Quando il matrimonio è precluso alle coppie omosessuali, a un lavoratore che concluda un PACS con persona del medesimo sesso devono essere riconosciuti i medesimi benefici accordati ai suoi colleghi in occasione del loro matrimonio
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 12-12-2013
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Employees who enter into a civil partnership with a partner of the same sex must be granted the same benefits as those granted to their colleagues upon their marriage, where marriage is not possible for homosexual couples
Quando il matrimonio è precluso alle coppie omosessuali, a un lavoratore che concluda un PACS con persona del medesimo sesso devono essere riconosciuti i medesimi benefici accordati ai suoi colleghi in occasione del loro matrimonio
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The refusal to grant them those benefits constitutes direct discrimination based on sexual orientation
Negargli tali benefici costituisce una discriminazione diretta fondata sull’orientamento sessuale
3 |
At the time of the facts of the case, the relevant French legislation restricted marriage to persons of different sexes.
Alla data dei fatti di causa, la legge francese riservava il matrimonio alle coppie eterosessuali .
4 |
Mr Hay is an employee of Crédit agricole mutuel, whose collective agreement grants certain benefits – days of special leave and a salary bonus – to employees on the occasion of their marriage.
Il sig. Hay è un dipendente del Crédit agricole mutuel. Il contratto collettivo del Crédit agricole mutuel accorda ai lavoratori che contraggono matrimonio il beneficio di alcuni giorni di congedo straordinario e di un premio stipendiale.
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Mr Hay, who had entered into a PACS arrangement (civil solidarity pact) with his same-sex partner, was refused those benefits on the ground that, under the collective agreement, they were granted only upon marriage.
Al sig. Hay, che aveva concluso un PACS (patto civile di solidarietà) con un partner del medesimo sesso, tali benefici sono stati negati con l’argomento che, a termini del contratto collettivo, essi spettano solo in caso di matrimonio.
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Mr Hay challenged that refusal before the French courts.
Il sig. Hay ha contestato detto diniego dinanzi ai giudici francesi.
7 |
The Cour de cassation (France), before which the case was brought at the highest level of appeal, asked the Court of Justice whether the difference in treatment for persons who have entered into a PACS arrangement with their same-sex partner constitutes discrimination based on sexual orientation, which is prohibited under EU rules on employment relations.
La Cour de cassation (Francia), adita in ultima istanza, chiede alla Corte di giustizia se il diverso trattamento riservato a coloro che contraggono un PACS con persone del medesimo sesso costituisca una discriminazione fondata sull’orientamento sessuale vietata, dal diritto dell’Unione, nei rapporti di lavoro.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court examines, first of all, whether persons who enter into a marriage and persons who, being unable to marry a person of their own sex, enter into a PACS arrangement, are in comparable situations for the purpose of the grant of the benefits in question.
Nella sentenza odierna la Corte esamina, anzitutto, se, riguardo alla concessione dei benefici in questione, la situazione dei contraenti matrimonio e quella di coloro che, non avendo la facoltà di sposare persone del medesimo sesso, concludono un PACS siano comparabili.
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The Court finds in that regard that, like married persons, persons entering into a PACS arrangement commit, within a specific legal framework, to living a life together and to providing material aid and assistance to each other.
La Corte constata in proposito che, analogamente alle persone sposate, le parti di un PACS s’impegnano, in un contesto giuridico ben preciso, a condurre una vita in comune e a prestarsi aiuto materiale e assistenza reciproci.
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The Court further observes that, at the time of the facts in the main proceedings, the PACS arrangement was the only possibility under French law for same-sex couples to procure legal status for their relationship which could be certain and effective against third parties.
La Corte ricorda, inoltre, che, al momento dei fatti di causa, il PACS era l’unica possibilità offerta dal diritto francese alle coppie omosessuali per dare alla loro unione uno status giuridico certo e opponibile ai terzi.
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Consequently, the Court concludes that the situation of persons who marry and that of persons of the same sex who cannot enter into marriage and therefore conclude a PACS is comparable for the purpose of the grant of the benefits in question.
Di conseguenza, la Corte rileva che, ai fini della concessione dei benefici in questione, la situazione dei contraenti matrimonio e quella delle persone del medesimo sesso che, non avendo la facoltà di sposarsi, concludono un PACS sono comparabili.
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Next, the Court holds that the collective agreement, which provides for paid leave and a bonus for employees who marry whereas marriage is not possible for persons of the same sex, gives rise to direct discrimination based on sexual orientation against homosexual employees in a PACS arrangement.
La Corte dichiara, poi, che il contratto collettivo, che accorda congedi retribuiti e un premio stipendiale ai dipendenti che contraggono matrimonio, quando peraltro alle persone del medesimo sesso non è possibile sposarsi, crea una discriminazione diretta fondata sull’orientamento sessuale nei confronti dei lavoratori dipendenti omosessuali che stipulano un PACS.
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The fact that the PACS is not restricted only to homosexual couples does not change the nature of the discrimination against those couples who, unlike heterosexual couples, could not, at the material time, legally enter into marriage.
Al riguardo, la circostanza che il PACS non sia riservato unicamente alle coppie omosessuali non cambia la natura della discriminazione verso tali coppie che, a differenza delle coppie eterosessuali, non potevano, all’epoca, contrarre legalmente matrimonio.
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Lastly, as the unfavourable treatment of couples in PACS arrangements may not be upheld on the basis of any of the overriding reasons in the public interest provided for by the Directive, the Court’s answer is that the disputed provision of the collective agreement breaches EU Law.
Infine, poiché il trattamento sfavorevole riservato alle coppie unite da un PACS non è stato giustificato da nessuno dei motivi di interesse generale previsti dalla direttiva, la Corte risponde che il diritto dell’Unione osta alla disposizione del contratto collettivo contestata.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
Employees who enter into a civil partnership with a partner of the same
sex must be granted the same benefits as those granted to their colleagues upon
their marriage, where marriage is not possible for homosexual couples
The refusal to grant them those benefits constitutes direct
discrimination based on sexual orientation
At the time of the facts of the case, the relevant French legislation
restricted marriage to persons of different sexes.
Mr Hay is an employee of Crédit agricole mutuel, whose collective agreement
grants certain benefits – days of special leave and a salary bonus – to
employees on the occasion of their marriage.
Mr Hay, who had entered into a PACS arrangement (civil solidarity pact) with
his same-sex partner, was refused those benefits on the ground that, under the
collective agreement, they were granted only upon marriage.
Mr Hay challenged that refusal before the French courts.
The Cour de cassation (France), before which the case was brought at the
highest level of appeal, asked the Court of Justice whether the difference in
treatment for persons who have entered into a PACS arrangement with their
same-sex partner constitutes discrimination based on sexual orientation, which
is prohibited under EU rules on employment relations.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court examines, first of all, whether
persons who enter into a marriage and persons who, being unable to marry a
person of their own sex, enter into a PACS arrangement, are in comparable
situations for the purpose of the grant of the benefits in question.
The Court finds in that regard that, like married persons, persons entering
into a PACS arrangement commit, within a specific legal framework, to living a
life together and to providing material aid and assistance to each other.
The Court further observes that, at the time of the facts in the main
proceedings, the PACS arrangement was the only possibility under French law for
same-sex couples to procure legal status for their relationship which could be
certain and effective against third parties.
Consequently, the Court concludes that the situation of persons who marry and
that of persons of the same sex who cannot enter into marriage and therefore
conclude a PACS is comparable for the purpose of the grant of the benefits in
Next, the Court holds that the collective agreement, which provides for paid
leave and a bonus for employees who marry whereas marriage is not possible for
persons of the same sex, gives rise to direct discrimination based on sexual
orientation against homosexual employees in a PACS arrangement.
The fact that the PACS is not restricted only to homosexual couples does not
change the nature of the discrimination against those couples who, unlike
heterosexual couples, could not, at the material time, legally enter into
Lastly, as the unfavourable treatment of couples in PACS arrangements may not
be upheld on the basis of any of the overriding reasons in the public interest
provided for by the Directive, the Court’s answer is that the disputed provision
of the collective agreement breaches EU Law.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.