Fondi strutturali e d'investimento: la Commissione rafforza il ruolo dei partner nella pianificazione e nella spesa
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Data documento: 07-01-2014
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Structural and investment funds: Commission boosts partners' role in planning and spending
Fondi strutturali e d'investimento: la Commissione rafforza il ruolo dei partner nella pianificazione e nella spesa
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A common set of standards to improve consultation, participation and dialogue with partners such as regional, local, urban and other public authorities, trade unions, employers, non-governmental organisations and bodies responsible for promoting social inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination during the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) has been adopted today by the European Commission.
La Commissione europea ha adottato oggi una serie comune di norme destinate a migliorare la consultazione, la partecipazione e il dialogo con i partner (autorità regionali, locali, cittadine e altre autorità pubbliche, sindacati, datori di lavoro, organizzazioni non governative e organismi di promozione dell'inclusione sociale, della parità di genere e della non discriminazione) nelle fasi di pianificazione, attuazione, sorveglianza e valutazione dei progetti finanziati dai Fondi strutturali e d'investimento europei (Fondi ESI).
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These Funds comprise the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
Tali Fondi comprendono il Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR), il Fondo sociale europeo (FSE), il Fondo di coesione (FC), il Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale (FEASR) e il Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca (FEAMP).
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This European Code of Conduct on the Partnership Principle requires Member States to strengthen cooperation between their authorities responsible for spending EU structural and investment funds and project partners so as to facilitate the sharing of information, experience, results and good practices in the 2014-20 programming period, and so help to ensure that this money is spent effectively.
In base a questo codice europeo di condotta sul principio del partenariato gli Stati membri sono tenuti a rafforzare la cooperazione tra le rispettive autorità responsabili per la spesa dei Fondi strutturali e d'investimento dell'UE e i partner dei progetti al fine di agevolare lo scambio di informazioni, esperienze, risultati e buone pratiche nel periodo di programmazione 2014-2020 e contribuire così a garantire che il denaro sia speso in modo efficace.
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"We want to ensure that Member States work in constructive partnerships with representative stakeholders in the planning and implementation of programmes using European Structural and Investment Funds so as to maximise the impact of this money", said Commissioner Andor.
"Vogliamo garantire che gli Stati membri collaborino in partenariati costruttivi con le parti interessate rappresentative per pianificare e attuare i programmi finanziati dai Fondi strutturali e d'investimento europei in modo da massimizzare l'impatto di questo denaro", ha detto il Commissario Andor.
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The Code of Conduct, which takes the form of a legally-binding Commission Regulation, sets out objectives and criteria to ensure that Member States implement the partnership principle.
Il codice di condotta, che assume la forma di un regolamento della Commissione giuridicamente vincolante, fissa gli obiettivi e i criteri per garantire che gli Stati membri applichino il principio del partenariato.
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This means that Member States are required to:
Ciò significa che gli Stati membri sono tenuti a:
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- ensure transparency in the selection of partners representing regional, local and other public authorities, social and economic partners and bodies representing the civil society, to be appointed as full members in the monitoring committees of the programmes.
- garantire la trasparenza nella selezione dei partner (autorità regionali, locali e altre autorità pubbliche, parti economiche e sociali e organismi che rappresentano la società civile) che vengono nominati membri a pieno titolo dei comitati di sorveglianza dei programmi;
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- provide partners with adequate information and sufficient time as a prerequisite for a proper consultation process
- fornire ai partner informazioni adeguate e tempi sufficienti come condizione indispensabile per garantire un corretto processo di consultazione;
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- ensure that partners must be effectively involved in all phases of the process, i.e. from the preparation and throughout the implementation, including monitoring and evaluation, of all programmes
- assicurare che i partner partecipino efficacemente a tutte le fasi del processo, ossia a partire dalla preparazione e per l'intera l'attuazione, comprese la sorveglianza e la valutazione, di tutti i programmi;
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- support the capacity building of the partners for improving their competences and skills in view of their active involvement in the process and
- sostenere il rafforzamento delle capacità dei partner al fine di migliorarne le competenze e le abilità in vista della loro partecipazione attiva al processo, e
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- create platforms for mutual learning and exchange of good practice and innovative approaches.
- creare piattaforme per l'apprendimento reciproco e lo scambio di buone pratiche e di approcci innovativi.
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The Regulation establishes the principles Member States must apply but leaves ample flexibility to Member States to organise the precise practical details for involving relevant partners in the different stages of the programming.
Il regolamento stabilisce i principi che gli Stati membri devono applicare, ma lascia loro un ampio margine di flessibilità per organizzare le precise modalità pratiche della partecipazione dei partner alle varie fasi della programmazione.
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Partnership, one of the key principles of the management of European Union funds, implies close cooperation between public authorities at national, regional and local levels in the Member States and with the private sector and other interested parties.
Il partenariato, uno dei principi chiave della gestione dei fondi dell'Unione europea, implica una stretta cooperazione tra le autorità pubbliche a livello nazionale, regionale e locale negli Stati membri, il settore privato e altre parti interessate.
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Until now, despite being an integral part of Cohesion Policy, feedback from stakeholders indicates that its implementation has varied greatly between different Member States, depending largely on whether the institutional and political culture in a Member State was already conducive to consultation, participation and dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
Fino ad ora, benché tale principio sia parte integrante della politica di coesione, le osservazioni pervenute dalle parti interessate indicano che la sua attuazione è avvenuta in modo assai diverso da uno Stato membro all'altro, soprattutto a seconda che la cultura istituzionale e politica di uno Stato membro fosse o meno già favorevole alla consultazione, alla partecipazione e al dialogo con le parti interessate.
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The new rules, in the form of a legally binding and directly applicable Commission Regulation (a so-called 'Delegated Act'), therefore strengthen the partnership requirement in Article 5 of the Common Provisions Regulation for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) for the period 2014-2020.
Le nuove norme, sotto forma di un regolamento della Commissione giuridicamente vincolante e direttamente applicabile (un cosiddetto "atto delegato"), rafforzano quindi il requisito di partenariato di cui all'articolo 5 del regolamento recante disposizioni comuni sul Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR), sul Fondo sociale europeo (FSE), sul Fondo di coesione (FC), sul Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale (FEASR) e sul Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca (FEAMP) per il periodo 2014-2020.
Structural and investment funds: Commission boosts partners' role in
planning and spending
A common set of standards to improve consultation, participation and dialogue
with partners such as regional, local, urban and other public authorities, trade
unions, employers, non-governmental organisations and bodies responsible for
promoting social inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination during the
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects financed by the
European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) has been adopted today by the
European Commission.
These Funds comprise the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the
European Social Fund (ESF), the Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Agricultural
Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
This European Code of Conduct on the Partnership Principle requires Member
States to strengthen cooperation between their authorities responsible for
spending EU structural and investment funds and project partners so as to
facilitate the sharing of information, experience, results and good practices in
the 2014-20 programming period, and so help to ensure that this money is spent
"We want to ensure that Member States work in constructive partnerships with
representative stakeholders in the planning and implementation of programmes
using European Structural and Investment Funds so as to maximise the impact of
this money", said Commissioner Andor.
The Code of Conduct, which takes the form of a legally-binding Commission
Regulation, sets out objectives and criteria to ensure that Member States
implement the partnership principle.
This means that Member States are required to:
- ensure transparency in the selection of partners representing regional,
local and other public authorities, social and economic partners and bodies
representing the civil society, to be appointed as full members in the
monitoring committees of the programmes.
- provide partners with adequate information and sufficient time as a
prerequisite for a proper consultation process
- ensure that partners must be effectively involved in all phases of the
process, i.e. from the preparation and throughout the implementation, including
monitoring and evaluation, of all programmes
- support the capacity building of the partners for improving their
competences and skills in view of their active involvement in the process and
- create platforms for mutual learning and exchange of good practice and
innovative approaches.
The Regulation establishes the principles Member States must apply but leaves
ample flexibility to Member States to organise the precise practical details for
involving relevant partners in the different stages of the programming.
Partnership, one of the key principles of the management of European Union
funds, implies close cooperation between public authorities at national,
regional and local levels in the Member States and with the private sector and
other interested parties.
Until now, despite being an integral part of Cohesion Policy, feedback from
stakeholders indicates that its implementation has varied greatly between
different Member States, depending largely on whether the institutional and
political culture in a Member State was already conducive to consultation,
participation and dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
The new rules, in the form of a legally binding and directly applicable
Commission Regulation (a so-called 'Delegated Act'), therefore strengthen the
partnership requirement in Article 5 of the Common Provisions Regulation for the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the
Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) for the period 2014-2020.