Relazione finanziaria 2012 dell’Unione europea: il bilancio dell’Unione, uno strumento d’investimento sempre più importante nell’UE
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Data documento: 26-11-2013
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EU's Financial Report 2012: EU budget increasingly an investment tool in the EU
Relazione finanziaria 2012 dell’Unione europea: il bilancio dell’Unione, uno strumento d’investimento sempre più importante nell’UE
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The 2012 Financial Report published today by the European Commission shows that 94% of the total EUR 135.6 billion of the EU 2012 budget was dedicated to beneficiaries across Europe such as researchers, students, small and medium enterprises, towns and regions and NGOs.
La relazione finanziaria 2012 pubblicata oggi dalla Commissione europea indica che dell’importo totale di 135,6 miliardi di EUR del bilancio 2012 dell’UE, il 94% è stato destinato a ricercatori, studenti, piccole e medie imprese, città, regioni e ONG di tutta Europa.
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In 2012, the EU budget increased funding in areas stimulating growth, creating employment, and investing in research and education:
Nel 2012 il bilancio dell’UE ha aumentato i finanziamenti nei settori che promuovono la crescita, creano occupazione e investono nella ricerca e nell’istruzione:
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- With EUR 9.6 billion last year the Cohesion Fund contributed to the building of 1,274 km of roads and 950 km of railways.
- con un importo di 9,6 miliardi di EUR erogati l’anno scorso, il Fondo di coesione ha contribuito alla costruzione di 1 274 km di strade e 950 km di linee ferroviarie;
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- 17,374 EU research funding requests were received last year and EUR 7.8 billion distributed through the 7th Framework Programme on Research.
- l’anno scorso sono state ricevute 17 374 domande di finanziamento per attività di ricerca nell’UE e sono stati erogati 7,8 miliardi di EUR nell’ambito del 7° Programma quadro di ricerca;
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- EUR 1.2 billion was invested in long-life learning.
- sono stati investiti 1,2 miliardi di EUR nell’apprendimento permanente.
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The report also shows that the EU remains a world leader in humanitarian aid providing assistance to more than 122 million people in over 90 countries beyond EU borders.
Dalla relazione emerge altresì che l’UE rimane leader mondiale per quanto riguarda gli aiuti umanitari, avendo prestato assistenza a più di 122 milioni di persone in oltre 90 paesi al di là dei confini dell’UE.
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The share of administrative expenditure (salaries, pensions, buildings…) remained stable in 2012 at 6% of the total EU budget
Nel 2012 la quota delle spese amministrative (retribuzioni, pensioni, immobili, ecc.) nel bilancio totale dell’UE è rimasta stabile al 6%.
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“In a year marked by financial difficulties, the 2012 EU budget continued to provide funding and support investments in Europe’s citizens and regions, Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget Janusz Lewandowski said.
“In un anno contraddistinto dalle difficoltà finanziarie, il bilancio 2012 dell’UE ha continuato a fornire finanziamenti e a sostenere gli investimenti a favore dei cittadini e delle regioni d’Europa”, ha dichiarato Janusz Lewandowski, Commissario responsabile della programmazione finanziaria e del bilancio, aggiungendo:
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The high implementation of the budget confirms the increased importance of EU funding during the emerging economic recovery".
“L’elevato livello di esecuzione del bilancio conferma l’accresciuta importanza dei finanziamenti dell’UE durante la ripresa economica che si sta delineando”.
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Top beneficiaries
Principali beneficiari
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Poland with EUR 15.7 billion (followed by Spain and France) was the biggest recipients of EU funding in absolute terms.
In termini assoluti la Polonia, destinataria di 15,7 miliardi di EUR, è stata il principale beneficiario dei finanziamenti dell’UE (seguita da Spagna e Francia).
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When comparing the volume of EU funding received to the Gross National Income, Estonia is the top beneficiary followed by Latvia and Lithuania.
Confrontando invece il volume di finanziamenti concessi dall’UE con il reddito nazionale lordo, il maggiore beneficiario risulta essere l’Estonia, seguita da Lettonia e Lituania.
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Germany (followed by France, UK and Spain) remained the top beneficiary of EU funds used in areas such as research and innovation;
La Germania (seguita da Francia, Regno Unito e Spagna) continua ad essere il principale beneficiario dei fondi dell’UE a favore di settori quali la ricerca e l’innovazione;
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Poland gained most from cohesion funding.
la Polonia ha tratto i benefici maggiori dai finanziamenti nell’ambito della politica di coesione.
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France was the biggest recipient of agricultural funds followed by Germany, Spain and Italy.
La Francia è stata il principale beneficiario dei fondi agricoli, seguita da Germania, Spagna e Italia.
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The Netherlands ranked as the top recipient in the area of freedom, security and justice, while Italy, followed by Belgium, tops the "citizenship" section of the EU budget.
I Paesi Bassi sono stati il principale destinatario dei finanziamenti concernenti lo spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia, mentre l’Italia, seguita dal Belgio, è il principale beneficiario del bilancio dell’UE per quanto riguarda il settore relativo alla cittadinanza.
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Member States contributions to the EU budget
Contributi degli Stati membri al bilancio dell’UE
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The report traditionally provides the information on "operating budgetary balances", the difference between what Member States contribute to the EU budget and the amount of EU funds they receive.
Tradizionalmente, la relazione fornisce informazioni sui “saldi di bilancio operativi”, ossia sulla differenza fra l’importo del contributo degli Stati membri al bilancio dell’UE e l’importo dei fondi che ricevono dall’UE.
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This calculation gives only an incomplete picture of the cost vs. benefits of being in the EU as it does not take into account various parameters such as the financial benefits any Member State derives from the Internal Market or from its private companies being awarded contracts in EU funded projects in other countries.
Tuttavia, questo calcolo fornisce solo un quadro incompleto dei costi e dei vantaggi dell’appartenenza all’UE, perché non tiene conto di diversi parametri quali i benefici finanziari che ogni Stato membro ricava dalla partecipazione al mercato interno o dal fatto che alle sue imprese private vengano aggiudicati appalti nell’ambito di progetti finanziati dall’UE in altri paesi.
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The Member States affected by the crisis (Greece, Portugal and Spain) are among top net beneficiaries in 2012, whereas the biggest net contributors are Sweden, Denmark and Germany.
Gli Stati membri colpiti dalla crisi (Grecia, Portogallo e Spagna) figurano tra i principali beneficiari netti nel 2012, mentre i maggiori contribuenti netti sono la Svezia, la Danimarca e la Germania.
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The biggest economies contribute the most to the EU budget.
Le economie più importanti sono quelle che contribuiscono maggiormente al bilancio dell’UE.
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In 2012, the wealth (expressed by the GNI indicator) of net contributors increased by 2.4% on average, while the GNI of net beneficiaries stayed practically the same due to the economic crisis.
Nel 2012 la ricchezza (espressa dall’indicatore del reddito nazionale lordo - RNL) dei contribuenti netti è aumentata in media del 2,4%, mentre l’RNL dei beneficiari netti è rimasto praticamente invariato a causa della crisi economica.
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As the EU budget has an inbuilt solidarity, this explains why, in some cases, net contributions increased.
Il bilancio dell’UE si basa su un principio di solidarietà, ed è questo il motivo per cui in alcuni casi i contributi netti sono aumentati.
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Moreover, most Member States improved the implementation of cohesion policy funds and other investment programmes allocated to them and received more funds from the agriculture policy; these factors also explain the small increase in contributions from net contributors.
Inoltre, la maggior parte degli Stati membri ha migliorato l’esecuzione dei fondi della politica di coesione e di altri programmi di investimento ad essi destinati e ha ricevuto un volume maggiore di fondi dalla politica agricola, il che spiega anche il leggero aumento dei contributi dei contribuenti netti.
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The EU budget 2012 financial report is available on: see below.
La relazione finanziaria sul bilancio UE 2012 è disponibile all' indirizzo sotto indicato.
EU's Financial Report 2012: EU budget increasingly an investment tool in
the EU
The 2012 Financial Report published today by the European Commission shows
that 94% of the total EUR 135.6 billion of the EU 2012 budget was dedicated to
beneficiaries across Europe such as researchers, students, small and medium
enterprises, towns and regions and NGOs.
In 2012, the EU budget increased funding in areas stimulating growth,
creating employment, and investing in research and education:
- With EUR 9.6 billion last year the Cohesion Fund contributed to the
building of 1,274 km of roads and 950 km of railways.
- 17,374 EU research funding requests were received last year and EUR 7.8
billion distributed through the 7th Framework Programme on Research.
- EUR 1.2 billion was invested in long-life learning.
The report also shows that the EU remains a world leader in humanitarian aid
providing assistance to more than 122 million people in over 90 countries beyond
EU borders.
The share of administrative expenditure (salaries, pensions, buildings…)
remained stable in 2012 at 6% of the total EU budget
"In a year marked by financial difficulties, the 2012 EU budget continued to
provide funding and support investments in Europe’s citizens and regions,
Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget Janusz Lewandowski said.
The high implementation of the budget confirms the increased importance of EU
funding during the emerging economic recovery".
Top beneficiaries
Poland with EUR 15.7 billion (followed by Spain and France) was the biggest
recipients of EU funding in absolute terms.
When comparing the volume of EU funding received to the Gross National
Income, Estonia is the top beneficiary followed by Latvia and Lithuania.
Germany (followed by France, UK and Spain) remained the top beneficiary of EU
funds used in areas such as research and innovation;
Poland gained most from cohesion funding.
France was the biggest recipient of agricultural funds followed by Germany,
Spain and Italy.
The Netherlands ranked as the top recipient in the area of freedom, security
and justice, while Italy, followed by Belgium, tops the "citizenship" section of
the EU budget.
Member States contributions to the EU budget
The report traditionally provides the information on "operating budgetary
balances", the difference between what Member States contribute to the EU budget
and the amount of EU funds they receive.
This calculation gives only an incomplete picture of the cost vs. benefits of
being in the EU as it does not take into account various parameters such as the
financial benefits any Member State derives from the Internal Market or from its
private companies being awarded contracts in EU funded projects in other
The Member States affected by the crisis (Greece, Portugal and Spain) are
among top net beneficiaries in 2012, whereas the biggest net contributors are
Sweden, Denmark and Germany.
The biggest economies contribute the most to the EU budget.
In 2012, the wealth (expressed by the GNI indicator) of net contributors
increased by 2.4% on average, while the GNI of net beneficiaries stayed
practically the same due to the economic crisis.
As the EU budget has an inbuilt solidarity, this explains why, in some cases,
net contributions increased.
Moreover, most Member States improved the implementation of cohesion policy
funds and other investment programmes allocated to them and received more funds
from the agriculture policy; these factors also explain the small increase in
contributions from net contributors.
The EU budget 2012 financial report is available on: see below.