Accesso a banda larga: la Commissione chiede all'AGCOM di modificare o revocare la proposta di riduzione dei prezzi all'ingrosso
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Data documento: 12-12-2013
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Commission formally requests Italian telecoms regulator to amend or withdraw its proposal for wholesale broadband price reductions
Accesso a banda larga: la Commissione chiede all'AGCOM di modificare o revocare la proposta di riduzione dei prezzi all'ingrosso
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The European Commission has formally requested the Italian telecoms regulator (AGCOM) to withdraw or amend its proposal for the prices applicable to wholesale broadband access throughout 2013.
La Commissione europea ha chiesto formalmente all'AGCOM, l'autorità italiana di regolamentazione delle telecomunicazioni, di revocare o modificare la sua proposta relativa ai prezzi applicabili per l'accesso a banda larga all'ingrosso per tutto il 2013
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These access prices are the fees that the dominant operator, Telecom Italia, can charge other operators who want to sell broadband services based on Telecom Italia's copper access network.
Ossia le tariffe che l'operatore dominante,Telecom Italia, può imporre agli altri operatori che vogliono vendere servizi a banda larga utilizzando la rete di accesso in rame di Telecom Italia.
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After three months of analysis and taking utmost account of BEREC´s opinion which, in the Commission´s view, did not provide any substantial new arguments in addition to those of AGCOM, the Commission still considers that AGCOM has set these fees on the basis of inappropriate data and that the way they are calculated has the potential to harm broadband investment incentives for both Telecom Italia and other operators.
Dopo un'analisi durata tre mesi e tenendo nella massima considerazione il parere del BEREC (che, a giudizio della Commissione, non ha fornito argomenti sostanzialmente nuovi rispetto a quelli dell'AGCOM) la Commissione continua a ritenere che l'AGCOM abbia fissato tali tariffe sulla base di dati inadeguati e che il modo in cui le ha calcolate possa pregiudicare gli incentivi agli investimenti nella banda larga sia per Telecom Italia che per altri operatori.
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The Commission considers that AGCOM's selective updating of the parameters of the cost model used to set regulated broadband access prices (namely by adapting repair maintenance costs and commercial costs while not updating the return on capital, commonly known as Weighted Average Cost of Capital or "WACC") leads to an unjustified regulated price reduction for the year 2013.
La Commissione ritiene che l'aggiornamento selettivo dei parametri del modello dei costi utilizzato dall'AGCOM per regolare i prezzi di accesso a banda larga all'ingrosso (ossia l'adeguamento dei costi di manutenzione correttiva e dei costi commerciali, ma non del rendimento del capitale, secondo il cosiddetto metodo WACC, "Weighted Average Cost of Capital") generi una riduzione ingiustificata dei prezzi regolati per l'anno, ossia il 2013.
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In the Commission's view, this approach does not provide the regulated operator with a reasonable return on its investment in broadband networks, nor does it give an appropriate price signal for alternative infrastructure investments.
A giudizio della Commissione, questo approccio non solo non apporta all'operatore regolato un rendimento congruo dei suoi investimenti nelle reti a banda larga, ma non gli offre alcun segnale di prezzo adeguato per operare investimenti in infrastrutture alternative.
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Ultimately, it is likely to be detrimental to an efficient investment in NGA networks by both types of operators.
E, in ultima istanza, può dissuadere entrambi i tipi di operatore dal realizzare investimenti efficienti nelle reti NGA.
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On the other hand, the Commission is now satisfied with AGCOM's clarification that stakeholders were informed of AGCOM's change of approach to calculating the access prices.
La Commissione, d'altro canto, è ora soddisfatta del chiarimento dell'AGCOM, che ha specificato che le parti interessate sono state informate sul mutato approccio dell'AGCOM nel calcolo dei prezzi di accesso.
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The Commission therefore recommends that AGCOM updates its fee calculations (WACC) on the basis of available up-to-date data, in a way that more accurately reflects persistent market developments affecting the risk-free (sovereign) rate and equity risks and, more generally, the need for stable, transparent and predictable wholesale broadband access prices over time, avoiding significant fluctuations and shocks.
La Commissione raccomanda pertanto all'AGCOM di aggiornare il metodo di calcolo delle tariffe (WACC) in base agli ultimi dati disponibili, in un modo più accurato che, oltre a rispecchiare gli sviluppi persistenti del mercato che incidono sul tasso (sovrano) risk-free e sul rischio azionario, rifletta, più in generale, l'esigenza di stabilità, trasparenza e prevedibilità dei prezzi all'ingrosso di accesso alla banda larga evitando shock e fluttuazioni significativi.
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The Commission first warned AGCOM in August (see IP/13/774) that its planned measure may not be compatible with EU telecoms rules, since the proposed prices for 2013 were based on a market review conducted for the 2009-2012 period.
Nell'agosto scorso la Commissione ha richiamato per la prima volta l'attenzione dell'AGCOM (cfrIP/13/774) sull'eventualità che la misura prevista non fosse compatibile con le norme europee in materia di telecomunicazioni, poiché i prezzi proposti per il 2013 erano basati su un'analisi di mercato riferita al periodo 2009-2012.
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Some of the doubts initially underlined in the August letter were addressed during the three-month in-depth investigation, in particular the question whether market players were sufficiently informed of AGCOM's planned changes.
Alcuni dei dubbi inizialmente sollevati nella lettera di agosto sono stati affrontati nei tre mesi dell'indagine approfondita, ad esempio se gli operatori del mercato fossero sufficientemente informati in merito ai cambiamenti previsti dall'AGCOM.
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However, the Commission maintains its serious concerns regarding the inappropriateness of the regulated broadband access prices calculation for 2013.
La Commissione continua tuttavia a nutrire seri dubbi in merito all'adeguatezza del calcolo dei prezzi di accesso a banda larga all'ingrosso, effettuato per il 2013.
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European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes said:
Neelie Kroes, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, ha dichiarato:
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"Regulation which does not allow the regulated operator a return on investment will certainly not help deliver modern networks to EU citizens.
"Una regolazione delle tariffe che non consente all'operatore regolato di trarre rendimento dal capitale investito non aiuta certamente a dotare l'Europa di reti moderne a beneficio dei suoi cittadini.
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Regulation needs to be based on sound economic methods, up to date data and reflective of market developments to ensure that both regulated and alternative operators have the right incentives to invest in new technology and competition is not distorted".
La regolazione deve basarsi su metodi economici solidi e dati aggiornati che rispecchino gli sviluppi del mercato, in modo da garantire che sia gli operatori regolati sia quelli alternativi abbiano gli incentivi giusti a investire in nuove tecnologie e la concorrenza non sia falsata".
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Any new measure should also take account of the Commission's Recommendation on non-discrimination and costing methodologies to promote competition and enhance the broadband investment environment (see IP/13/828 and MEMO/13/779).
Ogni nuova misura dovrebbe inoltre tenere conto della raccomandazione della Commissione sugli obblighi di non discriminazione e sulle metodologie di determinazione dei costi per promuovere la concorrenza e migliorare il contesto per gli investimenti nella banda larga (cfr IP/13/828 e MEMO/13/779).
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This is the tenth time that the Commission has issued a recommendation under Article 7a of the Telecoms Directive (MEMO/10/226).
Questa è la decima volta che la Commissione formula una raccomandazione a norma dell'articolo 7 bis della direttiva sulle telecomunicazioni (MEMO/10/226).
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EU telecoms rules require Member States to promote competition and the interests of consumers in the EU, as well as the development of the Single Market.
La normativa in materia di telecomunicazioni impone agli Stati membri di promuovere la concorrenza e gli interessi dei consumatori nell'UE, così come lo sviluppo del mercato unico.
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Article 7 of the Telecoms Framework Directive requires national telecoms regulators to notify the Commission, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and telecoms regulators in other EU countries, of the measures they plan to introduce to solve market problems.
L'articolo 7 della direttiva quadro sulle telecomunicazioni prevede che le autorità nazionali di regolamentazione delle telecomunicazioni notifichino alla Commissione, all'organismo dei regolatori europei delle comunicazioni elettroniche (BEREC) e ai regolatori di altri paesi dell'UE i provvedimenti che intendono introdurre per risolvere problemi di mercato.
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Where the Commission has concerns as to the compatibility of the proposed regulatory obligations with EU law, it can open an in-depth, or so-called Phase II, investigation, under the powers of Article 7a of the Framework Directive.
Se la Commissione nutre preoccupazioni circa la compatibilità degli obblighi proposti con il diritto dell'UE, può avviare un'indagine approfondita, la cosiddetta fase II, a titolo dell'articolo 7 bis della direttiva quadro.
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It then has three months to discuss with the relevant regulator, in close cooperation with BEREC, how to amend its proposal in order to make it compliant with EU law.
Dispone poi di tre mesi per discutere con il regolatore in causa, in stretta collaborazione con il BEREC, su come modificare lo schema di provvedimento per renderlo conforme al diritto dell'UE.
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If, at the end of this investigation, divergences in the regulatory approaches of national regulators for remedies persist, the Commission may adopt further harmonisation measures, in which the Commission can require the national regulator in question to amend or withdraw its proposed measure. |
Se al termine dell'indagine persistono divergenze negli approcci normativi scelti dai regolatori nazionali per introdurre le misure correttive, la Commissione ha la facoltà di adottare ulteriori misure di armonizzazione, nelle quali può chiedere al regolatore nazionale di modificare o revocare il provvedimento proposto. |
Commission formally requests Italian telecoms regulator to amend or
withdraw its proposal for wholesale broadband price reductions
The European Commission has formally requested the Italian telecoms regulator
(AGCOM) to withdraw or amend its proposal for the prices applicable to wholesale
broadband access throughout 2013.
These access prices are the fees that the dominant operator, Telecom Italia,
can charge other operators who want to sell broadband services based on Telecom
Italia's copper access network.
After three months of analysis and taking utmost account of BEREC´s opinion
which, in the Commission´s view, did not provide any substantial new arguments
in addition to those of AGCOM, the Commission still considers that AGCOM has set
these fees on the basis of inappropriate data and that the way they are
calculated has the potential to harm broadband investment incentives for both
Telecom Italia and other operators.
The Commission considers that AGCOM's selective updating of the parameters of
the cost model used to set regulated broadband access prices (namely by adapting
repair maintenance costs and commercial costs while not updating the return on
capital, commonly known as Weighted Average Cost of Capital or "WACC") leads to
an unjustified regulated price reduction for the year 2013.
In the Commission's view, this approach does not provide the regulated
operator with a reasonable return on its investment in broadband networks, nor
does it give an appropriate price signal for alternative infrastructure
Ultimately, it is likely to be detrimental to an efficient investment in NGA
networks by both types of operators.
On the other hand, the Commission is now satisfied with AGCOM's clarification
that stakeholders were informed of AGCOM's change of approach to calculating the
access prices.
The Commission therefore recommends that AGCOM updates its fee calculations
(WACC) on the basis of available up-to-date data, in a way that more accurately
reflects persistent market developments affecting the risk-free (sovereign) rate
and equity risks and, more generally, the need for stable, transparent and
predictable wholesale broadband access prices over time, avoiding significant
fluctuations and shocks.
The Commission first warned AGCOM in August (see IP/13/774) that its planned
measure may not be compatible with EU telecoms rules, since the proposed prices
for 2013 were based on a market review conducted for the 2009-2012 period.
Some of the doubts initially underlined in the August letter were addressed
during the three-month in-depth investigation, in particular the question
whether market players were sufficiently informed of AGCOM's planned changes.
However, the Commission maintains its serious concerns regarding the
inappropriateness of the regulated broadband access prices calculation for 2013.
European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes said:
"Regulation which does not allow the regulated operator a return on
investment will certainly not help deliver modern networks to EU citizens.
Regulation needs to be based on sound economic methods, up to date data and
reflective of market developments to ensure that both regulated and alternative
operators have the right incentives to invest in new technology and competition
is not distorted".
Any new measure should also take account of the Commission's Recommendation
on non-discrimination and costing methodologies to promote competition and
enhance the broadband investment environment (see IP/13/828 and MEMO/13/779).
This is the tenth time that the Commission has issued a recommendation under
Article 7a of the Telecoms Directive (MEMO/10/226).
EU telecoms rules require Member States to promote competition and the
interests of consumers in the EU, as well as the development of the Single
Article 7 of the Telecoms Framework Directive requires national telecoms
regulators to notify the Commission, the Body of European Regulators for
Electronic Communications (BEREC) and telecoms regulators in other EU countries,
of the measures they plan to introduce to solve market problems.
Where the Commission has concerns as to the compatibility of the proposed
regulatory obligations with EU law, it can open an in-depth, or so-called Phase
II, investigation, under the powers of Article 7a of the Framework Directive.
It then has three months to discuss with the relevant regulator, in close
cooperation with BEREC, how to amend its proposal in order to make it compliant
with EU law.
If, at the end of this investigation, divergences in the regulatory
approaches of national regulators for remedies persist, the Commission may adopt
further harmonisation measures, in which the Commission can require the national
regulator in question to amend or withdraw its proposed measure.