Orizzonte 2020 "un enorme impulso alla ricerca e agli imprenditori europei", afferma la Commissaria Vassiliou
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Data documento: 21-11-2013
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Horizon 2020 'massive boost for European research and entrepreneurs', says Vassiliou
Orizzonte 2020 "un enorme impulso alla ricerca e agli imprenditori europei", afferma la Commissaria Vassiliou
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The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), funding research fellowships, and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will get significantly more money under the new EU Horizon 2020 budget for research and innovation, adopted today by the European Parliament.
Le azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) per il finanziamento di borse di ricerca e l’Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia (EIT) otterranno stanziamenti decisamente maggiori nel quadro del nuovo bilancio Orizzonte 2020 dell'UE per la ricerca e l’innovazione, adottato oggi dal Parlamento europeo.
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The MSCA and EIT come under the responsibility of Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, who described the vote as "a massive boost for European research and the entrepreneurs of tomorrow".
Le azioni MSCA e l'EIT rientrano nella sfera di competenza di Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria europea per l’Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, che ha definito il voto del Parlamento come "un enorme impulso alla ricerca europea e agli imprenditori di domani".
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The MSCA account for 8% of the overall Horizon 2020 budget, with more than €6 billion in funding for 2014-2020.
Le azioni MSCA rappresentano l’8% dell’intero bilancio di Orizzonte 2020, con oltre 6 miliardi di euro in finanziamenti per il periodo 2014-2020.
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This is around 30% more than the current allocation of €4.7 billion under the Marie Curie Actions for 2007-2013.
Si tratta di circa un 30% in più rispetto all’attuale dotazione di 4,7 miliardi di euro stanziati nel quadro delle azioni Marie Curie per il periodo 2007-2013.
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The new budget will support more than 65 000 researchers, of which almost 40% will be PhD candidates.
Il nuovo bilancio sosterrà più di 65 000 ricercatori, di cui quasi il 40 % sarà composto da dottorandi.
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The EIT will receive €2.7 billion for 2014-2020, 3.5% of the overall EU research and innovation budget.
L’EIT riceverà uno stanziamento di 2,7 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2014-2020, pari al 3,5% del bilancio complessivo per la ricerca e l’innovazione nell’UE.
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This represents a significant increase from the initial EIT start-up budget, which was around €300 million for 2008-2013.
Si tratta di un aumento significativo rispetto al bilancio iniziale dell'EIT, che era di circa 300 milioni di euro per il periodo 2008-2013.
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The funds will strengthen the EU's research and innovation capacity and contribute to jobs and growth.
Questi fondi rafforzeranno le capacità di ricerca e di innovazione dell'Unione e contribuiranno a creare posti di lavoro e a rilanciare la crescita.
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"With the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the EU is significantly increasing its investment in people with the knowledge and talent to innovate and change lives.
"Tramite l’Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia e le azioni Marie
Skłodowska-Curie, l’Europa sta aumentando in maniera significativa i propri investimenti su coloro che posseggono le conoscenze ed il talento necessari per innovare e cambiare in meglio la vita delle persone.
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This is excellent news for the research community and the EIT's entrepreneurs of tomorrow," said Commissioner Vassiliou.
Si tratta di un'ottima notizia per la comunità scientifica e per i futuri imprenditori sostenuti dall'EIT", ha affermato la Commissaria Vassiliou.
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The budget increase underlines the importance attached to the MSCA, which will train the next generation of researchers in Europe.
L’aumento di bilancio sottolinea l’importanza attribuita alle azioni MSCA, che hanno il compito di formare la prossima generazione di ricercatori in Europa.
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The MSCA will support researchers at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality.
Le azioni MSCA sosterranno i ricercatori in tutte le fasi della loro carriera, indipendentemente dalla loro nazionalità.
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Researchers working across all disciplines, from life-saving healthcare to 'blue-sky' science, will be eligible for funding.
Potranno essere ammessi a beneficiare dei finanziamenti ricercatori impegnati in tutte le discipline, dall'assistenza sanitaria che salva vite umane alla ricerca pura.
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The MSCA will also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research study with work in companies, and other innovative training that enhances employability and career development.
Le azioni MSCA permetteranno inoltre di sostenere i dottorati industriali che combinano la ricerca accademica, il lavoro presso imprese ed altre misure di formazione innovative per migliorare l'occupabilità e lo sviluppo professionale.
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The EIT will play an essential role in bringing dynamic and innovative growth to Europe, by bridging gaps between higher education, research and business, and by supporting entrepreneurial start-ups and specialised post-graduate training.
L’EIT avrà un ruolo essenziale nel promuovere una crescita dinamica e innovativa in Europa, colmando le lacune tra il settore dell’istruzione superiore, della ricerca e delle imprese, e sostenendo le imprese in fase di avviamento e i programmi specializzati di formazione postuniversitaria.
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It operates through Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), a pioneering concept of cross-border public-private partnerships.
L'EIT agisce attraverso le comunità della conoscenza e dell’innovazione (CCI), un concetto avanzato di partenariati pubblico-privati transfrontalieri.
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In addition to the three existing KICs on climate, ICT and energy, the EIT will launch five new KICs in 2014-2020 in the fields of healthy living and active ageing (2014), raw materials (2014), food for the future (2016), added value manufacturing (2016) and urban mobility (2018).
Oltre alle tre CCI esistenti nei settori dei cambiamenti climatici, dell'energia e delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC), l’EIT intende avviare cinque nuove CCI nel periodo 2014-2020 in tema di vita sana ed invecchiamento attivo (2014), materie prime (2014), alimentazione per il futuro (2016), industria manifatturiera a valore aggiunto (2016) e mobilità urbana (2018).
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EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie dell'UE
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The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions support the career development and training of researchers – with a focus on innovation skills – in all scientific disciplines, based on trans-national and cross-sectoral mobility.
Le azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie sostengono la formazione e lo sviluppo professionale dei ricercatori – con particolare attenzione alle capacità di innovazione – in tutte le discipline scientifiche e privilegiando la mobilità transnazionale e intersettoriale.
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The MSCA will become the main EU programme for doctoral training, supporting 25 000 candidates.
Le azioni MSCA diventeranno il principale programma dell'Unione per la formazione di dottorato e permetteranno di sostenere 25 000 candidati.
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This includes financing for industrial doctorates, joint doctorates, and other innovative forms of research training that enhance employability.
Questo comprende il finanziamento per i dottorati industriali, per i dottorati congiunti e per altre forme innovative di formazione per la ricerca che si prefiggono l'obiettivo di migliorare l'occupabilità.
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Experienced researchers will be encouraged to spend time outside academia, in enterprises and other organisations, during their fellowships.
I ricercatori di provata esperienza saranno incoraggiati a trascorrere un periodo di tempo al di fuori del mondo accademico, nelle imprese ed in altre organizzazioni, durante il loro programma di ricerca.
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The MSCA will also support exchanges of research and innovation staff across Europe within partnerships that include both academia and other organisations, as well as exchanges around the world to strengthen international cooperation in research and innovation.
Le azioni MSCA sosterranno anche gli scambi di personale del settore della ricerca e dell'innovazione in tutta Europa nel quadro di partenariati che coinvolgono sia le università che altre organizzazioni, nonché gli scambi a livello mondiale volti a rafforzare la cooperazione internazionale nell'ambito della ricerca e dell’innovazione.
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Through the COFUND scheme, the MSCA will also top up regional, national and international programmes for research training with up to 50% of the total funding.
Attraverso il programma COFUND, le azioni MSCA consentiranno inoltre di integrare programmi di formazione per la ricerca a livello regionale, nazionale e internazionale con contributi che possono arrivare fino a un massimo del 50% del finanziamento complessivo.
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This scheme will also be extended to early-stage researchers and boost links with the EU Structural and Investment Funds.
Questo sistema sarà esteso anche ai ricercatori all'inizio della carriera e rafforzerà i vincoli con i fondi strutturali e di investimento dell'UE.
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European Institute of Innovation and Technology
Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia
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The core mission of the EIT, established in 2008, is to promote the competitiveness of Member States by bringing together excellent higher education institutions, research centres and businesses to focus on major societal challenges.
La missione principale dell’EIT, istituito nel 2008, consiste nel promuovere la competitività degli Stati membri riunendo istituti di istruzione superiore, centri di ricerca e imprese d'eccellenza per far fronte alle principali sfide della società.
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The EIT has an administrative headquarters in Budapest while the KICs operate from 17 sites throughout Europe.
L’EIT ha la propria sede amministrativa a Budapest, mentre le CCI operano da 17 siti in tutta Europa.
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There are currently three KICs (Climate KIC, KIC InnoEnergy and EIT ICT Labs) gathering more than 350 partners among top European universities, businesses and research centres.
Le tre CCI attualmente esistenti, che si occupano di cambiamenti climatici (CCI Climate), energia sostenibile (CCI InnoEnergy) e tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (EIT ITC Labs), riuniscono più di 350 partner europei tra università, imprese e centri di ricerca.
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The EIT has already provided entrepreneurship training for more than 1 000 students and contributed to the creation of more than 100 start-ups.
L’EIT ha già fornito formazione in campo imprenditoriale a più di 1 000 studenti e ha contribuito alla creazione di più di 100 start-up.
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Around 90 new products, services or processes have been launched and more than 400 business ideas are currently being incubated within the KICs.
Circa 90 nuovi prodotti, servizi o processi sono stati lanciati e più di 400 idee imprenditoriali sono attualmente in fase di incubazione all’interno delle CCI.
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From 2014 onwards, the EIT and its KICs will continue to share their novel approach to innovation through dissemination and outreach activities.
A partire dal 2014, l’EIT e le CCI continueranno a condividere il loro nuovo orientamento in tema di innovazione tramite attività di divulgazione e sensibilizzazione.
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In particular, the Regional Innovation Scheme will foster innovation across the Union by allowing partnerships of higher education institutions, research organisations, companies and other innovation stakeholders to closely work with KICs. |
In particolare, il sistema di innovazione regionale promuoverà l’innovazione in tutta l’Unione permettendo ai partenariati tra istituti di istruzione superiore, istituti di ricerca, imprese ed altri soggetti interessati all’innovazione di lavorare fianco a fianco con le CCI. |
Horizon 2020 'massive boost for European research and entrepreneurs', says
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), funding research fellowships, and
the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will get significantly
more money under the new EU Horizon 2020 budget for research and innovation,
adopted today by the European Parliament.
The MSCA and EIT come under the responsibility of Androulla Vassiliou,
European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, who
described the vote as "a massive boost for European research and the
entrepreneurs of tomorrow".
The MSCA account for 8% of the overall Horizon 2020 budget, with more than €6
billion in funding for 2014-2020.
This is around 30% more than the current allocation of €4.7 billion under the
Marie Curie Actions for 2007-2013.
The new budget will support more than 65 000 researchers, of which almost 40%
will be PhD candidates.
The EIT will receive €2.7 billion for 2014-2020, 3.5% of the overall EU
research and innovation budget.
This represents a significant increase from the initial EIT start-up budget,
which was around €300 million for 2008-2013.
The funds will strengthen the EU's research and innovation capacity and
contribute to jobs and growth.
"With the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the EU is significantly increasing its investment in
people with the knowledge and talent to innovate and change lives.
This is excellent news for the research community and the EIT's entrepreneurs
of tomorrow," said Commissioner Vassiliou.
The budget increase underlines the importance attached to the MSCA, which
will train the next generation of researchers in Europe.
The MSCA will support researchers at all stages of their careers,
irrespective of nationality.
Researchers working across all disciplines, from life-saving healthcare to
'blue-sky' science, will be eligible for funding.
The MSCA will also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research
study with work in companies, and other innovative training that enhances
employability and career development.
The EIT will play an essential role in bringing dynamic and innovative growth
to Europe, by bridging gaps between higher education, research and business, and
by supporting entrepreneurial start-ups and specialised post-graduate training.
It operates through Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), a pioneering
concept of cross-border public-private partnerships.
In addition to the three existing KICs on climate, ICT and energy, the EIT
will launch five new KICs in 2014-2020 in the fields of healthy living and
active ageing (2014), raw materials (2014), food for the future (2016), added
value manufacturing (2016) and urban mobility (2018).
EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
The Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions support the career development and
training of researchers – with a focus on innovation skills – in all scientific
disciplines, based on trans-national and cross-sectoral mobility.
The MSCA will become the main EU programme for doctoral training, supporting
25 000 candidates.
This includes financing for industrial doctorates, joint doctorates, and
other innovative forms of research training that enhance employability.
Experienced researchers will be encouraged to spend time outside academia, in
enterprises and other organisations, during their fellowships.
The MSCA will also support exchanges of research and innovation staff across
Europe within partnerships that include both academia and other organisations,
as well as exchanges around the world to strengthen international cooperation in
research and innovation.
Through the COFUND scheme, the MSCA will also top up regional, national and
international programmes for research training with up to 50% of the total
This scheme will also be extended to early-stage researchers and boost links
with the EU Structural and Investment Funds.
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
The core mission of the EIT, established in 2008, is to promote the
competitiveness of Member States by bringing together excellent higher education
institutions, research centres and businesses to focus on major societal
The EIT has an administrative headquarters in Budapest while the KICs operate
from 17 sites throughout Europe.
There are currently three KICs (Climate KIC, KIC InnoEnergy and EIT ICT Labs)
gathering more than 350 partners among top European universities, businesses and
research centres.
The EIT has already provided entrepreneurship training for more than 1 000
students and contributed to the creation of more than 100 start-ups.
Around 90 new products, services or processes have been launched and more
than 400 business ideas are currently being incubated within the KICs.
From 2014 onwards, the EIT and its KICs will continue to share their novel
approach to innovation through dissemination and outreach activities.
In particular, the Regional Innovation Scheme will foster innovation across
the Union by allowing partnerships of higher education institutions, research
organisations, companies and other innovation stakeholders to closely work with