Pubblicata la guida sui finanziamenti del programma Europa creativa: 170 milioni di euro disponibili nel 2014
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Data documento: 11-12_2013
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Creative Europe funding guide published: €170 million available in 2014
Pubblicata la guida sui finanziamenti del programma Europa creativa: 170 milioni di euro disponibili nel 2014
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Cultural and creative organisations wishing to bid for funding in 2014 through Creative Europe, the European Union's new programme for the cultural and creative sectors, can start to prepare their grant applications from today.
Le organizzazioni culturali e creative che nel 2014 intendono chiedere un finanziamento a Europa creativa, il nuovo programma dell'Unione europea a favore dei settori culturali e creativi, possono cominciare fin da oggi a preparare le loro domande.
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They will find the first details of funding opportunities ('calls for proposals') here.
Troveranno qui i primi dettagli sulle opportunità di finanziamento ("inviti a presentare proposte").
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To help prepare their application, the new Creative Europe Programme Guide contains a wealth of information about the funding process.
La nuova Guida al programma Europa creativa contiene numerose informazioni sul processo di finanziamento, utili per la preparazione delle domande.
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Nearly €170 million in funding is available under the programme's first calls for 2014.
Nell'ambito dei primi inviti previsti dal programma per il 2014 sono disponibili finanziamenti per quasi 170 milioni di euro.
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Individuals cannot apply directly for grants; instead they should contact relevant organisations such as cultural associations, festivals, theatres and film distributors etc. which make the application, or their national Creative Europe desk.
I singoli non possono chiedere direttamente una sovvenzione, ma devono contattare organizzazioni del settore (associazioni culturali, festival, teatri, distributori cinematografici ecc.) affinché queste presentino la domanda oppure rivolgersi al desk Europa creativa nazionale.
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"Over the next seven years, the Creative Europe programme will provide funding for transnational projects which will enable 250 000 artists and cultural professionals to reach new audiences abroad.
"Nei prossimi sette anni il programma Europa creativa offrirà finanziamenti per progetti transnazionali, grazie ai quali 250 000 artisti e professionisti della cultura potranno raggiungere nuovi pubblici all’estero.
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It will also invest strongly in the European film industry, with support for 2 000 cinemas and hundreds of films.
Il programma investirà inoltre fortemente nell’industria cinematografica europea, sostenendo 2 000 sale cinematografiche e centinaia di film.
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Authors and publishers will benefit from support for translation and we will continue to provide funding for the European Capitals of Culture and many other initiatives," said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture Multilingualism and Youth.
Gli autori e gli editori beneficeranno del sostegno destinato alla traduzione e noi continueremo a fornire finanziamenti per le Capitali europee della cultura e per molte altre iniziative", ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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Creative Europe, which will have a total budget of €1.46 billion over the next seven years – 9% more than current levels – will support artists, cultural professionals and cultural organisations in fields such as the performing arts, fine arts, publishing, film, TV, music, video games, interdisciplinary arts, heritage and video games to operate in other countries and develop the skills that are needed in the digital age.
Il programma Europa creativa, che disporrà di un bilancio complessivo di 1,46 miliardi di euro per i prossimi sette anni – il 9% in più rispetto agli attuali livelli – sosterrà artisti, professionisti della cultura e organizzazioni culturali in settori quali le arti dello spettacolo, le belle arti, l'editoria, il cinema, la televisione, la musica, i videogiochi, le arti interdisciplinari, il patrimonio culturale e i videogiochi, permettendo loro di operare in altri paesi e di sviluppare le abilità necessarie nell’era digitale.
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By increasing the visibility of European cultural works in other countries, it will also promote cultural and linguistic diversity.
Aumentando la visibilità delle opere culturali europee in altri paesi, promuoverà inoltre la diversità culturale e linguistica.
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In addition to Culture and MEDIA sub-programmes, Creative Europe will include a cross-sector strand to support policy cooperation, transversal measures and a new financial guarantee facility, which will enable small and medium sized enterprises in the cultural and creative sectors to access up to €750 million in bank loans.
Oltre ai sottoprogrammi Cultura e MEDIA, Europa creativa comprenderà una sezione transettoriale intesa a sostenere la cooperazione politica, misure trasversali e un nuovo strumento di garanzia finanziaria, che consentirà alle piccole e medie imprese dei settori culturali e creativi di accedere a prestiti bancari fino a 750 milioni di euro.
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The facility will be operational from 2016.
Lo strumento sarà operativo a partire dal 2016.
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It is estimated that Creative Europe programme will enable:
Secondo le stime il programma Europa creativa consentirà:
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- 250 000 artists and cultural professionals and their work to receive funding to reach new audiences beyond their home countries;
- a 250 000 artisti e operatori culturali e alle loro opere di ricevere finanziamenti per raggiungere nuove categorie di pubblico al di là dei loro confini nazionali;
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- More than 800 European films to receive distribution support and therefore be seen by audiences throughout Europe and the world;
- a più di 800 film europei di ricevere un sostegno alla distribuzione e quindi di essere visti da un pubblico di tutta Europa e del mondo;
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- At least 2 000 European cinemas to benefit from the support to European cinema network enabling them to ensure that at least 50% of the films they screen are European;
- ad almeno 2 000 sale cinematografiche europee di beneficiare del sostegno della rete Europa Cinemas, garantendo così che almeno il 50% dei film in esse proiettati siano europei;
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- More than 4 500 books and other literary works to receive support for translation, allowing readers to enjoy them in their mother tongue;
- a più di 4 500 libri e altre opere letterarie di ricevere un sostegno alla traduzione consentendo ai lettori di apprezzarli nella loro lingua materna;
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- Thousands of cultural and audiovisual organisations and professionals to benefit from training to gain new skills and to strengthen their capacity to work internationally.
- a migliaia di organizzazioni e operatori del mondo della cultura e degli audiovisivi di beneficiare di una formazione per acquisire nuove abilità e per rafforzare la loro capacità di operare su scala internazionale.
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The European Capitals of Culture, the European Heritage Label, the European Heritage Days as well as 5 prizes in the field of culture and audiovisual are also supported through Creative Europe.
Le Capitali europee della cultura, il Marchio del patrimonio europeo, le Giornate europee del patrimonio e cinque premi nel campo della cultura e degli audiovisivi ricevono a loro volta un sostegno da Europa creativa.
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The new programme, which replaces the MEDIA, MEDIA Mundus and Culture programmes, will allocate 56% of its budget to the support of the cinema and audiovisual sector and 31% for culture.
Il nuovo programma, che sostituisce i programmi MEDIA, MEDIA Mundus e Cultura, stanzierà il 56% del suo bilancio a sostegno del settore audiovisivo e cinematografico e il 31% per la cultura.
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The European cultural and creative sectors represent up to 4.5% of European GDP and account for some 3.8% of the EU workforce (8.5 million people). |
I settori culturali e creativi dell'Europa rappresentano il 4,5% del PIL europeo e occupano circa il 3,8% della forza lavoro dell'UE (8,5 milioni di persone). |
Creative Europe funding guide published: €170 million available in 2014
Cultural and creative organisations wishing to bid for funding in 2014
through Creative Europe, the European Union's new programme for the cultural and
creative sectors, can start to prepare their grant applications from today.
They will find the first details of funding opportunities ('calls for
proposals') here.
To help prepare their application, the new Creative Europe Programme Guide
contains a wealth of information about the funding process.
Nearly €170 million in funding is available under the programme's first calls
for 2014.
Individuals cannot apply directly for grants; instead they should contact
relevant organisations such as cultural associations, festivals, theatres and
film distributors etc. which make the application, or their national Creative
Europe desk.
"Over the next seven years, the Creative Europe programme will provide
funding for transnational projects which will enable 250 000 artists and
cultural professionals to reach new audiences abroad.
It will also invest strongly in the European film industry, with support for
2 000 cinemas and hundreds of films.
Authors and publishers will benefit from support for translation and we will
continue to provide funding for the European Capitals of Culture and many other
initiatives," said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture
Multilingualism and Youth.
Creative Europe, which will have a total budget of €1.46 billion over the
next seven years – 9% more than current levels – will support artists, cultural
professionals and cultural organisations in fields such as the performing arts,
fine arts, publishing, film, TV, music, video games, interdisciplinary arts,
heritage and video games to operate in other countries and develop the skills
that are needed in the digital age.
By increasing the visibility of European cultural works in other countries,
it will also promote cultural and linguistic diversity.
In addition to Culture and MEDIA sub-programmes, Creative Europe will include
a cross-sector strand to support policy cooperation, transversal measures and a
new financial guarantee facility, which will enable small and medium sized
enterprises in the cultural and creative sectors to access up to €750 million in
bank loans.
The facility will be operational from 2016.
It is estimated that Creative Europe programme will enable:
- 250 000 artists and cultural professionals and their work to receive
funding to reach new audiences beyond their home countries;
- More than 800 European films to receive distribution support and therefore
be seen by audiences throughout Europe and the world;
- At least 2 000 European cinemas to benefit from the support to European
cinema network enabling them to ensure that at least 50% of the films they
screen are European;
- More than 4 500 books and other literary works to receive support for
translation, allowing readers to enjoy them in their mother tongue;
- Thousands of cultural and audiovisual organisations and professionals to
benefit from training to gain new skills and to strengthen their capacity to
work internationally.
The European Capitals of Culture, the European Heritage Label, the European
Heritage Days as well as 5 prizes in the field of culture and audiovisual are
also supported through Creative Europe.
The new programme, which replaces the MEDIA, MEDIA Mundus and Culture
programmes, will allocate 56% of its budget to the support of the cinema and
audiovisual sector and 31% for culture.
The European cultural and creative sectors represent up to 4.5% of European
GDP and account for some 3.8% of the EU workforce (8.5 million people).