Per poter essere considerato a carico di un cittadino dell’Unione, un discendente di età superiore a 21 anni, cittadino di un paese terzo, non è tenuto a dimostrare di aver tentato con ogni mezzo di garantire il proprio sostentamento
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 16-01-2014
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To be regarded as a dependant of an EU citizen, a descendant who is over 21 years old and a third-country national, does not have to establish that he has tried all possible means to support himself
Per poter essere considerato a carico di un cittadino dell’Unione, un discendente di età superiore a 21 anni, cittadino di un paese terzo, non è tenuto a dimostrare di aver tentato con ogni mezzo di garantire il proprio sostentamento
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A Member State cannot require the descendant to prove, in order to obtain a residence permit, that he has tried unsuccessfully to find work or to obtain a subsistence allowance in his country of origin
Uno Stato membro non può esigere, ai fini della concessione del permesso di soggiorno, che il discendente dimostri di aver inutilmente tentato di trovare un’attività lavorativa o di ricevere un aiuto per il sostentamento nel proprio paese di origine
3 |
EU law extends the right of all EU citizens to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States to the members of their family, whatever their nationality.
Il diritto dell’Unione ha esteso il diritto di tutti i cittadini dell’Unione di circolare e di soggiornare liberamente sul territorio degli Stati membri ai rispettivi familiari, a prescindere dalla loro nazionalità.
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Family members include, in particular, direct descendants who are less than 21 years old or who are dependent on the EU citizen.
Sono considerati familiari, segnatamente, i discendenti diretti di età inferiore a 21 anni che siano a carico del cittadino dell’Unione.
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Ms Flora May Reyes, who was born in 1987 and is a Philippines citizen, was left in the care of her maternal grandmother when she was three years old, because her mother had moved to Germany to work. Ms Reyes’ mother obtained German citizenship.
La sig.ra Flora May Reyes, nata nel 1987 e cittadina delle Filippine, è stata affidata all’età di tre anni alla nonna materna, in quanto la madre si era stabilita in Germania per ivi svolgere attività lavorativa, ottenendo poi la cittadinanza tedesca.
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Ms Reyes was brought up by her maternal grandmother for her entire childhood and adolescence.
La nonna materna della sig.ra Reyes ha provveduto alla sua educazione per tutto il periodo dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza.
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She studied for two years at high school and four years at college when she was 17 to 23 years old.
Tra i 17 e i 23 anni la sig.ra Reyes ha studiato, per un periodo di 2 anni, in un liceo, seguendo quindi 4 anni di studi superiori.
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After having undertaken training involving work experience, she qualified as a nursing assistant.
Dopo aver compiuto una formazione comprendente tirocini, ha ottenuto la qualifica di infermiera ausiliaria diplomata/assistente paramedica.
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After her exams, she helped her sister to look after her sister’s children.
Sostenuti gli esami, si è dedicata ad aiutare la sorella occupandosi dei suoi figli.
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Ms Reyes’ mother remained in close contact with her family in the Philippines throughout that time by sending money each month to support them and pay for their studies and visiting them each year.
La madre della sig.ra Reyes ha sempre conservato stretti vincoli con i propri familiari nelle Filippine, inviando loro ogni mese denaro per sopperire ai loro bisogni e finanziare i loro studi, nonché rendendo loro visita tutti gli anni.
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Ms Reyes has never held a job and nor has she applied for any allowances from the Philippines social security authorities.
La sig.ra Reyes non ha mai avuto un’occupazione e non ha mai chiesto aiuti socio-assistenziali presso le autorità delle Filippine.
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In 2009, the mother of Ms Reyes moved to Sweden to live with a Norwegian citizen whom she married in 2011.
Nel 2009 la madre della sig.ra Reyes si è stabilita in Svezia con un cittadino norvegese con il quale poi si è sposata nel 2011.
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Since 2009, Ms Reyes’ stepfather, who has resources in the form of a retirement pension, has regularly sent money to the Philippines to Ms Reyes and other members of his wife’s family.
Dal 2009, quest’ultimo, che dispone di risorse economiche derivanti da una pensione di vecchiaia, invia regolarmente denaro nelle Filippine alla signora Reyes nonché agli altri familiari della moglie.
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In 2011, Ms Reyes entered the Schengen area.
Nel 2011 la sig.ra Reyes è entrata nello spazio Schengen.
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She applied for a residence permit in Sweden as a family member of her mother, on whom she claimed that she was dependent.
Ha chiesto un permesso di soggiorno in Svezia in qualità di familiare della madre, dichiarando di essere a suo carico.
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Her application was rejected since she had not proved that the money which was indisputably transferred to her by her mother and her partner had been used to supply her basic needs in the form of board and lodging and access to healthcare in the Philippines.
La domanda è stata respinta in base al rilievo che la signora Reyes non aveva dimostrato che il denaro, incontestabilmente versatole dalla famiglia, fosse stato impiegato per sopperire ai suoi bisogni esistenziali di vitto, alloggio e assistenza sanitaria nelle Filippine.
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Nor had she shown how her home country’s social insurance and security system could assist a citizen in her situation.
Parimenti, non avrebbe dimostrato in qual modo il sistema socio-assistenziale del suo paese d’origine avrebbe potuto garantire l’assistenza a persone nella sua situazione.
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However, she did show that she held qualifications from her country of origin and that she had also carried out work experience there.
Per contro, essa avrebbe dimostrato di essersi diplomata nel proprio paese d’origine e di aver ivi compiuto tirocini.
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Furthermore, she had been economically dependent on her grandmother throughout her childhood and adolescence.
Per tutta la sua infanzia e adolescenza sarebbe stata peraltro a carico della nonna materna.
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The Migrationsöverdomstolen (Administrative Court of Appeal for Immigration matters, Stockholm), before which the case is now pending, has asked the Court of Justice whether a Member State may to require that, in order to be regarded as being dependent and thus to come within the definition of ‘family member’ set out in that provision, a direct descendant who is 21 years old or older must show that he has tried without success to find employment or to obtain subsistence support from the authorities of the country of origin and/or otherwise tried to support himself.
Il Migrationsöverdomstolen (Corte di appello amministrativa di Stoccolma competente in materia di immigrazione), dinanzi al quale il procedimento è attualmente pendente, ha chiesto alla Corte di giustizia se uno Stato membro possa esigere che un discendente diretto, di età pari o superiore a 21 anni, debba dimostrare, per poter essere considerato a carico e ricadere, dunque, nella definizione di «familiare», di avere inutilmente tentato di trovare un’occupazione o di ricevere un aiuto al sostentamento presso le autorità del proprio paese di origine e/o di aver tentato con ogni altro mezzo di garantire il proprio sostentamento.
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It also asks whether, in interpreting the term ‘dependant’, any significance attaches to the fact that a family member is deemed to be well placed to obtain employment and in addition intends to start work in the Member State.
Il giudice del rinvio chiede parimenti se, ai fini dell’interpretazione del requisito di essere «a carico», assuma rilievo il fatto che un familiare sia ritenuto in possesso di ragionevoli possibilità di trovare un’occupazione e intenda svolgere attività lavorativa nello Stato membro ospitante.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court points out that, in order for a direct descendant, who is 21 years old or older, of an EU citizen to be regarded as a ‘dependant’ of that citizen, the existence of a situation of real dependence must be established.
Nella sentenza odierna, la Corte ricorda che, affinché il discendente diretto di un cittadino dell’Unione, di età pari o superiore a 21 anni, possa essere considerato «a carico» del medesimo, deve essere dimostrata l’esistenza di una reale situazione di dipendenza.
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In order to determine the existence of such dependence, the host Member State must assess whether, having regard to his financial and social conditions, the descendant in question is not in a position to support himself.
Ai fini dell’accertamento di tale dipendenza, lo Stato membro ospitante deve valutare se, alla luce delle sue condizioni economiche e sociali, tale discendente non sia in grado di sopperire ai proprio bisogni essenziali.
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The need for material support must exist in the State of origin of that descendant or the State whence he came at the time when he applies to join that citizen.
La necessità di sostegno materiale deve sussistere nello Stato d’origine o di provenienza del discendente stesso nel momento in cui questi chiede di ricongiungersi con detto cittadino.
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However, there is no need to determine the reasons for that dependence or therefore for the recourse to that support.
Per contro, non è necessario stabilire quali siano le ragioni di tale dipendenza e, quindi, del ricorso a tale sostegno.
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The fact that an EU citizen regularly, for a significant period, pays a sum of money to that descendant, necessary in order for him to support himself in the State of origin, is such as to show that the descendant is in a real situation of dependence vis-à-vis that citizen.
Orbene, il fatto che un cittadino dell’Unione effettui regolarmente, per un periodo considerevole, il versamento di somme di denaro al discendente, necessarie a quest’ultimo per sopperire ai suoi bisogni essenziali nello Stato d’origine, è idoneo a dimostrare la sussistenza di una situazione di dipendenza reale del discendente medesimo rispetto a detto cittadino.
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That descendant cannot be required, in addition, to establish that he has tried without success to find work or obtain subsistence support from the authorities of his country of origin and/or otherwise tried to support himself.
Non si può esigere dal discendente di fornire l’ulteriore prova di aver inutilmente tentato di trovare un’occupazione o di ricevere un aiuto al sostentamento dalle autorità del paese d’origine e/o di aver tentato con ogni altro mezzo di assicurare il proprio sostentamento.
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The requirement for such additional evidence, which is not easy to provide in practice, is likely to make it excessively difficult for that descendant to obtain the right of residence in the host Member State.
Infatti, il requisito di una siffatta prova supplementare, non facile da effettuarsi nella pratica, è rende eccessivamente difficile per il discendente medesimo di beneficiare del diritto di soggiorno nello Stato membro ospitante.
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Furthermore, it is not excluded that that requirement obliges that descendant to take more complicated steps, such as trying to obtain various certificates stating that he has not found any work or obtained any social allowance, than that of obtaining a document of the competent authority of the State of origin or the State from which the applicant came attesting to the existence of a situation of dependence. The Court has already held that such a document cannot constitute a condition for the issue of a residence permit.
Del resto, non è escluso che tale requisito implichi la necessità di effettuare passi più complessi, quali il tentativo di ottenere differenti attestazioni che certifichino di non aver trovato alcuna occupazione e di non aver ottenuto alcun assegno socio assistenziale rispetto all’azione consistente nell’ottenimento di un documento, da parte dell’autorità competente dello Stato d’origine o di provenienza, che attesti l’esistenza di una situazione di dipendenza, con riguardo alla quale la Corte ha già avuto modo di dichiarare che tale documento non può costituire condizione per il rilascio del titolo di soggiorno.
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The Court therefore concludes that European Union law precludes a Member State from requiring a direct descendant, who is 21 years old or older, in order to be regarded as dependent and thus come within the definition of a ‘family member’ of an EU citizen, to show that he has tried unsuccessfully to obtain employment or to obtain subsistence support from the authorities of his country of origin and/or otherwise to support himself.
La Corte conclude, quindi, che il diritto dell’Unione non consente ad uno Stato membro di esigere che il discendente diretto di età pari o superiore a 21 anni, dimostri, per poter essere considerato a carico e rientrare, quindi, nella nozione di «familiare» di un cittadino dell’Unione, di aver inutilmente tentato di trovare un’occupazione o di ricevere un aiuto per il proprio sostentamento dalle autorità del proprio paese d’origine e/o di aver tentato con ogni altro mezzo di garantire il proprio sostentamento.
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The Court adds that the situation of dependence must exist, in the country from which the family member concerned comes, at the time when he applies to join the EU citizen on whom he is dependent.
La Corte aggiunge che la situazione di dipendenza deve sussistere, nel paese di provenienza del familiare interessato, nel momento in cui chiede il ricongiungimento con il cittadino dell’Unione di cui sia a carico.
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The fact that a family member – due to personal circumstances such as age, education and health – is deemed to be well placed to obtain employment and in addition intends to start work in the Member State does not affect the interpretation of the requirement in that provision that he be a ‘dependant’.
Il fatto che un familiare sia considerato, alla luce di circostanze personali quali l’età, le qualifiche professionali e lo stato di salute, dotato di ragionevoli possibilità di trovare un’occupazione e, inoltre, intenda lavorare nello Stato membro ospitante resta irrilevante ai fini dell’interpretazione del requisito di essere «a carico».
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
To be regarded as a dependant of an EU citizen, a descendant who is over
21 years old and a third-country national, does not have to establish that he
has tried all possible means to support himself
A Member State cannot require the descendant to prove, in order to
obtain a residence permit, that he has tried unsuccessfully to find work or to
obtain a subsistence allowance in his country of origin
EU law extends the right of all EU citizens to move and reside freely within
the territory of the Member States to the members of their family, whatever
their nationality.
Family members include, in particular, direct descendants who are less than
21 years old or who are dependent on the EU citizen.
Ms Flora May Reyes, who was born in 1987 and is a Philippines citizen, was
left in the care of her maternal grandmother when she was three years old,
because her mother had moved to Germany to work. Ms Reyes’ mother obtained
German citizenship.
Ms Reyes was brought up by her maternal grandmother for her entire childhood
and adolescence.
She studied for two years at high school and four years at college when she
was 17 to 23 years old.
After having undertaken training involving work experience, she qualified as
a nursing assistant.
After her exams, she helped her sister to look after her sister’s children.
Ms Reyes’ mother remained in close contact with her family in the Philippines
throughout that time by sending money each month to support them and pay for
their studies and visiting them each year.
Ms Reyes has never held a job and nor has she applied for any allowances from
the Philippines social security authorities.
In 2009, the mother of Ms Reyes moved to Sweden to live with a Norwegian
citizen whom she married in 2011.
Since 2009, Ms Reyes’ stepfather, who has resources in the form of a
retirement pension, has regularly sent money to the Philippines to Ms Reyes and
other members of his wife’s family.
In 2011, Ms Reyes entered the Schengen area.
She applied for a residence permit in Sweden as a family member of her
mother, on whom she claimed that she was dependent.
Her application was rejected since she had not proved that the money which
was indisputably transferred to her by her mother and her partner had been used
to supply her basic needs in the form of board and lodging and access to
healthcare in the Philippines.
Nor had she shown how her home country’s social insurance and security system
could assist a citizen in her situation.
However, she did show that she held qualifications from her country of origin
and that she had also carried out work experience there.
Furthermore, she had been economically dependent on her grandmother
throughout her childhood and adolescence.
The Migrationsöverdomstolen (Administrative Court of Appeal for Immigration
matters, Stockholm), before which the case is now pending, has asked the Court
of Justice whether a Member State may to require that, in order to be regarded
as being dependent and thus to come within the definition of ‘family member’ set
out in that provision, a direct descendant who is 21 years old or older must
show that he has tried without success to find employment or to obtain
subsistence support from the authorities of the country of origin and/or
otherwise tried to support himself.
It also asks whether, in interpreting the term ‘dependant’, any significance
attaches to the fact that a family member is deemed to be well placed to obtain
employment and in addition intends to start work in the Member State.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court points out that, in order for a
direct descendant, who is 21 years old or older, of an EU citizen to be regarded
as a ‘dependant’ of that citizen, the existence of a situation of real
dependence must be established.
In order to determine the existence of such dependence, the host Member State
must assess whether, having regard to his financial and social conditions, the
descendant in question is not in a position to support himself.
The need for material support must exist in the State of origin of that
descendant or the State whence he came at the time when he applies to join that
However, there is no need to determine the reasons for that dependence or
therefore for the recourse to that support.
The fact that an EU citizen regularly, for a significant period, pays a sum
of money to that descendant, necessary in order for him to support himself in
the State of origin, is such as to show that the descendant is in a real
situation of dependence vis-à-vis that citizen.
That descendant cannot be required, in addition, to establish that he has
tried without success to find work or obtain subsistence support from the
authorities of his country of origin and/or otherwise tried to support himself.
The requirement for such additional evidence, which is not easy to provide in
practice, is likely to make it excessively difficult for that descendant to
obtain the right of residence in the host Member State.
Furthermore, it is not excluded that that requirement obliges that descendant
to take more complicated steps, such as trying to obtain various certificates
stating that he has not found any work or obtained any social allowance, than
that of obtaining a document of the competent authority of the State of origin
or the State from which the applicant came attesting to the existence of a
situation of dependence. The Court has already held that such a document cannot
constitute a condition for the issue of a residence permit.
The Court therefore concludes that European Union law precludes a Member
State from requiring a direct descendant, who is 21 years old or older, in order
to be regarded as dependent and thus come within the definition of a ‘family
member’ of an EU citizen, to show that he has tried unsuccessfully to obtain
employment or to obtain subsistence support from the authorities of his country
of origin and/or otherwise to support himself.
The Court adds that the situation of dependence must exist, in the country
from which the family member concerned comes, at the time when he applies to
join the EU citizen on whom he is dependent.
The fact that a family member – due to personal circumstances such as age,
education and health – is deemed to be well placed to obtain employment and in
addition intends to start work in the Member State does not affect the
interpretation of the requirement in that provision that he be a ‘dependant’.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.