L’UE triplica i finanziamenti per l’innovazione delle ferrovie
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Data documento: 16-12-2013
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EU triples funding for rail innovation
L’UE triplica i finanziamenti per l’innovazione delle ferrovie
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The European Commission today adopted "Shift2Rail", a new public-private partnership to invest just under €1 billion in research and innovation to get more passengers and freight onto Europe's railways.
La Commissione europea ha adottato oggi “Shift2Rail”, un nuovo partenariato pubblico-privato che investirà quasi un miliardo di euro in ricerca e innovazione per accrescere il traffico passeggeri e merci sulle ferrovie europee.
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Rail is amongst the most efficient and climate-friendly forms of transport, but currently it only carries about only 10% of European cargo and 6% of passengers each year.
Pur essendo uno dei modi di trasporto più efficienti ed ecologici, oggi il treno assorbe soltanto il 10% delle merci europee e il 6% dei passeggeri all’anno.
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The European Commission Vice President Siim Kallas responsible for Transport said: |
Siim Kallas, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per la Mobilità e i trasporti, ha dichiarato:
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"If we want to get more passengers and freight on Europe's railways, then rail needs provide better services and offer an attractive choice to more customers. For that to happen, rail needs to innovate.
“Se vogliamo attirare più passeggeri e più merci sulle ferrovie europee, il trasporto su rotaia deve rinnovarsi, per offrire servizi migliori e rappresentare una scelta interessante per un numero maggiore di clienti.
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This public private partnership is a major breakthrough, it will drive innovation to reduce the costs of rail services, increase capacity and provide more reliable, frequent rail services for customers."
Questo partenariato pubblico-privato è un grande passo avanti che promuoverà l’innovazione per ridurre i costi dei servizi ferroviari, per aumentare la capacità e per offrire ai clienti servizi ferroviari più affidabili e frequenti.”
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Commissioner for Research Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissaria per la Ricerca e l’innovazione, ha dichiarato:
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"This investment will allow for a major industrial effort, combining public and private funding from throughout the whole rail sector, to develop strategic technologies and solutions that will help to strengthen the competitiveness of European businesses and retain Europe's leadership in the global rail market.
“Associando i finanziamenti pubblici e privati provenienti da tutto il settore ferroviario, questo investimento consentirà all’industria di avviare un’azione importante per sviluppare tecnologie e soluzioni strategiche che contribuiscano a rafforzare la competitività delle imprese europee e a mantenere il primato europeo nel mercato ferroviario mondiale.
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This is a perfect demonstration of the leverage effect of the EU budget for growth and jobs."
È la perfetta dimostrazione dell’effetto leva del bilancio dell’UE a favore della crescita e dell’occupazione.”
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Shift to Rail
Si passa al treno
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"Shift2Rail" is an ambitious public-private partnership which will manage a 7-year work programme of targeted research and innovation to support the development of better rail services in Europe.
“Shift2Rail” è un ambizioso partenariato pubblico-privato che gestirà un programma di lavoro di 7 anni:
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It will develop and accelerate the bringing to market of technological breakthroughs.
ricerca e innovazione mirate per sostenere lo sviluppo di servizi ferroviari migliori in Europa, stimolando e accelerando l’immissione sul mercato di innovazioni tecnologiche.
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With "Shift2Rail", the Commission is more than tripling its financing for rail research and innovation to €450 million (2014-2020) compared to €155 for the previous period.This will be matched by €470 million from the rail industry.
Con “Shift2Rail” la Commissione triplica i suoi finanziamenti alla ricerca e all’innovazione nel settore ferroviario per un totale di 450 milioni di euro (2014-2020), rispetto ai 155 milioni stanziati nel periodo precedente, cui si aggiungono i 470 milioni di euro provenienti dall’industria del settore.
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The net gains of this long term collaborative approach will give a very substantial boost to innovation in the rail industry, compared to previous co-funding of individual projects.
Gli evidenti benefici di questo approccio collaborativo di lungo termine daranno un forte impulso all’innovazione nel settore ferroviario, rispetto al precedente cofinanziamento di singoli progetti.
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Shift2Rail aims to deliver: a reduction, by up to 50%, in the life-cycle cost of railway transport (i.e.costs of building, operating, maintaining and renewing infrastructure and rolling stock); an overall increase in capacity of up to 100%; and an overall increase in reliability of up to 50% in the different rail market segments.
Shift2Rail intende ridurre fino a dimezzare il costo del ciclo di vita del trasporto ferroviario (ossia i costi relativi alla costruzione, al funzionamento, alla manutenzione e al rinnovamento dell’infrastruttura e del materiale rotabile), aumentare la capacità complessiva fino a raddoppiarla e accrescere l’affidabilità generale fino al 50% nei diversi segmenti del mercato ferroviario.
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The research and innovation will focus on five key areas:
La ricerca e l’innovazione saranno incentrate su cinque aspetti:
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- To improve the quality of services , it will focus on developing a new generation of high capacity trains which are cost-efficient and reliable;
- lo sviluppo di una nuova generazione di treni ad alta capacità affidabili ed efficienti sotto il profilo dei costi per migliorare la qualità dei servizi;
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- To increase capacity and get more trains running on the same lines – it will develop better intelligent traffic management and control systems;
- lo sviluppo di migliori sistemi intelligenti di controllo e di gestione del traffico per aumentare la capacità e il numero di treni che circolano sulle stesse linee;
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- To provide reliable, high quality, infrastructure, including reducing track noise, cutting costs and developing intelligent maintenance
- un’infrastruttura affidabile e di elevata qualità, con binari meno rumorosi, riducendo i costi e sviluppando una manutenzione intelligente;
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- To provide integrated ticketing and journey planners – it will develop innovative IT solutions and services;
- lo sviluppo di soluzioni e servizi informatici innovativi per fornire servizi integrati di biglietteria e di pianificazione del viaggio;
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- To allow rail to compete effectively in more markets, it will develop better logistics and inter-modal freight solutions, so rail can connect better with other forms of transport.
- lo sviluppo di migliori soluzioni logistiche e intermodali per il trasporto delle merci, in modo che il treno sia meglio collegato agli altri modi di trasporto e possa competere con successo in più mercati.
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The establishment of a rail joint undertaking – a public-private partnership called Shift2Rail – will enable the pooling of public and private resources to focus on research activities critical to delivering the Single European Railway Area and to supporting the competitiveness of the rail sector as a whole, creating jobs and boosting exports.
La costituzione di un’impresa comune nel trasporto ferroviario, ossia il partenariato pubblico-privato “Shift2Rail”, consentirà di convogliare risorse pubbliche e private sulle attività di ricerca fondamentali per realizzare lo spazio ferroviario europeo unico e per sostenere la competitività dell’intero settore ferroviario, creando posti di lavoro e incrementando le esportazioni.
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The project will involve virtually all of Europe’s rail industry suppliers, including innovative small and medium enterprises, to accelerate the development of new technologies and bring them to the market.
Il progetto coinvolgerà quasi tutti i fornitori dell’industria ferroviaria europea, in particolare le piccole e medie imprese innovative, al fine di accelerare lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e di introdurle sul mercato.
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It will also involve rail operators and infrastructure managers in order to ensure that research activities are aligned to market needs.
Verranno coinvolti anche gli operatori ferroviari e i gestori dell’infrastruttura per assicurare che le attività di ricerca siano in linea con le esigenze del mercato.
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To date, rail equipment manufacturers Alstom, Ansaldo STS, Bombardier, Siemens, Thales and CAF, as well as infrastructure managers Trafikverket and Network Rail, have already confirmed that they will each make a contribution of at least €30 million to the Shift2Rail initiative (total €270 million).
Ad oggi, i costruttori di materiale ferroviario Alstom, Ansaldo STS, Bombardier, Siemens, Thales e CAF, nonché i gestori dell’infrastruttura Trafikverket e Network Rail hanno già confermato che contribuiranno individualmente all’iniziativa Shift2Rail con almeno 30 milioni di euro (per un totale di 270 milioni).
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Europe is facing major challenges in terms of rising congestion, increasing traffic demand and the need to build sustainable transport connections to fuel economic growth.
L’Europa si trova di fronte a sfide importanti: crescono la congestione e la domanda di trasporto, insieme alla necessità di disporre di collegamenti sostenibili per favorire la crescita economica.
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Yet, despite positive developments in some markets, rail is stagnating or declining in many EU Member States.
Nonostante gli sviluppi positivi in alcuni mercati, il trasporto ferroviario è però fermo o in declino in molti Stati membri dell’UE.
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The modal share of passenger rail in intra-EU transport has on average remained more or less constant since 2000, at around 6%, whereas the modal share of rail freight has decreased from 11.5% to 10.2%.
Nel trasporto all’interno dell’Unione, la quota modale del traffico passeggeri su rotaia è rimasta in media più o meno costante dal 2000, pari a circa il 6%, mentre la quota modale del trasporto ferroviario delle merci è scesa dall’11,5% al 10,2%.
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Faced with this reality, the European Commission has responded on three fronts:
Di fronte a questa realtà, la Commissione europea ha risposto su tre fronti:
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1. With a major package of measures to restructure the rail market in Europe (4th railway package).
1. varando un importante pacchetto di misure intese a ristrutturare il mercato del trasporto ferroviario in Europa (4° pacchetto ferroviario);
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2. Tripling investment in European infrastructure from the current 8 billion to 26 billion 2014-2020.
Over 80% of this will be spent on rail.
2. triplicando gli investimenti nell’infrastruttura europea dagli attuali 8 miliardi di euro a 26 miliardi per il periodo 2014-2020, con oltre l’80% di questo importo destinato al trasporto su rotaia.
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3. Tripling of investment in rail research and innovation, notably under the new Shift to Rail programme.
3. triplicando gli investimenti in ricerca e innovazione del settore ferroviario, in particolare nell’ambito del nuovo programma “Shift2Rail”. |
EU triples funding for rail innovation
The European Commission today adopted "Shift2Rail", a new public-private
partnership to invest just under €1 billion in research and innovation to get
more passengers and freight onto Europe's railways.
Rail is amongst the most efficient and climate-friendly forms of transport,
but currently it only carries about only 10% of European cargo and 6% of
passengers each year.
The European Commission Vice President Siim Kallas responsible for Transport
"If we want to get more passengers and freight on Europe's railways, then
rail needs provide better services and offer an attractive choice to more
customers. For that to happen, rail needs to innovate.
This public private partnership is a major breakthrough, it will drive
innovation to reduce the costs of rail services, increase capacity and provide
more reliable, frequent rail services for customers."
Commissioner for Research Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
"This investment will allow for a major industrial effort, combining public
and private funding from throughout the whole rail sector, to develop strategic
technologies and solutions that will help to strengthen the competitiveness of
European businesses and retain Europe's leadership in the global rail market.
This is a perfect demonstration of the leverage effect of the EU budget for
growth and jobs."
Shift to Rail
"Shift2Rail" is an ambitious public-private partnership which will manage a
7-year work programme of targeted research and innovation to support the
development of better rail services in Europe.
It will develop and accelerate the bringing to market of technological
With "Shift2Rail", the Commission is more than tripling its financing for
rail research and innovation to €450 million (2014-2020) compared to €155 for
the previous period.This will be matched by €470 million from the rail industry.
The net gains of this long term collaborative approach will give a very
substantial boost to innovation in the rail industry, compared to previous
co-funding of individual projects.
Shift2Rail aims to deliver: a reduction, by up to 50%, in the life-cycle cost
of railway transport (i.e.costs of building, operating, maintaining and renewing
infrastructure and rolling stock); an overall increase in capacity of up to
100%; and an overall increase in reliability of up to 50% in the different rail
market segments.
The research and innovation will focus on five key areas:
- To improve the quality of services , it will focus on developing a new
generation of high capacity trains which are cost-efficient and reliable;
- To increase capacity and get more trains running on the same lines – it
will develop better intelligent traffic management and control systems;
- To provide reliable, high quality, infrastructure, including reducing track
noise, cutting costs and developing intelligent maintenance
- To provide integrated ticketing and journey planners – it will develop
innovative IT solutions and services;
- To allow rail to compete effectively in more markets, it will develop
better logistics and inter-modal freight solutions, so rail can connect better
with other forms of transport.
The establishment of a rail joint undertaking – a public-private partnership
called Shift2Rail – will enable the pooling of public and private resources to
focus on research activities critical to delivering the Single European Railway
Area and to supporting the competitiveness of the rail sector as a whole,
creating jobs and boosting exports.
The project will involve virtually all of Europe’s rail industry suppliers,
including innovative small and medium enterprises, to accelerate the development
of new technologies and bring them to the market.
It will also involve rail operators and infrastructure managers in order to
ensure that research activities are aligned to market needs.
To date, rail equipment manufacturers Alstom, Ansaldo STS, Bombardier,
Siemens, Thales and CAF, as well as infrastructure managers Trafikverket and
Network Rail, have already confirmed that they will each make a contribution of
at least €30 million to the Shift2Rail initiative (total €270 million).
Europe is facing major challenges in terms of rising congestion, increasing
traffic demand and the need to build sustainable transport connections to fuel
economic growth.
Yet, despite positive developments in some markets, rail is stagnating or
declining in many EU Member States.
The modal share of passenger rail in intra-EU transport has on average
remained more or less constant since 2000, at around 6%, whereas the modal share
of rail freight has decreased from 11.5% to 10.2%.
Faced with this reality, the European Commission has responded on three
1. With a major package of measures to restructure the rail market in Europe
(4th railway package).
2. Tripling investment in European infrastructure from the current 8 billion
to 26 billion 2014-2020. Over 80% of this will be spent on rail.
3. Tripling of investment in rail research and innovation, notably under the
new Shift to Rail programme.