I periodi di detenzione non possono essere presi in considerazione ai fini dell’acquisizione di un titolo di soggiorno permanente né per la concessione della protezione rafforzata contro l’allontanamento
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 16-01-2014
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Periods in prison cannot be taken into account for the purposes of the acquisition of a permanent residence permit or with a view to the grant of enhanced protection against expulsion
I periodi di detenzione non possono essere presi in considerazione ai fini dell’acquisizione di un titolo di soggiorno permanente né per la concessione della protezione rafforzata contro l’allontanamento
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Similarly, periods of imprisonment, in principle, interrupt the continuity of the requisite periods for granting those advantages
Analogamente, i periodi di detenzione interrompono, in linea di principio, la continuità dei periodi necessari per ottenere tali vantaggi
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The directive on the right of free movement and residence allows EU citizens, without any conditions or any formalities other than the requirement to hold a travel document, to go to and reside in a Member State other than that of which they are nationals for a maximum duration of three months.
La direttiva sul diritto di libera circolazione e di soggiorno consente ai cittadini dell’Unione, senza ulteriori condizioni o formalità a parte il requisito del possesso di un documento di viaggio, di recarsi e soggiornare nel territorio di uno Stato membro diverso da quello di cui hanno la cittadinanza per un periodo massimo di tre mesi.
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Nevertheless, where they pursue an occupational activity or have sufficient resources to meet their needs and have comprehensive sickness insurance (for example as students or pensioners), they may stay in that other Member State for a longer period.
Tuttavia, se esercitano un’attività professionale o dispongono di risorse sufficienti per provvedere alle proprie necessità nonché di un’assicurazione malattia che copra tutti i rischi (ad esempio se sono studenti o pensionati), essi possono rimanere in tale Stato membro diverso per un periodo superiore.
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In such a case, their family members, whether they are EU citizens or not, may also stay with them in that State provided that their presence does not constitute a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State and they are covered by comprehensive sickness insurance.
In tal caso anche i loro familiari, siano essi cittadini dell’Unione o meno, possono restare con loro in tale Stato, a condizione che la loro presenza non costituisca un onere per il sistema di assistenza sociale dello Stato membro ospitante e che dispongano di un’assicurazione malattia che copra tutti i rischi.
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EU citizens who have resided legally for a continuous period of five years in the host Member State acquire the right of permanent residence there.
I cittadini dell’Unione che hanno soggiornato legalmente in via continuativa per un periodo di cinque anni nel territorio dello Stato membro ospitante acquisiscono il diritto di soggiorno permanente in tale territorio.
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That right is not subject to the conditions required to be able to stay in the host Member State for a period of longer than three months (pursuit of an occupational activity, pursuit of studies etc.).
Tale diritto non è soggetto alle condizioni necessarie per rimanere nello Stato membro ospitante per un periodo superiore a tre mesi (esercizio di un’attività professionale, prosecuzione degli studi, ecc.).
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Their family members who are not nationals of a Member State and have legally resided with them in the host Member State for a continuous period of five years also acquire the right of permanent residence.
I familiari di tali cittadini che non hanno la cittadinanza di uno Stato membro e che hanno soggiornato legalmente con loro in via continuativa per un periodo di cinque anni nello Stato membro ospitante acquisiscono anch’essi il diritto di soggiorno permanente.
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In that context, the host Member State may not take an expulsion decision against an EU citizen or his family members, irrespective of nationality, who have acquired the right of permanent residence on its territory, except on serious grounds of public policy or public security.
In tale contesto, lo Stato membro ospitante non può adottare una decisione di allontanamento dal territorio nei confronti di un cittadino dell’Unione o dei suoi familiari, qualunque sia la loro cittadinanza, che abbiano acquisito un diritto di soggiorno permanente nel suo territorio, salvo che sussistano gravi motivi di ordine pubblico o di pubblica sicurezza.
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Similarly, an expulsion decision may not be taken against an EU citizen who has resided in the host Member State for the previous 10 years unless imperative grounds of public security, as defined by that Member State, justify it.
Analogamente, non è possibile adottare una decisione di allontanamento nei confronti di un cittadino dell’Unione che abbia soggiornato nello Stato membro ospitante nei dieci anni precedenti, salvo che tale decisione sia giustificata da ragioni imperative di pubblica sicurezza definite da tale Stato membro.
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Case C-378/12
Causa C-378/12
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By his marriage to an Irish citizen who has exercised her right of freedom of movement and residence in the United Kingdom, Mr Onuekwere, a Nigerian national, obtained a residence permit valid for five years in that Member State.
In virtù di matrimonio con una cittadina irlandese che aveva esercitato il suo diritto di libera circolazione e di soggiorno nel Regno Unito, il sig. Onuekwere, cittadino nigeriano, ha ottenuto un permesso di soggiorno della validità di cinque anni in tale Stato membro.
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During his residence in the UK as a family member of an EU citizen, Mr Onuekwere was sentenced on several occasions by the UK courts for various offences and was imprisoned for a total period of three years and three months.
Durante il soggiorno nel Regno Unito in quanto familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione, il sig. Onuekwere è stato più volte condannato dai giudici britannici per diversi reati e ha trascorso in carcere un periodo complessivo di tre anni e tre mesi.
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Mr Onuekwere subsequently requested a permanent residence card, alleging in particular that, as his wife had acquired the right of permanent residence, he also had to be granted that right.
Successivamente, il sig. Onuekwere ha richiesto una carta di soggiorno permanente, sostenendo che, poiché sua moglie aveva acquisito il diritto di soggiorno permanente, anche a lui doveva essere concesso tale diritto.
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In addition, he claims that the total duration of his residence in the UK (periods in prison included) far exceeds the duration of five years required for the grant of that right.
Egli afferma peraltro che la durata totale del suo soggiorno nel Regno Unito (compresi i periodi di detenzione) supera ampiamente la durata di cinque anni necessaria per il conferimento di tale diritto.
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Moreover, he points out that, even if the periods spent in prison are not counted for that purpose, the sum of the periods not including the stays in prison is greater than five years.
Sottolinea inoltre che, sebbene i periodi trascorsi in carcere non siano computabili a tal fine, la durata totale dei periodi trascorsi fuori dal carcere è superiore a cinque anni.
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His request for a permanent residence card having been dismissed, Mr Onuekwere brought an action before the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), London (United Kingdom).
In seguito al rigetto della sua domanda di carta di soggiorno permanente, il sig. Onuekwere ha adito l’Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), London (Regno Unito).
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That tribunal is asking the Court of Justice whether periods in prison and periods of a duration of less than five years which precede and follow the imprisonment of an applicant may be taken into account for the purposes of the acquisition of a permanent residence permit.
Tale giudice chiede alla Corte di giustizia se i periodi di detenzione e i periodi di durata inferiore a cinque anni precedenti e successivi alla detenzione di un richiedente possano essere presi in considerazione ai fini dell’acquisizione di un titolo di soggiorno permanente.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court states, first, that a third-country national, who is a family member of a Union citizen who has exercised his right of free movement and residence, may only count the periods which he has spent with that citizen for the purposes of the acquisition of a right of permanent residence.
Nell’odierna sentenza la Corte ricorda in primo luogo che un cittadino di un paese terzo, familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione che ha esercitato il suo diritto di libera circolazione e di soggiorno, può computare, ai fini dell’acquisizione di un diritto di soggiorno permanente, soltanto i periodi trascorsi assieme a tale cittadino.
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As a consequence, the periods during which he has not resided with that citizen because of his imprisonment in the host Member State may not be taken into account for that purpose.
Di conseguenza, i periodi durante i quali egli non ha soggiornato assieme a tale cittadino a causa della sua detenzione nello Stato membro ospitante non possono essere presi in considerazione a tal fine.
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Furthermore, the Court states that the EU legislature made the acquisition of the right of permanent residence subject to the integration of the person concerned in the host Member State.
La Corte constata peraltro che il legislatore dell’Unione ha fatto dipendere l’ottenimento del diritto di soggiorno permanente dall’integrazione dell’interessato nello Stato membro ospitante.
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Such integration is based not only on territorial and temporal factors but also on qualitative elements, relating to the level of integration in the host Member State.
Orbene, tale integrazione è basata non soltanto su elementi spaziali e temporali, ma anche su elementi qualitativi relativi al grado di integrazione nello Stato membro ospitante.
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In that regard, the Court points out that the imposition of a prison sentence by the national court is such as to show the non-compliance by the person concerned with the values expressed by the society of the host Member State in its criminal law.
Il fatto che il giudice nazionale abbia inflitto una pena detentiva senza sospensione dimostra il mancato rispetto, da parte dell’interessato, dei valori espressi dalla società dello Stato membro ospitante nel diritto penale di quest’ultimo.
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Accordingly, the taking into consideration of periods of imprisonment for the purposes of the acquisition of the right of permanent residence would clearly be contrary to the aim pursued by the directive in establishing that right of residence.
Pertanto, prendere in considerazione i periodi di detenzione ai fini dell’acquisizione del diritto di soggiorno permanente sarebbe manifestamente in contrasto con l’obiettivo perseguito dalla direttiva con la creazione di tale diritto di soggiorno.
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Finally, for the same reasons, the Court finds that the continuity of residence of five years is interrupted by periods of imprisonment in the host Member State.
Infine, per le stesse ragioni, la Corte dichiara che la continuità del soggiorno di cinque anni è interrotta dai periodi di detenzione nello Stato membro ospitante.
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As a consequence, the periods which precede and follow the periods of imprisonment may not be added up to reach the minimum period of five years required for the acquisition of a permanent residence permit.
Di conseguenza, i periodi precedenti e successivi ai periodi di detenzione non possono essere sommati per raggiungere il periodo minimo di cinque anni necessario per ottenere un titolo di soggiorno permanente.
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Case C-400/12
Causa C-400/12
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Ms G., a Portuguese national, has resided in the UK since 1998, acquiring a right of permanent residence in 2003.
La sig. G. è una cittadina portoghese che soggiorna dal 1998 nel Regno Unito, dove ha acquisito il diritto di soggiorno permanente nel 2003.
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In 2009, she was sentenced by the UK courts to 21 months’ imprisonment for having abused one of her children.
Nel 2009 è stata condannata dai giudici britannici a 21 mesi di carcere per maltrattamenti nei confronti di uno dei figli.
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Furthermore, while she was still in prison, the United Kingdom authorities ordered that she be deported from the UK on grounds of public policy and public security.
Inoltre, nel periodo in cui si trovava in carcere, le autorità britanniche hanno disposto la sua espulsione dal territorio del Regno Unito per ragioni di ordine pubblico e di pubblica sicurezza.
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Ms G. contested the expulsion order before the UK courts, contending in particular that, having resided in the UK for more than 10 years, she had to benefit from the highest level of protection which EU law reserves to EU citizens as regards expulsion.
La sig. G.ha impugnato la decisione di espulsione dinanzi ai giudici britannici, sostenendo che, avendo soggiornato per più di dieci anni nel Regno Unito, doveva beneficiare del livello di protezione più elevato che il diritto dell’Unione riserva ai cittadini europei in materia di allontanamento.
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The Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), London, before which the dispute has been brought, is asking the Court whether, despite her imprisonment, Ms G. may benefit from that enhanced protection against expulsion.
L’Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), London, chiamato a dirimere la controversia, chiede alla Corte se, nonostante la detenzione, la sig. G. possa beneficiare di tale protezione rafforzata contro l’allontanamento.
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In its judgment, the Court states, first, that, unlike the requisite period for acquiring a right of permanent residence, which begins when the person concerned commences lawful residence in the host Member State, the 10-year period of residence necessary for the grant of the enhanced protection against expulsion must be calculated by counting back from the date of the decision ordering that person’s expulsion.
Nella sua sentenza odierna, la Corte constata in primo luogo che, contrariamente al periodo richiesto per l’acquisizione del diritto di soggiorno permanente, che inizia con il soggiorno legale della persona interessata nello Stato membro ospitante, il periodo di soggiorno di dieci anni richiesto per la concessione della protezione rafforzata contro l’allontanamento dev’essere calcolato a ritroso, a partire dalla data della decisione di allontanamento di tale persona.
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Furthermore, the Court points out that that period of residence must, in principle, be continuous.
La Corte rileva inoltre che tale periodo di soggiorno dev’essere, in linea di principio, continuativo.
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Secondly, as regards the link between the integration of a person in the society of the host Member State and his imprisonment, the Court finds that, for the same reasons as those put forward in the judgment delivered in Case C-378/12, periods of imprisonment cannot be taken into consideration for the purposes of the calculation of the 10-year period of residence.
In secondo luogo, per quanto concerne il rapporto tra l’integrazione di una persona nella società dello Stato membro ospitante e la sua detenzione, la Corte dichiara che, per le stesse ragioni avanzate nella sentenza C-378/12, i periodi di detenzione non possono essere presi in considerazione ai fini del calcolo del periodo di soggiorno di dieci anni.
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Finally, the Court states that periods in prison, in principle, interrupt the continuity of the period of residence necessary for the grant of the enhanced protection.
Infine, la Corte constata che i periodi di detenzione interrompono, di massima, la continuità del soggiorno necessaria per la concessione della protezione rafforzata.
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Nevertheless, the Court points out that, in order to determine the extent to which the non-continuous nature of the period of residence prevents the person concerned from enjoying enhanced protection, an overall assessment must be made of his situation.
La Corte ricorda tuttavia che, al fine di stabilire entro quali limiti la discontinuità del soggiorno impedisca all’interessato di beneficiare della protezione rafforzata, occorre procedere ad una valutazione complessiva della sua situazione.
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As part of that overall assessment required for determining whether the integrating links between the person concerned and the host Member State have been broken, the national authorities may take into account the relevant considerations of his imprisonment.
In occasione di tale valutazione complessiva, richiesta per stabilire se i legami d’integrazione tra l’interessato e lo Stato membro ospitante siano stati interrotti, le autorità nazionali possono tenere conto degli aspetti pertinenti della sua detenzione.
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Similarly, in the context of that overall assessment, the national authorities may take into consideration the fact that the person concerned, such as Ms G., has resided in the host Member State during the 10 years prior to imprisonment.
Allo stesso modo, nell’ambito di tale valutazione complessiva, le autorità nazionali possono prendere in considerazione la circostanza che la persona interessata, come la sig. G., abbia soggiornato nello Stato membro ospitante durante i dieci anni precedenti la sua detenzione.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
Periods in prison cannot be taken into account for the purposes of the
acquisition of a permanent residence permit or with a view to the grant of
enhanced protection against expulsion
Similarly, periods of imprisonment, in principle, interrupt the
continuity of the requisite periods for granting those advantages
The directive on the right of free movement and residence1 allows EU
citizens, without any conditions or any formalities other than the requirement
to hold a travel document, to go to and reside in a Member State other than that
of which they are nationals for a maximum duration of three months.
Nevertheless, where they pursue an occupational activity or have sufficient
resources to meet their needs and have comprehensive sickness insurance (for
example as students or pensioners), they may stay in that other Member State for
a longer period.
In such a case, their family members, whether they are EU citizens or not,
may also stay with them in that State provided that their presence does not
constitute a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State and
they are covered by comprehensive sickness insurance.
EU citizens who have resided legally for a continuous period of five years in
the host Member State acquire the right of permanent residence there.
That right is not subject to the conditions required to be able to stay in
the host Member State for a period of longer than three months (pursuit of an
occupational activity, pursuit of studies etc.).
Their family members who are not nationals of a Member State and have legally
resided with them in the host Member State for a continuous period of five years
also acquire the right of permanent residence.
In that context, the host Member State may not take an expulsion decision
against an EU citizen or his family members, irrespective of nationality, who
have acquired the right of permanent residence on its territory, except on
serious grounds of public policy or public security.
Similarly, an expulsion decision may not be taken against an EU citizen who
has resided in the host Member State for the previous 10 years unless imperative
grounds of public security, as defined by that Member State, justify it.
Case C-378/12
By his marriage to an Irish citizen who has exercised her right of freedom of
movement and residence in the United Kingdom, Mr Onuekwere, a Nigerian national,
obtained a residence permit valid for five years in that Member State.
During his residence in the UK as a family member of an EU citizen, Mr
Onuekwere was sentenced on several occasions by the UK courts for various
offences and was imprisoned for a total period of three years and three months.
Mr Onuekwere subsequently requested a permanent residence card, alleging in
particular that, as his wife had acquired the right of permanent residence, he
also had to be granted that right.
In addition, he claims that the total duration of his residence in the UK
(periods in prison included) far exceeds the duration of five years required for
the grant of that right.
Moreover, he points out that, even if the periods spent in prison are not
counted for that purpose, the sum of the periods not including the stays in
prison is greater than five years.
His request for a permanent residence card having been dismissed, Mr
Onuekwere brought an action before the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum
Chamber), London (United Kingdom).
That tribunal is asking the Court of Justice whether periods in prison and
periods of a duration of less than five years which precede and follow the
imprisonment of an applicant may be taken into account for the purposes of the
acquisition of a permanent residence permit.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court states, first, that a
third-country national, who is a family member of a Union citizen who has
exercised his right of free movement and residence, may only count the periods
which he has spent with that citizen for the purposes of the acquisition of a
right of permanent residence.
As a consequence, the periods during which he has not resided with that
citizen because of his imprisonment in the host Member State may not be taken
into account for that purpose.
Furthermore, the Court states that the EU legislature made the acquisition of
the right of permanent residence subject to the integration of the person
concerned in the host Member State.
Such integration is based not only on territorial and temporal factors but
also on qualitative elements, relating to the level of integration in the host
Member State.
In that regard, the Court points out that the imposition of a prison sentence
by the national court is such as to show the non-compliance by the person
concerned with the values expressed by the society of the host Member State in
its criminal law.
Accordingly, the taking into consideration of periods of imprisonment for the
purposes of the acquisition of the right of permanent residence would clearly be
contrary to the aim pursued by the directive in establishing that right of
Finally, for the same reasons, the Court finds that the continuity of
residence of five years is interrupted by periods of imprisonment in the host
Member State.
As a consequence, the periods which precede and follow the periods of
imprisonment may not be added up to reach the minimum period of five years
required for the acquisition of a permanent residence permit.
Case C-400/12
Ms G., a Portuguese national, has resided in the UK since 1998, acquiring a
right of permanent residence in 2003.
In 2009, she was sentenced by the UK courts to 21 months’ imprisonment for
having abused one of her children.
Furthermore, while she was still in prison, the United Kingdom authorities
ordered that she be deported from the UK on grounds of public policy and public
Ms G. contested the expulsion order before the UK courts, contending in
particular that, having resided in the UK for more than 10 years, she had to
benefit from the highest level of protection which EU law reserves to EU
citizens as regards expulsion.
The Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), London, before which the
dispute has been brought, is asking the Court whether, despite her imprisonment,
Ms G. may benefit from that enhanced protection against expulsion.
In its judgment, the Court states, first, that, unlike the requisite period
for acquiring a right of permanent residence, which begins when the person
concerned commences lawful residence in the host Member State, the 10-year
period of residence necessary for the grant of the enhanced protection against
expulsion must be calculated by counting back from the date of the decision
ordering that person’s expulsion.
Furthermore, the Court points out that that period of residence must, in
principle, be continuous.
Secondly, as regards the link between the integration of a person in the
society of the host Member State and his imprisonment, the Court finds that, for
the same reasons as those put forward in the judgment delivered in Case
C-378/12, periods of imprisonment cannot be taken into consideration for the
purposes of the calculation of the 10-year period of residence.
Finally, the Court states that periods in prison, in principle, interrupt the
continuity of the period of residence necessary for the grant of the enhanced
Nevertheless, the Court points out that, in order to determine the extent to
which the non-continuous nature of the period of residence prevents the person
concerned from enjoying enhanced protection, an overall assessment must be made
of his situation.
As part of that overall assessment required for determining whether the
integrating links between the person concerned and the host Member State have
been broken, the national authorities may take into account the relevant
considerations of his imprisonment.
Similarly, in the context of that overall assessment, the national
authorities may take into consideration the fact that the person concerned, such
as Ms G., has resided in the host Member State during the 10 years prior to
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.