La concezione e l'attuazione del programma LIFE devono essere migliorate - afferma la Corte dei conti europea
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Data documento: 17-01-2014
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LIFE needs design and implementation improvements, say EU Auditors
La concezione e l'attuazione del programma LIFE devono essere migliorate - afferma la Corte dei conti europea
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A report published today by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) calls on the EU Commission to increase the effectiveness of the LIFE programme by improving the dissemination and replication of successful environmental projects.
Una relazione appena pubblicata dalla Corte dei conti europea invita la Commissione UE a migliorare l’efficacia del programma LIFE incentivando la diffusione e la replica dei progetti ambientali di successo.
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“The dissemination and replication of LIFE projects is clearly insufficient, and this significantly reduces the programme’s capacity to act as a catalyst for environmental changes, which is its overarching objective.” stated Mr Jan Kinšt, the ECA Member responsible for the report.
"La diffusione e la replica dei progetti LIFE sono chiaramente insufficienti, e ciò riduce notevolmente la capacità del programma di fungere da catalizzatore dei cambiamenti ambientali, che è il suo obiettivo principale” ha dichiarato Jan Kinšt, Membro della Corte responsabile della relazione.
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The EU’s environmental policy is integrated across its main spending policies, such as the structural funds and the common agricultural policy.
La politica ambientale dell’UE è presente in modo integrato in tutte gli strumenti finanziari a sostegno delle principali politiche dell’UE, come i fondi strutturali e la politica agricola comune.
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LIFE (L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement), and in particular its environment component, is a specific financial instrument designed to serve as a platform for developing and exchanging good practices and to catalyse and accelerate developments of EU environmental policy.
LIFE (L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement), ed in particolare la sua componente
"Ambiente”, è uno strumento finanziario specifico concepito per operare da piattaforma per lo sviluppo e lo scambio di buone pratiche, nonché per fungere da catalizzatore ed accelerare gli sviluppi della politica dell’UE in materia di ambiente.
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Its effectiveness is therefore strongly determined by whether funded projects serve as catalysts for environmental change.
La sua efficacia varia quindi considerevolmente a seconda che i progetti finanziati servano o meno come catalizzatori del cambiamento in materia di ambiente.
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LIFE is managed directly by the Commission.
LIFE è gestito direttamente dalla Commissione.
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The latest LIFE programme covered the period 2007-2013 and had an average annual budget of € 239 million for financing projects – less than 1.5 % of estimated overall environmental related expenditure by the EU –.
Il più recente programma LIFE riguardava il periodo 2007 - 2013 e disponeva di una dotazione finanziaria annua media di 239 milioni di euro per il finanziamento di progetti – ossia meno dell’1.5 % della spesa stimata totale dell’UE per l’ambiente.
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The audit found that the lack of a mechanism to target scarce resources on pre-selected objectives resulted in a lack of critical mass of good projects to promote meaningful developments in EU environmental policy.
La Corte ha constatato che la mancanza di un meccanismo che indirizzasse le risorse scarse verso obiettivi preselezionati ha avuto come risultato l’assenza di una massa critica di buoni progetti che promuovessero sviluppi significativi nella politica ambientale dell’UE.
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Also, the indicative national allocations hampered the selection of best projects because projects were not only selected based on their merit but also on their Member State of origin.
Inoltre, le ripartizioni nazionali indicative hanno ostacolato la selezione dei migliori progetti, poiché i progetti non venivano selezionati unicamente sulla base del loro merito, ma anche in base al loro Stato di origine.
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The EU Auditors pointed out that the Commission did not sufficiently justify the selection of projects and that, even if some supported projects achieved positive results, the programme did not fulfil its fundamental role to ensure their effective dissemination and replication.
La Corte ha rilevato che la Commissione non ha giustificato in modo sufficiente la selezione dei progetti e che, sebbene alcuni progetti finanziati abbiano ottenuto risultati positivi, il programma non ha svolto il proprio compito fondamentale di assicurarne una diffusione e ed una replica efficaci.
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Notes to the editors:
Nota agli editori
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European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU budgetary areas or management topics.
Le relazioni speciali della Corte dei conti europea sono pubblicate nel corso dell’anno e presentano i risultati di audit selezionati su specifici settori del bilancio UE o su temi relativi alla gestione.
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This special report (SR 15/2013) is entitled “Has the Environment component of the LIFE programme been effective?”. It examined whether its design and implementation contributed to programme effectiveness.
Questa relazione speciale (RS n. 15/2013), intitolata "La componente Ambiente del programma LIFE è stata efficace?”, ha appurato se la concezione e l’attuazione della componente Ambiente abbiano contribuito all’efficacia del programma.
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In auditing projects funded between 2005 and 2010, the EU Auditors visited the Commission’s relevant services and five Member States from among the largest beneficiaries of LIFE (Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom), representing 55 % of the LIFE budget and 15 % of its projects.
Nel corso dell’audit sui progetti finanziati dal 2005 al 2010, gli auditor della Corte hanno effettuato visite presso i pertinenti servizi della Commissione e presso cinque Stati membri che erano tra i maggiori beneficiari di LIFE (Germania, Spagna, Francia, Italia e Regno Unito) e rappresentavano il 55 % della dotazione finanziaria ed il 15 % dei progetti di LIFE.
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The Court found that overall, the LIFE Environment component was not operating effectively because it was not sufficiently well designed and implemented.
La Corte ha concluso che, nel complesso, la componente Ambiente di LIFE non funzionava efficacemente, poiché non era stata concepita ed attuata in modo sufficientemente buono.
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Based on its findings, the ECA recommended that:
Sulla base di quanto constatato, la Corte ha raccomandato quanto segue:
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- In the establishment of the multi-annual work programmes foreseen in the new LIFE programme, the legislative authorities should enable the Commission and the Member States to restrict eligible applications to limited strategic priorities, and to set clear, specific, measurable and achievable objectives for projects to be funded.
- Nello stabilire i programmi pluriennali previsti nel nuovo programma LIFE, le autorità legislative dovrebbero permettere alla Commissione e agli Stati membri di restringere le domande ammissibili a poche priorità strategiche, nonché di stabilire obiettivi chiari, specifici, misurabili e conseguibili per i progetti da finanziare.
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A limited number of priorities fixed for a number of years would streamline the selection process, concentrate the efforts on specific issues and facilitate the evaluation of the programme impact.
Un numero limitato di priorità, fissate per parecchi anni, ottimizzerebbe il processo di selezione, concentrerebbe gli sforzi su questioni specifiche e faciliterebbe la valutazione dell’impatto del programma.
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- The Commission’s proposal for the new LIFE programme ends the national allocation for traditional projects but keeps a geographical balance for Integrated projects.
- La proposta della Commissione per il nuovo programma LIFE pone fine alla ripartizione nazionale per i progetti tradizionali, ma mantiene un equilibrio geografico per i progetti integrati.
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In its application, the Commission should ensure that Integrated projects are selected based on their merit, and that geographical balance should not breach the principle of equal opportunities for applicants.
In termini di applicazione, la Commissione dovrebbe far sì che i progetti integrati siano selezionati sulla base del merito, e che l’equilibrio geografico non risulti in una violazione del principio di pari opportunità dei richiedenti.
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- The Commission should improve the project selection evaluation forms and require the evaluators to provide separate assessments and scores for major project aspects (such as innovative or demonstrative character of the proposal, the quality of the dissemination actions planned, or the potential for the replication of results), in order to improve the quality and transparency of the selection process and to ensure that selected projects have the potential to contribute most towards the achievement of the programme objectives.
- La Commissione dovrebbe migliorare i moduli di valutazione per la selezione dei progetti e chiedere ai valutatori di fornire valutazioni e punteggi separati per gli aspetti chiave dei progetti (quali il carattere innovativo o dimostrativo della proposta, la qualità delle azioni di diffusione previste o la potenziale replicabilità dei risultati), al fine di migliorare la qualità e la trasparenza del processo di selezione e far sì che i progetti selezionati dispongano del potenziale per contribuire al meglio al conseguimento degli obiettivi del programma.
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- The Commission should improve its programme management tools and consider introducing adequate common output and result indicators as well as follow-up information at project level, in order to facilitate an appropriate monitoring of the programme.
- La Commissione dovrebbe migliorare i propri strumenti di gestione progettuale e considerare di introdurre adeguati indicatori di realizzazione (output) e di risultato comuni, nonché monitorare le informazioni a livello di progetto, al fine di facilitare un monitoraggio appropriato del programma.
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To the extent possible, such indicators should be relevant, accepted, credible, easy and robust (“RACER” criteria).
Nella misura del possibile, gli indicatori devono essere pertinenti, accettati, credibili, facili e solidi (criteri
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The Commission should improve its assessment of the reasonableness of claimed personnel costs, particularly for comparable projects, by making better use of information collected during the monitoring phase.
La Commissione dovrebbe migliorare la propria valutazione della ragionevolezza dei costi dichiarati per il personale, in particolare per progetti comparabili, facendo miglior uso delle informazioni raccolte durante la fase di monitoraggio.
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This could then be better used to facilitate the identification of excessive costs.
Ciò potrebbe poi essere meglio usato per facilitare l’individuazione dei costi eccessivi.
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- The Commission should require the monitoring team to include in its assessments a critical analysis of the dissemination, sustainability and replication measures proposed by the beneficiary and of the potential barriers that might hinder them, both in its evaluation reports during the project implementation as well as in its ex-post visit reports.
- La Commissione dovrebbe chiedere all’equipe di monitoraggio di includere nelle proprie valutazioni un’analisi critica delle misure di diffusione, di sostenibilità e di replica proposte dal beneficiario, nonché dei potenziali ostacoli alle stesse, sia nelle proprie relazioni di valutazione durante l’attuazione del progetto che nelle proprie relazioni di controllo in loco ex post.
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- The Commission should consider how to better encourage the dissemination and replication of project results by private beneficiaries who wish to protect their commercial interests.
- La Commissione dovrebbe riflettere su come meglio incentivare la diffusione e la replica dei risultati del progetto da parte dei beneficiari privati che desiderino proteggere i propri interessi commerciali.
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- The Commission should consider how to require the beneficiaries to electronically submit simple and updated information after the project completion (i.e. whether the project remains operational, whether the project is replicated, and if yes, how many times,).
- La Commissione dovrebbe riflettere sulle modalità con le quali chiedere ai beneficiari di fornirle informazioni semplici e aggiornate dopo il completamento del progetto (ossia se il progetto continua ad essere operativo, se il progetto viene replicato e, nel caso affermativo, quante volte, ecc.).
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This would enable the Commission to efficiently improve its ex-post information on programme effectiveness.
Ciò consentirebbe alla Commissione di migliorare in modo efficiente le proprie informazioni ex post sull’efficacia del programma.
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The ECA has previously audited the sustainability and the Commission’s management of the LIFE-Nature projects in Special Report No 11/2009 available at the address indicated below. |
La Corte dei conti europea aveva in precedenza espletato un audit su ?La sostenibilità dei progetti LIFE-Natura e la loro gestione da parte della Commissione” (relazione speciale n. 11/2009, disponibile all' indirizzo sotto indicato. |
LIFE needs design and implementation improvements, say EU Auditors
A report published today by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) calls on the
EU Commission to increase the effectiveness of the LIFE programme by improving
the dissemination and replication of successful environmental projects.
"The dissemination and replication of LIFE projects is clearly insufficient,
and this significantly reduces the programme’s capacity to act as a catalyst for
environmental changes, which is its overarching objective." stated Mr Jan Kinšt,
the ECA Member responsible for the report.
The EU’s environmental policy is integrated across its main spending
policies, such as the structural funds and the common agricultural policy.
LIFE (L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement), and in particular its
environment component, is a specific financial instrument designed to serve as a
platform for developing and exchanging good practices and to catalyse and
accelerate developments of EU environmental policy.
Its effectiveness is therefore strongly determined by whether funded projects
serve as catalysts for environmental change.
LIFE is managed directly by the Commission.
The latest LIFE programme covered the period 2007-2013 and had an average
annual budget of € 239 million for financing projects – less than 1.5 % of
estimated overall environmental related expenditure by the EU –.
The audit found that the lack of a mechanism to target scarce resources on
pre-selected objectives resulted in a lack of critical mass of good projects to
promote meaningful developments in EU environmental policy.
Also, the indicative national allocations hampered the selection of best
projects because projects were not only selected based on their merit but also
on their Member State of origin.
The EU Auditors pointed out that the Commission did not sufficiently justify
the selection of projects and that, even if some supported projects achieved
positive results, the programme did not fulfil its fundamental role to ensure
their effective dissemination and replication.
Notes to the editors:
European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published throughout the
year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU budgetary areas
or management topics.
This special report (SR 15/2013) is entitled "Has the Environment component
of the LIFE programme been effective?". It examined whether its design and
implementation contributed to programme effectiveness.
In auditing projects funded between 2005 and 2010, the EU Auditors visited
the Commission’s relevant services and five Member States from among the largest
beneficiaries of LIFE (Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom),
representing 55 % of the LIFE budget and 15 % of its projects.
The Court found that overall, the LIFE Environment component was not
operating effectively because it was not sufficiently well designed and
Based on its findings, the ECA recommended that:
- In the establishment of the multi-annual work programmes foreseen in the
new LIFE programme, the legislative authorities should enable the Commission and
the Member States to restrict eligible applications to limited strategic
priorities, and to set clear, specific, measurable and achievable objectives for
projects to be funded.
A limited number of priorities fixed for a number of years would streamline
the selection process, concentrate the efforts on specific issues and facilitate
the evaluation of the programme impact.
- The Commission’s proposal for the new LIFE programme ends the national
allocation for traditional projects but keeps a geographical balance for
Integrated projects.
In its application, the Commission should ensure that Integrated projects are
selected based on their merit, and that geographical balance should not breach
the principle of equal opportunities for applicants.
- The Commission should improve the project selection evaluation forms and
require the evaluators to provide separate assessments and scores for major
project aspects (such as innovative or demonstrative character of the proposal,
the quality of the dissemination actions planned, or the potential for the
replication of results), in order to improve the quality and transparency of the
selection process and to ensure that selected projects have the potential to
contribute most towards the achievement of the programme objectives.
- The Commission should improve its programme management tools and consider
introducing adequate common output and result indicators as well as follow-up
information at project level, in order to facilitate an appropriate monitoring
of the programme.
To the extent possible, such indicators should be relevant, accepted,
credible, easy and robust ("RACER" criteria).
The Commission should improve its assessment of the reasonableness of claimed
personnel costs, particularly for comparable projects, by making better use of
information collected during the monitoring phase.
This could then be better used to facilitate the identification of excessive
- The Commission should require the monitoring team to include in its
assessments a critical analysis of the dissemination, sustainability and
replication measures proposed by the beneficiary and of the potential barriers
that might hinder them, both in its evaluation reports during the project
implementation as well as in its ex-post visit reports.
- The Commission should consider how to better encourage the dissemination
and replication of project results by private beneficiaries who wish to protect
their commercial interests.
- The Commission should consider how to require the beneficiaries to
electronically submit simple and updated information after the project
completion (i.e. whether the project remains operational, whether the project is
replicated, and if yes, how many times,).
This would enable the Commission to efficiently improve its ex-post
information on programme effectiveness.
The ECA has previously audited the sustainability and the Commission’s
management of the LIFE-Nature projects in Special Report No 11/2009 available at
the address indicated below.