Occupazione: la Commissione propone di migliorare EURES, la rete per la ricerca di lavoro
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-26_it.htm
Data documento: 17-01-2014
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Employment: Commission proposes to improve EURES job search network
Occupazione: la Commissione propone di migliorare EURES, la rete per la ricerca di lavoro
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The pan-European job search network EURES would be strengthened to provide more job offers, increase the likelihood of job matches and help employers, notably small and medium businesses, to fill job vacancies faster and better, under a proposal just presented by the European Commission.
Occorre rafforzare EURES, la rete paneuropea per la ricerca di lavoro, in applicazione di una proposta presentata recentemente dalla Commissione europea, onde migliorare l'offerta di lavoro, accrescere le possibilità di messa in contatto e corrispondenza delle offerte e delle domande di lavoro e aiutare i datori di lavoro, in particolare le piccole e medie imprese, ad assumere personale più competente e in tempi più brevi.
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Once adopted by the EU's Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, the proposal would help citizens to make the most informed choice possible when it comes to moving abroad for work. |
Una volta adottata dal Consiglio dei ministri dell’UE e dal Parlamento europeo, la proposta aiuterà i cittadini che si trasferiscono all’estero per motivi di lavoro ad operare una scelta più informata possibile.
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Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László
Andor, highlighted:
László Andor, commissario UE responsabile dell'occupazione, degli affari sociali e dell'inclusione ha dichiarato:
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"The Commission’s proposal represents an ambitious step to fight unemployment in a very practical way.
"La proposta della Commissione costituisce un passo ambizioso per lottare concretamente contro la disoccupazione.
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It would help to address imbalances on labour markets by maximising the exchange of available job vacancies throughout the EU and ensuring a more accurate match between job vacancies and job seekers.
Essa contribuirà a correggere gli squilibri dei mercati del lavoro incrementando al massimo lo scambio di offerte di lavoro disponibili in tutta l’UE e assicurando una maggiore corrispondenza tra offerte di lavoro e richiedenti lavoro.
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The reformed EURES would facilitate labour mobility and contribute to achieving a truly integrated EU labour market". |
La nuova rete EURES faciliterà la mobilità lavorativa e contribuirà alla realizzazione di un mercato del lavoro dell’UE pienamente integrato".
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The proposed new rules would make EURES more efficient, recruitments more transparent and cooperation among Member States stronger, notably by allowing EURES to:
Le nuove norme proposte rafforzeranno l'efficacia di EURES, miglioreranno la trasparenza delle assunzioni e intensificheranno la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri, consentendo in particolare alla rete:
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- offer on the EURES web portal more job vacancies in the EU, including those from private employment services.
- di pubblicare nel portale EURES un maggior numero di posti di lavoro disponibili nell’UE, compresi quelli offerti dai servizi privati per l'impiego.
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Job seekers all over Europe would have instant access to the same vacancies, and registered employers would be able to recruit from an extensive pool of CVs.
I richiedenti lavoro di tutta l’Europa avranno accesso immediato alle stesse proposte e i datori di lavoro iscritti potranno attingere ad un vasto bacino di CV;
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- carry out automatic matching through job vacancies and CVs
- di realizzare la messa in contatto e corrispondenza automatizzata tra posti di lavoro vacanti e CV;
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- give basic information on the EU labour market and EURES to any jobseeker or employer throughout the Union
- di fornire informazioni di base sul mercato del lavoro dell’UE e su EURES ai richiedenti lavoro e ai datori di lavoro di tutta l’Unione;
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- offer candidates and employers mobility support services to facilitate recruitment and integrate workers in the new post abroad
- di offrire ai candidati e ai datori di lavoro servizi di sostegno alla mobilità al fine di agevolare l’assunzione e di consentire l’insediamento dei lavoratori nei nuovi posti di lavoro all’estero;
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- improve coordination and information exchange on national labour shortages and surpluses among Member States, making mobility an integral part of their employment policies.
- di migliorare il coordinamento e lo scambio tra gli Stati membri di informazioni sulle eccedenze e sulle carenze di manodopera, integrando la questione mobilità nelle loro politiche a favore dell’occupazione.
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These improvements would benefit jobseekers and businesses of all sizes, but particularly SMEs, since currently they may not be able to afford to recruit abroad without the services that EURES provides free of charge.
Tali miglioramenti avvantaggeranno i richiedenti lavoro e le imprese di ogni dimensione, ma in particolare le PMI, che attualmente non sarebbero in grado di assumere personale all’estero senza i servizi che EURES fornisce loro gratuitamente.
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The proposed EURES Regulation is one a series of measures to facilitate free movement of workers, together with the Commission's April 2013 proposal to improve the application of workers' rights to free movement (IP/13/372, MEMO/13/384) , due to be adopted imminently by the EU's Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, and the November Communication on free movement of people (IP/13/1151, MEMO/14/9).
Il proposto regolamento EURES costituisce una delle misure volte a facilitare la libera circolazione dei lavoratori, unitamente alla proposta della Commissione dell'aprile 2013 intesa a migliorare l’applicazione del diritto dei lavoratori alla libera circolazione (IP/13/372, MEMO/13/384), che dovrebbe essere adottata entro breve dal Consiglio dei ministri dell’UE e dal Parlamento europeo, e alla comunicazione dello scorso novembre sulla libera circolazione delle persone (IP/13/1151, MEMO/14/9).
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Today, about 7.5 million Europeans work in another Member State, only 3.1% of the total labour force.
Oggi, circa 7,5 milioni di europei lavorano in un altro Stato membro, vale a dire solo il 3,1% della forza lavoro totale.
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Around 700,000 people on average move every year to work abroad within the EU, a rate (0.29%) much lower than those of Australia (1.5% between 8 states) or the US (2.4% between 50 states).
In media circa 700 000 persone si spostano ogni anno all’interno dell’UE per lavorare all’estero, una percentuale (0,29%) molto inferiore a quella dell’Australia (1,5 % in 8 Stati) o degli Stati Uniti (2,4% in 50 Stati).
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The European Vacancy Monitor shows that despite record unemployment in Europe, 2 million vacancies were open in the first quarter of 2013.
L'osservatorio europeo delle offerte di lavoro mette in luce che, nonostante i livelli record della disoccupazione in Europa, nel corso del primo trimestre del 2013 erano disponibili 2 milioni di posti di lavoro.
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While the existence of open vacancies is a feature of labour markets dynamics, a significant part of these open vacancies may be due to labour shortages which cannot be overcome locally
Se è vero che l’esistenza di posti vacanti è una caratteristica della dinamica dei mercati del lavoro, tale situazione può essere dovuta in larga parte alle carenze di manodopera, irrimediabili a livello locale.
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However, mobility has significantly increased during recent years.
Tuttavia, la mobilità è notevolmente aumentata negli ultimi anni.
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Since 2005, the number of EU workers active in another Member State has increased up to 4.7 million.
Dal 2005 ad oggi sono aumentati fino a 4,7 milioni i lavoratori dell’UE che esercitano la loro attività in un altro Stato membro.
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Furthermore, mobility intentions have also risen: the number of jobseekers registered on the EURES portal has jumped from 175,000 in 2007 to 1,100,000 in 2013.
Sono inoltre sempre più numerose le persone intenzionate a spostarsi per lavoro: il numero dei richiedenti lavoro che si sono iscritti al portale EURES è aumentato vertiginosamente da 175 000 nel 2007 a 1 100 000 nel 2013.
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Set up in 1993, EURES is a co-operation network between the European Commission and the Public Employment Services of the EU Member States, plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, and other partner organizations.
Istituita nel 1993, EURES è una rete di cooperazione tra la Commissione europea, i servizi pubblici per l'impiego degli Stati membri dell'UE, nonché della Norvegia, dell’Islanda e del Liechtenstein, e altri organismi partner.
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It has more than 850 EURES advisers that are in daily contact with jobseekers and employers across Europe.
EURES dispone di un rete di più di 850 consulenti, che ogni giorno sono in contatto con persone alla ricerca di un impiego e datori di lavoro in tutta l'Europa.
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The network also operates through the EURES portal.
La rete opera anche attraverso il portale EURES.
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The portal is unique in the EU as it is free of charge and gives information on living and working conditions in all participating countries in 25 languages.
Il portale è l'unico nel suo genere nell’UE, in quanto offre un servizio gratuito che fornisce informazioni in venticinque lingue sulle condizioni di vita e di lavoro in tutti i paesi partecipanti.
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The portal allows access to more than 1.4 million job vacancies and 1.1 million CV's at any time in a given month.
Il portale consente di accedere a oltre 1,4 milioni di offerte di lavoro e a 1,1 milioni di CV in qualsiasi momento nell’arco di un dato mese.
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The EURES network accounts for approximately 150,000 placements per year (50 000 through its advisers and 100 000 through its portal).
La rete EURES conta circa 150 000 collocamenti all’anno (50 000 attraverso i suoi consulenti e 100 000 tramite il suo portale).
Employment: Commission proposes to improve EURES job search network
The pan-European job search network EURES would be strengthened to provide
more job offers, increase the likelihood of job matches and help employers,
notably small and medium businesses, to fill job vacancies faster and better,
under a proposal just presented by the European Commission.
Once adopted by the EU's Council of Ministers and the European Parliament,
the proposal would help citizens to make the most informed choice possible when
it comes to moving abroad for work
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor,
"The Commission’s proposal represents an ambitious step to fight unemployment
in a very practical way.
It would help to address imbalances on labour markets by maximising the
exchange of available job vacancies throughout the EU and ensuring a more
accurate match between job vacancies and job seekers.
The reformed EURES would facilitate labour mobility and contribute to
achieving a truly integrated EU labour market",
The proposed new rules would make EURES more efficient, recruitments more
transparent and cooperation among Member States stronger, notably by allowing
- offer on the EURES web portal more job vacancies in the EU, including those
from private employment services.
Job seekers all over Europe would have instant access to the same vacancies,
and registered employers would be able to recruit from an extensive pool of CVs.
- carry out automatic matching through job vacancies and CVs
- give basic information on the EU labour market and EURES to any jobseeker
or employer throughout the Union
- offer candidates and employers mobility support services to facilitate
recruitment and integrate workers in the new post abroad
- improve coordination and information exchange on national labour shortages
and surpluses among Member States, making mobility an integral part of their
employment policies.
These improvements would benefit jobseekers and businesses of all sizes, but
particularly SMEs, since currently they may not be able to afford to recruit
abroad without the services that EURES provides free of charge.
The proposed EURES Regulation is one a series of measures to facilitate free
movement of workers, together with the Commission's April 2013 proposal to
improve the application of workers' rights to free movement (IP/13/372,
MEMO/13/384) , due to be adopted imminently by the EU's Council of Ministers and
the European Parliament, and the November Communication on free movement of
people (IP/13/1151, MEMO/14/9).
Today, about 7.5 million Europeans work in another Member State, only 3.1% of
the total labour force.
Around 700,000 people on average move every year to work abroad within the
EU, a rate (0.29%) much lower than those of Australia (1.5% between 8 states) or
the US (2.4% between 50 states).
The European Vacancy Monitor shows that despite record unemployment in
Europe, 2 million vacancies were open in the first quarter of 2013.
While the existence of open vacancies is a feature of labour markets
dynamics, a significant part of these open vacancies may be due to labour
shortages which cannot be overcome locally
However, mobility has significantly increased during recent years.
Since 2005, the number of EU workers active in another Member State has
increased up to 4.7 million.
Furthermore, mobility intentions have also risen: the number of jobseekers
registered on the EURES portal has jumped from 175,000 in 2007 to 1,100,000 in
Set up in 1993, EURES is a co-operation network between the European
Commission and the Public Employment Services of the EU Member States, plus
Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, and other partner organizations.
It has more than 850 EURES advisers that are in daily contact with jobseekers
and employers across Europe.
The network also operates through the EURES portal.
The portal is unique in the EU as it is free of charge and gives information
on living and working conditions in all participating countries in 25 languages.
The portal allows access to more than 1.4 million job vacancies and 1.1
million CV's at any time in a given month.
The EURES network accounts for approximately 150,000 placements per year (50
000 through its advisers and 100 000 through its portal).