Eurobarometro dell’autunno 2013: Aumenta la fiducia nella ripresa economica
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Data documento: 20-12-2013
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Autumn 2013 Eurobarometer: Growing Belief in Economic Recovery
Eurobarometro dell’autunno 2013: Aumenta la fiducia nella ripresa economica
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According to the latest Eurobarometer survey results published today, Europeans are becoming slightly more optimistic about the economic situation in Europe.
Secondo i risultati dell’ultima indagine di Eurobarometro pubblicati oggi, in Europa si sta diffondendo un cauto ottimismo sulle prospettive della situazione economica della UE.
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Over half of Europeans (51%) say that they are optimistic about the EU's future (up from 49% in the Spring 2013 Eurobarometer, see Annex).
Oltre la metà dei cittadini europei (51%) si dichiara ottimista riguardo al futuro della UE (contro il 49% rilevato dall’Eurobarometro della primavera 2013, v. allegato).
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Overall, 43% (+1 percentage point compared to the spring 2013 survey) of citizens believe that the EU is heading in the right direction to emerge from the crisis and face new global challenges (See Annex).
Nel complesso, il 43% (+1 punto percentuale rispetto all’indagine della primavera 2013) dei cittadini ritiene che la UE stia andando nella giusta direzione per uscire dalla crisi e far fronte alle nuove sfide globali (v. allegato).
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Optimism is also on the rise as the number of Europeans saying that the impact of the crisis on employment has reached its peak is up by 4 percentage points (from 36% to 40%).
Cresce l’ottimismo anche perché il numero di europei che sostiene che l’impatto della crisi sull’occupazione abbia già raggiunto il suo apice è cresciuto di 4% punti percentuali (dal 36% al 40%).
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Challenges remain:
Le sfide ancora da vincere:
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Unemployment (49%, -3), the economic situation in general (33%, stable), inflation (20%, stable) and government debt (15%, -1) are the four main concerns Europeans say they face at national level while, at personal level, inflation is clearly the leading issue
(20%, stable).
Disoccupazione (49%, -3), situazione economica generale (33%, stabile), inflazione (20%, stabile) e debito pubblico (15%, -1) sono, secondo i cittadini europei, i quattro principali motivi di preoccupazione cui sentono di dover far fronte, a livello nazionale, mentre, a livello personale, la questione predominante è l’inflazione (20%, stabile).
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Europeans regard the economic situation in general (45%, -3), unemployment (36%, -2) and the state of Member States' public finances (26%-4) as the main issues facing the EU at this moment.
Per i cittadini europei, la situazione economica generale (45%, -3), la disoccupazione (36%, -2) e lo stato delle finanze pubbliche degli Stati membri (26%, -4) sono le questioni più urgenti che la UE deve affrontare in questo momento.
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Focus on Ireland: As Ireland exits its bailout programme, survey results show notable improvements in Irish citizens' perceptions of the economic situation in their country.
L’Irlanda al centro dell’attenzione: Ora che l’Irlanda esce dal programma di salvataggio per essa organizzato, i risultati dell’indagine mostrano notevoli miglioramenti nella percezione che i cittadini irlandesi hanno della situazione economica del loro paese.
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The number of Irish people saying that they expect the national economic situation to improve in the next year has risen by 12 percentage points, and the number of Irish citizens assessing the state of their national economy as good has increased by 11 percentage points.
Il numero di cittadini irlandesi che sostengono di attendersi una situazione economica nazionale migliore per l’anno prossimo è aumentato di 12 punti percentuali e il numero di cittadini irlandesi che ritengono che la loro economia nazionale goda di buona salute è aumentato di 11 punti percentuali.
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Finally, support for the economic and monetary union with a single currency, the euro, has remained almost stable, with more than half of Europeans in favour (52%, +1 since Spring 2013).
Infine, il sostegno dato all’Unione economica e monetaria in cui circola la moneta unica, l’euro, è rimasto pressoché stabile: oltre la metà dei cittadini europei è a favore (52%, +1 rispetto alla primavera del 2013).
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In 21 Member States, an absolute majority of respondents are in favour of the euro, with the highest levels recorded in Luxembourg (79%), Slovenia (78%), Slovakia (78%), Estonia (76%), and Finland (75%).
In 21 Stati membri, la maggioranza assoluta di coloro che hanno risposto sono favorevoli all’euro; i livelli massimi si registrano in Lussemburgo (79%), Slovenia (78%), Slovacchia (78%), Estonia (76%) e Finlandia (75 %).
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The Autumn 2013 Eurobarometer is the latest edition of a bi-annual opinion poll organised by the European Commission.
L’Eurobarometro dell’autunno 2013 è l’ultima edizione di un’indagine semestrale organizzata dalla Commissione europea.
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It was conducted through face-to-face interviews between 2 and 17 November 2013.
È stato realizzato attraverso interviste individuali svoltesi tra il 2 e il 17 novembre 2013.
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A total of 32,409 people were interviewed across the 28 EU Member States and in the 5 candidate countries (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Montenegro and Serbia).
In tutto, sono state intervistate 32 409 persone nei 28 Stati membri della UE e in 5 paesi candidati (ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia, Turchia, Islanda, Montenegro e Serbia).
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Further information
Informazioni aggiuntive
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The First Results report published today outlines Europeans’ perceptions of the current economic situation and preoccupations for the future, as well as their opinions on the crisis and the Europe 2020 strategy.
La relazione sui primi risultati dell’indagine pubblicata oggi evidenzia come i cittadini europei percepiscono l’attuale situazione economica, le loro preoccupazioni per il futuro e l’opinione che hanno sulla crisi e sulla strategia Europa 2020.
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The First Results report is available at website indicated below. |
La relazione con i primi risultati è disponibile all' indirizzo indicato sotto. |
http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/eb/eb80/eb80_en.htm |
Autumn 2013 Eurobarometer: Growing Belief in Economic Recovery
According to the latest Eurobarometer survey results published today,
Europeans are becoming slightly more optimistic about the economic situation in
Over half of Europeans (51%) say that they are optimistic about the EU's
future (up from 49% in the Spring 2013 Eurobarometer, see Annex).
Overall, 43% (+1 percentage point compared to the spring 2013 survey) of
citizens believe that the EU is heading in the right direction to emerge from
the crisis and face new global challenges (See Annex).
Optimism is also on the rise as the number of Europeans saying that the
impact of the crisis on employment has reached its peak is up by 4 percentage
points (from 36% to 40%).
Challenges remain:
Unemployment (49%, -3), the economic situation in general (33%, stable),
inflation (20%, stable) and government debt (15%, -1) are the four main concerns
Europeans say they face at national level while, at personal level, inflation is
clearly the leading issue (20%, stable).
Europeans regard the economic situation in general (45%, -3), unemployment
(36%, -2) and the state of Member States' public finances (26%, -4) as the main
issues facing the EU at this moment.
Focus on Ireland: As Ireland exits its bailout programme, survey
results show notable improvements in Irish citizens' perceptions of the economic
situation in their country.
The number of Irish people saying that they expect the national economic
situation to improve in the next year has risen by 12 percentage points, and the
number of Irish citizens assessing the state of their national economy as good
has increased by 11 percentage points.
Finally, support for the economic and monetary union with a single
currency, the euro, has remained almost stable, with more than half of
Europeans in favour (52%, +1 since Spring 2013).
In 21 Member States, an absolute majority of respondents are in favour of the
euro, with the highest levels recorded in Luxembourg (79%), Slovenia (78%),
Slovakia (78%), Estonia (76%), and Finland (75%).
The Autumn 2013 Eurobarometer is the latest edition of a bi-annual opinion
poll organised by the European Commission.
It was conducted through face-to-face interviews between 2 and 17 November
A total of 32,409 people were interviewed across the 28 EU Member States and
in the 5 candidate countries (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey,
Iceland, Montenegro and Serbia).
Further information
The First Results report published today outlines Europeans’ perceptions of
the current economic situation and preoccupations for the future, as well as
their opinions on the crisis and the Europe 2020 strategy.
The First Results report is available at website indicated below.