Ambiente: un nuovo pacchetto di politiche per ripulire l'aria in Europa
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Data documento: 18-12-2013
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Environment: New policy package to clean up Europe's air
Ambiente: un nuovo pacchetto di politiche per ripulire l'aria in Europa
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The human toll for poor air quality is worse than for road traffic accidents, making it the number one environmental cause of premature death in the EU.
Il prezzo da pagare a causa della cattiva qualità dell’aria è superiore in termini di vite umane a quello dovuto agli incidenti stradali, rendendola quindi la principale causa ambientale di decessi prematuri nell’UE.
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It also impacts the quality of life due to asthma or respiratory problems.
La cattiva qualità dell'aria ha un impatto anche sulla qualità della vita, in quanto causa asma e problemi respiratori.
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The Commission is responding with new measures to reduce air pollution, adopted today.
La Commissione risponde proponendo nuove misure per ridurre l’inquinamento atmosferico, adottate oggi.
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The clean air policy package updates existing legislation and further reduces harmful emissions from industry, traffic, energy plants and agriculture, with a view to reducing their impact on human health and the environment.
Il pacchetto di politiche in materia di aria pulita rappresenta un aggiornamento della legislazione esistente e riduce ulteriormente le emissioni nocive provenienti dall’industria, dal traffico, dagli impianti energetici e dall’agricoltura, proponendosi di limitarne l'impatto sulla salute umana e sull’ambiente.
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Air pollution causes also lost working days, and high healthcare costs, with vulnerable groups such as children, asthmatics and the elderly the worst affected.
L’inquinamento atmosferico provoca anche la perdita di giorni lavorativi ed elevate spese sanitarie; chi ne risente in modo particolare sono i gruppi più vulnerabili: i bambini, le persone anziane e chi soffre di asma.
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It also damages ecosystems through excess nitrogen pollution (eutrophication) and acid rain.
L'inquinamento provoca inoltre danni agli ecosistemi: basti pensare a quelli dovuti all'eccesso di azoto (eutrofizzazione) e alle piogge acide.
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The direct costs to society from air pollution, including damage to crops and buildings, amount to about €23 billion per year.
I costi diretti per la società derivanti dall'inquinamento atmosferico comprendono i danni alle colture e agli edifici e ammontano a circa 23 miliardi di euro all’anno.
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The benefits to people's health from implementing the package are around €40 billion a year, over 12 times the costs of pollution abatement, which are estimated to reach € 3.4 billion per year in 2030.
I benefici per la salute derivanti dall’attuazione del pacchetto "aria pulita" sono pari a circa 40 miliardi di euro all’anno, cioè oltre dodici volte i costi per la riduzione dell’inquinamento che si stima possano raggiungere 3,4 miliardi di euro all’anno nel 2030.
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Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario responsabile per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"The air we breathe today is much cleaner than in past decades.
"L'aria che respiriamo oggi è molto più pulita di quella dei decenni passati.
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But air pollution is still an 'invisible killer' and it prevents many people from living a fully active life.
Ma l'inquinamento atmosferico continua a essere un 'killer invisibile' che impedisce a molte persone di vivere appieno una vita attiva.
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The actions we are proposing will halve the number of premature deaths from air pollution, increase protection for the vulnerable groups who need it most, and improve quality of life for all.
Le azioni che proponiamo consentiranno di dimezzare il numero di decessi prematuri dovuti all'inquinamento atmosferico, aumentare la protezione offerta ai gruppi vulnerabili – che ne hanno più bisogno – e migliorare la qualità di vita di tutti i cittadini europei.
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It's also good news for nature and fragile ecosystems, and it will boost the clean technology industry – an important growth sector for Europe."
Queste azioni rappresentano anche una buona notizia per la natura e per gli ecosistemi fragili, e danno inoltre impulso all’industria delle tecnologie pulite, che è un importante motore di crescita per l’Europa."
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Health Commissioner Tonio Borg added:
Il Commissario europeo responsabile per la Salute, Tonio Borg, ha aggiunto:
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“I wholeheartedly welcome the adoption of the clean air package which sets Europe on the right track to achieve clean air for all in the long term.
"Accolgo con estrema soddisfazione l'adozione del pacchetto "aria pulita", che mette l'Europa sulla buona strada per ottenere – a lungo termine – aria pulita per tutti.
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The new air policy will translate into Europeans living healthier and longer lives:
La nuove politiche in materia di aria pulita permetteranno ai cittadini europei di vivere più a lungo e di avere una vita più sana:
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fewer children developing asthma or other respiratory problems, fewer people suffering from cancer, chronic respiratory diseases or cardiovascular diseases and finally fewer people dying from what air pollution does to people's health.
diminuirà il numero dei bambini con problemi d'asma o altri problemi respiratori, meno persone si ammaleranno di cancro, malattie respiratorie croniche o cardiovascolari; infine, meno persone moriranno per malattie causate dall'inquinamento atmosferico."
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The package adopted today has a number of components. They include:
Il pacchetto adottato oggi comprende diversi elementi, tra cui:
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- A new Clean Air Programme for Europe with measures to ensure that existing targets are met in the short term, and new air quality objectives for the period up to 2030.
- un nuovo programma aria pulita per l’Europa, con misure intese a garantire il conseguimento a breve termine degli obiettivi esistenti e, per il periodo fino al 2030, il raggiungimento di nuovi obiettivi per la qualità dell’aria.
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The package also includes support measures to help cut air pollution, with a focus on improving air quality in cities, supporting research and innovation, and promoting international cooperation
Il pacchetto include anche misure di sostegno per ridurre l’inquinamento atmosferico, con particolare riguardo al miglioramento della qualità dell’aria in città, per sostenere la ricerca e l’innovazione e per promuovere la cooperazione internazionale;
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- A revised National Emission Ceilings Directive with stricter national emission ceilings for the six main pollutants , and
- la revisione della direttiva sui limiti nazionali di emissione che comprende limiti nazionali più rigorosi per i sei inquinanti principali, e
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- A proposal for a new Directive to reduce pollution from medium-sized combustion installations, such as energy plants for street blocks or large buildings, and small industry installations.
- una proposta per una nuova direttiva intesa a ridurre l’inquinamento da impianti di combustione di medie dimensioni, quali impianti che forniscono energia a edifici appartenenti a uno stesso isolato o a edifici di grandi dimensioni, nonché piccoli impianti industriali.
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By 2030, and compared to business as usual, the clean air policy package is estimated to:
Rispetto a uno scenario invariato da oggi al 2030, si stima che il pacchetto "aria pulita" possa:
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- avoid 58 000 premature deaths,
- evitare 58 000 decessi prematuri,
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- save 123 000 km2 of ecosystems from nitrogen pollution (more than half the area of Romania),
- salvare dall'inquinamento da azoto una superficie di ecosistemi pari a 123 000 km² (equivalente a più della metà della superficie della Romania),
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- save 56 000 km2 protected Natura 2000 areas (more than the entire area of Croatia) from nitrogen pollution,
- salvare dall'inquinamento da azoto una superficie di zone protette Natura 2000 pari a 56 000 km² (superiore a quella della Croazia),
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- save 19 000 km2forest ecosystems from acidification.
- salvare dall'acidificazione una superficie di ecosistemi forestali equivalente a 19 000 km2.
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Health benefits alone will save society €40-140 billion in external costs and provide about €3 billion in direct benefits due to higher productivity of the workforce, lower healthcare costs, higher crop yields and less damage to buildings.
I vantaggi per la salute, da soli, consentirebbero alla società di risparmiare dai 40 ai 140 miliardi di euro in esternalità e si otterrebbero benefici diretti nell'ordine di circa 3 miliardi di euro grazie all’incremento di produttività della manodopera, a minori costi sanitari, all’aumento delle rese agricole e a minori danni agli edifici.
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The proposal will also add the equivalent of around 100 000 additional jobs due to increased productivity and competitiveness because of fewer workdays lost.
La proposta contribuirà anche a creare l’equivalente di circa 100 000 ulteriori posti di lavoro, perché grazie al minor numero di giorni lavorativi persi si registrerà un incremento in termini di produttività e competitività;
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It is estimated to have a positive net impact on economic growth.
si stima che la proposta avrà un impatto netto positivo sulla crescita economica.
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The proposal is based on the conclusions of a comprehensive review of existing EU air policy.
La proposta è basata sulle conclusioni derivanti da una revisione approfondita della politica esistente dell'UE in materia di qualità dell'aria.
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It comes after extensive consultations that found broad support for EU-wide action in this area.
Fa seguito ad ampie consultazioni che hanno riscontrato un sostegno diffuso a favore di un’azione a livello di Unione europea in questo settore.
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Many EU Member States are still falling short of agreed EU air quality standards, and the air pollution guidelines of the UN World Health Organization are generally not being met.
Molti Stati membri dell’UE non si sono ancora conformati alle norme UE sulla qualità dell’aria e, in generale, gli orientamenti sull'inquinamento atmosferico dell’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità delle Nazioni Unite non vengono osservati.
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While EU air quality policy has brought significant reductions in concentrations of harmful pollutants such as particulate matter, sulphur dioxide (the main cause of acid rain), lead, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and benzene, major problems remain.
Sussistono problemi importanti, sebbene la politica in materia di qualità dell’aria dell’UE abbia portato a riduzioni significative delle concentrazioni di inquinanti nocivi quali il particolato, il biossido di zolfo (o anidride solforosa, principale causa delle piogge acide), il piombo, gli ossidi di azoto, il monossido di carbonio e il benzene.
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Fine particulates and ozone, in particular, continue to present significant health risks and safe limits for health are regularly exceeded.
Il particolato sottile e l’ozono, in particolare, continuano a presentare gravi rischi per la salute: i limiti di sicurezza relativi a queste sostanze vengono regolarmente superati.
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EU air quality standards and targets are breached in many regions and cities, and public health suffers accordingly, with rising costs to health care and the economy.
In molte regioni e città le norme e gli obiettivi dell'UE in materia di qualità dell’aria non sono rispettati; a farne le spese è la salute dei cittadini, con un aumento dei costi per l’assistenza sanitaria e per l’economia.
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The total external health-related costs to society from air pollution are estimated to be in the range of €330-940 billion per year.
Si stima che il totale delle esternalità sanitarie derivanti dall'inquinamento atmosferico per la società sia dell’ordine di 330-940 miliardi di euro all’anno.
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The situation is especially severe in urban areas, which are now home to a majority of Europeans.
La situazione è particolarmente grave nelle aree urbane, dove oggi risiede la maggioranza dei cittadini europei.
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The package adopted today is the culmination of a major review of air policy that began in early 2011. |
Il pacchetto adottato oggi è il risultato di una revisione approfondita della politica in materia di qualità dell'aria, avviata all’inizio del 2011. |
Environment: New policy package to clean up Europe's air
The human toll for poor air quality is worse than for road traffic accidents,
making it the number one environmental cause of premature death in the EU.
It also impacts the quality of life due to asthma or respiratory problems.
The Commission is responding with new measures to reduce air pollution,
adopted today.
The clean air policy package updates existing legislation and further reduces
harmful emissions from industry, traffic, energy plants and agriculture, with a
view to reducing their impact on human health and the environment.
Air pollution causes also lost working days, and high healthcare costs, with
vulnerable groups such as children, asthmatics and the elderly the worst
It also damages ecosystems through excess nitrogen pollution (eutrophication)
and acid rain.
The direct costs to society from air pollution, including damage to crops and
buildings, amount to about €23 billion per year.
The benefits to people's health from implementing the package are around €40
billion a year, over 12 times the costs of pollution abatement, which are
estimated to reach € 3.4 billion per year in 2030.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočniksaid:
"The air we breathe today is much cleaner than in past decades.
But air pollution is still an 'invisible killer' and it prevents many people
from living a fully active life.
The actions we are proposing will halve the number of premature deaths from
air pollution, increase protection for the vulnerable groups who need it most,
and improve quality of life for all.
It's also good news for nature and fragile ecosystems, and it will boost the
clean technology industry – an important growth sector for Europe."
Health Commissioner Tonio Borg added:
"I wholeheartedly welcome the adoption of the clean air package which sets
Europe on the right track to achieve clean air for all in the long term.
The new air policy will translate into Europeans living healthier and longer
fewer children developing asthma or other respiratory problems, fewer people
suffering from cancer, chronic respiratory diseases or cardiovascular diseases
and finally fewer people dying from what air pollution does to people's health.
The package adopted today has a number of components. They include:
- A new Clean Air Programme for Europe with measures to ensure that existing
targets are met in the short term, and new air quality objectives for the period
up to 2030.
The package also includes support measures to help cut air pollution, with a
focus on improving air quality in cities, supporting research and innovation,
and promoting international cooperation
- A revised National Emission Ceilings Directive with stricter national
emission ceilings for the six main pollutants , and
- A proposal for a new Directive to reduce pollution from medium-sized
combustion installations, such as energy plants for street blocks or large
buildings, and small industry installations.
By 2030, and compared to business as usual, the clean air policy package is
estimated to:
- avoid 58 000 premature deaths,
- save 123 000 km2 of ecosystems from nitrogen pollution (more than half the
area of Romania),
- save 56 000 km2 protected Natura 2000 areas (more than the entire area of
Croatia) from nitrogen pollution,
- save 19 000 km2forest ecosystems from acidification.
Health benefits alone will save society €40-140 billion in external costs and
provide about €3 billion in direct benefits due to higher productivity of the
workforce, lower healthcare costs, higher crop yields and less damage to
The proposal will also add the equivalent of around 100 000 additional jobs
due to increased productivity and competitiveness because of fewer workdays
It is estimated to have a positive net impact on economic growth.
The proposal is based on the conclusions of a comprehensive review of
existing EU air policy.
It comes after extensive consultations that found broad support for EU-wide
action in this area.
Many EU Member States are still falling short of agreed EU air quality
standards, and the air pollution guidelines of the UN World Health Organization
are generally not being met.
While EU air quality policy has brought significant reductions in
concentrations of harmful pollutants such as particulate matter, sulphur dioxide
(the main cause of acid rain), lead, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and
benzene, major problems remain.
Fine particulates and ozone, in particular, continue to present significant
health risks and safe limits for health are regularly exceeded.
EU air quality standards and targets are breached in many regions and cities,
and public health suffers accordingly, with rising costs to health care and the
The total external health-related costs to society from air pollution are
estimated to be in the range of €330-940 billion per year.
The situation is especially severe in urban areas, which are now home to a
majority of Europeans.
The package adopted today is the culmination of a major review of air policy
that began in early 2011.