Il vicepresidente Tajani a Lisbona: la creazione di nuove partnership tra imprese può giovare alla ripresa delle PMI portoghesi
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Data documento: 28-11-2013
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VP Tajani in Lisbon: Forming new business partnerships can help Portuguese SMEs recover
Il vicepresidente Tajani a Lisbona: la creazione di nuove partnership tra imprese può giovare alla ripresa delle PMI portoghesi
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Portugal was among the European countries worst hit by the economic crisis, but it has recently started to show signs of recovery.
Pur essendo fra i paesi europei più colpiti dalla crisi economica, il Portogallo ha recentemente cominciato a mostrare segni di ripresa.
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To help Portuguese SMEs emerge from the downturn and help kick-start the Portuguese economy, the European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani is traveling to Lisbon today with Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director-General of DG Enterprise and SME Envoy.
Per aiutare le PMI portoghesi a superare la crisi e contribuire al rilancio dell'economia portoghese, il vicepresidente della Commissione europea Antonio Tajani viaggia oggi a Lisbona insieme a Daniela Calleja Crespo, direttore generale della DG Imprese e rappresentante delle PMI.
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They will be accompanied by representatives of about 150 European companies, who will participate in more than 1800 bilateral meetings with Portuguese SMEs to form new partnerships and discuss opportunities for collaboration in key sectors of the Portuguese economy such as tourism, agriculture and the economy of the sea.
Essi saranno accompagnati da rappresentanti di circa 150 imprese europee, che parteciperanno a più di 1 800 incontri bilaterali con PMI portoghesi allo scopo di creare nuove partnership e discutere opportunità di collaborazione in settori essenziali dell'economia portoghese quali il turismo, l'agricoltura e l'economia marittima.
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Strategy for growth
Strategia per la crescita
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An important part of this visit will be the Europe 2020 strategy for growth conference which the Vice President will open together with the Portuguese Vice Prime Minister, Paulo Portas.
Una parte importante di questa visita è rappresentata dalla conferenza sulla strategia Europa 2020 per la crescita, che il vicepresidente aprirà insieme a Paulo Portas, vice primo ministro portoghese.
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Issues discussed will include internationalisation of SMEs, key enabling technologies as well as access to finance which continues to be one of the main obstacles to growth in many southern European countries.
Le questioni che verranno discusse comprendono l'internazionalizzazione delle PMI, le tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali nonché l'accesso ai finanziamenti, che continua a rappresentare uno dei principali ostacoli alla crescita in numerosi paesi dell'Europa del sud.
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The Vice President will use this opportunity to introduce COSME, a new € 2.3 billion program for SMEs which aims to address the main challenges they are currently facing, such as access to financing, access to foreign markets, improvement of the business environment and support to entrepreneurs.
Il vicepresidente approfitterà di quest'occasione per presentare COSME, un nuovo programma che mira ad affrontare le principali sfide cui si trovano a fare fronte le PMI, quali l'accesso ai finanziamenti ed ai mercati esteri, il miglioramento del contesto imprenditoriale e il sostegno agli imprenditori, mediante lo stanziamento di 2,3 miliardi di euro.
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Among other things, this program will help EU enterprises, including the ones in Portugal, deal with the current credit crunch by enabling them to receive more than 22 billion euros in secured loans over the next seven years (IP/13/1135 ).
Il programma aiuterà tra l'altro le imprese dell'UE, comprese quelle portoghesi, ad affrontare il problema attuale della contrazione del credito consentendo loro l'accesso a oltre 22 miliardi di euro di prestiti garantiti nell'arco dei prossimi sette anni (IP/13/1135).
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Central to this visit, hosted by the Portuguese Trade & Investment Agency “AICEP Portugal Global”, will be the business to business networking event which will take place on November 29th.
Il momento centrale di tale visita sarà l'evento di collegamento tra imprese (business to business networking event), organizzato dall'agenzia portoghese per il commercio e gli investimenti "AICEP Portugal Global", che avrà luogo il 29 novembre.
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The aim of the event is to promote business partnerships between Portuguese and other EU companies, but also with other non-European countries in sectors identified as key contributors to achieving growth in Portugal, including:
L'obiettivo di tale evento è la promozione di partnership tra le imprese portoghesi e altre imprese dell'Unione e di altri paesi extraeuropei in settori essenziali per la crescita dell'economia portoghese, tra i quali:
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- Economy of the sea (i.e.:offshore activities such as wind, wave and tidal power, as well as cruising, nautical tourism and the naval industry)
economia marittima (vale a dire le attività di generazione di energia eolica e di energia dal moto ondoso e maremotrice in mare aperto, nonché il settore delle crociere, il turismo nautico e l'industria navale);
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- Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology;
- prodotti farmaceutici e biotecnologia;
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- Healthcare;
- assistenza sanitaria;
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- Tourism;
- turismo;
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- Automotive and aeronautical components;
- industria automobilistica e delle componenti aeronautiche;
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- Information and communication technologies;
- tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione;
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- Agriculture and food;
- agricoltura ed alimentazione;
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- Building materials;
- materiali da costruzione;
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- Petrochemical and chemical Industry
- industria chimica e petrolchimica.
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During the visit, the Vice-President will also meet with the President of Portugal Aníbal Cavaco Silva, as well as two other Portuguese ministers:
Durante la visita il vicepresidente incontrerà anche Aníbal Cavaco Silva, presidente del Portogallo, ed altri due ministri portoghesi:
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the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs Rui Machete and the Minister of Economy António Pires de Lima.
Rui Machete, ministro di Stato degli Affari esteri e António Pires de Lima, ministro dell'Economia.
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From the depths of the recession to the first signs of recovery
Dalla recessione più acuta ai primi segnali di ripresa
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The economic crisis has plunged Portugal into a deep and prolonged recession between 2008 and 2013, with both large and small companies experiencing decline across the board.
Tra il 2008 e il 2013 la crisi economica ha fatto precipitare il Portogallo in una crisi profonda e prolungata, durante la quale piccole e grandi imprese hanno sofferto in egual misura di un calo generalizzato delle loro attività.
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The crisis has hit the smaller enterprises especially hard: those employing up to 10 people which represent 94% of the total number of companies and employ 40% of the employees in the private sector.
La crisi ha colpito in modo particolarmente duro le piccole imprese, vale a dire quelle con un massimo di 10 dipendenti, che rappresentano il 94% del totale delle imprese e danno lavoro al 40% delle persone impiegate nel settore privato.
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Favourable business environment
Contesto imprenditoriale favorevole
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The forecast for the future, however, leaves room for cautious optimism.
Le previsioni per il futuro, tuttavia, lasciano un margine di cauto ottimismo.
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There has been good progress in the field of administrative simplification, as well as in reducing the costs of legislation for SMEs.
Si registrano buoni progressi nel campo della semplificazione amministrativa, nonché in termini di riduzione dei costi imposti alle PMI dalla normativa.
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The recent SME performance review for Portugal (MEMO/13/1045), which evaluates how Portugal has been implementing the principles of the Small Business Act, shows that the country has produced encouraging results.
La recente relazione sulla performance delle PMI portoghesi (MEMO/13/1045), che valuta l'attuazione data dal Portogallo ai principi dello Small Business Act (Legge sulle piccole imprese), dimostra che il paese ha prodotto risultati incoraggianti.
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The reforms implemented by Portugal are expected to halt the negative trends of recent years and start resulting in positive effects on growth and employment.
Si prevede che le riforme attuate dal Portogallo siano in grado di arrestare la tendenza negativa degli ultimi anni e di iniziare a produrre effetti positivi sulla crescita e sull'occupazione.
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Modest growth is predicted for 2014, but a full recovery to pre-crisis levels is not yet within sight.
Per il 2014 si prevede una crescita modesta, tuttavia non è ancora possibile prevedere una ripresa piena, caratterizzata dal ritorno ai livelli precedenti la crisi.
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Portugal has recently also passed the troika (EU, ECB, IMF) test of its compliance with the terms of its bailout and has qualified for another 5.6 billion euro in further funding from its creditors.
Recentemente il Portogallo ha anche superato l'esame della troika (UE, BCE, FMI), dimostrando di essersi conformato alle condizioni previste dal proprio piano di salvataggio, e ha ottenuto dai propri creditori ulteriori finanziamenti per un importo pari ad altri 5,6 miliardi di euro.
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The employment forecast for 2014 has also improved – the predicted unemployment rate is now 17.7 % instead of 18.5% as initially estimated.
Anche la previsione relativa all'occupazione per il 2014 è migliorata:– il tasso di disoccupazione inizialmente previsto, pari al 18,5%, è passato al 17,7% delle previsioni attuali.
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However, much work remains to be done.
Rimane tuttavia ancora molto da fare.
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A country brimming with innovation potential
Un paese pieno di potenzialità di innovazione
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In addition to making improvements in the business environment for SMEs, Portugal is a country of great innovation and research potential.
Oltre a migliorare il contesto imprenditoriale per le PMI, il Portogallo è un paese che presenta enormi potenzialità di ricerca ed innovazione.
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For example:
Per esempio:
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- It ranks on top within the EU countries in the number of PhDs per 1,000 inhabitants.
- Il Portogallo è in vetta alla graduatoria dei paesi europei per il numero di dottorati di ricerca per ogni 1 000 abitanti.
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Furthermore, 40 % of students in tertiary education are enrolled in engineering, sciences and healthcare.
Inoltre, il 40% degli studenti iscritti a programmi di istruzione universitaria frequenta corsi di ingegneria, scienze e assistenza sanitaria.
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- Portugal hosts several recently created world-class R&D institutions in highly innovative fields such as of nanotechnology, biotechnology and biomedicine.
- Il Portogallo è sede di numerose istituzioni di ricerca e sviluppo di recente creazione all'avanguardia mondiale in settori altamente innovativi, quali quelli delle nanotecnologie, delle biotecnologie e della biomedicina.
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Against this background, the Vice President will also use this visit to point out funding opportunities which will come out of the new Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
In questo contesto il vicepresidente sfrutterà l'occasione anche per individuare opportunità di finanziamento che emergeranno dal nuovo programma di ricerca ed innovazione Orizzonte 2020.
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For example, a new "SME Instrument" (with the help of the Enterprise Europe Network) will support innovative SMEs, during an entire innovation cycle: from the conception of the innovative idea, to the final creation of the new product or service.
Per esempio, un nuovo "strumento per le PMI" (con l'aiuto della rete Enterprise Europe) garantirà il sostegno alle PMI innovative durante l'intero ciclo di innovazione, dalla concezione dell'idea innovativa alla produzione finale del nuovo prodotto o servizio.
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Enterprises will then have the responsibility to commercialize their innovations using existing mechanisms of access to finance.
Le imprese avranno poi la responsabilità di commercializzare le proprie innovazioni utilizzando i meccanismi esistenti di accesso ai finanziamenti.
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On November 29th, Vice-President Tajani will also open the European Space Expo in Lisbon. The aim of the Expo is to show citizens how European space policy and space-based technologies benefit our everyday lives as well as their importance for the European economy and job creation.
Il 29 novembre il vicepresidente Tajani inaugurerà a Lisbona anche l’esposizione spaziale europea, che ha l'obiettivo di mostrare ai cittadini i benefici e l'importanza della politica spaziale europea e delle tecnologie spaziali sia per la nostra vita quotidiana, sia per l'economia europea e la creazione di posti di lavoro.
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Over 300 000 European citizens have now visited the European Space Expo, as it continues its tour of major European cities.
Oltre 300 000 cittadini europei hanno finora visitato l'esposizione spaziale europea durante il suo percorso itinerante nelle principali città europee.
VP Tajani in Lisbon: Forming new business partnerships can help Portuguese
SMEs recover
Portugal was among the European countries worst hit by the economic crisis,
but it has recently started to show signs of recovery.
To help Portuguese SMEs emerge from the downturn and help kick-start the
Portuguese economy, the European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani is
traveling to Lisbon today with Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director-General of DG
Enterprise and SME Envoy.
They will be accompanied by representatives of about 150 European companies,
who will participate in more than 1800 bilateral meetings with Portuguese SMEs
to form new partnerships and discuss opportunities for collaboration in key
sectors of the Portuguese economy such as tourism, agriculture and the economy
of the sea.
Strategy for growth
An important part of this visit will be the Europe 2020 strategy for growth
conference which the Vice President will open together with the Portuguese Vice
Prime Minister, Paulo Portas.
Issues discussed will include internationalisation of SMEs, key enabling
technologies as well as access to finance which continues to be one of the main
obstacles to growth in many southern European countries.
The Vice President will use this opportunity to introduce COSME, a new € 2.3
billion program for SMEs which aims to address the main challenges they are
currently facing, such as access to financing, access to foreign markets,
improvement of the business environment and support to entrepreneurs.
Among other things, this program will help EU enterprises, including the ones
in Portugal, deal with the current credit crunch by enabling them to receive
more than 22 billion euros in secured loans over the next seven years
(IP/13/1135 ).
Central to this visit, hosted by the Portuguese Trade & Investment Agency
"AICEP Portugal Global", will be the business to business networking event which
will take place on November 29th.
The aim of the event is to promote business partnerships between Portuguese
and other EU companies, but also with other non-European countries in sectors
identified as key contributors to achieving growth in Portugal, including:
- Economy of the sea (i.e.:offshore activities such as wind, wave and tidal
power, as well as cruising, nautical tourism and the naval industry)
- Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology;
- Healthcare;
- Tourism;
- Automotive and aeronautical components;
- Information and communication technologies;
- Agriculture and food;
- Building materials;
- Petrochemical and chemical Industry
During the visit, the Vice-President will also meet with the President of
Portugal Aníbal Cavaco Silva, as well as two other Portuguese ministers:
the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs Rui Machete and the Minister of
Economy António Pires de Lima.
From the depths of the recession to the first signs of recovery
The economic crisis has plunged Portugal into a deep and prolonged recession
between 2008 and 2013, with both large and small companies experiencing decline
across the board.
The crisis has hit the smaller enterprises especially hard: those employing
up to 10 people which represent 94% of the total number of companies and employ
40% of the employees in the private sector.
Favourable business environment
The forecast for the future, however, leaves room for cautious optimism.
There has been good progress in the field of administrative simplification,
as well as in reducing the costs of legislation for SMEs.
The recent SME performance review for Portugal (MEMO/13/1045), which
evaluates how Portugal has been implementing the principles of the Small
Business Act, shows that the country has produced encouraging results.
The reforms implemented by Portugal are expected to halt the negative trends
of recent years and start resulting in positive effects on growth and
Modest growth is predicted for 2014, but a full recovery to pre-crisis levels
is not yet within sight.
Portugal has recently also passed the troika (EU, ECB, IMF) test of its
compliance with the terms of its bailout and has qualified for another 5.6
billion euro in further funding from its creditors.
The employment forecast for 2014 has also improved – the predicted
unemployment rate is now 17.7 % instead of 18.5% as initially estimated.
However, much work remains to be done.
A country brimming with innovation potential
In addition to making improvements in the business environment for SMEs,
Portugal is a country of great innovation and research potential.
For example:
- It ranks on top within the EU countries in the number of PhDs per 1,000
Furthermore, 40 % of students in tertiary education are enrolled in
engineering, sciences and healthcare.
- Portugal hosts several recently created world-class R&D institutions in
highly innovative fields such as of nanotechnology, biotechnology and
Against this background, the Vice President will also use this visit to point
out funding opportunities which will come out of the new Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme.
For example, a new "SME Instrument" (with the help of the Enterprise Europe
Network) will support innovative SMEs, during an entire innovation cycle: from
the conception of the innovative idea, to the final creation of the new product
or service.
Enterprises will then have the responsibility to commercialize their
innovations using existing mechanisms of access to finance.
On November 29th, Vice-President Tajani will also open the European Space
Expo in Lisbon. The aim of the Expo is to show citizens how European space
policy and space-based technologies benefit our everyday lives as well as their
importance for the European economy and job creation.
Over 300 000 European citizens have now visited the European Space Expo, as
it continues its tour of major European cities.