Relazione sulla scuola nell'UE: qualche miglioramento in scienze e lettura ma carente in matematica
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-1198_it.htmm
Data documento: 03-12-2013
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EU school report: Some improvement in science and reading, but poor in maths
Relazione sulla scuola nell'UE: qualche miglioramento in scienze e lettura ma carente in matematica
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The latest OECD report on the maths, science and reading skills of 15 year olds reveals mixed results for Member States.
Dall'ultimo rapporto dell'OCSE sulle competenze dei quindicenni in matematica, nelle scienze e nella lettura emergono risultati contrastanti per gli Stati membri.
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The EU as a whole is seriously lagging behind in maths, but the picture is more encouraging in science and reading where Europe is on track to achieve its 2020 target for reducing the percentage of low achievers1 to below 15%.
L'UE nel suo complesso è in forte ritardo per quanto concerne la matematica, mentre la situazione è più incoraggiante per scienze e lettura, materie per le quali l'Europa è sulla buona strada per conseguire il suo obiettivo del 2020, vale a dire ridurre a meno del 15% la percentuale dei ragazzi con capacità insoddisfacenti1.
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The results were presented in Brussels by Yves Leterme, Deputy Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Jan Truszczynski, European Commission Director General for Education and Culture.
I risultati sono stati presentati a Bruxelles da Yves Leterme, vicesegretario generale dell’Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economici (OCSE), e da Jan Truszczynski, direttore generale della DG Istruzione e cultura della Commissione europea.
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The findings reveal that ten Member States (BG, CZ, DE, EE, IE, HR, LV, AT, PL and RO) have achieved significant progress in diminishing their share of low achievers across all three basic skills since 2009.
I risultati indicano che, dal 2009, dieci Stati membri (BG, CZ, DE, EE, IE, HR, LV, AT, PL e RO) hanno compiuto progressi significativi nel ridurre la percentuale dei giovani con capacità insoddisfacenti nelle tre competenze di base.
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But five EU countries (EL, HU, SK, FI, SE) have seen an increase in the number of low achievers.
Cinque paesi dell’UE (EL, HU, SK, FI, SE) hanno tuttavia visto un aumento del numero di allievi scarsamente preparati.
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Other Member States achieved mixed results (see table).
Altri Stati membri hanno ottenuto risultati contrastanti (cfr. tabella).
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Overall, EU performance is slightly better than the United States, but both lag behind Japan.
Il rendimento dell’UE nel suo complesso è lievemente migliore rispetto a quello degli Stati Uniti, ma entrambi rimangono indietro rispetto al Giappone.
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, commented:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha dichiarato:
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"I congratulate those Member States which have improved their performance, but it is clear that the EU as a whole needs to work harder.
"Mi congratulo con gli Stati membri che hanno migliorato il loro rendimento ma è chiaro che l'UE nel suo insieme deve fare di più.
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Member States must sustain their efforts to tackle low achievement in school education to ensure that youngsters have the skills they need to succeed in the modern world.
Gli Stati membri devono continuare a dedicare energie alla lotta contro lo scarso rendimento nell'istruzione scolastica per far sì che i giovani conseguano le competenze di cui hanno bisogno per riuscire nel mondo moderno.
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The results are a reminder that investment in quality education is fundamental for Europe's future."
Questi risultati ci ricordano che investire in un'istruzione di qualità è fondamentale per il futuro dell’Europa."
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This view was echoed by Yves Leterme:
Stesso punto di vista è quello espresso da Yves Leterme:
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"The PISA study shows what 15 year olds know and what they can do with what they know.
"Lo studio PISA mostra quali conoscenze abbiano i quindicenni e cosa possano farne.
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In a global economy, success is no longer measured against national standards alone, but against the best-performing education systems.
In un’economia globale il successo non è più misurato esclusivamente in base agli standard nazionali, bensì rispetto ai sistemi di istruzione che vantano i risultati migliori.
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The results for the EU underline that the pace of improvement needs to increase if Member States are to avoid falling behind other economies," added the former Belgian Prime Minister.
I dati relativi all’UE sottolineano che gli Stati membri devono accelerare il miglioramento se vogliono evitare di restare indietro rispetto ad altre economie", ha aggiunto l’ex primo ministro belga.
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The PISA survey has been carried out every three years since its launch in 2000.
Dal suo esordio, nel 2000, lo studio PISA è stato svolto ogni tre anni.
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All 34 OECD member countries and 31 partner countries participated in PISA 2012, representing more than 80% of the world economy.
PISA 2012 ha visto la partecipazione di tutti i 34 paesi membri dell'OCSE e dei 31 paesi partner, vale a dire oltre l'80% dell'economia mondiale.
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Around 510 000 pupils aged from 15 years 3 months to 16 years and 2 months took part in the tests, which covered maths, reading and science, with the main focus on maths.
Ai test,incentrati su matematica, lettura e scienze, con una particolare attenzione per la prima, hanno preso parte circa 510 000 studenti di età compresa tra i 15 anni e 3 mesi e i 16 anni e 2 mesi.
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The evidence base that PISA produces enables policy-makers and educators to identify the characteristics of high-performing education systems and to adapt their policies.
La base di dati scientifici prodotta da PISA consente ai responsabili politici e agli educatori di individuare le caratteristiche dei sistemi di istruzione ad alta efficienza e di adeguare le loro politiche.
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The European Commission and OECD recently signed a cooperation agreement to work closer together in three areas:
La Commissione europea e l'OCSE hanno recentemente concluso un accordo per intensificare la cooperazione in tre aree:
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skills strategies, country analyses and international surveys.
strategie nel campo delle competenze, analisi per paese e indagini internazionali.
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What the findings say about the EU - Commission analysis:
Analisi della Commissione dei risultati relativi all'UE:
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Reading: The percentage of low achievers in reading has declined from 23.1% in 2006 and 19.7% in 2009 to 17.8% in 2012.
Lettura: nel 2012 la percentuale di ragazzi con capacità insufficienti nella lettura è scesa al 17,8%, dal 23,1% del 2006 e dal 19,7% del 2009.
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If this trend continues, the 15% benchmark may be achievable by 2020.
Nel caso in cui questa tendenza si mantenga il parametro di riferimento del 15% può essere conseguito entro il 2020.
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So far, only seven EU countries have reached this benchmark (EE, IE, PL, FI, NL, DE and DK).
Finora tale parametro è stato raggiunto solo da sette paesi dell’UE (EE, IE, PL, FI, NL, DE e DK).
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Notable progress has been achieved by CZ, DE, EE, IE, HR, LT, LU, AT, PL and RO.
Progressi notevoli sono stati ottenuti da CZ, DE, EE, IE, HR, LT, LU, AT, PL e RO.
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Maths: No progress in improving the percentage of low achievers at EU level since 2009.
Matematica: rispetto al 2009 non è stato registrato alcun miglioramento della percentuale di giovani con capacità insufficienti.
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However, four Member States (EE, FI, PL, NL) are among the top performing countries world-wide with a rate of low achievers in maths below the EU benchmark of 15%.
Quattro Stati membri (EE, FI, PL, NL) sono tuttavia tra i paesi che vantano i migliori risultati a livello mondiale, con una percentuale di allievi con scarso rendimento in matematica inferiore al parametro di riferimento dell'UE del 15%.
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No other Member State has yet reached this level.
Tale livello non è stato ancora raggiunto da nessun altro Stato membro.
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Significant progress (more than 2 percentage points) was made by BG, EE, IE, HR, LV, AT, PL and RO.
Progressi significativi (pari a oltre 2 punti percentuali) sono stati compiuti da BG, EE, IE, HR, LV, AT, PL e RO.
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Science: Steady improvement in science skills across the Union.
Scienze: in tutta l’Unione è stato registrato un miglioramento costante delle competenze scientifiche.
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The EU percentage of low achievers has dropped from 20.3% in 2006 to 17.8% in 2009 and 16.6% in 2012.
Nel 2012 la percentuale UE di ragazzi con capacità insoddisfacenti è scesa al 16,6%, dal 20,3% del 2006 e dal 17,8% del 2009.
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Ten Member States are below the 15% benchmark: CZ, DE, EE, IE, LV, NL, PL, SI, FI, UK.
Dieci Stati membri si situano al di sotto del parametro di riferimento del 15%:) CZ, DE, EE, IE, LV, NL, PL, SI, FI, UK.
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Steady progress has been achieved by CZ, DE, EE, IE, ES, LV, AT, PL and RO.
Progressi costanti sono stati registrati da CZ, DE, EE, IE, ES, LV, AT, PL e RO.
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The analysis highlights that the socio-economic status of pupils has a significant bearing on performance levels, with those coming from low-income households much more likely to be low achievers in maths, science and reading.
L’analisi evidenzia che la situazione socioeconomica degli studenti incide in modo significativo sul livello di rendimento: quelli che provengono da famiglie a basso reddito hanno molte più probabilità di avere risultati insoddisfacenti in matematica, scienze e lettura.
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Other significant factors include the mainly negative effects of being of migrant background, the importance of attending early childhood education and care, as well as the gender gap in reading proficiency (girls do much better than boys).
Tra gli altri fattori determinanti figurano gli effetti essenzialmente negativi dell'appartenenza a un contesto migratorio, l’importanza di ricevere un'istruzione e un'assistenza di qualità dalla prima infanzia nonché il divario tra i generi nella lettura (le ragazze riescono molto meglio dei ragazzi).
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The analysis also reveals the relationship between PISA results and the recently published OECD Survey of Adult Skills (IP/13/922). It concludes that, to be effective, policies need to focus on improvement of primary and secondary school education.
L'analisi illustra inoltre il rapporto tra i risultati di PISA e l'indagine dell'OCSE sulle competenze degli adulti (IP/13/922), di recente pubblicazione, giungendo alla conclusione che, per essere efficaci, le politiche devono concentrarsi sul miglioramento dell’istruzione primaria e secondaria.
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Beyond that it is usually too late to compensate for the missed opportunity in school.
Oltre tale limite temporale è di solito troppo tardi per supplire all'opportunità mancata nella scuola.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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At 2pm today, Michael Davidson, OECD head of Early Childhood and Schools, and Jan Pakulski, head of the Commission's education statistics, surveys and studies unit, will brief education and training stakeholders on the implications of the PISA 2012 results for European policy-making.
Alle ore 14:00 di oggi Michael Davidson, capo del settore prima infanzia e istruzione dell'OCSE, e Jan Pakulski, capo dell'unità statistiche, indagini e studi in tema di istruzione della Commissione, informeranno gli attori dei settori dell'istruzione e della formazione delle implicazioni dei risultati di PISA 2012 per il processo decisionale europeo.
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The briefing will take place in the auditorium of the Commission's Madou building, Place Madou 1, 1210 Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode.
La sessione informativa avrà luogo presso l'Auditorium dell'edificio Madou della Commissione, sito a Place Madou 1, 1210 Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode.
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Accredited media are welcome.
I media accreditati sono invitati a partecipare.
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The Commission will discuss the PISA 2012 findings with Member States to help identify measures to remedy weaknesses.
La Commissione esaminerà i risultati di PISA 2012 con gli Stati membri per consentir loro di individuare le azioni idonee a porre rimedio alle carenze.
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A first exchange is planned at the next meeting of EU Education Ministers on 24 February.
Un primo scambio di opinioni è previsto in occasione della prossima riunione dei ministri dell'Istruzione dell'UE che si terrà il 24 febbraio.
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The results will also be used for the Commission's 2014 'European Semester' which produces country-specific recommendations linked to basic skills.
I risultati verranno inoltre utilizzati per il "semestre europeo" 2014 della Commissione, che si tradurrà in raccomandazioni specifiche per paese in tema di competenze di base.
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The new Erasmus+ (IP/13/1110) programme for education, training and youth, which starts in January, will support projects aimed at developing and upgrading school education.
Il nuovo programma per l'istruzione, la formazione e la gioventù, Erasmus+ (IP/13/1110), che verrà avviato in gennaio, sosterrà progetti intesi a sviluppare e migliorare l'istruzione scolastica.
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The survey results can also help Member States define priorities for support from the European Social Fund, which is a key source of investment in skills and training and can also improve education possibilities for vulnerable groups. |
I risultati dell'indagine possono inoltre aiutare gli Stati membri a definire le priorità che richiederanno un finanziamento dal Fondo sociale europeo; quest'ultimo costituisce una delle principali fonti di investimento in competenze e formazione e può migliorare le possibilità di istruzione per i gruppi vulnerabili |
EU school report: Some improvement in science and reading, but poor in
The latest OECD report on the maths, science and reading skills of 15 year
olds reveals mixed results for Member States.
The EU as a whole is seriously lagging behind in maths, but the picture is
more encouraging in science and reading where Europe is on track to achieve its
2020 target for reducing the percentage of low achievers1 to below 15%.
The results were presented in Brussels by Yves Leterme, Deputy Secretary
General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
and Jan Truszczynski, European Commission Director General for Education and
The findings reveal that ten Member States (BG, CZ, DE, EE, IE, HR, LV, AT,
PL and RO) have achieved significant progress in diminishing their share of low
achievers across all three basic skills since 2009.
But five EU countries (EL, HU, SK, FI, SE) have seen an increase in the
number of low achievers.
Other Member States achieved mixed results (see table).
Overall, EU performance is slightly better than the United States, but both
lag behind Japan.
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, commented:
"I congratulate those Member States which have improved their performance,
but it is clear that the EU as a whole needs to work harder.
Member States must sustain their efforts to tackle low achievement in school
education to ensure that youngsters have the skills they need to succeed in the
modern world.
The results are a reminder that investment in quality education is
fundamental for Europe's future."
This view was echoed by Yves Leterme:
"The PISA study shows what 15 year olds know and what they can do with what
they know.
In a global economy, success is no longer measured against national standards
alone, but against the best-performing education systems.
The results for the EU underline that the pace of improvement needs to
increase if Member States are to avoid falling behind other economies," added
the former Belgian Prime Minister.
The PISA survey has been carried out every three years since its launch in
All 34 OECD member countries and 31 partner countries participated in PISA
2012, representing more than 80% of the world economy.
Around 510 000 pupils aged from 15 years 3 months to 16 years and 2 months
took part in the tests, which covered maths, reading and science, with the main
focus on maths.
The evidence base that PISA produces enables policy-makers and educators to
identify the characteristics of high-performing education systems and to adapt
their policies.
The European Commission and OECD recently signed a cooperation agreement to
work closer together in three areas:
skills strategies, country analyses and international surveys.
What the findings say about the EU - Commission analysis:
Reading: The percentage of low achievers in reading has declined from
23.1% in 2006 and 19.7% in 2009 to 17.8% in 2012.
If this trend continues, the 15% benchmark may be achievable by 2020.
So far, only seven EU countries have reached this benchmark (EE, IE, PL, FI,
NL, DE and DK).
Notable progress has been achieved by CZ, DE, EE, IE, HR, LT, LU, AT, PL and
Maths: No progress in improving the percentage of low achievers at EU
level since 2009.
However, four Member States (EE, FI, PL, NL) are among the top performing
countries world-wide with a rate of low achievers in maths below the EU
benchmark of 15%.
No other Member State has yet reached this level.
Significant progress (more than 2 percentage points) was made by BG, EE, IE,
HR, LV, AT, PL and RO.
Science: Steady improvement in science skills across the Union.
The EU percentage of low achievers has dropped from 20.3% in 2006 to 17.8% in
2009 and 16.6% in 2012.
Ten Member States are below the 15% benchmark: CZ, DE, EE, IE, LV, NL, PL,
Steady progress has been achieved by CZ, DE, EE, IE, ES, LV, AT, PL and RO.
The analysis highlights that the socio-economic status of pupils has a
significant bearing on performance levels, with those coming from low-income
households much more likely to be low achievers in maths, science and reading.
Other significant factors include the mainly negative effects of being of
migrant background, the importance of attending early childhood education and
care, as well as the gender gap in reading proficiency (girls do much better
than boys).
The analysis also reveals the relationship between PISA results and the
recently published OECD Survey of Adult Skills (IP/13/922). It concludes that,
to be effective, policies need to focus on improvement of primary and secondary
school education.
Beyond that it is usually too late to compensate for the missed opportunity
in school.
Next steps
At 2pm today, Michael Davidson, OECD head of Early Childhood and Schools, and
Jan Pakulski, head of the Commission's education statistics, surveys and studies
unit, will brief education and training stakeholders on the implications of the
PISA 2012 results for European policy-making.
The briefing will take place in the auditorium of the Commission's Madou
building, Place Madou 1, 1210 Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode.
Accredited media are welcome.
The Commission will discuss the PISA 2012 findings with Member States to help
identify measures to remedy weaknesses.
A first exchange is planned at the next meeting of EU Education Ministers on
24 February.
The results will also be used for the Commission's 2014 'European Semester'
which produces country-specific recommendations linked to basic skills.
The new Erasmus+ (IP/13/1110) programme for education, training and youth,
which starts in January, will support projects aimed at developing and upgrading
school education.
The survey results can also help Member States define priorities for support
from the European Social Fund, which is a key source of investment in skills and
training and can also improve education possibilities for vulnerable groups.