L’articolo 27 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea relativo al diritto dei lavoratori all’informazione e alla consultazione non è di per sé sufficiente per conferire ai singoli un diritto invocabile al fine di disapplicare una norma nazionale contraria al diritto dell’Unione
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 15-01-2014
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Article 27 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on the right of workers to information and consultation does not by itself suffice to confer on individuals a right which may be invoked in order to disapply a national provision that is contrary to EU law
L’articolo 27 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea relativo al diritto dei lavoratori all’informazione e alla consultazione non è di per sé sufficiente per conferire ai singoli un diritto invocabile al fine di disapplicare una norma nazionale contraria al diritto dell’Unione
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The more specific expression of that right in provisions of EU law or national law does not in any way alter that assessment
La precisazione di tale diritto di informazione e consultazione mediante norme di diritto dell’Unione o di diritto nazionale non modifica affatto la valutazione suddetta
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Article 27 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights governs the right of workers to information and consultation.
L’articolo 27 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea disciplina il diritto dei lavoratori all’informazione e alla consultazione.
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Directive 2002/14 gives that right more specific expression by fixing minimum requirements.
La direttiva 2002/14 precisa tale diritto fissando alcuni requisiti minimi.
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Thus, when an undertaking reaches a certain threshold of employees, staff representatives must be elected or a union representative must be designated and a works council created.
In particolare, a partire da una certa soglia di lavoratori impiegati in un’impresa, devono essere eletti dei delegati del personale ovvero deve essere designato un rappresentante sindacale e creato un comitato d’impresa.
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France implemented that directive by providing inter alia that certain categories of employees (such as apprentices, holders of an employment-initiative contract, etc.) should be excluded from the calculation of the staff numbers of an undertaking.
La Francia ha trasposto tale direttiva prevedendo segnatamente che talune categorie di lavoratori (come gli apprendisti, i titolari di un contratto di inserimento professionale, ecc.) dovevano essere escluse dal calcolo degli effettivi dell’impresa.
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The Association de mediation sociale (AMS) disputes the designation of a union representative within that association on the ground that, having regard to the exclusions provided for by the French legislation, its staff numbers are lower than the minimum threshold laid down in France for the designation of staff representatives.
L’association de médiation sociale (AMS) contesta la designazione di un rappresentante sindacale nel proprio seno per il fatto che, a causa delle esclusioni previste dalla normativa francese, i suoi effettivi non raggiungono la soglia minima prevista in Francia per la designazione dei delegati del personale.
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Mr Laboubi (the designated union representative) and the trade unions submit that the exclusion provided for by French law is not in conformity with EU law.
Il sig. Laboubi (rappresentante sindacale designato) nonché alcune associazioni sindacali fanno valere che l’esclusione prevista dal diritto francese non è conforme al diritto dell’Unione.
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Adjudicating on an appeal brought by AMS, the Cour de Cassation (France) has referred a question to the Court of Justice seeking to ascertain whether Article 27 of the Charter, as given more specific expression in the provisions of Directive 2002/14, can be relied upon in a dispute between individuals in order to preclude the application of the national implementing measure which is contrary to EU law.
A seguito del ricorso sottopostole dall’AMS, la Corte di cassazione francese si rivolge alla Corte di giustizia per sapere se l’articolo 27 della Carta, come precisato dalle disposizioni della direttiva 2002/14, possa essere invocato in una controversia tra privati al fine di disapplicare la norma nazionale di trasposizione contraria al diritto dell’Unione.
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In today’s judgment, the Court confirms that the provisions of Directive 2002/14 prohibit the exclusion of certain categories of employees from the calculation of the staff numbers of an undertaking.
Nella sentenza odierna, la Corte conferma che le disposizioni della direttiva 2002/14 proibiscono di escludere determinate categorie di lavoratori dal calcolo degli effettivi dell’impresa.
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Such an exclusion results in depriving employees of the rights granted under Directive 2002/14 and renders that directive ineffective.
Infatti, un’esclusione siffatta ha come conseguenza di privare i lavoratori dei diritti riconosciuti dalla direttiva 2002/14, togliendo a quest’ultima il suo effetto utile.
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The Court next examines whether Directive 2002/14 can be relied upon by the trade unions to challenge the incorrect implementation of that directive.
La Corte esamina poi se la direttiva 2002/14 possa essere invocata dalle associazioni sindacali al fine di contestare l’inesatta trasposizione che di essa è stata fatta.
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To that end the Court points out that a directive has direct effect whenever the relevant provisions are, so far as concerns their subject-matter, unconditional and sufficiently precise.
A questo fine, la Corte ricorda che una direttiva produce effetto diretto in tutti i casi in cui le disposizioni pertinenti sono, dal punto di vista del loro contenuto, incondizionate e sufficientemente precise.
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The Court notes that this is the case here, since Directive 2002/14 prescribes that the Member States cannot exclude certain categories of employees from the calculation of staff numbers.
La Corte constata che nel caso di specie tale ipotesi si realizza, in quanto la direttiva 2002/14 prescrive che gli Stati membri non possono escludere determinate categorie di lavoratori dal calcolo degli effettivi.
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The Court however observes that the dispute is between private parties so that the trade unions cannot rely on the provisions of Directive 2002/14 as such against AMS and that, furthermore, the national statute cannot be interpreted in conformity with the Directive.
Tuttavia, la Corte rileva che la controversia intercorre tra privati (con la conseguenza che le associazioni sindacali non possono avvalersi delle disposizioni della direttiva 2002/14 in quanto tali nei confronti dell’AMS) e inoltre che la legge nazionale non può essere interpretata in modo conforme alla direttiva.
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Accordingly, the Court goes on to examine whether Article 27 of the Charter, alone or in conjunction with the provisions of Directive 2002/14, can be relied upon in a dispute between individuals in order to conclude that a national provision which is not in conformity with the Directive should be disapplied.
Sulla base di tali premesse, la Corte esamina poi se l’articolo 27 della Carta, da solo o in combinato disposto con le norme della direttiva 2002/14, possa essere invocato in una controversia intercorrente tra privati al fine di concludere che la disposizione nazionale non conforme deve essere disapplicata.
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While Article 27 is applicable in the case at issue, the Court observes that that article must be given more specific expression by provisions of EU law or national law to be fully effective.
Sebbene sia destinato a trovare applicazione nel procedimento di cui trattasi, la Corte rileva che l’articolo 27 della Carta, per poter produrre pienamente i propri effetti, deve essere precisato mediante disposizioni del diritto dell’Unione o del diritto nazionale.
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A prohibition on excluding from the calculation of the staff numbers of an undertaking a particular category of employees cannot be inferred, as a directly applicable rule of law, from the wording of Article 27 of the Charter.
Infatti, il divieto di escludere dal calcolo degli effettivi di un’impresa una determinata categoria di lavoratori non può essere desunto, quale norma giuridica direttamente applicabile, dal tenore letterale dell’articolo 27 della Carta.
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In other words, Article 27 of the Charter does not by itself suffice to confer on individuals a right which they may invoke as such.
In altri termini, l’articolo 27 della Carta non è di per sé sufficiente per conferire ai singoli un diritto invocabile in quanto tale.
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The Court concludes from this that it is necessary to reach the same assessment where that article is considered in conjunction with the provisions of Directive 2002/14.
La Corte ne conclude che la medesima valutazione si impone anche in caso di lettura di tale articolo in combinato disposto con le norme della direttiva 2002/14.
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Lastly, the Court points out that a party injured as a result of domestic law not being in conformity with EU law can obtain, if appropriate, compensation for the loss sustained.
Infine, la Corte ricorda che una parte lesa dalla non conformità del diritto nazionale al diritto dell’Unione può ottenere, se del caso, il risarcimento del danno subìto.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
Article 27 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on the right of workers
to information and consultation does not by itself suffice to confer on
individuals a right which may be invoked in order to disapply a national
provision that is contrary to EU law
The more specific expression of that right in provisions of EU law or
national law does not in any way alter that assessment
Article 27 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights governs the right of
workers to information and consultation.
Directive 2002/14 gives that right more specific expression by fixing minimum
Thus, when an undertaking reaches a certain threshold of employees, staff
representatives must be elected or a union representative must be designated and
a works council created.
France implemented that directive by providing inter alia that certain
categories of employees (such as apprentices, holders of an
employment-initiative contract, etc.) should be excluded from the calculation of
the staff numbers of an undertaking.
The Association de mediation sociale (AMS) disputes the designation of a
union representative within that association on the ground that, having regard
to the exclusions provided for by the French legislation, its staff numbers are
lower than the minimum threshold laid down in France for the designation of
staff representatives.
Mr Laboubi (the designated union representative) and the trade unions submit
that the exclusion provided for by French law is not in conformity with EU law.
Adjudicating on an appeal brought by AMS, the Cour de Cassation (France) has
referred a question to the Court of Justice seeking to ascertain whether Article
27 of the Charter, as given more specific expression in the provisions of
Directive 2002/14, can be relied upon in a dispute between individuals in order
to preclude the application of the national implementing measure which is
contrary to EU law.
In today’s judgment, the Court confirms that the provisions of Directive
2002/14 prohibit the exclusion of certain categories of employees from the
calculation of the staff numbers of an undertaking.
Such an exclusion results in depriving employees of the rights granted under
Directive 2002/14 and renders that directive ineffective.
The Court next examines whether Directive 2002/14 can be relied upon by the
trade unions to challenge the incorrect implementation of that directive.
To that end the Court points out that a directive has direct effect whenever
the relevant provisions are, so far as concerns their subject-matter,
unconditional and sufficiently precise.
The Court notes that this is the case here, since Directive 2002/14
prescribes that the Member States cannot exclude certain categories of employees
from the calculation of staff numbers.
The Court however observes that the dispute is between private parties so
that the trade unions cannot rely on the provisions of Directive 2002/14 as such
against AMS and that, furthermore, the national statute cannot be interpreted in
conformity with the Directive.
Accordingly, the Court goes on to examine whether Article 27 of the Charter,
alone or in conjunction with the provisions of Directive 2002/14, can be relied
upon in a dispute between individuals in order to conclude that a national
provision which is not in conformity with the Directive should be disapplied.
While Article 27 is applicable in the case at issue, the Court observes that
that article must be given more specific expression by provisions of EU law or
national law to be fully effective.
A prohibition on excluding from the calculation of the staff numbers of an
undertaking a particular category of employees cannot be inferred, as a directly
applicable rule of law, from the wording of Article 27 of the Charter.
In other words, Article 27 of the Charter does not by itself suffice to
confer on individuals a right which they may invoke as such.
The Court concludes from this that it is necessary to reach the same
assessment where that article is considered in conjunction with the provisions
of Directive 2002/14.
Lastly, the Court points out that a party injured as a result of domestic law
not being in conformity with EU law can obtain, if appropriate, compensation for
the loss sustained.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.