La Corte respinge le impugnazioni delle società implicate nell’intesa sul mercato dei candeggianti
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Data documento: 05-12-2013
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The Court dismisses the appeals of the companies involved in the cartel on the market for bleaching agents
La Corte respinge le impugnazioni delle società implicate nell’intesa sul mercato dei candeggianti
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The fines imposed have therefore become definitive for those companies
Le ammende divengono definitive per queste società
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Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidising agent which has several industrial applications.
Il perossido d’idrogeno è un potente agente ossidante che ha diverse applicazioni industriali.
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It is a clear, colourless liquid which is available commercially or used as a bleaching agent in the paper and textile industries, for disinfection and sewage treatment.
Si tratta di un liquido trasparente e incolore, disponibile in commercio o usato come candeggiante nelle cartiere e nell’industria tessile, per la disinfezione e il trattamento delle acque reflue.
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Sodium perborate is mainly used as an active substance in synthetic detergents and washing powders.
Il perborato di sodio è principalmente utilizzato come sostanza attiva nei detergenti sintetici e nei detersivi in polvere.
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Following a complaint lodged by the company Degussa in 2002, the Commission decided, in 2006, that nine companies had participated in cartels in the bleaching agents sector (hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate).
A seguito di una denuncia presentata dalla società Degussa nel 2002, la Commissione ha accertato, nel 2006, la partecipazione di nove imprese a intese nel settore dei candeggianti (perossido d’idrogeno e perborato di sodio).
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It therefore imposed fines totalling €388.13 million on seven of those companies.
Di conseguenza, essa ha inflitto ammende per un importo totale pari a EUR 388,13 milioni a sette fra le imprese coinvolte .
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The cartel consisted mainly of competitors exchanging confidential market and company information, limiting and controlling production, allocating market shares and customers and fixing and monitoring prices between 1994 and 2000.
L’intesa è consistita prevalentemente nello scambio di informazioni riservate concernenti i mercati e le imprese, nella limitazione e nel controllo della produzione, nell’assegnazione di quote di mercato e di clienti e nella fissazione e monitoraggio dei prezzi per un periodo compreso tra il 1994 e il 2000.
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The companies punished included the Italian company Edison SpA and its subsidiary Solvay Solexis SpA (called Ausimont SpA at the material time), the Italian company SNIA SpA and its subsidiary Caffaro SpA, the Belgian company Solvay SA, US company FMC Corporation and its Spanish subsidiary FMC Foret SA.
Tra le società punite comparivano le società italiane Edison SpA e la sua controllata Solvay Solexis SpA (denominata, all’epoca dei fatti, Ausimont SpA), SNIA SpA e la sua controllata Caffaro SpA, la società belga Solvay SA, la società statunitense FMC Corporation e la sua controllata spagnola FMC Foret SA.
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The participation of the French company L’Air Liquide SA in the cartel had ended more than five years prior to the Commission's first investigative measures, so although it was among the addresses of the Commission’s decision, it was not fined because the limitation period had expired.
La partecipazione all’intesa della società francese L’Air Liquide SA era terminata già da più di cinque anni alla data dei primi atti istruttori della Commissione per cui, pur essendo destinataria della decisione della Commissione, ad essa non sono state inflitte ammende a causa della prescrizione.
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Those companies brought actions before the General Court, which annulled the Commission’s decision with respect to L’Air Liquide and Edison.
Adito da queste società, nel 2011 il Tribunale ha annullato la decisione della Commissione relativamente a L’Air Liquide e alla Edison.
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The General Court also reduced the fine imposed on Solvay, so as to take account of the reduced period of its participation in the cartel, and because the information provided by Solvay was widely used in the Decision.
Il Tribunale ha ridotto anche l’importo dell’ammenda inflitta alla Solvay, per tener conto della durata ridotta della sua partecipazione all’intesa e del fatto che le informazioni comunicate da questa società sono state ampiamente utilizzate nella decisione.
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However, it dismissed the actions brought by Solvay Solexis, SNIA and its subsidiary Caffaro, and by FMC Corporation and its subsidiary FMC Foret, maintaining the amounts of their fines.
Viceversa, esso ha respinto il ricorso delle società Solvay Solexis, SNIA e della sua controllata Caffaro, nonché della FMC Corporation e della sua controllata FMC Foret, confermando l’importo delle ammende loro inflitte .
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Solvay, Caffaro, SNIA and Solvay Solexis then lodged various appeals before the Court of Justice in order to have the judgments of the General Court regarding those undertakings set aside.
Le società Solvay, Caffaro, SNIA E Solvay Solexis hanno proposto allora diverse impugnazioni dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia, al fine di ottenere l’annullamento delle sentenze del Tribunale che le riguardavano.
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By a separate appeal, the Commission requested the Court of Justice to set aside the judgment of the General Court regarding Edison.
Con una distinta impugnazione anche la Commissione ha adito la Corte, chiedendo l’annullamento della sentenza del Tribunale concernente la società Edison.
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By its judgments delivered today, the Court of Justice upholds the judgments of the General Court, essentially taking the view that the General Court did not err in law.
Con le sentenze odierne, la Corte conferma le sentenze del Tribunale, giudicando sostanzialmente che il Tribunale non aveva commesso errori di diritto.
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Consequently, the Court of Justice has dismissed all the appeals and confirmed the fines as set by the General Court in its judgments of 16 June 2011.
Di conseguenza, la Corte respinge l’insieme delle impugnazioni e conferma le ammende stabilite dal Tribunale nelle sue sentenze del 16 giugno 2011.
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An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the Court of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
Avverso le sentenze o ordinanze del Tribunale può essere presentata impugnazione alla Corte di giustizia, limitatamente alle questioni di diritto.
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In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
In linea di principio, l'impugnazione non ha effetti sospensivi.
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If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court.
Se essa è ricevibile e fondata, la Corte annulla la decisione del Tribunale.
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Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may itself give final judgment in the case.
Nel caso in cui la causa sia matura per essere decisa, la Corte stessa può pronunciarsi definitivamente sulla controversia;
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Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound by the decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal.
in caso contrario, rinvia la causa al Tribunale, vincolato dalla decisione emanata dalla Corte in sede di impugnazione. |
The Court dismisses the appeals of the companies involved in the cartel on
the market for bleaching agents
The fines imposed have therefore become definitive for those companies
Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidising agent which has several industrial
It is a clear, colourless liquid which is available commercially or used as a
bleaching agent in the paper and textile industries, for disinfection and sewage
Sodium perborate is mainly used as an active substance in synthetic
detergents and washing powders.
Following a complaint lodged by the company Degussa in 2002, the Commission
decided, in 2006, that nine companies had participated in cartels in the
bleaching agents sector (hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate).
It therefore imposed fines totalling €388.13 million on seven of those
The cartel consisted mainly of competitors exchanging confidential market and
company information, limiting and controlling production, allocating market
shares and customers and fixing and monitoring prices between 1994 and 2000.
The companies punished included the Italian company Edison SpA and its
subsidiary Solvay Solexis SpA (called Ausimont SpA at the material time), the
Italian company SNIA SpA and its subsidiary Caffaro SpA, the Belgian company
Solvay SA, US company FMC Corporation and its Spanish subsidiary FMC Foret SA.
The participation of the French company L’Air Liquide SA in the cartel had
ended more than five years prior to the Commission's first investigative
measures, so although it was among the addresses of the Commission’s decision,
it was not fined because the limitation period had expired.
Those companies brought actions before the General Court, which annulled the
Commission’s decision with respect to L’Air Liquide and Edison.
The General Court also reduced the fine imposed on Solvay, so as to take
account of the reduced period of its participation in the cartel, and because
the information provided by Solvay was widely used in the Decision.
However, it dismissed the actions brought by Solvay Solexis, SNIA and its
subsidiary Caffaro, and by FMC Corporation and its subsidiary FMC Foret,
maintaining the amounts of their fines.
Solvay, Caffaro, SNIA and Solvay Solexis then lodged various appeals before
the Court of Justice in order to have the judgments of the General Court
regarding those undertakings set aside.
By a separate appeal, the Commission requested the Court of Justice to set
aside the judgment of the General Court regarding Edison.
By its judgments delivered today, the Court of Justice upholds the judgments
of the General Court, essentially taking the view that the General Court did not
err in law.
Consequently, the Court of Justice has dismissed all the appeals and
confirmed the fines as set by the General Court in its judgments of 16 June
An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the Court
of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets aside
the judgment of the General Court.
Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may
itself give final judgment in the case.
Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound by
the decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal.