La Grecia è il sedicesimo Stato membro ad applicare le norme dell'UE a sostegno delle coppie internazionali
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Data documento: 27-01-2014
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Greece is Member State No.16 to sign up to EU rules helping international couples
La Grecia è il sedicesimo Stato membro ad applicare le norme dell'UE a sostegno delle coppie internazionali
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Today, the European Commission gave its green light to Greece's decision to join the 15 countries already participating in EU rules which allow international couples to select which country's law applies to their divorce or legal separation.
La Commissione europea ha approvato oggi la decisione della Grecia di unirsi ai quindici Stati membri dove si attuano le norme europee che permettono alle coppie internazionali di scegliere la legge nazionale applicabile al divorzio e alla separazione personale.
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The new rules, in place since June 2012, followed the first decision by EU Member States to proceed with integration through the ‘enhanced cooperation’ procedure (IP/10/347).
Le nuove norme, in vigore da giugno 2012, sono il risultato della prima decisione degli Stati membri di portare avanti il processo di integrazione attraverso la procedura di cooperazione rafforzata (IP/10/347).
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Enhanced cooperation – introduced by the Treaty of Nice in 2001, but not used until the Barroso II Commission – today allows a group of at least nine Member States to implement measures if all 28 Member States fail to reach an agreement.
La cooperazione rafforzata — introdotta nel 2001 dal trattato di Nizza ma rimasta inutilizzata fino alla Commissione Barroso II — consente oggi a un gruppo di almeno nove Stati membri di attuare misure qualora non sia raggiunto un accordo tra tutti gli Stati membri.
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In the case of the divorce rules, this made it possible for initially 14 countries (see background) to agree, in 2011, on a Regulation which was joined by Lithuania in 2012 (IP/12/1231) and now by Greece.
Grazie a questa procedura, nel 2011 quattordici Stati (v. infra "Contesto") hanno inizialmente concordato un regolamento in materia di divorzio; a tali paesi si sono aggiunte la Lituania nel 2012 (IP/12/1231), e la Grecia oggi.
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The Regulation aims to give couples legal certainty and prevent a "rush to court" and forum shopping in divorces, while at the same time avoiding emotionally and financially costly proceedings.
Il regolamento assicura certezza giuridica alle coppie, previene la tendenza di precipitarsi in tribunale e il c.d. "forum shopping" nelle cause di divorzio, evitando nel contempo procedimenti finanziariamente ed emotivamente stressanti.
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"The EU’s rules on cross-border divorce broke new ground for European integration.
"Le norme dell'UE sul divorzio transfrontaliero hanno aperto nuove prospettive per l'integrazione europea.
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They showed the way ahead in areas where a lack of unanimity was a stumbling block to progress, turning the legal innovations of the Lisbon Treaty into a practical reality," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner.
Hanno segnato la strada in settori in cui la mancanza di unanimità impediva di progredire, mettendo in pratica le novità del trattato di Lisbona", ha affermato la Vicepresidente Viviane Reding, Commissaria europea per la Giustizia.
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"It is very encouraging to see that yet another state is joining the enhanced cooperation that helps international couples going through a divorce.
"È molto incoraggiante vedere che un altro Stato membro partecipa alla cooperazione rafforzata a tutela delle coppie internazionali in fase di divorzio.
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While free movement of people enables men and women from all over Europe to meet and fall in love, we have to ensure that there is legal certainty in case of a divorce."
Se è vero che la libera circolazione delle persone dà la possibilità a uomini e donne di tutta Europa di incontrarsi e innamorarsi, occorre però assicurare la certezza giuridica in caso di divorzio."
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The Regulation on the law applicable to divorce aims to provide assistance to weaker partners during divorce disputes. International couples are able to agree in advance which law would apply in the event of their divorce or legal separation.
Il regolamento sulla legge applicabile al divorzio mira a tutelare il coniuge più debole nel quadro del contenzioso relativo al divorzio, consentendo alle coppie internazionali di convenire in anticipo la legge applicabile al divorzio o alla separazione personale.
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In case the couple cannot agree, judges will have a common formula for deciding which country's law applies.
In mancanza di accordo delle parti, le autorità giurisdizionali disporranno di una formula comune per determinare la legge nazionale applicabile.
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The Regulation, which applies since 21 June 2012, has no effect on national divorce or marriage laws, nor does it foresee the adoption of rules affecting substantive family law of the Member States.
Il regolamento, che si applica dal 21 giugno 2012, non produce effetti sulle norme nazionali in materia di divorzio o matrimonio, né prevede l'adozione di norme che incidano sul diritto sostanziale degli Stati membri in materia di famiglia.
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With almost 1 million divorces in the EU area in 2009 (Eurostat data) the rules help couples of different nationalities, those living apart in different countries or those living together in a country other than their home country and protects them from complicated, lengthy and painful procedures.
Considerato che nel 2009 i divorzi nell'UE sono stati circa 1 milione (dati Eurostat), le norme forniscono aiuto ai coniugi che hanno cittadinanze diverse oppure vivono in paesi diversi o vivono insieme in un paese diverso quello di origine, e consente loro di evitare procedimenti complicati, lunghi e dolorosi.
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The divorce legislation has set an example for overcoming disagreement among Member States in other policy areas where enhanced cooperation has since been used:
La legislazione sul divorzio ha dato l'esempio per superare i disaccordi tra Stati membri in altri settori di intervento in cui successivamente si è fatto ricorso alla cooperazione rafforzata:
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the EU unitary patent (MEMO/12/971) and the proposal for a Financial Transaction Tax (IP/13/115).
il brevetto unitario dell'UE (MEMO/12/971) e la proposta relativa all'imposta sulle transazioni finanziarie (IP/13/115).
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Under the EU Treaties, enhanced cooperation allows nine or more countries to move forward with a measure that is important but is blocked by a small minority of Member States.
Secondo i trattati europei, la cooperazione rafforzata consente a nove o più paesi di portare avanti una misura importante che è bloccata da una piccola minoranza di Stati membri.
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Other EU countries keep the right to join when they want (Article 331 TFEU).
Gli altri paesi dell'UE mantengono il diritto di parteciparvi in qualsiasi momento (articolo 331 del TFUE).
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EU governments adopted the Council Decision authorising enhanced cooperation on the law applicable to divorce and legal separation on 12 July 2010 (IP/10/917, MEMO/10/100).
Il 12 luglio 2010 i governi dell'UE avevano adottato la decisione del Consiglio che autorizza una cooperazione rafforzata nel settore del diritto applicabile in materia di divorzio e di separazione legale (IP/10/917, MEMO/10/100).
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It was published in the EU's Official Journal on 22 July 2010.
La decisione è stata pubblicata nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea il 22 luglio 2010.
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The 14 participating countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain) then negotiated and, on 20 December 2010, adopted a Council Regulation that contains the detailed rules that will apply to international divorces (which was published in the EU's Official Journal on 29 December 2010).
I quattordici Stati partecipanti (Austria, Belgio, Bulgaria, Francia, Germania, Italia, Lettonia, Lussemburgo, Malta, Portogallo, Romania, Slovenia, Spagna e Ungheria) hanno poi negoziato e, il 20 dicembre 2010, adottato un regolamento del Consiglio che contiene le norme dettagliate applicabili ai divorzi internazionali (pubblicato nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea il 29 dicembre 2010).
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Other Member States that wish to participate can submit their request at any time.
Gli altri Stati membri che desiderino partecipare alla cooperazione rafforzata possono farlo in qualsiasi momento.
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Under the Lisbon Treaty, they must first notify the Council and the Commission.
A norma del trattato di Lisbona, infatti, basta che notifichino tale intenzione al Consiglio e alla Commissione.
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After Lithuania, Greece is the second additional Member State to notify the institutions of its desire to participate in the enhanced cooperation. |
Dopo la Lituania, la Grecia è il secondo Stato membro che notifica alle istituzioni l'intenzione di partecipare alla cooperazione rafforzata. |
Greece is Member State No.16 to sign up to EU rules helping international
Today, the European Commission gave its green light to Greece's decision to
join the 15 countries already participating in EU rules which allow
international couples to select which country's law applies to their divorce or
legal separation.
The new rules, in place since June 2012, followed the first decision by EU
Member States to proceed with integration through the ‘enhanced cooperation’
procedure (IP/10/347).
Enhanced cooperation – introduced by the Treaty of Nice in 2001, but not used
until the Barroso II Commission – today allows a group of at least nine Member
States to implement measures if all 28 Member States fail to reach an agreement.
In the case of the divorce rules, this made it possible for initially 14
countries (see background) to agree, in 2011, on a Regulation which was joined
by Lithuania in 2012 (IP/12/1231) and now by Greece.
The Regulation aims to give couples legal certainty and prevent a "rush to
court" and forum shopping in divorces, while at the same time avoiding
emotionally and financially costly proceedings.
"The EU’s rules on cross-border divorce broke new ground for European
They showed the way ahead in areas where a lack of unanimity was a stumbling
block to progress, turning the legal innovations of the Lisbon Treaty into a
practical reality," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice
"It is very encouraging to see that yet another state is joining the enhanced
cooperation that helps international couples going through a divorce.
While free movement of people enables men and women from all over Europe to
meet and fall in love, we have to ensure that there is legal certainty in case
of a divorce."
The Regulation on the law applicable to divorce aims to provide assistance to
weaker partners during divorce disputes. International couples are able to agree
in advance which law would apply in the event of their divorce or legal
In case the couple cannot agree, judges will have a common formula for
deciding which country's law applies.
The Regulation, which applies since 21 June 2012, has no effect on national
divorce or marriage laws, nor does it foresee the adoption of rules affecting
substantive family law of the Member States.
With almost 1 million divorces in the EU area in 2009 (Eurostat data) the
rules help couples of different nationalities, those living apart in different
countries or those living together in a country other than their home country
and protects them from complicated, lengthy and painful procedures.
The divorce legislation has set an example for overcoming disagreement among
Member States in other policy areas where enhanced cooperation has since been
the EU unitary patent (MEMO/12/971) and the proposal for a Financial
Transaction Tax (IP/13/115).
Under the EU Treaties, enhanced cooperation allows nine or more countries to
move forward with a measure that is important but is blocked by a small minority
of Member States.
Other EU countries keep the right to join when they want (Article 331 TFEU).
EU governments adopted the Council Decision authorising enhanced cooperation
on the law applicable to divorce and legal separation on 12 July 2010
(IP/10/917, MEMO/10/100).
It was published in the EU's Official Journal on 22 July 2010.
The 14 participating countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany,
Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and
Spain) then negotiated and, on 20 December 2010, adopted a Council Regulation
that contains the detailed rules that will apply to international divorces
(which was published in the EU's Official Journal on 29 December 2010).
Other Member States that wish to participate can submit their request at any
Under the Lisbon Treaty, they must first notify the Council and the
After Lithuania, Greece is the second additional Member State to notify the
institutions of its desire to participate in the enhanced cooperation.