Consumo collaborativo: nuove opportunità per i consumatori e le imprese sul mercato dell'UE
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Data documento: 22-01-2014
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Collaborative consumption: new opportunities for consumers and businesses on the EU market
Consumo collaborativo: nuove opportunità per i consumatori e le imprese sul mercato dell'UE
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Car-sharing, bookcrossing, room rental or digital communities for learning languages.
Carsharing, bookcrossing, affitto di stanze o comunità digitali per imparare le lingue:
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Many forms of collaborative consumption are becoming more and more popular and represent great alternatives to traditional markets at times of crisis.
molte forme di consumo collaborativo stanno diventando sempre più popolari e rappresentano importanti alternative ai mercati tradizionali in questi tempi di crisi.
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On 21 January, the EESC endorsed a new opinion on collaborative or participatory consumption and called for further action at EU level.
Il 21 gennaio, il CESE ha approvato un nuovo parere sul tema Consumo collaborativo o partecipativo1 e ha auspicato l'adozione di ulteriori azioni a livello dell'UE.
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Given the complexity and scale of the emergence of collaborative consumption, the EESC wishes to:
Data la complessità e le dimensioni di questo fenomeno emergente, il CESE desidera:
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- regulate practice within these forms of consumption, in order to establish the rights and responsibilities of all the stakeholders involved;
- regolamentare le pratiche all'interno di queste forme di consumo, allo scopo di definire i diritti e i doveri di tutte le parti interessate;
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- identify any potential barriers to these activities;
- individuare i potenziali ostacoli incontrati da queste attività;
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- set up a database to pool experience.
- istituire una banca dati per la condivisione delle esperienze.
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"There is a clear need to provide information and to raise awareness about collaborative consumption.
"È evidente la necessità di informare e sensibilizzare il pubblico circa il consumo collaborativo.
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Collaborative consumption can meet social needs in situations where there is no commercial interest and it can help, as a for-profit activity, to create jobs", stated Bernardo Hernández Bataller, rapporteur and EESC member.
Questa forma di consumo può provvedere alle necessità sociali nei casi in cui il suo approccio non sia commerciale e può contribuire, in quanto attività lucrativa, alla creazione di posti di lavoro", osserva Bernardo Hernández Bataller, relatore del parere e membro del CESE.
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Potential benefits
Benefici potenziali
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Consumers purchase tools and utensils they never manage to use often enough to justify the price they paid.
I consumatori acquistano strumenti e utensili che non riusciranno mai a utilizzare in misura tale da giustificare il prezzo pagato.
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Collaborative consumption offers an alternative to the excesses caused by the previous century's hyper-consumption and the immense inequalities it created, such as the unnatural coexistence of hunger and obesity, or waste and precariousness.
Il consumo collaborativo offre un'alternativa agli eccessi provocati dall'iperconsumo del secolo scorso e alle enormi disparità da esso create come l'innaturale coesistenza di fame e obesità, sprechi e precarietà.
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Its positive effects are, among others:
Tra i suoi effetti positivi si contano:
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- lower resource consumption and CO2 emissions, higher demand for good quality products if the products are to be lent, hired or repaired;
- un minore consumo di risorse, emissioni limitate di CO2 e una maggiore richiesta di prodotti di buona qualità destinati al prestito, alla locazione o alla riparazione;
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- eco-design benefiting a number of different users;
- un design ecocompatibile che consente a più utilizzatori di sperimentare un prodotto;
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- durability and repeated customisation of compatible products;
- sostenibilità e ripetuto adeguamento di prodotti compatibili alle esigenze personali;
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- social interaction, community development and trust among individuals;
- interazione sociale, sviluppo delle comunità e fiducia tra i cittadini;
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- access to high-quality products for lower-income consumers.
- accesso dei consumatori a basso reddito a prodotti di alta qualità.
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Moving towards more rational consumption also addresses market dysfunctions such as built-in obsolescence, since many designers in the field of collaborative consumption base their work on the development of hardwearing products that can be used by many people or last individual consumers or users a lifetime, which also makes them powerful allies in the war on waste.
Un consumo più razionale consentirebbe inoltre di rimediare a disfunzioni del mercato come ad esempio l'obsolescenza programmata, in quanto molti designer nel campo del consumo collaborativo basano il loro lavoro sullo sviluppo di prodotti solidi e resistenti, che possono essere utilizzati da più persone oppure da uno stesso consumatore o utente per tutta la vita, e in questo senso sono potenti alleati nella lotta agli sprechi. |
Collaborative consumption: new opportunities for consumers and businesses
on the EU market
Car-sharing, bookcrossing, room rental or digital communities for learning
Many forms of collaborative consumption are becoming more and more popular
and represent great alternatives to traditional markets at times of crisis.
On 21 January, the EESC endorsed a new opinion on collaborative or
participatory consumption and called for further action at EU level.
Given the complexity and scale of the emergence of collaborative consumption,
the EESC wishes to:
- regulate practice within these forms of consumption, in order to establish
the rights and responsibilities of all the stakeholders involved;
- identify any potential barriers to these activities;
- set up a database to pool experience.
"There is a clear need to provide information and to raise awareness about
collaborative consumption.
Collaborative consumption can meet social needs in situations where there is
no commercial interest and it can help, as a for-profit activity, to create
jobs", stated Bernardo Hernández Bataller, rapporteur and EESC member.
Potential benefits
Consumers purchase tools and utensils they never manage to use often enough
to justify the price they paid.
Collaborative consumption offers an alternative to the excesses caused by the
previous century's hyper-consumption and the immense inequalities it created,
such as the unnatural coexistence of hunger and obesity, or waste and
Its positive effects are, among others:
- lower resource consumption and CO2 emissions, higher demand for good
quality products if the products are to be lent, hired or repaired;
- eco-design benefiting a number of different users;
- durability and repeated customisation of compatible products;
- social interaction, community development and trust among individuals;
- access to high-quality products for lower-income consumers.
Moving towards more rational consumption also addresses market dysfunctions
such as built-in obsolescence, since many designers in the field of
collaborative consumption base their work on the development of hardwearing
products that can be used by many people or last individual consumers or users a
lifetime, which also makes them powerful allies in the war on waste.