Parte EUROSUR: nuovi strumenti per salvare la vita ai migranti e prevenire la criminalità alle frontiere dell'Unione europea
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Data documento: 29-11-2013
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EUROSUR kicks off: new tools to save migrants' lives and prevent crime at EU borders
Parte EUROSUR: nuovi strumenti per salvare la vita ai migranti e prevenire la criminalità alle frontiere dell'Unione europea
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On 2 December 2013 the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) becomes operational.
Il 2 dicembre 2013 diventa operativo il sistema europeo di sorveglianza delle frontiere (EUROSUR).
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EUROSUR will make an important contribution to saving lives of those who put themselves in danger to reach Europe's shores.
EUROSUR offrirà un contributo decisivo per salvare la vita di coloro che cercano, affrontando grandi rischi, di raggiungere le coste europee.
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It will also equip the EU and its Member States with better tools to prevent cross-border crimes, such as trafficking in human beings or trafficking in drugs, while at the same time detect and provide assistance to small migrant boats in distress, in full compliance with European and international obligations, including the principle of non-refoulement.
Doterà inoltre l'UE e i suoi Stati membri di strumenti migliori per prevenire reati transfrontalieri come la tratta di esseri umani o il traffico di droga, e al contempo per individuare e assistere le piccole imbarcazioni di migranti in pericolo, nel pieno rispetto degli obblighi europei e internazionali, compreso il principio di non respingimento.
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"I welcome the launch of EUROSUR. It is a truly European response to save the lives of migrants travelling in overcrowded and unseaworthy vessels, to avoid further tragedies in the Mediterranean and also to stop speed boats transporting drugs.
"Mi rallegro del lancio di EUROSUR, una soluzione autenticamente europea che permetterà di salvare la vita di migranti in viaggio su imbarcazioni sovraffollate e insicure, di evitare ulteriori tragedie nel Mediterraneo e anche di fermare imbarcazioni veloci che trasportano la droga.
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All these initiatives are highly dependent on a timely information exchange and coordinated efforts between the national and European agencies.
Il raggiungimento di questi obiettivi dipende in misura considerevole da uno scambio tempestivo di informazioni e da un impegno coordinato tra gli organismi nazionali e quelli europei:
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EUROSUR provides that framework, in full respect of international obligations," said Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.
EUROSUR fornisce questo quadro, nel pieno rispetto degli obblighi internazionali", ha dichiarato Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria dell'UE per gli Affari interni.
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EUROSUR is being established gradually, starting on 2 December 2013 with the 18 EU Member States at the southern and eastern external borders and the Schengen associated country Norway.
EUROSUR sarà introdotto in modo graduale, da principio, il 2 dicembre 2013, nei 18 Stati membri dell'UE alle frontiere esterne meridionali e orientali e in Norvegia, paese associato a Schengen;
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The remaining 11 EU Member States and Schengen associated countries will join EUROSUR as of 1 December 2014.
gli altri 11 Stati membri dell'UE e gli altri paesi associati a Schengen si uniranno il 1° dicembre 2014.
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The different components of EUROSUR will be continuously upgraded in the coming years.
Nei prossimi anni si procederà ad aggiornare continuamente le diverse componenti di EUROSUR.
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Interagency cooperation, information exchange and joint response
Cooperazione tra agenzie, scambio di informazioni e risposta comune
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The backbone of EUROSUR is formed by 'national coordination centres', via which all national authorities with a responsibility for border surveillance (e.g. border guard, police, coast guard, navy) are required to cooperate and to coordinate their activities.
L'ossatura di EUROSUR è formata dai "centri nazionali di coordinamento", tramite i quali tutte le autorità nazionali responsabili della sorveglianza delle frontiere (ad esempio le guardie di frontiera, la polizia, la guardia costiera, la marina militare) sono tenute a cooperare e a coordinare le rispettive attività.
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Information on incidents occurring at the external land and sea borders, the status and position of patrols as well as analytical reports and intelligence are being shared via 'national situational pictures' among these national authorities.
Tali autorità nazionali si scambiano informazioni su episodi che si verificano alle frontiere esterne terrestri e marittime, sulla situazione e sull'ubicazione dei pattugliamenti, nonché relazioni analitiche e di intelligence, tramite "quadri situazionali nazionali".
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This cooperation and information exchange allows the concerned Member State to react much faster to any incidents concerning irregular migration and cross-border crime or relating to a risk to the lives of migrants.
Grazie a questa cooperazione e a questi scambi di informazioni, gli Stati membri possono reagire molto più rapidamente a qualsiasi episodio di migrazione irregolare e di criminalità transfrontaliera, o che comporti un rischio per la vita dei migranti.
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The EU border agency Frontex plays an important role in bringing together and analysing in the 'European situational picture' information collected by Member States, thereby detecting changing routes or new methods used by criminal networks.
L'Agenzia dell'UE per le frontiere, Frontex, svolge un ruolo importante nel mettere insieme e analizzare i dati del "quadro situazionale europeo" raccolti dagli Stati membri, individuando in tal modo eventuali cambiamenti nelle rotte migratorie o nei metodi utilizzati dalle reti criminali.
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This European situational picture also contains information collected during Frontex joint operations and on the pre-frontier area.
Il quadro situazionale europeo contiene anche informazioni raccolte durante le operazioni congiunte e sulla zona prefrontaliera.
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Furthermore, Frontex supports Member States in detecting small vessels by closely cooperating with other EU agencies, such as the European Maritime Safety Agency and the EU Satellite Centre.
Frontex, inoltre, aiuta gli Stati membri a localizzare le piccole imbarcazioni cooperando strettamente con altre agenzie dell'UE, come l'Agenzia europea per la sicurezza marittima e il Centro satellitare dell'Unione europea.
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EUROSUR allows Member States to react faster not only to single incidents, but also to critical situations occurring at the external borders.
EUROSUR permette agli Stati membri di reagire più rapidamente non solo a singoli episodi, ma anche a situazioni critiche che si verificano alle frontiere esterne.
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For this purpose the external land and sea borders have been divided into 'border sections' and a low, medium or high 'impact level' is being attributed to each of them, similar to a traffic light.
A questo scopo, le frontiere esterne terrestri e marittime sono state divise in "sezioni di frontiera", a ognuna delle quali è stato attribuito un "livello di impatto", paragonabile a un semaforo.
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This approach allows to identify hotspots at the external borders, with a standardised reaction at national, and if needed, European level.
In tal modo, è possibile individuare i punti critici delle frontiere esterne, innescando una reazione standard a livello nazionale e, se necessario, europeo.
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Special emphasis has been given to ensure the compliance with fundamental rights and obligations under international law.
Un'attenzione particolare è stata dedicata al rispetto dei diritti fondamentali e degli obblighi derivanti dal diritto internazionale.
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For instance priority must be given to vulnerable persons, such as children, unaccompanied minors or persons in need of urgent medical assistance.
Ad esempio, vanno considerate prioritarie le speciali esigenze dei minori, dei minori non accompagnati e delle persone bisognose di assistenza medica urgente.
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The EUROSUR Regulation clearly stipulates that Member States and Frontex need to fully comply with the principles of non-refoulement and human dignity when dealing with persons in need of international protection.
Il regolamento EUROSUR specifica a chiare lettere che gli Stati membri e Frontex devono conformarsi pienamente ai principi di non respingimento e di rispetto della dignità umana quando trattano con persone che necessitano di protezione internazionale.
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Since the exchange of information in EUROSUR is restricted to operational information, such as the location of incidents and patrols, the possibility to exchange personal data is very limited. |
Poiché lo scambio di informazioni nell'ambito di EUROSUR è limitato alle informazioni operative, quali l'ubicazione di episodi e pattugliamenti, la possibilità che si scambino dati personali è molto limitata. |
EUROSUR kicks off: new tools to save migrants' lives and prevent crime at
EU borders
On 2 December 2013 the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) becomes
EUROSUR will make an important contribution to saving lives of those who put
themselves in danger to reach Europe's shores.
It will also equip the EU and its Member States with better tools to prevent
cross-border crimes, such as trafficking in human beings or trafficking in
drugs, while at the same time detect and provide assistance to small migrant
boats in distress, in full compliance with European and international
obligations, including the principle of non-refoulement.
"I welcome the launch of EUROSUR. It is a truly European response to save the
lives of migrants travelling in overcrowded and unseaworthy vessels, to avoid
further tragedies in the Mediterranean and also to stop speed boats transporting
All these initiatives are highly dependent on a timely information exchange
and coordinated efforts between the national and European agencies.
EUROSUR provides that framework, in full respect of international
obligations," said Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.
EUROSUR is being established gradually, starting on 2 December 2013 with the
18 EU Member States at the southern and eastern external borders and the
Schengen associated country Norway.
The remaining 11 EU Member States and Schengen associated countries will join
EUROSUR as of 1 December 2014.
The different components of EUROSUR will be continuously upgraded in the
coming years.
Interagency cooperation, information exchange and joint response
The backbone of EUROSUR is formed by 'national coordination centres', via
which all national authorities with a responsibility for border surveillance
(e.g. border guard, police, coast guard, navy) are required to cooperate and to
coordinate their activities.
Information on incidents occurring at the external land and sea borders, the
status and position of patrols as well as analytical reports and intelligence
are being shared via 'national situational pictures' among these national
This cooperation and information exchange allows the concerned Member State
to react much faster to any incidents concerning irregular migration and
cross-border crime or relating to a risk to the lives of migrants.
The EU border agency Frontex plays an important role in bringing together and
analysing in the 'European situational picture' information collected by Member
States, thereby detecting changing routes or new methods used by criminal
This European situational picture also contains information collected during
Frontex joint operations and on the pre-frontier area.
Furthermore, Frontex supports Member States in detecting small vessels by
closely cooperating with other EU agencies, such as the European Maritime Safety
Agency and the EU Satellite Centre.
EUROSUR allows Member States to react faster not only to single incidents,
but also to critical situations occurring at the external borders.
For this purpose the external land and sea borders have been divided into
'border sections' and a low, medium or high 'impact level' is being attributed
to each of them, similar to a traffic light.
This approach allows to identify hotspots at the external borders, with a
standardised reaction at national, and if needed, European level.
Special emphasis has been given to ensure the compliance with fundamental
rights and obligations under international law.
For instance priority must be given to vulnerable persons, such as children,
unaccompanied minors or persons in need of urgent medical assistance.
The EUROSUR Regulation clearly stipulates that Member States and Frontex need
to fully comply with the principles of non-refoulement and human dignity when
dealing with persons in need of international protection.
Since the exchange of information in EUROSUR is restricted to operational
information, such as the location of incidents and patrols, the possibility to
exchange personal data is very limited.