Passo avanti nei finanziamenti alla ricerca: L’UE assegna 575 milioni di euro a ricercatori che si trovano a metà carriera
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Data documento: 14-01-2014
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Taking the next step: EU awards €575 million to mid-career researchers
Passo avanti nei finanziamenti alla ricerca: L’UE assegna 575 milioni di euro a ricercatori che si trovano a metà carriera
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The European Research Council (ERC) has today selected 312 top scientists in its first Consolidator Grant competition.
Oggi il Consiglio europeo della ricerca (CER) ha selezionato 312 scienziati di punta con il primo concorso per borse di studio di consolidamento (Consolidator Grant).
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This new funding will enable the researchers to consolidate their own teams and to further develop their best ideas.
Questo nuovo finanziamento consentirà ai ricercatori di consolidare le proprie squadre e di sviluppare ulteriormente le idee migliori.
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Projects selected include:
Tra i progetti selezionati:
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using a geochemical clock to predict volcanic eruptions, exploring the effects of Dark Matter and Dark Energy on gravitational theory, checking responsibility, liability and risk in situations where tasks are delegated to intelligent systems, and investigating the role of genetic and environmental factors in embryo brain wiring.
prevedere le eruzioni vulcaniche grazie ad un orologio geochimico, analizzare gli effetti della materia oscura e dell’energia oscura sulla teoria gravitazionale, verificare la responsabilità attiva e passiva e i rischi in situazioni in cui l’azione è delegata a sistemi intelligenti, esplorare il ruolo dei fattori genetici e ambientali nei circuiti cerebrali a livello embrionale.
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Total funding in this round is €575 million, with an average awarded grant of €1.84 million, up to a maximum of €2.75 million (more information here).
L’importo totale del finanziamento per questo ciclo è di 575 milioni di euro, con una media per borsa di studio pari a 1,84 milioni di euro fino ad un massimo di 2,75 milioni di euro (ulteriori informazioni qui).
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European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissaria europea per la ricerca, l’innovazione e la scienza, ha dichiarato:
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"These researchers are doing ground-breaking work that will advance our knowledge and make a difference to society.
“Questi ricercatori percorrono strade innovative che faranno avanzare la conoscenza e apporteranno un contributo concreto nella società.
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The ERC is supporting them at a key moment where funding is often hard to come by: when they need to move forward in their career and develop their own research and teams."
Il CER offre loro assistenza in una fase cruciale, in cui è spesso difficile reperire finanziamenti: quando hanno bisogno di spingersi avanti nella carriera sviluppando la loro propria ricerca con la loro squadra.”
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The ERC calls target top researchers of any nationality based in, or willing to move to, Europe.
I concorsi del CER si rivolgono a ricercatori di punta di qualunque nazionalità, purché siano stabiliti o disposti a stabilirsi in Europa.
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In this call, grants are awarded to researchers of 33 different nationalities, hosted in institutions located in 21 different countries throughout Europe, with 9 of them hosting five grantees or more.
Nel bando in questione, le borse sono assegnate a ricercatori di 33 diverse nazionalità, ospitati in istituti situati in 21 diversi paesi d’Europa, 9 dei quali ospitano cinque o più borsisti.
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In terms of host institutions, the UK (62 grants), Germany (43) and France (42) are in the lead.
In termini di istituti ospitanti, il Regno Unito (62), la Germania (43) e la Francia (42) sono i paesi ai primi posti.
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There are also researchers hosted at institutions in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Israel, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Turkey, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Norway.
Vi sono anche ricercatori ospitati presso istituti nei Paesi Bassi, in Svizzera, Spagna, Italia, Israele, Belgio, Svezia, Austria, Danimarca, Finlandia, Portogallo, Grecia, Ungheria, Irlanda, Turchia, Cipro, Repubblica ceca e Norvegia.
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In terms of researchers' nationality Germans (48 grants) and Italians (46) are at the top, followed by French (33), British (31) and Dutch (27) researchers. (see statistics here)
In termini di nazionalità dei ricercatori, tedeschi (48 borse di studio) e italiani (46) sono i più numerosi, seguiti da francesi (33), britannici (31) e olandesi (27). (vedi statistiche qui)
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Over 3600 proposals were submitted to this first separate ERC Consolidator Grant competition.
A questo primo concorso per borse di studio di consolidamento del CER sono state presentate oltre 3600 proposte.
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The share of women amongst the successful candidates in this call (24%) increased in comparison with the equivalent mid-career group in the 2012 Starting Grant call (22.5%).
La quota di donne tra i candidati idonei in questo concorso (24%) è aumentata rispetto all’equivalente gruppo di ricercatrici a metà carriera nel concorso per borse di studio di avviamento del 2012 (22,5%).
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The average age of the selected researchers is 39.
L’età media dei ricercatori selezionati è 39 anni.
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Around 45% of the grantees selected are in the domain 'Physical Sciences and Engineering', 37% in 'Life Sciences' and almost 19% in 'Social Sciences and Humanities'.
Il 45% dei borsisti è stato selezionato nel settore “fisica e ingegneria”, il 37% in quello delle “scienze della vita” e il 19% in quello delle “scienze sociali e umane”.
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The grantees were selected through peer review evaluation by 25 panels composed of renowned scientists from around the world.
I borsisti sono stati scelti attraverso una valutazione tra pari effettuata da 25 commissioni composte da scienziati di chiara fama provenienti da tutto il mondo.
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Due to increasing submission numbers, since 2013 the ERC Starting Grant scheme has been split in two:
A causa del crescente numero di domande, dal 2013 il sistema borse di studio del CER è stato diviso in due:
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the ERC Starting Grant, targeted at researchers with at least 2 and up to 7 years' experience after their PhD;
le borse di avviamento, destinate a ricercatori con almeno 2 anni e fino a 7 anni di esperienza dopo il conseguimento del dottorato di ricerca (PhD)
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and the new ERC Consolidator Grant for researchers with over 7 and up to 12 years' experience after their PhD.
e le nuove borse di consolidamento, destinate a ricercatori con più di 7 e fino a 12 anni di esperienza dopo il PhD.
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The previous Starting Grant call (2012) had two sub-streams ("starters" and "consolidators"), which corresponded to the current division.
Il precedente bando per borse di avviamento (2012) aveva due sottocategorie (“avviamento” e “consolidamento”), che corrispondevano all’attuale suddivisione.
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The demand for the Consolidator Grants rose by 46% this year, compared to the corresponding group of applicants in 2012.
Quest’anno le domande per borse di consolidamento sono aumentate del 46% rispetto al corrispondente gruppo di richiedenti nel 2012.
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The ERC Consolidator Grant in brief:
La borsa di studio di consolidamento del CER si riassume nei seguenti termini:
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- For top researchers of any nationality and age, with over 7 and up to 12 years' experience after PhD, and a scientific track record showing great promise.
- Destinata ai migliori ricercatori di qualsiasi paese ed età, che hanno maturato più di 7 e fino a 12 anni di esperienza dopo il dottorato di ricerca (PhD) e vantano un percorso scientifico particolarmente promettente.
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- Based on a simple approach: 1 researcher, 1 host institution, 1 project, 1 selection criterion: excellence
L’approccio di base è semplice: 1 ricercatore, 1 istituto ospitante, 1 progetto, 1 criterio di selezione: l’eccellenza.
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- Host institution should be based in the European Research Area (EU Member States plus countries associated with the EU research programme). No consortia. No co-funding is required.
L’istituto ospitante deve essere stabilito nello spazio europeo della ricerca (Stati membri UE + paesi associati al programma di ricerca dell’UE). Non sono previsti consorzi. Non sono necessari cofinanziamenti.
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- Funding: up to €2.75 million per grant for up to 5 years
Finanziamento: fino a 2,75 milioni di euro per borsa di studio fino a 5 anni.
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- Calls for proposals: published annually.
Bandi di gara: pubblicati annualmente.
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See updated information on the upcoming calls here
Vedi informazioni aggiornate sui futuri bandi previsti qui
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The grants in this latest competition will allow the scientists selected to build their own research teams, engaging in total an estimated 1100 postdocs and PhD students as ERC team members.
Le borse concesse nell’ambito di quest’ultimo concorso permetteranno agli scienziati selezionati di formare la propria squadra di ricerca. Secondo le stime in queste squadre finanziate dal CER saranno coinvolti in totale 1100 studenti di post-dottorato e dottorato.
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The ERC grant schemes target top researchers of any nationality, based in, or willing to move to, Europe.
I sistemi di borse di studio del CER sono destinati ai ricercatori migliori, di qualunque nazionalità, purché siano stabiliti o disposti a stabilirsi in Europa.
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Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first pan-European funding organisation for excellent frontier research.
Istituito nel 2007 dall’UE, il Consiglio europeo della ricerca è la prima organizzazione paneuropea che finanzia l’eccellenza nella ricerca d’avanguardia.
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From 2007 to 2013, under the seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7), the ERC's budget was €7.5 billion.
Dal 2007 al 2013, nell’ambito del settimo programma quadro di ricerca dell’UE, il bilancio del CER è stato di 7,5 miliardi di euro.
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Under the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020), Horizon 2020, the ERC has a substantially increased budget of over €13 billion. |
Nell’ambito del nuovo programma quadro per la ricerca e l’innovazione (2014-2020), “Orizzonte 2020”, il CER dispone di una dotazione notevolmente incrementata di oltre 13 miliardi di euro. |
Taking the next step: EU awards €575 million to mid-career researchers
The European Research Council (ERC) has today selected 312 top scientists in
its first Consolidator Grant competition.
This new funding will enable the researchers to consolidate their own teams
and to further develop their best ideas.
Projects selected include:
using a geochemical clock to predict volcanic eruptions, exploring the
effects of Dark Matter and Dark Energy on gravitational theory, checking
responsibility, liability and risk in situations where tasks are delegated to
intelligent systems, and investigating the role of genetic and environmental
factors in embryo brain wiring.
Total funding in this round is €575 million, with an average awarded grant of
€1.84 million, up to a maximum of €2.75 million (more information here).
European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire
Geoghegan-Quinn said:
"These researchers are doing ground-breaking work that will advance our
knowledge and make a difference to society.
The ERC is supporting them at a key moment where funding is often hard to
come by: when they need to move forward in their career and develop their own
research and teams."
The ERC calls target top researchers of any nationality based in, or willing
to move to, Europe.
In this call, grants are awarded to researchers of 33 different
nationalities, hosted in institutions located in 21 different countries
throughout Europe, with 9 of them hosting five grantees or more.
In terms of host institutions, the UK (62 grants), Germany (43) and France
(42) are in the lead.
There are also researchers hosted at institutions in the Netherlands,
Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Israel, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Finland,
Portugal, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Turkey, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and
In terms of researchers' nationality Germans (48 grants) and Italians (46)
are at the top, followed by French (33), British (31) and Dutch (27)
researchers. (see statistics here)
Over 3600 proposals were submitted to this first separate ERC Consolidator
Grant competition.
The share of women amongst the successful candidates in this call (24%)
increased in comparison with the equivalent mid-career group in the 2012
Starting Grant call (22.5%).
The average age of the selected researchers is 39.
Around 45% of the grantees selected are in the domain 'Physical Sciences and
Engineering', 37% in 'Life Sciences' and almost 19% in 'Social Sciences and
The grantees were selected through peer review evaluation by 25 panels
composed of renowned scientists from around the world.
Due to increasing submission numbers, since 2013 the ERC Starting Grant
scheme has been split in two:
the ERC Starting Grant, targeted at researchers with at least 2 and up to 7
years' experience after their PhD;
and the new ERC Consolidator Grant for researchers with over 7 and up to 12
years' experience after their PhD.
The previous Starting Grant call (2012) had two sub-streams ("starters" and
"consolidators"), which corresponded to the current division.
The demand for the Consolidator Grants rose by 46% this year, compared to the
corresponding group of applicants in 2012.
The ERC Consolidator Grant in brief:
- For top researchers of any nationality and age, with over 7 and up to 12
years' experience after PhD, and a scientific track record showing great
- Based on a simple approach: 1 researcher, 1 host institution, 1 project, 1
selection criterion: excellence
- Host institution should be based in the European Research Area (EU Member
States plus countries associated with the EU research programme). No consortia.
No co-funding is required.
- Funding: up to €2.75 million per grant for up to 5 years
- Calls for proposals: published annually.
See updated information on the upcoming calls here
The grants in this latest competition will allow the scientists selected to
build their own research teams, engaging in total an estimated 1100 postdocs and
PhD students as ERC team members.
The ERC grant schemes target top researchers of any nationality, based in, or
willing to move to, Europe.
Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first
pan-European funding organisation for excellent frontier research.
From 2007 to 2013, under the seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7),
the ERC's budget was €7.5 billion.
Under the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020),
Horizon 2020, the ERC has a substantially increased budget of over €13 billion.