Al centro del rapporto annuale su occupazione e sviluppi sociali la necessità di affrontare i rischi della povertà lavorativa
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Data documento: 21-01-2014
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Employment and Social Developments: Annual Review highlights need to address risks of in-work poverty
Al centro del rapporto annuale su occupazione e sviluppi sociali la necessità di affrontare i rischi della povertà lavorativa
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A significant increase in poverty among the working age population is one of the most tangible social consequences of the economic crisis.
Il sensibile aumento della povertà tra la popolazione in età lavorativa è una delle conseguenze sociali più tangibili della crisi economica.
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A gradual reduction of unemployment levels may not be enough to reverse this situation if wage polarisation continues, notably due to a rise in part-time work.
Per un'inversione di tendenza potrebbe non essere sufficiente una riduzione graduale dei livelli di disoccupazione, se si dovesse confermare la polarizzazione delle retribuzioni, dovuta in particolare all'aumento del lavoro a tempo parziale.
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This is one of the main findings of the 2013 Employment and Social Developments in Europe Review, which also looks into the positive impact of social benefits on the likelihood of getting back into employment, the consequences of persistent gender imbalances, and the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union.
È questa una delle principali conclusioni del rapporto 2013 su occupazione e sviluppi sociali in Europa, che esamina anche l'impatto positivo che le prestazioni sociali hanno sulla probabilità di ritorno al lavoro, le conseguenze dei persistenti squilibri di genere e la dimensione sociale dell'Unione economica e monetaria.
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The review shows how taking up a job can help people to get out of poverty, but only in half of the cases:
Il rapporto dimostra come l'accettazione di un posto di lavoro possa aiutare a uscire dalla povertà, anche se ciò è vero solo nella metà dei casi:
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much depends on the type of job found, but also on the household composition and labour market situation of the partner.
molto dipende dal tipo di lavoro trovato e anche dalla composizione del nucleo familiare e dalla situazione del partner sul mercato del lavoro.
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"We need to pay attention not only to job creation, but also to the quality of jobs, in order to achieve a sustainable recovery that will not only reduce unemployment but also poverty", Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor, stressed.
"Per una ripresa duratura, che non si limiti soltanto a ridurre la disoccupazione, ma faccia anche diminuire la povertà, dobbiamo preoccuparci non solo della creazione di posti di lavoro, ma anche della loro qualità", ha dichiarato László Andor, Commissario per l'Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'integrazione.
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Positive impact of unemployment and social benefits
Impatto positivo delle prestazioni sociali e delle indennità di disoccupazione
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The Review also features an analysis showing that, contrary to commonly held beliefs, people receiving unemployment benefits are more like to get a job than people not receiving benefits (other things being equal).
L'analisi condotta nel rapporto dimostra anche che, contrariamente a quanto comunemente ritenuto, i beneficiari di prestazioni di disoccupazione hanno maggiori probabilità di trovare lavoro rispetto a coloro che non ne percepiscono (a parità delle altre condizioni).
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This especially applies to well-designed benefit systems (like those reducing benefit levels over time), accompanied by appropriate conditions, such as requirements to look for a job.
Ciò vale in particolare nel caso in cui i sistemi di prestazioni siano ben congegnati (prevedano, ad esempio, prestazioni decrescenti nel tempo) e siano integrati da opportune condizioni, come l'obbligo di cercare un lavoro.
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Such systems tend to support better skills matching and therefore the take up of higher quality jobs, which in turn help people to get out of poverty.
Questi sistemi tendono a favorire un miglior matching delle competenze e quindi l'occupazione di posti di lavoro di maggiore qualità, aspetto questo che contribuisce a sua volta all'uscita dalla povertà.
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The review also highlights that in some countries (e.g. Poland, Bulgaria), significant shares of unemployed are not covered by standard safety nets (unemployment benefits, social assistance), and tend to rely on family solidarity or informal work.
Il rapporto sottolinea inoltre che in alcuni paesi (ad esempio, Polonia, Bulgaria) una percentuale significativa dei disoccupati non dispone delle comuni reti di sicurezza (prestazioni di disoccupazione, assistenza sociale) e tendenzialmente fa affidamento sulla solidarietà familiare o su un'occupazione informale.
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Unemployed people not receiving unemployment benefits are less likely to find a job because they are less likely to be the subject of activation measures and are not obliged to look for a job in order to receive benefits.
I disoccupati che non percepiscono prestazioni di disoccupazione hanno minori probabilità di trovare un lavoro in quanto è meno probabile che beneficino di misure di attivazione e non hanno l'obbligo di cercare un lavoro per beneficiare delle prestazioni.
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Persistent gender differences
Persistono le differenze di genere
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Although the crisis saw a contraction of some gender gaps historically faced by women (largely the result of male-dominated sectors most hit by the crisis), gender differences still persist in labour market participation, pay and the risk of poverty.
Anche se la crisi ha determinato una riduzione di alcune differenze di genere di cui sono state tradizionalmente vittime le donne (riduzione dovuta principalmente al fatto che sono i settori con occupazione a prevalenza maschile a essere stati colpiti maggiormente dalla crisi), persistono differenze di genere per quanto riguarda la partecipazione al mercato del lavoro, le retribuzioni e il rischio di povertà.
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Moreover, women still tend to work fewer total hours than men and, while this can reflect individual preferences, it still leads to diminished career opportunities, lower pay and lower prospective pensions, underutilisation of human capital and thus lower economic growth and prosperity.
Inoltre le donne tendono ancora a lavorare complessivamente meno ore degli uomini e questo, per quanto possa rispecchiare preferenze individuali, determina comunque minori possibilità di carriera, retribuzioni più basse e in prospettiva pensioni più modeste, e anche un sottoutilizzo del capitale umano e di conseguenza una crescita economica e una prosperità minori.
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Gender gaps therefore give rise to both economic and social costs and should be effectively tackled whenever they result from societal or institutional barriers or constraints.
Le differenze di genere possono quindi dar luogo a costi economici e sociali e andrebbero contrastate efficacemente ogniqualvolta derivino da barriere o vincoli istituzionali o sociali.
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Some distinct patterns can be found among Member States with regard to the gender gap in terms of hours worked: in some cases a high share of women are working but with relatively shorter hours (for example in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and the UK), in others, female participation is lower, but once in employment, women tend to work relatively longer hours (in many Central and Eastern European countries, Spain, Ireland).
Quanto alla differenza di genere in termini di ore lavorate, tra gli Stati membri si possono chiaramente individuare alcuni modelli: in alcuni casi una percentuale elevata di donne lavora, ma con orari di lavoro relativamente più brevi (ad esempio, nei Paesi Bassi, in Germania, in Austria e nel Regno Unito), mentre in altri la partecipazione femminile è più bassa, ma le donne, una volta occupate, tendono a lavorare con un orario di lavoro relativamente più lungo (in molti paesi dell'Europa centrale e orientale, in Spagna e in Irlanda).
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Only some Member States (mainly the Nordic and Baltic countries) succeed in combining high female employment rates with a low gender gap in hours worked.
Solo alcuni Stati membri (soprattutto i paesi nordici e i paesi baltici) riescono a coniugare tassi di occupazione femminile elevati e una differenza di genere modesta in termini di ore lavorate.
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An effective policy mix appears to include gender-equal working time, widely available flexible work, incentives for the division of unpaid work within a couple, and employment-friendly, accessible and affordable childcare with longer day-care hours.
A quanto pare, un efficace mix di politiche comprende: la parità di orario di lavoro tra uomini e donne, lavoro flessibile ampiamente disponibile, incentivi alla divisione del lavoro non retribuito all'interno della coppia e servizi all'infanzia favorevoli all'occupazione e accessibili, anche in termini di costi, con orari prolungati di asili e asili nido.
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Social dimension of the EMU
Dimensione sociale dell'UEM
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The still growing macroeconomic, employment and social divergences threaten the core objectives of the EU as set out in the Treaties, namely to benefit all its members by promoting economic convergence and to improve the lives of citizens in the Member States.
I divari macroeconomici, sociali e occupazionali tuttora crescenti minacciano gli obiettivi fondamentali dell'Unione sanciti dai trattati, ossia vantaggi generalizzati attraverso la promozione della convergenza economica e miglioramento della vita dei cittadini negli Stati membri.
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The latest review shows how the seeds of the current divergence were already sown in the early years of the euro, as unbalanced growth in some Member States, based on accumulating debt fuelled by low interest rates and strong capital inflows, was often associated with disappointing productivity developments and competitiveness issues.
Il rapporto 2013 dimostra come le basi dei divari attuali siano state poste nel corso dei primi anni di introduzione dell'euro, giacché in alcuni Stati membri una crescita squilibrata, fondata sull'aumento del debito alimentato da bassi tassi di interesse e su massicci afflussi di capitale, è stata spesso associata a un andamento deludente della produttività e della competitività.
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In the absence of the currency devaluation option, euro area countries attempting to regain cost competitiveness have to rely on internal devaluation (wage and price containment).
Venuta meno la possibilità di svalutare la moneta, i paesi della zona euro che tentano di recuperare competitività sul versante dei costi devono ricorrere alla "svalutazione interna" (contenimento di prezzi e salari).
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This policy, however, has its limitations and downsides not least in terms of increased unemployment and social hardship, and its effectiveness depends on many factors such as the openness of the economy, the strength of external demand, and the presence of policies and investments enhancing non-cost competitiveness.
Questa politica presenta però limiti e risvolti negativi, non da ultimo in termini di un aumento della disoccupazione e del disagio sociale e la sua efficacia dipende da molti fattori come il grado di apertura dell'economia, la vivacità della domanda esterna e l'esistenza di politiche e di investimenti che promuovano la competitività non di prezzo.
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Enhanced surveillance of employment and social developments was proposed by the Commission in its October 2013 Communication on the Social Dimension of EMU (see IP/13/893).
Nell'ottobre del 2013 la Commissione ha proposto un rafforzamento della sorveglianza degli sviluppi sociali e occupazionali con la comunicazione "Potenziare la dimensione sociale dell'unione economica e monetaria" (cfr. IP/13/893).
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In the long term and after Treaty changes, an EMU-wide fiscal capacity with a shock absorption function could complement existing policy coordination instruments. |
A lungo termine e a seguito delle modifiche introdotte dal trattato, è ipotizzabile una capacità di bilancio dell'UEM: la sua funzione di assorbimento degli shock potrebbe integrare gli attuali strumenti di coordinamento delle politiche. |
Employment and Social Developments: Annual Review highlights need to address
risks of in-work poverty
A significant increase in poverty among the working age population is one of
the most tangible social consequences of the economic crisis.
A gradual reduction of unemployment levels may not be enough to reverse this
situation if wage polarisation continues, notably due to a rise in part-time
This is one of the main findings of the 2013 Employment and Social
Developments in Europe Review, which also looks into the positive impact of
social benefits on the likelihood of getting back into employment, the
consequences of persistent gender imbalances, and the social dimension of the
Economic and Monetary Union.
The review shows how taking up a job can help people to get out of poverty,
but only in half of the cases:
much depends on the type of job found, but also on the household composition
and labour market situation of the partner.
"We need to pay attention not only to job creation, but also to the quality
of jobs, in order to achieve a sustainable recovery that will not only reduce
unemployment but also poverty", Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and
Inclusion, László Andor, stressed.
Positive impact of unemployment and social benefits
The Review also features an analysis showing that, contrary to commonly held
beliefs, people receiving unemployment benefits are more like to get a job than
people not receiving benefits (other things being equal).
This especially applies to well-designed benefit systems (like those reducing
benefit levels over time), accompanied by appropriate conditions, such as
requirements to look for a job.
Such systems tend to support better skills matching and therefore the take up
of higher quality jobs, which in turn help people to get out of poverty.
The review also highlights that in some countries (e.g. Poland, Bulgaria),
significant shares of unemployed are not covered by standard safety nets
(unemployment benefits, social assistance), and tend to rely on family
solidarity or informal work.
Unemployed people not receiving unemployment benefits are less likely to find
a job because they are less likely to be the subject of activation measures and
are not obliged to look for a job in order to receive benefits.
Persistent gender differences
Although the crisis saw a contraction of some gender gaps historically faced
by women (largely the result of male-dominated sectors most hit by the crisis),
gender differences still persist in labour market participation, pay and the
risk of poverty.
Moreover, women still tend to work fewer total hours than men and, while this
can reflect individual preferences, it still leads to diminished career
opportunities, lower pay and lower prospective pensions, underutilisation of
human capital and thus lower economic growth and prosperity.
Gender gaps therefore give rise to both economic and social costs and should
be effectively tackled whenever they result from societal or institutional
barriers or constraints.
Some distinct patterns can be found among Member States with regard to the
gender gap in terms of hours worked: in some cases a high share of women are
working but with relatively shorter hours (for example in the Netherlands,
Germany, Austria and the UK), in others, female participation is lower, but once
in employment, women tend to work relatively longer hours (in many Central and
Eastern European countries, Spain, Ireland).
Only some Member States (mainly the Nordic and Baltic countries) succeed in
combining high female employment rates with a low gender gap in hours worked.
An effective policy mix appears to include gender-equal working time, widely
available flexible work, incentives for the division of unpaid work within a
couple, and employment-friendly, accessible and affordable childcare with longer
day-care hours.
Social dimension of the EMU
The still growing macroeconomic, employment and social divergences threaten
the core objectives of the EU as set out in the Treaties, namely to benefit all
its members by promoting economic convergence and to improve the lives of
citizens in the Member States.
The latest review shows how the seeds of the current divergence were already
sown in the early years of the euro, as unbalanced growth in some Member States,
based on accumulating debt fuelled by low interest rates and strong capital
inflows, was often associated with disappointing productivity developments and
competitiveness issues.
In the absence of the currency devaluation option, euro area countries
attempting to regain cost competitiveness have to rely on internal devaluation
(wage and price containment).
This policy, however, has its limitations and downsides not least in terms of
increased unemployment and social hardship, and its effectiveness depends on
many factors such as the openness of the economy, the strength of external
demand, and the presence of policies and investments enhancing non-cost
Enhanced surveillance of employment and social developments was proposed by
the Commission in its October 2013 Communication on the Social Dimension of EMU
(see IP/13/893).
In the long term and after Treaty changes, an EMU-wide fiscal capacity with a
shock absorption function could complement existing policy coordination