Le soluzioni favorevoli al clima si trovano dappertutto
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 20-12-2013
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Climate solutions are all around
Le soluzioni favorevoli al clima si trovano dappertutto
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Imagine the possibility to heat public spaces using clean energy sourced from the movement of people passing by.
Pensiamo alla possibilità di riscaldare gli spazi pubblici con energia pulita, generata dalle persone che li frequentano.
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And imagine household lifts operating on solar power, food produced with minimal water or energy resources and technology allowing you to check the environmental impact of your shopping basket…
E immaginiamo gli ascensori delle case attivati dall'energia solare, gli alimenti prodotti con un dispendio minimo di risorse idriche o energetiche e una tecnologia che consente di verificare l’impatto ambientale del nostro carrello della spesa.
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If this sounds like science fiction, think again.
Vi sembra fantascienza?
E invece no. |
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These are only some of the climate-friendly solutions discovered through the European Commission's World You Like.
With a Climate You Like campaign, which comes to an official close today.
Perché queste sono solo alcune delle soluzioni rispettose del clima individuate attraverso la campagna della Commissione “Il mondo che ti piace.
Con il clima che ti piace”, che oggi si conclude ufficialmente.
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Since its launch in October 2012, this EU-wide campaign invited citizens, companies and organisations from across Europe to share their best climate solutions.
Fin dal suo avvio nell'ottobre 2012, la campagna dell'UE ha invitato cittadini, imprese e organizzazioni di tutta Europa a far conoscere e scambiarsi le migliori soluzioni in materia di clima.
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Focusing on five areas – travel and transport, building and living, producing and innovating, shopping and eating, and re-use and recycling – the campaign found a wealth of innovative, cost-efficient solutions showing how Europeans take climate action in their everyday lives.
Concentrandosi su cinque settori – viaggi e trasporti, edilizia e ambienti di vita, produzione e innovazione, acquisti e alimentazione, riutilizzo e riciclaggio – la campagna ha individuato moltissime soluzioni innovative ed efficienti sotto il profilo dei costi che dimostrano in che modo i cittadini europei agiscono quotidianamente a favore del clima.
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European Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard said:
Connie Hedegaard, commissaria europea responsabile dell’Azione per il clima ha dichiarato:
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"Creative ideas and concrete projects for a low-carbon society are already mushrooming throughout Europe.They show that climate action can save money and create jobs and growth.
"In tutta Europa fioriscono idee creative e progetti concreti per una società a basse emissioni di carbonio, che dimostrano come le azioni a favore del clima possano far risparmiare denaro, creare posti di lavoro e generare crescita.
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It’s now on us to make these solutions the norm and create a world we like with a climate we like!"
Ora tocca a noi far sì che queste soluzioni diventino la norma e contribuiscano a creare il mondo che ci piace, con il clima che ci piace!"
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A key part of the campaign was the World You Like Challenge, a contest calling for creative minds from across the EU to put their low-carbon innovations to the test.
Un elemento fondamentale della campagna è stato il concorso "Un mondo come piace a te", che invitava i creativi di tutta l'UE a mettere alla prova le loro proposte innovative a basse emissioni di carbonio.
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The Portuguese project "Sown Biodiverse Pastures" was selected as the overall winner for its innovative solution in reducing CO2 emissions while improving the resilience and productivity of pastures.
Il progetto portoghese "Pascoli rispettosi della biodiversità" è stato selezionato come vincitore assoluto grazie alla sua soluzione veramente innovativa per ridurre le emissioni di CO2, migliorando al contempo la resilienza e la produttività dei pascoli.
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In addition to the overall prize, the Challenge also rewarded one climate solution in each of the campaign’s five target countries – Bulgaria, Lithuania, Italy, Poland and Portugal.
Oltre al vincitore assoluto, il concorso ha premiato anche una proposta a favore del clima in ciascuno dei cinque paesi destinatari della campagna, ovvero Bulgaria, Lituania, Italia, Polonia e Portogallo.
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The Bulgarian winner showed how a community composting initiative can help reduce emissions from waste.
Il vincitore bulgaro ha dimostrato che un'iniziativa di compostaggio intrapresa a livello locale può contribuire a ridurre le emissioni derivanti dai rifiuti.
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In Lithuania, the winning design studio used its creativity to turn items that would otherwise have been thrown away into nice jewellery and accessories.
In Lituania, lo studio di progettazione vincitore ha sfruttato la propria creatività per trasformare in gioielli e accessori degli oggetti che altrimenti finirebbero tra i rifiuti.
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In Poland and Italy, the rewarded projects build low-energy and low-emissions housing that make climate-friendly living affordable for all.
In Polonia e in Italia sono stati premiati progetti per la costruzione di alloggi a basso consumo energetico e a basse emissioni che rendono accessibili a tutti le soluzioni per vivere nel rispetto del clima.
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Last but not least, the Sown Biodiverse Pastures also won the prize for national winner in Portugal.
Non da ultimo, il progetto "Pascoli rispettosi della biodiversità" ha vinto anche il riconoscimento nazionale per il Portogallo.
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The World You Like campaign has also succeeded in reaching millions of Europeans through a variety of online and offline channels:
La campagna "Il mondo che ti piace" ha inoltre raggiunto milioni di cittadini europei grazie a vari canali online e offline:
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an interactive website, social media, electronic media, and press and campaign events in several EU member states.
un sito internet interattivo, i social media, i mezzi di comunicazione elettronici ed eventi per la stampa o per il pubblico legati alla campagna che si sono svolti in numerosi Stati membri dell’UE.
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The campaign attracted over 70,000 followers on social media, and received the support of high-level politicians and celebrities, including UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and award-winning actor Colin Firth.
La campagna ha richiamato oltre 70 000 persone sui social media e ha ricevuto il sostegno di politici di spicco e di personaggi famosi, tra cui il segretario generale dell’ONU, Ban Ki-moon, e il pluripremiato attore Colin Firth.
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To further increase its reach, the campaign also teamed up with 320 partners from all sectors of society.
Per arrivare a un pubblico ancora più vasto, la campagna ha collaborato inoltre con 320 partner provenienti da tutti i settori della società.
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The World You Like campaign, running from October 2012 until the end of 2013, aims at promoting practical, innovative and cost-efficient solutions to climate change.
La campagna "Il mondo che ti piace", attiva dall'ottobre 2012 alla fine del 2013, mirava a promuovere soluzioni pratiche, innovative ed efficienti sotto il profilo dei costi per contrastare i cambiamenti climatici.
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It is a follow-up to the Commission's "Roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050" from March 2011, which sets out pathways for deep but cost-effective emission reductions by the main economic sectors.
Essa si iscriveva nel solco della "tabella di marcia verso un'economia competitiva a basse emissioni di carbonio nel 2050", presentata dalla Commissione nel marzo 2011, che stabilisce percorsi per una riduzione non solo significativa ma anche efficiente sotto il profilo dei costi delle emissioni da parte dei principali settori economici.
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The Roadmap shows that building a low-carbon economy will increase investments in clean technologies and infrastructure such as smart electricity grids, and will drastically lower import bills for oil and gas.
La tabella di marcia indica che lo sviluppo di un’economia a basse emissioni di carbonio richiederà maggiori investimenti in tecnologie pulite e infrastrutture, ad esempio in reti elettriche intelligenti, e ridurrà quindi drasticamente le spese per l’importazione di petrolio e gas.
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In the medium-term, by 2020, the EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%, improve energy efficiency by 20% and boost the share of renewables in the energy mix to 20%.
A medio termine, cioè entro il 2020, l'UE mira a ridurre del 20% le emissioni di gas a effetto serra, a migliorare l'efficienza energetica del 20% e ad aumentare del 20% la quota di energie rinnovabili nel suo mix energetico.
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Currently, EU emissions are more than 18% below 1990 levels.
Attualmente, le emissioni dell'UE sono inferiori ai livelli del 1990 di oltre il 18%. |
Climate solutions are all around
Imagine the possibility to heat public spaces using clean energy sourced from
the movement of people passing by.
And imagine household lifts operating on solar power, food produced with
minimal water or energy resources and technology allowing you to check the
environmental impact of your shopping basket…
If this sounds like science fiction, think again.
These are only some of the climate-friendly solutions discovered through the
European Commission's World You Like. With a Climate You Like campaign, which
comes to an official close today.
Since its launch in October 2012, this EU-wide campaign invited citizens,
companies and organisations from across Europe to share their best climate
Focusing on five areas – travel and transport, building and living, producing
and innovating, shopping and eating, and re-use and recycling – the campaign
found a wealth of innovative, cost-efficient solutions showing how Europeans
take climate action in their everyday lives.
European Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard said:
"Creative ideas and concrete projects for a low-carbon society are already
mushrooming throughout Europe.They show that climate action can save money and
create jobs and growth.
It’s now on us to make these solutions the norm and create a world we like
with a climate we like!"
A key part of the campaign was the World You Like Challenge, a contest
calling for creative minds from across the EU to put their low-carbon
innovations to the test.
The Portuguese project "Sown Biodiverse Pastures" was selected as the overall
winner for its innovative solution in reducing CO2 emissions while improving the
resilience and productivity of pastures.
In addition to the overall prize, the Challenge also rewarded one climate
solution in each of the campaign’s five target countries – Bulgaria, Lithuania,
Italy, Poland and Portugal.
The Bulgarian winner showed how a community composting initiative can help
reduce emissions from waste.
In Lithuania, the winning design studio used its creativity to turn items
that would otherwise have been thrown away into nice jewellery and accessories.
In Poland and Italy, the rewarded projects build low-energy and low-emissions
housing that make climate-friendly living affordable for all.
Last but not least, the Sown Biodiverse Pastures also won the prize for
national winner in Portugal.
The World You Like campaign has also succeeded in reaching millions of
Europeans through a variety of online and offline channels:
an interactive website, social media, electronic media, and press and
campaign events in several EU member states.
The campaign attracted over 70,000 followers on social media, and received
the support of high-level politicians and celebrities, including UN
secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and award-winning actor Colin Firth.
To further increase its reach, the campaign also teamed up with 320 partners
from all sectors of society.
The World You Like campaign, running from October 2012 until the end of 2013,
aims at promoting practical, innovative and cost-efficient solutions to climate
It is a follow-up to the Commission's "Roadmap for moving to a competitive
low-carbon economy in 2050" from March 2011, which sets out pathways for deep
but cost-effective emission reductions by the main economic sectors.
The Roadmap shows that building a low-carbon economy will increase
investments in clean technologies and infrastructure such as smart electricity
grids, and will drastically lower import bills for oil and gas.
In the medium-term, by 2020, the EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by 20%, improve energy efficiency by 20% and boost the share of renewables in
the energy mix to 20%.
Currently, EU emissions are more than 18% below 1990 levels.