluppare una cultura della qualità attraverso mezzi di sostegno, come uno strumento on-line per sviluppare e monitorare i sistemi di garanzia della qualità, e incoraggiando la condivisione di esperienze e di migliori pratiche tramite la rete EQAVET.
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But, here too, further action is needed to make quality assurance more transparent and increase mutual trust in qualifications awarded in different countries.
Anche in questo caso, tuttavia, sono necessari ulteriori interventi per rendere più trasparente la garanzia della qualità e per accrescere la fiducia reciproca nelle qualifiche ottenute nei diversi paesi.
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This would help vocational students and workers to get their skills, competences and qualifications recognised abroad.
Ciò aiuterebbe gli studenti delle scuole professionali e i lavoratori ad ottenere il riconoscimento all'estero delle loro abilità, delle loro competenze e delle loro qualifiche.
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Priority areas for further cooperation include improving the quality assurance of work-based learning, including apprenticeships, and in defining and assessing learning outcomes.
Tra gli ambiti prioritari per una maggiore cooperazione rientrano il miglioramento della garanzia della qualità dell'apprendimento sul lavoro, compresi gli apprendistati, così come la definizione e la valutazione dei risultati dell'apprendimento.
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Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, will provide funding for Member States to develop their quality assurance systems in higher and vocational education, identify successful practices and support European cooperation in this field.
Erasmus +, il nuovo programma dell'UE per l'istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport, fornirà finanziamenti agli Stati membri destinati a sviluppare i loro sistemi di garanzia della qualità nell'istruzione superiore e professionale, ad identificare le buone pratiche e a sostenere la cooperazione europea in questo campo.
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Member States can use money from the European Structural and Investment Funds to improve quality assurance.
Per migliorare la garanzia della qualità gli Stati membri possono utilizzare i fondi strutturali e d'investimento europei.
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Higher education
Istruzione superiore
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The Commission's report on quality assurance in higher education is part of the follow-up to its Agenda for the Modernisation of Higher Education, as well as to a 2006 European Parliament and Council Recommendation. It builds on a previous report published in 2009.
La relazione della Commissione sulla garanzia della qualità nell'istruzione superiore è parte del seguito dato all'Agenda per la modernizzazione dell'istruzione superiore della Commissione europea e ad una raccomandazione del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 2006 e si basa su una precedente relazione pubblicata nel 2009.
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Vocational education and training
Istruzione e formazione professionale
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The EQAVET network brings together representatives of Member States, the European Commission, employers and trade unions to promote cooperation in developing and improving quality assurance.
La rete EQAVET riunisce rappresentanti degli Stati membri, della Commissione europea, dei datori di lavoro e dei sindacati per favorire la cooperazione nello sviluppo e nel miglioramento della garanzia della qualità.
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The report published today is based on the results of the first evaluation of EQAVET.
La relazione pubblicata oggi si basa sui risultati della prima valutazione di EQAVET. |
Member States urged to improve quality checks in universities and
vocational colleges
Member States must shift from a box-ticking approach and upgrade their
quality systems if they want to improve the performance of universities and
vocational colleges, according to two reports published by the European
Commission today on quality assurance in higher education and vocational
The reports highlight that, although progress has been achieved, further
reforms are needed to ensure a 'quality culture' so that teaching is more
closely aligned with labour market realities and societal needs.
They also call for more emphasis to be given to international cooperation and
for students to have a greater say in decision-making.
"Quality assurance is the basis for building trust in our education systems
and we need to make greater use of its potential as a catalyst to modernise our
universities and vocational education colleges. Our aim is to drive up standards
in a way that encourages diversity and employability rather than uniformity,"
said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism
and Youth.
The report on higher education sets out how quality assurance is helping to
establish quality goals and address challenges such as the expanding student
population in Europe, which has grown by more than 25% to 20 million since 2000.
It underlines the importance of making the most of ICT-based technologies
Transparency is also vital: quality assurance results should be publicly
available and feed into strategic decision-making.
The report on the European quality assurance reference framework for
vocational education (EQAVET) shows that it has also helped develop a quality
culture, through support such as an online tool to build and monitor quality
assurance systems, and by encouraging the sharing of experience and best
practice through the EQAVET network.
But, here too, further action is needed to make quality assurance more
transparent and increase mutual trust in qualifications awarded in different
This would help vocational students and workers to get their skills,
competences and qualifications recognised abroad.
Priority areas for further cooperation include improving the quality
assurance of work-based learning, including apprenticeships, and in defining and
assessing learning outcomes.
Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, will
provide funding for Member States to develop their quality assurance systems in
higher and vocational education, identify successful practices and support
European cooperation in this field.
Member States can use money from the European Structural and Investment Funds
to improve quality assurance.
Higher education
The Commission's report on quality assurance in higher education is part of
the follow-up to its Agenda for the Modernisation of Higher Education, as well
as to a 2006 European Parliament and Council Recommendation. It builds on a
previous report published in 2009.
Vocational education and training
The EQAVET network brings together representatives of Member States, the
European Commission, employers and trade unions to promote cooperation in
developing and improving quality assurance.
The report published today is based on the results of the first evaluation of