Bilancio UE 2014-2020: 1 000 miliardi di euro da investire nel futuro dell’Europa
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Data documento: 19-11-2013
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One trillion euro to invest in Europe's future – the EU's budget framework 2014-2020
Bilancio UE 2014-2020: 1 000 miliardi di euro da investire nel futuro dell’Europa
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Today the European Parliament voted in favour of the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the years 2014 to 2020.
Il Parlamento europeo ha detto sì oggi al nuovo quadro finanziario pluriennale (QFP) dell'Unione per i prossimi sette anni (2014-2020).
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The consent of the EP clears the way for the final approval by the Council in the coming weeks. Two and a half years of intense negotiations, since the Commission had tabled its proposals on 29 June 2011, have come to an end.
Grazie al via libera del Parlamento, nelle prossime settimane la proposta di QFP, presentata della Commissione il 29 giugno 2011, entrerà nella fase finale di approvazione al Consiglio, mettendo fine a ben due anni e mezzo di intensi negoziati.
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European Commission President José Manuel Barroso welcomed today's vote:
Il Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso ha espresso soddisfazione per il voto di oggi:
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"This is a great day for Europe.
"È un grande giorno per l’Europa.
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The European Parliament has given its final blessing to the European budget from 2014 until 2020, thus bringing successfully an end to long negotiations.
Il sì espresso oggi dal Parlamento europeo al bilancio dell’Unione per il 2014-2020 ci permette di condurre in porto un lungo processo negoziale.
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Now, the Council can seal the deal shortly.
Ora spetta al Consiglio chiudere i giochi in tempi brevi.
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The European Union will invest almost 1 trillion euros in growth and jobs between 2014 and 2020.
Tra il 2014 e il 2020 l’Unione europea investirà circa 1 000 miliardi di euro nella crescita e nell’occupazione.
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The EU's budget is modest in size compared to national wealth. But one single year's budget represents more money - in today's prices - than the whole Marshall plan in its time!
In termini di ricchezza nazionale il bilancio dell’Unione può sembrare modesto, ma non dobbiamo dimenticare che un solo esercizio finanziario dell'UE smuove più fondi — a prezzi correnti — dell'intero piano Marshall!
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Our modern, future-oriented budget can make a real difference to people's lives. It will help to strengthen and sustain the recovery underway across the European Union.
Un bilancio moderno, rivolto al futuro, può realmente incidere sulla vita dei cittadini, contribuendo a rafforzare e sostenere la ripresa avviatasi in tutta l’Unione.
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There is funding so we can build our way out of the crisis, financial support for those below the poverty line or looking for a job, investment opportunities for small companies, and assistance for local communities, farmers, researchers and students.
I fondi del nuovo bilancio ci permetteranno di gettare le basi per superare la crisi, dando sostegno finanziario a quanti vivono al di sotto della soglia di povertà o che sono in cerca di lavoro, offrendo opportunità di investimento alle imprese di piccole dimensioni e garantendo assistenza alle comunità locali, agli agricoltori, ai ricercatori e agli studenti.
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This is a deal which helps every family across Europe.
È una buona notizia per le famiglie in tutta Europa.
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Europe is part of the solution."
Non dimentichiamo che l’Europa è parte della soluzione".
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Watch President Barroso's video message: http://bit.ly/I2nKPH
Messaggio video del presidente Barroso: http://bit.ly/I2nKPH
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Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski, in charge of budget and financial programming, stated:
Janusz Lewandowski, Commissario per il Bilancio e la programmazione finanziaria, ha dichiarato:
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"We have finally made it;
"Ce l'abbiamo fatta.
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with today's vote in the European Parliament we can provide predictability of funding to some 20 million European small and medium enterprises, millions of the poorest people in the world, some 100,000 towns and regions as well as thousands of laboratories and universities:
Il voto di oggi al Parlamento europeo assicura fondi prevedibili per erogare finanziamenti a circa 20 milioni di piccole e medie imprese europee, milioni di persone più povere nel mondo, circa 100 000 città e regioni e migliaia di laboratori e università.
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Europe has delivered!
L’Europa ha mantenuto la promessa!
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You will have European funds to invest in economic growth, in research, in education, in helping the young unemployed and in humanitarian aid for the next seven years.
I fondi europei per i prossimi sette anni permetteranno di investire nella crescita economica, nella ricerca e nell’istruzione, aiuteranno i giovani disoccupati e serviranno a erogare aiuti umanitari.
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I cannot think of a better message Europe could send to its citizens a few months ahead of the next European elections:
Quale migliore messaggio in vista delle prossime elezioni europee?
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Europe works, Europe is working!"
l’Europa funziona e continuerà a funzionare!"
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How much is in it and for what?
Cosa rientra nel bilancio dell’UE
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The EU's Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 allows the European Union to invest up to EUR 960 billion in commitments (1.00% EU GNI) and EUR 908.4 billion in payments (0.95% EU GNI).
Grazie al nuovo quadro finanziario pluriennale 2014-2020, l’Unione europea potrà investire fino a 960 miliardi di euro in stanziamenti d’impegno (1% del reddito nazionale lordo (RNL) dell’UE) e 908,4 miliardi di euro in pagamenti (0,95% dell’RNL dell’UE).
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Instruments for unforeseen circumstances (like the Emergency Aid Reserve, the European Globalisation Fund, the Solidarity Fund and the Flexibility instrument) and the European Development Fund are situated outside the ceilings of the MFF.
Non vi rientrano invece gli strumenti per circostanze impreviste (riserva per aiuti d’urgenza, Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione, Fondo di solidarietà e strumento di flessibilità) e il Fondo europeo di sviluppo;
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If fully activated, they represent additional 36.8 bn (or 0.04% of EU GNI).
questi strumenti, se pienamente mobilitati, rappresentano altri 36,8 miliardi di euro (0,04% dell'RNL dell’UE).
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The EU's budget framework 2014-2020 defines spending priorities that are geared to sustainable growth, jobs and competitiveness in line with the EU's growth strategy Europe 2020.
Il nuovo bilancio 2014-2020 definisce priorità di spesa finalizzate alla crescita sostenibile, all’occupazione e alla competitività dell’Unione, in linea con la strategia di crescita Europa 2020.
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For example, compared to the current framework, Heading 1A (Competitiveness for growth and employment) is increased from EUR 91.5 billion (= 9.2% of the budget) to EUR 125.6 billion (13.1% of the budget).
A titolo d'esempio: la rubrica 1A (Competitività per la crescita e l’occupazione) è passata dagli attuali 91,5 miliardi di euro (9,1% del bilancio) a 125,6 miliardi di euro (13,2% del bilancio).
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12 Highlights
12 punti salienti
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The future budget is a modern budget for the European Union in the 21st century.
Il nuovo bilancio dell’Unione è uno strumento moderno adeguato alle sfide del XXI secolo.
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Below are 12 highlights that illustrate a number of important innovations and show the budget's clear European added value.
Ecco in sintesi i 12 punti salienti che illustrano una serie di importanti innovazioni e mostrano chiaramente il valore aggiunto dell'Europa:
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- People looking for a job can count on support from the future EU budget, which provides a significant contribution to job creation through the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund.
- il Fondo sociale europeo (FSE) e il Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale daranno un notevole contributo all'occupazione venendo in aiuto alle persone in cerca di lavoro.
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At least EUR 70 billion (i.e. about 10 billion per year) will be available under the ESF for this, complementing national action in this field.
L'FSE destinerà almeno 70 miliardi di euro (circa 10 miliardi l’anno) alla creazione di posti di lavoro, integrando gli interventi in ambito nazionale.
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The new Youth Employment Initiative linked to the ESF and worth at least EUR 6 billion will support the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in the years 2014-2015.
La nuova iniziativa a favore dell'occupazione giovanile, con una copertura di almeno 6 miliardi di euro nell'ambito dell'FSE, servirà a sostenere la realizzazione della garanzia per i giovani nel periodo 2014-2015.
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Overall, the reformed cohesion policy will make available up to EUR 366.8 billion to invest in Europe's regions, cities and the real economy.
Nel complesso la politica di coesione riformata permetterà di mobilitare fino a 366,8 miliardi di euro destinati alle regioni e alle città dell'UE e all'economia reale.
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It will be the EU's principle investment tool for delivering the Europe 2020 goals:
È principalmente tramite questo strumento d'investimento che l'Unione realizzerà gli obiettivi della strategia Europa 2020:
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creating growth and jobs, tackling climate change and energy dependence, and reducing poverty and social exclusion.
crescita e occupazione, lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici e riduzione della dipendenza energetica, della povertà e dell’esclusione sociale.
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This will be helped through targeting the European Regional Development Fund at key priorities such as support for small and medium-sized enterprises where the objective is to double support from EUR 70 to 140 billion over the 7 years.
Il Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale concorrerà alla realizzazione di questi obiettivi indirizzando le proprie risorse verso priorità fondamentali, quali il sostegno per le piccole e medie imprese, con l’obiettivo di raddoppiare i fondi da 70 a 140 miliardi di euro in 7 anni.
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There will be stronger result-orientation and a new performance reserve in all European Structural and Investment Funds that incentivises good projects.
Tutti i fondi strutturali e d'investimento europei saranno maggiormente orientati ai risultati e avranno una nuova riserva di efficacia e efficienza che incentiverà la qualità dei progetti.
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Finally, efficiency in cohesion policy, rural development and the fisheries fund will also be linked to economic governance to encourage compliance of Member States with the EU's recommendations under the European Semester.
Infine, l’efficienza del Fondo di coesione e dei fondi per lo sviluppo rurale e per la pesca sarà collegata alla governance economica in modo da incentivare gli Stati membri a dare seguito alle raccomandazioni dell’UE nel quadro del semestre europeo;
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- More young people than ever before can plan their stay abroad with support from the new Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
- il nuovo programma Erasmus+ permetterà a un numero quanto mai esteso di persone di trascorrere un periodo all’estero.
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Aimed at boosting skills and employability, the programme will have a budget of almost EUR 15 billion, which is more than 40% higher than current levels in real terms. More than 4 million people will receive support to study, train, work or volunteer abroad:
Mirato a sviluppare competenze e occupabilità, il nuovo programma gode di una copertura di quasi 15 miliardi di euro (40% in più rispetto ai livelli attuali) che offre opportunità di studio, formazione, lavoro o volontariato all’estero a oltre 4 milioni di giovani:
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including 2 million higher education students, 650,000 vocational training students and apprentices, as well as more than 500,000 going on youth exchanges or volunteering abroad.
2 milioni di studenti universitari, 650 000 apprendisti e studenti in formazione professionale e più di 500 000 giovani che partecipano a scambi o programmi di volontariato all’estero.
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Up to 200,000 students planning a full Master's degree abroad, for which national grants or loans are seldom available, will benefit from a new loan guarantee scheme run by the European Investment Fund.
Fino a 200 000 studenti che intendono seguire un corso completo di master all’estero - raramente coperto da borse di studio o prestiti nazionali - potranno beneficiare di un nuovo meccanismo di garanzia sui prestiti gestito dal Fondo europeo per gli investimenti.
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600 partnerships in sport, including European non-profit events, will also receive funding.
Verranno inoltre finanziati 600 partenariati nel settore dello sport, compresi eventi europei non profit.
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Two-thirds of the budget is allocated to learning opportunities abroad for individuals, within the EU and beyond; the remainder will support partnerships between educational institutions, youth organisations, businesses, local and regional authorities and NGOs, as well as reforms to modernise education and training and to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and employability.
Due terzi delle risorse serviranno a finanziare opportunità di apprendimento all'estero, entro e oltre i confini dell'UE, mentre il resto sosterrà partenariati tra istituti d’istruzione, organizzazioni giovanili, imprese, autorità locali e regionali e ONG, come anche le riforme volte a modernizzare il settore dell’istruzione e della formazione e a promuovere l’innovazione, l’imprenditorialità e l’occupabilità;
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- European culture, cinema, television, music, literature, performing arts, heritage and related areas will benefit from increased support under the EU's new Creative Europe programme.
- la cultura in Europa - cinema, televisione, musica, letteratura, arti dello spettacolo, patrimonio e ambiti collegati - potrà trarre vantaggio dal nuovo programma dell'UE Europa creativa.
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With a budget of EUR almost 1.5 billion over the next seven years (in real terms 9% more than current levels) the programme will provide a boost for the cultural and creative sectors, which are a major source of jobs and growth.
Con una copertura di quasi 1,5 miliardi di euro (9% in più in termini reali rispetto agli attuali livelli), il programma permetterà nei prossimi sette anni di rilanciare il comparto culturale e creativo, importante fonte di crescita e occupazione.
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The European Capitals of Culture, European Heritage Label, European Heritage Days and the five European prizes:
Il programma Europa creativa sosterrà inoltre iniziative quali le capitali europee della cultura, il marchio del patrimonio europeo, le giornate europee del patrimonio e i cinque premi europei:
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(EU Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards, EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture, EU Prize for Literature, European Border Breakers Awards, and Prix MEDIA) will also receive support from Creative Europe.
il premio del patrimonio culturale dell'Unione europea/concorso
Europa Nostra, il premio dell’Unione europea per l’architettura contemporanea,
il premio dell’Unione europea per la letteratura, il premio European Border
Breakers e il premio MEDIA.
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- EU-funded research and innovation will do more to improve Europeans' quality of life and enhance the EU's global competitiveness.
- i fondi dell'UE per la ricerca e l'innovazione permetteranno di migliorare la qualità di vita dei cittadini europei e renderanno l'Unione più competitiva sulla scena mondiale.
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The new programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020 is equipped with a budget of almost EUR 80 billion – around 30% more than in the current framework in real terms. Horizon 2020 is clearly a centre-piece of the EU's drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe.
Orizzonte 2020, il nuovo programma per la ricerca e l'innovazione, gode di una copertura di bilancio di quasi 80 miliardi di euro (circa il 30% in più in termini reali rispetto al quadro attuale) e occupa indiscutibilmente un posto centrale nella strategia dell’UE per il rilancio della crescita e dell'occupazione.
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Researchers and businesses across Europe can count on strongly increased and simplified EU support.
I ricercatori e le imprese di tutta l’Europa potranno contare su un sostegno notevolmente rafforzato e semplificato.
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It will provide a boost to top-level research in Europe, including the European Research Council, strengthen industrial leadership in innovation including through investment in key technologies, greater access to capital and support for SMEs and it will help address major societal challenges like climate change, developing sustainable transport and mobility, making renewable energy more affordable, ensuring food safety and security, or coping with the challenge of an ageing population.
Orizzonte 2020 darà impulso a centri di eccellenza della ricerca in Europa, come il Consiglio europeo della ricerca, rafforzerà la leadership industriale nel campo dell’innovazione, anche con investimenti in tecnologie fondamentali, estenderà l'accesso al capitale e il sostegno delle PMI, contribuirà a affrontare grandi sfide sociali quali i cambiamenti climatici, a sviluppare i trasporti e la mobilità sostenibili, a rendere meno care le energie rinnovabili, a garantire alimenti più sicuri e a affrontare i problemi legati all’invecchiamento demografico.
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Very importantly, it will also help to bridge the gap between research and the market by, for example, helping innovative enterprise to develop their technological breakthroughs into viable products with real commercial potential.
Ma, cosa ancor più importante, Orizzonte 2020 contribuirà a colmare il divario tra ricerca e mercato, per esempio aiutando le imprese innovative a trasformare le loro scoperte tecnologiche in prodotti che abbiano un reale potenziale commerciale.
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International cooperation will be an important priority of Horizon 2020. Under Horizon 2020, the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions will receive more than EUR 6 billion in 2014-2020 - 30% more than current levels. This will allow the EU to support more than 65,000 researchers.
Il nuovo programma, incentrato sulla cooperazione internazionale, destina per il periodo 2014-2020 oltre 6 miliardi di euro
(30% in più rispetto ai livelli attuali) alle azioni Marie
Skłodowska-Curie, permettendo così all’UE di sostenere più di 65 000 ricercatori.
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The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will receive EUR 2.7 billion in 2014-20207 to enhance links between higher education, research and business, and to support entrepreneurial start-ups and specialised post-graduate training.
Nel periodo 2014-2020 l’Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia (EIT) riceverà 2,7 miliardi di euro per rafforzare il legame tra insegnamento superiore, ricerca e imprese, per sostenere la creazione di nuove imprese e per creare opportunità di formazioni specializzate postlaurea;
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- Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of Europe's economy accounting for around 99% of all European businesses and providing two out of three private sector jobs.
- le piccole e medie imprese, vera e propria spina dorsale dell’economia europea, rappresentano circa il 99% delle attività imprenditoriali europee e forniscono i due terzi dei posti di lavoro del settore privato.
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Thanks to the new COSME programme, they can expect EUR 2.3 billion in support to foster their competitiveness and boost growth and jobs in Europe.
Il nuovo programma COSME, che gode di una copertura di 2,3 miliardi di euro, permetterà di promuoverne la competitività e di stimolare la crescita e l’occupazione in Europa.
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COSME is the first EU programme targeted to SMEs and will facilitate their access to markets inside and outside the EU and offer easier access to finance through loan guarantees and risk-capital.
Primo programma dell'UE destinato nello specifico alle PMI, COSME mira a facilitarne l'ingresso nel mercato fuori e dentro l’Unione offrendo un accesso agevolato al credito grazie a garanzie sui prestiti e capitale di rischio;
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- Growth and jobs in Europe crucially depend on infrastructure investment.
- gli investimenti infrastrutturali sono determinanti per la crescita e l’occupazione in Europa.
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Citizens and businesses are hindered all too often because the infrastructure networks across Europe, be it in transport, energy or ICT, are incomplete, inefficient or simply not existing.
Troppo spesso i cittadini e le imprese incontrano ostacoli dettati dalla parzialità, dall’inefficienza o semplicemente dall’assenza di reti infrastrutturali europee, siano esse dei trasporti, dell’energia o delle TIC.
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With EUR 33.3 billion (26.3 bn for transport9, 5.9 bn for energy, 1.1 bn for digital), the new Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) will be the key instrument for strategic infrastructure investment at European level.
Con una copertura di 33,3 miliardi di euro (26,3 per i trasporti9, 5,9 per l’energia e 1,1 per il digitale), il nuovo meccanismo per collegare l’Europa (CEF) sarà il principale strumento per gli investimenti in infrastrutture strategiche a livello europeo.
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It will help build the roads, railways, electricity grids and gas pipelines, and the infrastructure and services for the Digital Single Market by bringing the crucial financial support needed to close the missing links in Europe's infrastructure networks that otherwise would not be built.
Il CEF aiuterà a costruire strade, ferrovie, reti elettriche e gasdotti, e a creare infrastrutture e servizi per il mercato unico digitale, fornendo un sostegno finanziario essenziale per colmare le lacune in termini di collegamenti tra le reti infrastrutturali europee che non verrebbero altrimenti affrontate.
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Better interconnections will enhance business opportunities and energy security, and make work and travel easier. It benefits citizens and businesses alike, across all Member States.
Interconnessioni migliori creeranno maggiori opportunità commerciali, più sicurezza energetica e faciliteranno le attività e gli spostamenti, a vantaggio dei cittadini e delle imprese di tutti gli Stati membri.
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In the area of transport the Connecting Europe Facility will help to realise the new and long awaited transport infrastructure policy where nine major corridors will form the backbone for transportation in Europe's single market and revolutionise East–West connections.
Nel settore dei trasporti il meccanismo per collegare l’Europa contribuirà a realizzare la tanto attesa nuova politica delle infrastrutture: i nove corridoi principali per i trasporti nel mercato unico europeo sono destinati a rivoluzionare i collegamenti est-ovest.
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In the field of energy infrastructure, the Connecting Europe Facility is essential to meet the principal objectives of energy policy, affordable energy for all consumers, security of supply and sustainability.
Nel settore delle infrastrutture energetiche, il meccanismo per collegare l’Europa giocherà un ruolo fondamentale per realizzare i principali obiettivi della politica energetica: energia a prezzi accessibili per tutti i consumatori, approvvigionamento sicuro e sostenibilità.
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The CEF, together with the solutions for accelerated permit granting and regulatory incentives introduced by the new TEN-E guidelines regulation, will now radically improve the investment climate for these projects.
Grazie anche alla velocizzazione delle licenze e agli incentivi normativi introdotti dal nuovo regolamento sugli orientamenti TEN-E, il CEF permetterà di migliorare radicalmente il clima degli investimenti destinati a questi progetti.
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The CEF is also the first ever EU-level investment programme in broadband networks and digital service infrastructures to help making the digital Single Market a reality.
Il CEF è inoltre il primo programma di investimenti a livello dell’UE nelle reti a banda larga e nelle infrastrutture di servizi digitali e, in quanto tale, contribuirà a fare in modo che il mercato unico del digitale diventi realtà;
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- Scarce public money increases the need to unlock other sources of finance and thus generate a leverage effect for the EU budget compared to straight grant funding.
- le scarse risorse pubbliche rendono quanto mai necessario mobilitare altre fonti di finanziamento affinché il bilancio dell'UE abbia quella marcia in più rispetto ai finanziamenti diretti.
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This is precisely the purpose of financial instruments, such as loans, guarantees, equity and other risk-sharing instruments, which can be used more widely in the 2014-2020 budget.They will be implemented in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Investment Fund (EIF) and national promotional banks.
È proprio questo l’obiettivo di strumenti finanziari quali prestiti, garanzie, partecipazioni e altri strumenti di condivisione dei rischi, ai quali il bilancio 2014-2020 farà più ampiamente appello, in collaborazione con la Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI), con il Fondo europeo per gli investimenti (FEI) e con le banche promotrici nazionali.
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The purpose of these instruments is to address specific market failures in areas such as financing for SMEs, research and development projects, energy efficiency and key infrastructure.
Scopo di questi strumenti è sopperire all'incapacità del mercato di mettere a disposizione fondi per le PMI, i progetti di ricerca e sviluppo, l’efficienza energetica e le infrastrutture di base.
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For example, the Commission's new SME Initiative will support bank lending to SMEs in Member States particularly affected by the financial crisis through partial loan guarantees and securitisation instruments.
La nuova iniziativa PMI della Commissione sosterrà per esempio i prestiti bancari alle PMI negli Stati membri particolarmente colpiti dalla crisi finanziaria avvalendosi di garanzie parziali sui prestiti e strumenti di cartolarizzazione.
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Another innovative instrument, the Project Bond initiative, provides an alternative, non-bank financing channel for key infrastructure projects such as railway lines, motorways and energy transmission networks. It thus opens up these projects for institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance companies, seeking stable, long-term cash flows, while developing an alternative to traditional bank loans as a source of finance.
Un altro esempio di soluzione innovativa è l’iniziativa “Prestiti obbligazionari per il finanziamento di progetti”: questo canale di finanziamento, alternativo alle banche, permetterà di finanziare grandi progetti infrastrutturali - linee ferroviarie, autostrade, reti di trasporto dell’energia – facendo appello a investitori istituzionali, quali fondi pensione e compagnie assicurative, alla ricerca di flussi di cassa stabili e di lungo termine evitando forme tradizionali di finanziamento come i prestiti bancari.
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Financial instruments will be used in programmes such as COSME (SME finance), Horizon 2020 (Research & Innovation), Erasmus+ (for its loan guarantee scheme – see point 2) and the Connecting Europe Facility (infrastructure).
Una serie di programmi si avvarranno di questi strumenti finanziari: COSME (finanziamento delle PMI), Orizzonte 2020 (ricerca e innovazione), Erasmus+ (per il meccanismo di garanzia sui prestiti, vedi punto 2) e il meccanismo per collegare l’Europa (infrastrutture);
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- The EU budget for 2014-2020 marks a major step forward in transforming Europe into a clean and competitive low-carbon economy.
- il bilancio UE 2014-2020 segna un importante passo avanti verso la trasformazione dell’Europa in un’economia pulita, competitiva e a basse emissioni di carbonio.
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At least 20% of the entire budget will be spent on climate-related projects and policies. The 20% commitment triples the current share of 6-8% and could yield as much as EUR 180 billion in climate finance in all major spending areas, including structural funds, research, agriculture, maritime policy and fisheries, and development.
Almeno il 20% dell’intero bilancio sarà infatti destinato ai progetti e alle politiche sul clima. Questo aumento sostanziale - che triplica l'attuale quota del 6-8% - sarà in grado di attrarre ben 180 miliardi di euro in finanziamenti da destinare alla lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici nei principali settori di spesa, tra cui fondi strutturali, ricerca, agricoltura, politica marittima e della pesca e sviluppo;
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- The reformed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a strong response from the EU to the big challenges of today, such as food safety, climate change and sustainable growth and job creation in rural areas.
- la politica agricola comune (PAC) riformata è la risposta decisa dell’UE alle grandi sfide di oggi, come la sicurezza alimentare, i cambiamenti climatici, la crescita sostenibile e la creazione di posti di lavoro nelle zone rurali.
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It also responds better to people's expectations: Direct payments will be fairer and greener.
La nuova PAC risponde inoltre in modo più adeguato alle aspettative dei cittadini perché prevede pagamenti diretti più giusti e ecologici.
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Farmers will also enjoy a stronger position within the food production chain and the new CAP will be more targeted, efficient and more transparent. It supports a market-oriented agriculture (for example with no more export subsidies, which were phased out over the past years).
La nuova PAC è più mirata, efficace e trasparente e rafforza la posizione degli agricoltori nella catena di produzione alimentare, sostenendo un’agricoltura orientata al mercato (le sovvenzioni all’esportazione, gradualmente ridotte negli anni scorsi, vengono soppresse).
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Agricultural products represented a high 7% share of in EU exports in 2011 with a value of more than EUR 100bn - more than cars or pharmaceuticals.
Nel 2011 le esportazioni di prodotti agricoli ammontavano a ben il 7% delle esportazioni dell’UE, per un valore di oltre 100 miliardi di euro (più delle automobili o dei prodotti farmaceutici).
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The CAP therefore is therefore an important driver for jobs and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
La PAC è senza dubbio un importante motore per l’occupazione e la crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva.
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For 50 years, the Common Agricultural Policy has been a genuinely European policy of strategic importance.
Da 50 anni la politica agricola comune è una politica europea a pieno titolo che riveste una grande importanza strategica.
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As it is a true Community policy, more than 70% of agricultural funding in Europe today comes from the EU and no longer from national or regional coffers.
In tal senso oltre il 70% degli attuali finanziamenti agricoli in Europa proviene dall’Unione europea e non più dalle casse nazionali o regionali.
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Its share in the MFF 2014-2020 will be as follows:
Il QFP 2014-2020 prevede la seguente ripartizione:
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EUR 312.7 bn billion or 29% for market-related expenditure and direct aids (pillar 1); and 95.6 billion or 9% for rural development (pillar 2).
312,7 miliardi di euro (29%) per le spese connesse al mercato e i pagamenti diretti (pilastro 1) e 95,6 miliardi di euro (9%) per lo sviluppo rurale (pilastro 2).
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Still in 1984 the overall CAP made up around 70% of the total EU budget.
Ancora nel 1984 la PAC assorbiva complessivamente circa il 70% del bilancio totale dell’UE;
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- The funding rules will be much simpler and therefore easier to understand for beneficiaries and less prone to errors.
- il nuovo QFP prevede regole di finanziamento molto più semplici e comprensibili per i beneficiari, in modo da ridurre gli errori.
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Altogether around 120 simplification measures are being introduced.
In totale sono state introdotte qualcosa come 120 misure di semplificazione.
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For example: In cohesion policy, rural development and the fisheries fund EU investments will be simplified through common rules for all these European Structural and Investment Funds as well as simpler accounting rules, more targeted reporting demands and more use of digital technology (“e-cohesion”).
Per esempio nel quadro della politica di coesione e dei fondi per lo sviluppo rurale e per la pesca, gli investimenti dell’UE sono stati semplificati con l'introduzione di norme comuni a tutti i fondi strutturali e d'investimento europei, norme contabili più semplici e obblighi di rendicontazione più mirati e grazie a un maggior ricorso al digitale ("e-cohesion").
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In COSME, a "zero bureaucracy" approach will be applied and e-submission and e-reporting will be promoted.
Nell'ambito del programma COSME, improntato a un approccio "zero burocrazia", verrà promossa la presentazione di offerte e di relazioni per via elettronica.
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Horizon 2020 provides major simplification through a single set of rules for all research and innovation funding previously provided through different programmes.
Il programma Orizzonte 2020 garantisce un'elevata semplificazione grazie a un insieme di regole uniche per tutti i finanziamenti per la ricerca e l'innovazione, erogati in precedenza nel quadro di diversi programmi;
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- An open and safer Europe is crucial for our citizens.The future budget will help ensure that EU activities which stimulate economic, cultural and social growth may develop in a stable, lawful and secure environment.
- i cittadini europei tengono a un’Europa più aperta e sicura e il nuovo bilancio contribuirà a garantire che le attività dell’UE di stimolo per la crescita economica, culturale e sociale possano svolgersi in un clima stabile e sicuro, nel rispetto delle regole.
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It will help people to feel at ease when living, travelling, studying or making business in other Member States.
I cittadini potranno così sentirsi a proprio agio quando viaggiano, si trasferiscono, studiano o svolgono un'attività in un altro Stato membro.
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The future budget will support cooperation on civil and criminal law, allow people to better exercise their rights as EU citizens and promote equality.
Il nuovo QFP sostiene la cooperazione in materia di diritto civile e penale, a maggior tutela dei diritti dei cittadini europei e dell’uguaglianza.
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It will also provide finance to tackle cross-border issues, such as asylum, migration, border control and visas, and the fight against crime and terrorism.
Il nuovo bilancio prevede inoltre fondi per affrontare questioni transfrontaliere quali l’asilo, l'immigrazione, i controlli alle frontiere e i visti, e per combattere la criminalità e il terrorismo.
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The EU's capacity to respond quickly and effectively to migration or security related crisis will be stepped up through an emergency response mechanism.
Un meccanismo di pronto intervento potenzierà la capacità dell'Unione di reagire con prontezza e efficacia alle crisi legate alla migrazione e alla sicurezza.
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The amounts foreseen for citizens, asylum, migration, health, consumers and security under the so-called Heading 3 will increase by 26.5% compared to the previous period.
La copertura per le azioni in materia di cittadinanza, asilo, migrazione, salute, consumatori e sicurezza prevista dalla cosiddetta rubrica 3 aumenta del 26,5% rispetto al periodo precedente;
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- As a responsible global player the EU will continue its engagement with the rest of the world.
- l'Unione è un attore mondiale responsabile e in tal senso è tenuta a onorare i propri impegni con il resto del mondo.
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The relations with our immediate neighbourhood, East and South, and with our strategic partners will remain a top priority.
Le relazioni con i vicini a est e a sud e con i partner strategici continueranno a avere la massima priorità.
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As global interdependence grows our security and prosperity needs to be promoted beyond our borders.
Man mano che aumenta l’interdipendenza mondiale, l'Unione è chiamata a promuovere la propria sicurezza e la propria prosperità anche oltre i propri confini.
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That is why the overall objective for external action under the new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) will be to ensure that the EU remains an influential and effective partner that promotes democracy, peace, solidarity, stability, poverty reduction and prosperity, both in our immediate EU Neighbourhood and across the wider world.
In questo senso l'obiettivo globale dell'azione esterna nel quadro del nuovo QFP è garantire che l’Unione rimanga un partner influente e efficace in grado di promuovere la democrazia, la pace, la solidarietà, la stabilità, la prosperità e di ridurre la povertà, sia nei paesi più vicini che nel resto del mondo.
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It remains fully committed to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
L'Unione rimane pienamente impegnata a conseguire gli obiettivi di sviluppo del millennio.
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EU funding will focus even more on helping the poorest in the world by concentrating support on fewer countries (like Sub-Saharan Africa) and fewer sectors (like sustainable and inclusive growth and good governance).
I fondi del nuovo QFP mirano maggiormente a aiutare i più poveri del mondo concentrandosi su un numero minore di paesi (come l’Africa subsahariana) e di settori (come la crescita inclusiva e sostenibile e il buon governo).
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The EU will furthermore maintain its efforts in crisis prevention in order to preserve peace and strengthen international security.
Continuerà inoltre lo sforzo volto a prevenire le crisi, a preservare la pace e a rafforzare la sicurezza internazionale.
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Our external assistance instruments will also strengthen the EU's engagement with third countries on issues that are of global concern, such as climate change, environmental protection and regional instabilities, and allow the EU to respond rapidly and effectively to natural and man-made disasters around the world.
Gli strumenti dell'Unione per l'assistenza esterna permetteranno inoltre di rafforzare l'impegno verso i paesi terzi in una serie di questioni di portata mondiale, come i cambiamenti climatici, la tutela ambientale e l'instabilità regionale, dando all'UE la possibilità di reagire in modo rapido e efficace alle catastrofi naturali o provocate dall'uomo ovunque nel mondo.
One trillion euro to invest in Europe's future – the EU's budget framework
Today the European Parliament voted in favour of the EU's Multiannual
Financial Framework (MFF) for the years 2014 to 2020.
The consent of the EP clears the way for the final approval by the Council in
the coming weeks. Two and a half years of intense negotiations, since the
Commission had tabled its proposals on 29 June 2011, have come to an end.
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso welcomed today's vote:
"This is a great day for Europe.
The European Parliament has given its final blessing to the European budget
from 2014 until 2020, thus bringing successfully an end to long negotiations.
Now, the Council can seal the deal shortly.
The European Union will invest almost 1 trillion euros in growth and jobs
between 2014 and 2020.
The EU's budget is modest in size compared to national wealth. But one single
year's budget represents more money - in today's prices - than the whole
Marshall plan in its time!
Our modern, future-oriented budget can make a real difference to people's
lives. It will help to strengthen and sustain the recovery underway across the
European Union.
There is funding so we can build our way out of the crisis, financial support
for those below the poverty line or looking for a job, investment opportunities
for small companies, and assistance for local communities, farmers, researchers
and students.
This is a deal which helps every family across Europe.
Europe is part of the solution."
Watch President Barroso's video message: http://bit.ly/I2nKPH
Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski, in charge of budget and financial
programming, stated:
"We have finally made it;
with today's vote in the European Parliament we can provide predictability of
funding to some 20 million European small and medium enterprises, millions of
the poorest people in the world, some 100,000 towns and regions as well as
thousands of laboratories and universities:
Europe has delivered!
You will have European funds to invest in economic growth, in research, in
education, in helping the young unemployed and in humanitarian aid for the next
seven years.
I cannot think of a better message Europe could send to its citizens a few
months ahead of the next European elections:
Europe works, Europe is working!"
How much is in it and for what?
The EU's Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 allows the European Union
to invest up to EUR 960 billion in commitments (1.00% EU GNI) and EUR 908.4
billion in payments (0.95% EU GNI).
Instruments for unforeseen circumstances (like the Emergency Aid Reserve, the
European Globalisation Fund, the Solidarity Fund and the Flexibility instrument)
and the European Development Fund are situated outside the ceilings of the MFF.
If fully activated, they represent additional 36.8 bn (or 0.04% of EU GNI).
The EU's budget framework 2014-2020 defines spending priorities that are
geared to sustainable growth, jobs and competitiveness in line with the EU's
growth strategy Europe 2020.
For example, compared to the current framework, Heading 1A (Competitiveness
for growth and employment) is increased from EUR 91.5 billion (= 9.2% of the
budget) to EUR 125.6 billion (13.1% of the budget).
12 Highlights
The future budget is a modern budget for the European Union in the 21st
Below are 12 highlights that illustrate a number of important innovations and
show the budget's clear European added value.
- People looking for a job can count on support from the future EU budget,
which provides a significant contribution to job creation through the European
Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund.
At least EUR 70 billion (i.e. about 10 billion per year) will be available
under the ESF for this, complementing national action in this field.
The new Youth Employment Initiative linked to the ESF and worth at least EUR
6 billion will support the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in the years
Overall, the reformed cohesion policy will make available up to EUR 366.8
billion to invest in Europe's regions, cities and the real economy.
It will be the EU's principle investment tool for delivering the Europe 2020
creating growth and jobs, tackling climate change and energy dependence, and
reducing poverty and social exclusion.
This will be helped through targeting the European Regional Development Fund
at key priorities such as support for small and medium-sized enterprises where
the objective is to double support from EUR 70 to 140 billion over the 7 years.
There will be stronger result-orientation and a new performance reserve in
all European Structural and Investment Funds that incentivises good projects.
Finally, efficiency in cohesion policy, rural development and the fisheries
fund will also be linked to economic governance to encourage compliance of
Member States with the EU's recommendations under the European Semester.
- More young people than ever before can plan their stay abroad with support
from the new Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
Aimed at boosting skills and employability, the programme will have a budget
of almost EUR 15 billion, which is more than 40% higher than current levels in
real terms. More than 4 million people will receive support to study, train,
work or volunteer abroad:
including 2 million higher education students, 650,000 vocational training
students and apprentices, as well as more than 500,000 going on youth exchanges
or volunteering abroad.
Up to 200,000 students planning a full Master's degree abroad, for which
national grants or loans are seldom available, will benefit from a new loan
guarantee scheme run by the European Investment Fund.
600 partnerships in sport, including European non-profit events, will also
receive funding.
Two-thirds of the budget is allocated to learning opportunities abroad for
individuals, within the EU and beyond; the remainder will support partnerships
between educational institutions, youth organisations, businesses, local and
regional authorities and NGOs, as well as reforms to modernise education and
training and to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and employability.
- European culture, cinema, television, music, literature, performing arts,
heritage and related areas will benefit from increased support under the EU's
new Creative Europe programme.
With a budget of EUR almost 1.5 billion4 over the next seven years (in real
terms 9% more than current levels) the programme will provide a boost for the
cultural and creative sectors, which are a major source of jobs and growth.
The European Capitals of Culture, European Heritage Label, European Heritage
Days and the five European prizes:
(EU Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards, EU Prize for
Contemporary Architecture, EU Prize for Literature, European Border Breakers
Awards, and Prix MEDIA) will also receive support from Creative Europe.
- EU-funded research and innovation will do more to improve Europeans'
quality of life and enhance the EU's global competitiveness.
The new programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020 is equipped with a
budget of almost EUR 80 billion – around 30% more than in the current framework
in real terms. Horizon 2020 is clearly a centre-piece of the EU's drive to
create new growth and jobs in Europe.
Researchers and businesses across Europe can count on strongly increased and
simplified EU support.
It will provide a boost to top-level research in Europe, including the
European Research Council, strengthen industrial leadership in innovation
including through investment in key technologies, greater access to capital and
support for SMEs and it will help address major societal challenges like climate
change, developing sustainable transport and mobility, making renewable energy
more affordable, ensuring food safety and security, or coping with the challenge
of an ageing population.
Very importantly, it will also help to bridge the gap between research and
the market by, for example, helping innovative enterprise to develop their
technological breakthroughs into viable products with real commercial potential.
International cooperation will be an important priority of Horizon 2020.
Under Horizon 2020, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions will receive more than
EUR 6 billion in 2014-2020 - 30% more than current levels. This will allow the
EU to support more than 65,000 researchers.
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will receive EUR
2.7 billion in 2014-20207 to enhance links between higher education, research
and business, and to support entrepreneurial start-ups and specialised
post-graduate training.
- Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of Europe's economy
accounting for around 99% of all European businesses and providing two out of
three private sector jobs.
Thanks to the new COSME programme, they can expect EUR 2.3 billion in support
to foster their competitiveness and boost growth and jobs in Europe.
COSME is the first EU programme targeted to SMEs and will facilitate their
access to markets inside and outside the EU and offer easier access to finance
through loan guarantees and risk-capital.
- Growth and jobs in Europe crucially depend on infrastructure investment.
Citizens and businesses are hindered all too often because the infrastructure
networks across Europe, be it in transport, energy or ICT, are incomplete,
inefficient or simply not existing.
With EUR 33.3 billion (26.3 bn for transport9, 5.9 bn for energy, 1.1 bn for
digital), the new Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) will be the key instrument
for strategic infrastructure investment at European level.
It will help build the roads, railways, electricity grids and gas pipelines,
and the infrastructure and services for the Digital Single Market by bringing
the crucial financial support needed to close the missing links in Europe's
infrastructure networks that otherwise would not be built.
Better interconnections will enhance business opportunities and energy
security, and make work and travel easier. It benefits citizens and businesses
alike, across all Member States.
In the area of transport the Connecting Europe Facility will help to realise
the new and long awaited transport infrastructure policy where nine major
corridors will form the backbone for transportation in Europe's single market
and revolutionise East–West connections.
In the field of energy infrastructure, the Connecting Europe Facility is
essential to meet the principal objectives of energy policy, affordable energy
for all consumers, security of supply and sustainability.
The CEF, together with the solutions for accelerated permit granting and
regulatory incentives introduced by the new TEN-E guidelines regulation, will
now radically improve the investment climate for these projects.
The CEF is also the first ever EU-level investment programme in broadband
networks and digital service infrastructures to help making the digital Single
Market a reality.
- Scarce public money increases the need to unlock other sources of finance
and thus generate a leverage effect for the EU budget compared to straight grant
This is precisely the purpose of financial instruments, such as loans,
guarantees, equity and other risk-sharing instruments, which can be used more
widely in the 2014-2020 budget.They will be implemented in cooperation with the
European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Investment Fund (EIF) and national
promotional banks.
The purpose of these instruments is to address specific market failures in
areas such as financing for SMEs, research and development projects, energy
efficiency and key infrastructure.
For example, the Commission's new SME Initiative will support bank lending to
SMEs in Member States particularly affected by the financial crisis through
partial loan guarantees and securitisation instruments.
Another innovative instrument, the Project Bond initiative, provides an
alternative, non-bank financing channel for key infrastructure projects such as
railway lines, motorways and energy transmission networks. It thus opens up
these projects for institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance
companies, seeking stable, long-term cash flows, while developing an alternative
to traditional bank loans as a source of finance.
Financial instruments will be used in programmes such as COSME (SME finance),
Horizon 2020 (Research & Innovation), Erasmus+ (for its loan guarantee scheme –
see point 2) and the Connecting Europe Facility (infrastructure).
- The EU budget for 2014-2020 marks a major step forward in transforming
Europe into a clean and competitive low-carbon economy.
At least 20% of the entire budget will be spent on climate-related projects
and policies. The 20% commitment triples the current share of 6-8% and could
yield as much as EUR 180 billion in climate finance in all major spending areas,
including structural funds, research, agriculture, maritime policy and
fisheries, and development.
- The reformed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a strong response from the
EU to the big challenges of today, such as food safety, climate change and
sustainable growth and job creation in rural areas.
It also responds better to people's expectations: Direct payments will be
fairer and greener.
Farmers will also enjoy a stronger position within the food production chain
and the new CAP will be more targeted, efficient and more transparent. It
supports a market-oriented agriculture (for example with no more export
subsidies, which were phased out over the past years).
Agricultural products represented a high 7% share of in EU exports in 2011
with a value of more than EUR 100bn - more than cars or pharmaceuticals.
The CAP therefore is therefore an important driver for jobs and smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth.
For 50 years, the Common Agricultural Policy has been a genuinely European
policy of strategic importance.
As it is a true Community policy, more than 70% of agricultural funding in
Europe today comes from the EU and no longer from national or regional coffers.
Its share in the MFF 2014-2020 will be as follows:
EUR 312.7 bn billion or 29% for market-related expenditure and direct aids
(pillar 1); and 95.6 billion or 9% for rural development (pillar 2).
Still in 1984 the overall CAP made up around 70% of the total EU budget.
- The funding rules will be much simpler and therefore easier to understand
for beneficiaries and less prone to errors.
Altogether around 120 simplification measures are being introduced.
For example: In cohesion policy, rural development and the fisheries fund EU
investments will be simplified through common rules for all these European
Structural and Investment Funds as well as simpler accounting rules, more
targeted reporting demands and more use of digital technology ("e-cohesion").
In COSME, a "zero bureaucracy" approach will be applied and e-submission and
e-reporting will be promoted.
Horizon 2020 provides major simplification through a single set of rules for
all research and innovation funding previously provided through different
- An open and safer Europe is crucial for our citizens.The future budget will
help ensure that EU activities which stimulate economic, cultural and social
growth may develop in a stable, lawful and secure environment.
It will help people to feel at ease when living, travelling, studying or
making business in other Member States.
The future budget will support cooperation on civil and criminal law, allow
people to better exercise their rights as EU citizens and promote equality.
It will also provide finance to tackle cross-border issues, such as asylum,
migration, border control and visas, and the fight against crime and terrorism.
The EU's capacity to respond quickly and effectively to migration or security
related crisis will be stepped up through an emergency response mechanism.
The amounts foreseen for citizens, asylum, migration, health, consumers and
security under the so-called Heading 3 will increase by 26.5% compared to the
previous period.
- As a responsible global player the EU will continue its engagement with the
rest of the world.
The relations with our immediate neighbourhood, East and South, and with our
strategic partners will remain a top priority.
As global interdependence grows our security and prosperity needs to be
promoted beyond our borders.
That is why the overall objective for external action under the new
Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) will be to ensure that the EU remains an
influential and effective partner that promotes democracy, peace, solidarity,
stability, poverty reduction and prosperity, both in our immediate EU
Neighbourhood and across the wider world.
It remains fully committed to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
EU funding will focus even more on helping the poorest in the world by
concentrating support on fewer countries (like Sub-Saharan Africa) and fewer
sectors (like sustainable and inclusive growth and good governance).
The EU will furthermore maintain its efforts in crisis prevention in order to
preserve peace and strengthen international security.
Our external assistance instruments will also strengthen the EU's engagement
with third countries on issues that are of global concern, such as climate
change, environmental protection and regional instabilities, and allow the EU to
respond rapidly and effectively to natural and man-made disasters around the