Ambiente - La Commissione europea chiede alla Corte d'imporre sanzioni pecuniarie all'Italia
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 23-01-2014
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Environment: European Commission asks Court to impose financial penalties on Italy
Ambiente - La Commissione europea chiede alla Corte d'imporre sanzioni pecuniarie all'Italia
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The European Commission is referring Italy to the EU Court of Justice for its failure to include rules on animal testing into its domestic legislation.
La Commissione europea denuncia l'Italia alla Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea per mancata attuazione di disposizioni sulla sperimentazione animale nella normativa nazionale.
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This is an issue on which there is considerable public concern, and Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes was to be enacted in national legislation by 10 November 2012.
La materia, che riscuote notevole interesse tra i cittadini, è disciplinata dalla direttiva 2010/63/UE sulla protezione degli animali utilizzati a fini scientifici, per cui il termine ultimo di recepimento nella normativa nazionale era il 10 novembre 2012.
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On the recommendation of Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, the European Commission is asking the Court to impose penalty payments of EUR 150 787 per day.
Su raccomandazione del Commissario per l'Ambiente Janez Potočnik, la Commissione chiede alla Corte d'imporre all'Italia una penale di 150 787 EUR al giorno.
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If a Member State fails to enact EU legislation into national law within the required deadline, the Commission may ask the Court for financial sanctions to be imposed at the first referral to Court, without having to return to the Court for a second ruling.
Se uno Stato membro non recepisce la normativa dell'UE nel diritto nazionale entro il termine fissato, la Commissione può chiedere alla Corte d'imporgli sanzioni pecuniarie fin dalla prima sentenza, senza dover avviare un secondo procedimento dinanzi alla Corte.
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The penalties take into account the seriousness and duration of the infringement.They consist of daily penalty payments to be paid from the date of the judgment – assuming the Member State is still not compliant – until the enactment process is completed.
Le sanzioni, che sono stabilite in funzione della gravità e della durata dell'infrazione, consistono in una penale giornaliera che va versata dalla data della sentenza (nell'ipotesi che lo Stato membro non abbia ancora sanato la situazione) alla data di completamento dell'iter di attuazione.
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The Commission sent a letter of formal notice to Italy on 31 January 2013 and a reasoned opinion on 21 June 2013.
La Commissione ha trasmesso all'Italia una lettera di costituzione in mora il 31 gennaio 2013, cui ha fatto seguito un parere motivato il 21 giugno 2013.
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Italy replied that enactment was expected by December 2013, before postponing enactment to February 2014.
L'Italia ha risposto dichiarando che l'attuazione era prevista per il dicembre 2013, ma l'ha poi rinviata al febbraio 2014.
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Italy sent the Commission further information on 13 December 2013, but the Commission is concerned that further delays cannot be excluded. A Court summons is therefore being sent.
Nonostante le ulteriori informazioni trasmesse dall'Italia il 13 dicembre 2013, la Commissione teme che non siano da escludersi ulteriori ritardi: decide quindi di adire la Corte.
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Directive 2010/63/EU aims to eliminate disparities between Member States regarding the protection of animals used for experimental, educational and other scientific purposes.
Scopo della direttiva 2010/63/CE è eliminare le disparità tra gli Stati membri relativamente alla protezione degli animali utilizzati a fini sperimentali, educativi e ad altri fini scientifici.
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The Directive is intended to minimise the use of animals in experiments, in particular vertebrate animals and cephalopods, and requires alternatives to be used where possible, while ensuring that research in the EU remains of top quality. |
La direttiva è volta a limitare il più possibile l'uso di animali negli esperimenti, in particolare di vertebrati e cefalopodi, e impone di ricorrere ad alternative ogniqualvolta possibile, sempre assicurando che la ricerca nell'UE mantenga livelli qualitativi di eccellenza. |
Environment: European Commission asks Court to impose financial penalties
on Italy
The European Commission is referring Italy to the EU Court of Justice for its
failure to include rules on animal testing into its domestic legislation.
This is an issue on which there is considerable public concern, and Directive
2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes was to be
enacted in national legislation by 10 November 2012.
On the recommendation of Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, the
European Commission is asking the Court to impose penalty payments of EUR 150
787 per day.
If a Member State fails to enact EU legislation into national law within the
required deadline, the Commission may ask the Court for financial sanctions to
be imposed at the first referral to Court, without having to return to the Court
for a second ruling.
The penalties take into account the seriousness and duration of the
infringement.They consist of daily penalty payments to be paid from the date of
the judgment – assuming the Member State is still not compliant – until the
enactment process is completed.
The Commission sent a letter of formal notice to Italy on 31 January 2013 and
a reasoned opinion on 21 June 2013.
Italy replied that enactment was expected by December 2013, before postponing
enactment to February 2014.
Italy sent the Commission further information on 13 December 2013, but the
Commission is concerned that further delays cannot be excluded. A Court summons
is therefore being sent.
Directive 2010/63/EU aims to eliminate disparities between Member States
regarding the protection of animals used for experimental, educational and other
scientific purposes.
The Directive is intended to minimise the use of animals in experiments, in
particular vertebrate animals and cephalopods, and requires alternatives to be
used where possible, while ensuring that research in the EU remains of top