La Corte conferma la validità degli atti del Consiglio dell’UE che congelano i capitali della Kala Naft nell’ambito delle misure restrittive adottate nei confronti dell’Iran allo scopo di impedire la proliferazione nucleare
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Data documento: 28-11-2013
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The Court confirms the validity of the acts of the Council of the EU freezing the funds of Kala Naft in the context of anti-nuclear proliferation measures taken against Iran
La Corte conferma la validità degli atti del Consiglio dell’UE che congelano i capitali della Kala Naft nell’ambito delle misure restrittive adottate nei confronti dell’Iran allo scopo di impedire la proliferazione nucleare
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However, the Court dismisses the Council’s appeal against the judgment of the General Court annulling the entry of Fulmen and Mr Mahmoudian in the list of those whose funds are frozen
La Corte respinge invece l’impugnazione del Consiglio avverso la sentenza del Tribunale che ha annullato l’iscrizione della società Fulmen e del sig. Mahmoudian nell’elenco relativo al congelamento dei capitali
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In order to apply pressure on Iran to end its proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, the Council of the European Union adopted decisions and regulations freezing the funds of persons and entities identified by the Council as being involved in nuclear proliferation.
Per esercitare pressioni sull’Iran affinché ponga fine alle attività nucleari che presentano un rischio di proliferazione e alla messa a punto di sistemi di lancio di armi nucleari, il Consiglio dell’Unione europea ha adottato una serie di decisioni e regolamenti che congelano i capitali delle persone e delle entità riconosciute dal Consiglio come implicate nella proliferazione nucleare.
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The persons and entities concerned are named in a list annexed to each of those regulations, together with a statement of the Council’s reasons for including each person or entity.
Le persone e le entità interessate sono indicate in un elenco allegato a tali regolamenti con una motivazione, apportata dal Consiglio, per l’iscrizione di ciascuna di esse.
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Manufacturing Support & Procurement Kala Naft Co. (‘Kala Naft’) and Fulmen are Iranian companies.
La Manufacturing Support & Procurement Kala Naft Co.(«Kala Naft») e la Fulmen sono società iraniane.
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Mr Fereydoun Mahmoudian is Fulmen’s majority shareholder and chairman of its board of directors.
Il sig. Fereydoun Mahmoudian è azionista maggioritario e presidente del consiglio di amministrazione della Fulmen.
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The two companies and Mr Mahmoudian had been designated, by Council decisions, as having been involved in Iran’s nuclear programme and their names had therefore been entered on the list in the annexes to the regulations providing for the funds of such persons and entities to be frozen.
Le due società e il sig. Mahmoudian erano stati designati, con decisioni del Consiglio, come coinvolti nel programma nucleare dell’Iran e, pertanto, i loro nomi erano stati iscritti nell’elenco allegato ai regolamenti che prevedono il congelamento dei capitali di tali persone ed entità.
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Kala Naft, Fulmen and Mr Mahmoudian brought actions before the General Court for annulment of the decisions and regulations adopting or maintaining the restrictive measures against them.
Essi hanno agito dinanzi al Tribunale chiedendo l’annullamento delle decisioni e dei regolamenti con i quali le misure restrittive erano state adottate o mantenute nei loro confronti.
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By judgment delivered on 25 April 2012, the General Court found that the Council had committed a number of infringements, including an error of law with regard to the concept of involvement in nuclear proliferation and an error of assessment of the facts, since the Council did not adduce proof of the allegations relied on against Kala Naft.
Con sentenza del 25 aprile 2012, il Tribunale ha constatato che il Consiglio aveva commesso diverse violazioni, tra cui in particolare un errore di diritto riguardo alla nozione di «implicazione nella proliferazione nucleare», nonché un errore di valutazione dei fatti, dato che il Consiglio non aveva fornito la prova delle accuse mosse contro la Kala Naft.
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Consequently, the General Court annulled the acts of the Council in so far as they concerned Kala Naft.
Di conseguenza, il Tribunale ha annullato gli atti del Consiglio nella parte in cui riguardavano quest’ultima.
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By judgment delivered on 21 March 2012, the General Court annulled the decisions and regulations in so far as they concerned the entry on the lists of the names of Fulmen and of Mr Mahmoudian in his capacity as director of the company, since the Council had not adduced evidence of their involvement in nuclear proliferation.
Con sentenza del 21 marzo 2012, il Tribunale ha annullato le decisioni e i regolamenti nella parte in cui riguardavano l’iscrizione del nome della società Fulmen e del sig. Mahmoudian in quanto direttore della stessa, poiché il Consiglio non aveva fornito la prova della loro implicazione nella proliferazione nucleare.
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The Council brought appeals before the Court of Justice in order to have those judgments of the General Court set aside.
Il Consiglio ha proposto allora impugnazioni dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia chiedendo l’annullamento di tali sentenze del Tribunale.
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As regards the Kala Naft judgment, the Court of Justice examines first of all the General Court’s interpretation of the general rules relating to the acts applicable to restrictive measures.
Per quanto riguarda la sentenza Kala Naft, la Corte esamina in primo luogo l’interpretazione data dal Tribunale alle norme generali relative agli atti applicabili in materia di misure restrittive.
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It finds that the General Court did not take into account the changes in EU legislation concerning restrictive measures, in particular after UN Security Council Resolution 1929 (2010).
Essa constata che il Tribunale non ha tenuto conto dell’evoluzione della normativa dell’Unione in materia di misure restrittive e in particolare a partire dalla dalla risoluzione 1929 (2010) del Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU.
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The General Court had sought a direct link between the activities of Kala Naft and nuclear proliferation.
Infatti, il Tribunale aveva cercato un legame diretto tra le attività della Kala Naft e la proliferazione nucleare.
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However, the Court of Justice finds that the general rules of EU legislation, after 2010, have established such a link through the mere procurement of prohibited goods and technology.
Orbene, la Corte constata che le regole generali della normativa europea posteriore al 2010 dispongono che tale legame può essere stabilito mediante la semplice acquisizione di beni e tecnologie vietati.
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Thus, the legislation expressly states that the restrictive measures must be applied to those engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for Iran’s nuclear activities, including through involvement in the procurement of prohibited goods and technology.
Tale normativa precisa infatti espressamente che le misure restrittive devono essere applicate a coloro che contribuiscono, sono direttamente associati o forniscono un appoggio alle attività nucleari dell’Iran, anche contribuendo all’acquisizione di beni e tecnologie vietati.
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The Security Council resolution which extends the scope of the restrictive measures against Iran affects key sectors of the gas and oil industry, an important source of revenues for the Iranian State.
Infatti, la risoluzione del Consiglio di sicurezza che amplia l’ambito di applicazione delle misure restrittive nei confronti dell’Iran riguarda i settori chiave dell’industria del gas naturale e del petrolio, importante fonte di proventi per lo Stato iraniano.
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The Council therefore decided that the new measures must focus, inter alia, on the prohibition of new investment, technical assistance and transfers of technologies, equipment and services related to those two areas.
Il Consiglio ha perciò stabilito che le nuove misure devono riguardare in particolare il divieto di nuovi investimenti, dell’assistenza tecnica e del trasferimento di tecnologie, attrezzature e servizi in tali due settori.
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In light of the EU legislation, on the one hand, and the Security Council resolution, on the other, the Court of Justice finds that merely trading in key equipment and technology for the gas and oil industry was capable of being regarded as support for Iran’s nuclear activities.
Alla luce della normativa europea, da un lato, e della risoluzione del Consiglio di sicurezza, dall’altro, la Corte dichiara che la semplice commercializzazione di attrezzature e tecnologie essenziali destinate all’industria del gas naturale e del petrolio poteva essere considerata come un sostegno alle attività nucleari dell’Iran.
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In interpreting the relevant rules differently, the General Court erred in law.
Interpretando le norme in maniera diversa il Tribunale ha commesso un errore di diritto.
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The Court of Justice then notes that if one of the reasons relied on by the Council in listing a person or entity is substantiated and constitutes in itself sufficient basis to support a decision on restrictive measures, the fact that the same cannot be said of other such reasons cannot justify the annulment of that decision.
La Corte ricorda poi che, se uno dei motivi addotti dal Consiglio per l’iscrizione di una persona o entità negli elenchi è fondato e costituisce di per sé una base sufficiente per sostenere una decisione di misure restrittive, la circostanza che altri di questi motivi non lo siano non può giustificare l’annullamento di tale decisione.
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The Court considers that the Council was entitled to find that, on the basis of its role as the central purchasing body of the Iranian national oil company, Kala Naft was involved in the procurement of prohibited goods and technology.
La Corte afferma che il Consiglio poteva ritenere che, tenuto conto del suo ruolo di centrale di acquisto della compagnia petrolifera nazionale iraniana, la Kala Naft partecipasse all’acquisizione di beni e tecnologie vietati.
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The Court held that, in light of the interpretation of the rules governing this area, that reason was in itself sufficient for Kala Naft to be entered on the lists of those whose funds were to be frozen.
La Corte giudica che, alla luce dell’interpretazione data delle norme che disciplinano la materia, tale motivo era di per sé sufficiente per l’iscrizione della società negli elenchi.
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Consequently, the Court sets aside the judgment of the General Court and maintains Kala Naft’s entry in the lists.
Di conseguenza, la Corte annulla la sentenza del Tribunale e mantiene l’iscrizione della Kala Naft negli elenchi.
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As regards the Fulmen and Mr Mahmoudian judgment, the Court points out that, according to its settled case-law, overriding considerations pertaining to the security of the EU or of its Member States may justify the non-disclosure of some evidential information to the person concerned.
Per quanto riguarda la sentenza Fulmen e Mahmoudian, la Corte ricorda la sua costante giurisprudenza, secondo la quale considerazioni imperative riguardanti la sicurezza dell’Unione o dei suoi Stati membri possono giustificare la non divulgazione di alcuni elementi di prova alla persona interessata.
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However, the Council must state the specific reasons precluding disclosure of such information, or at least provide the Courts of the EU with a summary outlining the content of the confidential information in question.
Tuttavia, il Consiglio deve precisare le ragioni specifiche che consentono di opporsi a una tale divulgazione o almeno comunicare al giudice dell’Unione una sintesi del contenuto delle informazioni riservate.
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In this case, since the Council did not produce evidence to the EU Courts, or a summary of the confidential information, the Courts have had to base their decision solely on the material which has been disclosed to them, that is, the claim made in the statement of reasons for the acts concerned.
Nella fattispecie, poiché il Consiglio non ha fornito elementi di prova, né una sintesi delle informazioni riservate dinanzi al giudice dell’Unione, quest’ultimo ha dovuto fondare la sua decisione sul solo elemento che gli è stato comunicato, ovvero l’asserzione che compare nella motivazione degli atti di cui trattasi.
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The Court of Justice therefore finds that the General Court was right to rule that the Council had not proved the alleged involvement of Fulmen and Mr Mahmoudian in nuclear proliferation.
La Corte dichiara dunque che correttamente il Tribunale ha giudicato che il Consiglio non aveva dimostrato la pretesa implicazione della Fulmen e del sig. Mahmoudian nella proliferazione nucleare.
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Consequently, the Court dismisses the Council’s appeal.
Di conseguenza, la Corte respinge l’impugnazione del Consiglio rispetto alla Fulmen e al sig. Mahmoudian.
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An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the Court of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
Avverso le sentenze o ordinanze del Tribunale può essere presentata impugnazione alla Corte di giustizia, limitatamente alle questioni di diritto.
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In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
In linea di principio, l'impugnazione non ha effetti sospensivi.
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If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court.
Se essa è ricevibile e fondata, la Corte annulla la decisione del Tribunale.
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Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may itself give final judgment in the case.
Nel caso in cui la causa sia matura per essere decisa, la Corte stessa può pronunciarsi definitivamente sulla controversia;
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Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound by the decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal.
in caso contrario, rinvia la causa al Tribunale, vincolato dalla decisione emanata dalla Corte in sede di impugnazione. |
The Court confirms the validity of the acts of the Council of the EU
freezing the funds of Kala Naft in the context of anti-nuclear proliferation
measures taken against Iran
However, the Court dismisses the Council’s appeal against the judgment
of the General Court annulling the entry of Fulmen and Mr Mahmoudian in the list
of those whose funds are frozen
In order to apply pressure on Iran to end its proliferation-sensitive nuclear
activities and the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, the Council
of the European Union adopted decisions and regulations freezing the funds of
persons and entities identified by the Council as being involved in nuclear
The persons and entities concerned are named in a list annexed to each of
those regulations, together with a statement of the Council’s reasons for
including each person or entity.
Manufacturing Support & Procurement Kala Naft Co. (‘Kala Naft’) and Fulmen
are Iranian companies.
Mr Fereydoun Mahmoudian is Fulmen’s majority shareholder and chairman of its
board of directors.
The two companies and Mr Mahmoudian had been designated, by Council
decisions, as having been involved in Iran’s nuclear programme and their names
had therefore been entered on the list in the annexes to the regulations
providing for the funds of such persons and entities to be frozen.
Kala Naft, Fulmen and Mr Mahmoudian brought actions before the General Court
for annulment of the decisions and regulations adopting or maintaining the
restrictive measures against them.
By judgment delivered on 25 April 2012, the General Court found that the
Council had committed a number of infringements, including an error of law with
regard to the concept of involvement in nuclear proliferation and an error of
assessment of the facts, since the Council did not adduce proof of the
allegations relied on against Kala Naft.
Consequently, the General Court annulled the acts of the Council in so far as
they concerned Kala Naft.
By judgment delivered on 21 March 2012, the General Court annulled the
decisions and regulations in so far as they concerned the entry on the lists of
the names of Fulmen and of Mr Mahmoudian in his capacity as director of the
company, since the Council had not adduced evidence of their involvement in
nuclear proliferation.
The Council brought appeals before the Court of Justice in order to have
those judgments of the General Court set aside.
As regards the Kala Naft judgment, the Court of Justice examines first of all
the General Court’s interpretation of the general rules relating to the acts
applicable to restrictive measures.
It finds that the General Court did not take into account the changes in EU
legislation concerning restrictive measures, in particular after UN Security
Council Resolution 1929 (2010).
The General Court had sought a direct link between the activities of Kala
Naft and nuclear proliferation.
However, the Court of Justice finds that the general rules of EU legislation,
after 2010, have established such a link through the mere procurement of
prohibited goods and technology.
Thus, the legislation expressly states that the restrictive measures must be
applied to those engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for
Iran’s nuclear activities, including through involvement in the procurement of
prohibited goods and technology.
The Security Council resolution which extends the scope of the restrictive
measures against Iran affects key sectors of the gas and oil industry, an
important source of revenues for the Iranian State.
The Council therefore decided that the new measures must focus, inter alia,
on the prohibition of new investment, technical assistance and transfers of
technologies, equipment and services related to those two areas.
In light of the EU legislation, on the one hand, and the Security Council
resolution, on the other, the Court of Justice finds that merely trading in key
equipment and technology for the gas and oil industry was capable of being
regarded as support for Iran’s nuclear activities.
In interpreting the relevant rules differently, the General Court erred in
The Court of Justice then notes that if one of the reasons relied on by the
Council in listing a person or entity is substantiated and constitutes in itself
sufficient basis to support a decision on restrictive measures, the fact that
the same cannot be said of other such reasons cannot justify the annulment of
that decision.
The Court considers that the Council was entitled to find that, on the basis
of its role as the central purchasing body of the Iranian national oil company,
Kala Naft was involved in the procurement of prohibited goods and technology.
The Court held that, in light of the interpretation of the rules governing
this area, that reason was in itself sufficient for Kala Naft to be entered on
the lists of those whose funds were to be frozen.
Consequently, the Court sets aside the judgment of the General Court and
maintains Kala Naft’s entry in the lists.
As regards the Fulmen and Mr Mahmoudian judgment, the Court points out that,
according to its settled case-law, overriding considerations pertaining to the
security of the EU or of its Member States may justify the non-disclosure of
some evidential information to the person concerned.
However, the Council must state the specific reasons precluding disclosure of
such information, or at least provide the Courts of the EU with a summary
outlining the content of the confidential information in question.
In this case, since the Council did not produce evidence to the EU Courts, or
a summary of the confidential information, the Courts have had to base their
decision solely on the material which has been disclosed to them, that is, the
claim made in the statement of reasons for the acts concerned.
The Court of Justice therefore finds that the General Court was right to rule
that the Council had not proved the alleged involvement of Fulmen and Mr
Mahmoudian in nuclear proliferation.
Consequently, the Court dismisses the Council’s appeal.
An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the Court
of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets aside
the judgment of the General Court.
Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may
itself give final judgment in the case.
Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound by
the decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal.