Europa creativa: Domande ricorrenti
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Data documento: 19-11-2013
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Creative Europe: Frequently Asked Questions
Europa creativa: Domande ricorrenti
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What is the Creative Europe programme?
Cos'è il programma Europa creativa?
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Creative Europe is the new EU programme to support European cinema and the cultural and creative sectors, enabling them to increase their contribution to jobs and growth.
Europa creativa è il nuovo programma UE a sostegno del cinema europeo e dei settori culturali e creativi che consentirà loro di incrementare il contributo che essi già recano alla crescita e all'occupazione.
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With a budget of €1.46 billion for 2014-2020, it will support tens of thousands of artists, cultural and audiovisual professionals and organisations in the performing arts, fine arts, publishing, film, TV, music, interdisciplinary arts, heritage, and the video games industry.
Con un bilancio di 1,46 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2014-2020 il programma sosterrà decine di migliaia di artisti, operatori e organizzazioni culturali e dell'audiovisivo attivi nelle arti dello spettacolo, delle belle arti, nell'editoria, nel cinema, nella TV, nella musica, nelle arti interdisciplinari, nel patrimonio culturale e nell'industria dei videogiochi.
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The funding will allow them to operate across Europe, to reach new audiences and to develop the skills needed in the digital age.
I finanziamenti consentiranno loro di operare in tutta Europa, di raggiungere nuovi fruitori e di sviluppare le abilità necessarie nell'era digitale.
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By helping European cultural works to reach audiences in other countries, the programme will also contribute to safeguarding cultural and linguistic diversity.
Contribuendo a far sì che le opere culturali europee raggiungano il pubblico di altri paesi, il programma parteciperà anche alla salvaguardia della nostra diversità linguistica e culturale.
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Why does Europe need a Creative Europe programme?
Perché l'Europa ha bisogno del programma Europa creativa?
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Culture plays a major role in the EU economy.
La cultura svolge un ruolo importante nell'economia dell'UE.
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Studies show that the cultural and creative sectors account for up to 4.5% of EU GDP and nearly 4% of employment (8.5 million jobs and many more if account is taken of their impact on other sectors).
Da studi realizzati emerge che ai settori culturali e creativi è attribuibile fino al 4,5% del PIL dell'UE e circa il 4% dell'occupazione (8,5 milioni di posti di lavoro e molti di più se si tiene conto della loro incidenza su altri settori).
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Europe is the world leader in exports of creative industry products.
L'Europa è il leader mondiale nelle esportazioni di prodotti delle industrie creative.
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To retain this position, it needs to invest in the sectors' capacity to operate across borders.
Per difendere tale posizione occorre investire nella capacità dei settori di operare al di là delle frontiere.
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Creative Europe responds to this need and will target investment where the impact will be greatest.
Europa creativa risponde a questa esigenza e indirizzerà i suoi investimenti là dove l'impatto è maggiore.
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The new programme takes account of the challenges created by globalisation and digital technologies, which are changing the ways cultural works are made, distributed and accessed, as well as transforming business models and revenue streams.
Il nuovo programma tiene conto delle problematiche determinate dalla globalizzazione e dalle tecnologie digitali che cambiano il modo in cui le opere culturali sono realizzate, distribuite e fruite, oltre a trasformare i modelli imprenditoriali e i flussi di entrate.
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These developments also create opportunities for the cultural and creative sectors.
Questi sviluppi creano anche opportunità per i settori culturali e creativi.
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The programme seeks to help them seize these opportunities, so that they benefit from the digital shift and create more jobs and international careers.
Il programma intende aiutarli a cogliere queste opportunità affinché essi possano approfittare del passaggio al digitale e creare un maggior numero di posti di lavoro e di carriere internazionali.
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Which countries can apply for funding from Creative Europe?
Quali paesi possono chiedere un finanziamento a Europa creativa?
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Creative Europe will be open to the 28 Member States, and, so long as they fulfil specific conditions, to the European Free Trade Association countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), to EU candidate and potential candidate countries (Montenegro, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo) and to neighbourhood countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria and Israel).
Europa creativa sarà accessibile ai 28 Stati membri e, nella misura in cui essi soddisfano determinate condizioni, ai paesi dell'Associazione europea di libero scambio (Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia e Svizzera), ai paesi candidati e candidati potenziali all'adesione all'UE (Montenegro, Serbia, ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, Turchia, Albania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Kosovo) e ai paesi interessati dalla politica di vicinato (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ucraina, Algeria, Egitto, Marocco, Tunisia, Giordania, Libano, Libia, Palestina, Siria e Israele).
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Non-EU countries have to pay an 'entry ticket' to participate in the programme.
I paesi extraunionali devono pagare un 'biglietto d'entrata' per partecipare al programma.
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The cost is based on the size of their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in relation to the budget of the programme
Il costo si basa sull'entità del loro PIL (prodotto interno lordo) in relazione al bilancio del programma.
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Can individuals apply for funding?
Singole persone possono chiedere un finanziamento?
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Creative Europe will not be open to applications from individuals, but around 250 000 individual artists and cultural and audiovisual professionals will receive funding through projects submitted by cultural organisations.
Il programma Europa creativa non è aperto alle candidature individuali, ma circa 250 000 artisti e operatori culturali e dell'audiovisivo individuali riceveranno un finanziamento per il tramite di progetti presentati da organizzazioni culturali.
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This is a much more cost-effective way to achieve results and a lasting impact.
Questo è un modo molto più economico per ottenere risultati e assicurare un effetto durevole.
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The Commission estimates that millions of people will be reached directly or indirectly through the projects supported by Creative Europe.
La Commissione ritiene che milioni di persone saranno interessate, direttamente o indirettamente, dai progetti sostenuti da Europa creativa.
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What will Creative Europe exactly support?
Su cosa esattamente sarà indirizzato il sostegno di Europa creativa?
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Virtually all of the projects receiving support will have a cross-border dimension.
Virtualmente tutti i progetti che riceveranno un sostegno avranno una dimensione transfrontaliera.
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Most of the budget will be used to provide grants to individual projects.
La maggior parte del bilancio sarà usata per erogare sovvenzioni a progetti individuali.
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However, the programme will also support initiatives pursuing similar objectives such as European Capitals of Culture, the European Heritage Label, the European Heritage Days and five European Union prizes (EU Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards, EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture, EU Prize for Literature, European Border Breakers Awards, and EU Prix MEDIA).
Il programma sosterrà però anche iniziative che perseguono obiettivi simili, come ad esempio le Capitali europee della cultura, il Marchio del patrimonio europeo, le Giornate europee del patrimonio e cinque premi dell'Unione europea (premio dell'Unione europea/Europa Nostra per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale, premio dell'UE per l'architettura contemporanea, premio dell'UE per la letteratura, premi europei Border Breakers e premio unionale MEDIA).
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What challenges is the programme tackling?
Quali problematiche intende affrontare il programma?
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The cultural and creative sectors do not currently make the most of the Single Market.
I settori culturali e creativi attualmente non colgono appieno le potenzialità offerte dal mercato unico.
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One of the biggest challenges that the sector faces is market fragmentation, linked to different cultural traditions and languages:
Una delle problematiche maggiori che questo settore si trova ad affrontare è determinata dalla frammentazione del mercato correlata a tradizioni culturali e lingue diverse:
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the European Union has 24 official languages, 3 alphabets and approximately 60 officially recognised regional and minority languages.
l'Unione europea ha 24 lingue ufficiali, 3 alfabeti e circa 60 lingue regionali e minoritarie riconosciute.
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This diversity is part of Europe's rich tapestry but it hinders efforts by authors to reach readers in other countries, for cinema or theatre goers to see foreign works, and for musicians to reach new listeners.
Questa diversità fa parte del grande arazzo dell'Europa ma ostacola gli sforzi degli autori di raggiungere il pubblico in altri paesi, dissuade gli spettatori dei cinema o dei teatri dal vedere opere straniere e rende difficile ai musicisti raggiungere nuovi ascoltatori.
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A Eurobarometer survey last month (IP/13/1023) has shown that only 13% of Europeans go to a concert by artists from another European country, and only 4% see a theatre performance from another European country.
Un'indagine Eurobarometro realizzata il mese scorso (IP/13/1023) ha rivelato che soltanto il 13% dei cittadini europei va a un concerto eseguito da un artista di un altro paese europeo e soltanto il 4% va a vedere un'opera teatrale di un altro paese europeo.
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A stronger focus on support for audience building and on the sectors' capacity to interact with audiences, for example through media literacy initiatives or new interactive online tools, has the potential to open up more non-national works to the public.
Una maggiore attenzione per il sostegno della costruzione dell'audience e per la capacità del settore di interagire con il pubblico, ad esempio tramite iniziative di alfabetizzazione ai media o a nuovi strumenti interattivi on line, potrebbe stimolare l'interesse del pubblico per opere non nazionali.
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How will Creative Europe differ from the current Culture, MEDIA and MEDIA Mundus programmes? Will these names disappear?
In cosa si distinguerà Europa creativa dagli attuali programmi Cultura, MEDIA e MEDIA Mundus?Queste denominazioni scompariranno?
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Creative Europe will combine the current separate support mechanisms for the culture and audiovisual sectors in Europe in a one-stop shop open to all the cultural and creative sectors.
Europa creativa combinerà i meccanismi di sostegno, attualmente separati, dei settori culturali e audiovisivi in Europa in uno sportello unico aperto a tutti i settori culturali creativi.
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However, it will continue to address the particular needs of the audiovisual industry and the other cultural and creative sectors through its specific Culture and MEDIA sub-programmes.
Il programma continuerà tuttavia a rispondere alle esigenze particolari dell'industria degli audiovisivi e degli altri settori culturali e creativi attraverso i suoi sottoprogrammi specifici Cultura e MEDIA.
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These will build on the success of the current Culture and MEDIA programmes and will be adapted to future challenges.
Questi prenderanno le mosse dal successo degli attuali programmi Cultura e MEDIA e verranno adattati per rispondere alle sfide future.
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MEDIA Mundus, which supports cooperation between European and international professionals and the international distribution of European films, will be integrated into the MEDIA sub-programme.
MEDIA Mundus, che sostiene la cooperazione tra operatori europei e internazionali e la distribuzione internazionale di film europei, verrà integrato nel sottoprogramma MEDIA.
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A single framework programme will maximise synergies between the different sectors and increase efficiency gains.
L'esistenza di un unico programma quadro consentirà di massimizzare le sinergie tra i diversi settori e di realizzare guadagni di efficienza.
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Creative Europe will include a cross-sectoral strand. What does this involve?
Europa creativa comprenderà un filone trans-settoriale.Cosa significa?
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This strand will consist of two parts:
Questo filone si compone di due parti:
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the Financial Guarantee Facility, managed by the European Investment Fund and operational as of 2016, will make it easier for small operators to access bank loans.
lo strumento di garanzia finanziaria, gestito dal Fondo europeo per gli investimenti e operativo a partire dal 2016, agevolerà l'accesso dei piccoli operatori ai prestiti bancari.
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The cross-sectoral strand will also provide support for studies, analysis and better data collection to improve the evidence-base for policy-making, funding for experimental projects to encourage cooperation between the audiovisual and other cultural and creative sectors, and funding for the Creative Europe Desks which provide assistance to applicants.
Il filone trans-settoriale fornirà a sua volta sostegno a studi, ad analisi e a una migliore raccolta di dati per consolidare la base esperienziale su cui impostare il processo decisionale politico, erogherà finanziamenti per progetti sperimentali al fine di incoraggiare la cooperazione tra il settore audiovisivo e gli altri settori culturali e creativi nonché per i Desk Europa creativa che offriranno assistenza ai richiedenti.
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How will Creative Europe be managed?
Come sarà gestito il programma Europa creativa?
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Creative Europe will be a simpler, easily recognisable and accessible gateway for European cultural and creative professionals, regardless of their artistic discipline and it will offer support for international activities within and outside the EU.
Europa creativa costituirà una passerella semplice, facilmente riconoscibile e accessibile per gli operatori culturali e creativi d'Europa, indipendentemente dalla loro disciplina artistica, e offrirà sostegno ad attività internazionali all'interno e all'esterno dell'UE.
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The current system of management, through the Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency, will continue. |
Verrà mantenuto il sistema attuale di gestione tramite l'Agenzia esecutiva per l'istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura. |
Creative Europe: Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Creative Europe programme?
Creative Europe is the new EU programme to support European cinema and the
cultural and creative sectors, enabling them to increase their contribution to
jobs and growth.
With a budget of €1.46 billion for 2014-2020, it will support tens of
thousands of artists, cultural and audiovisual professionals and organisations
in the performing arts, fine arts, publishing, film, TV, music,
interdisciplinary arts, heritage, and the video games industry.
The funding will allow them to operate across Europe, to reach new audiences
and to develop the skills needed in the digital age.
By helping European cultural works to reach audiences in other countries, the
programme will also contribute to safeguarding cultural and linguistic
Why does Europe need a Creative Europe programme?
Culture plays a major role in the EU economy.
Studies show that the cultural and creative sectors account for up to 4.5% of
EU GDP and nearly 4% of employment (8.5 million jobs and many more if account is
taken of their impact on other sectors).
Europe is the world leader in exports of creative industry products.
To retain this position, it needs to invest in the sectors' capacity to
operate across borders.
Creative Europe responds to this need and will target investment where the
impact will be greatest.
The new programme takes account of the challenges created by globalisation
and digital technologies, which are changing the ways cultural works are made,
distributed and accessed, as well as transforming business models and revenue
These developments also create opportunities for the cultural and creative
The programme seeks to help them seize these opportunities, so that they
benefit from the digital shift and create more jobs and international careers.
Which countries can apply for funding from Creative Europe?
Creative Europe will be open to the 28 Member States, and, so long as they
fulfil specific conditions, to the European Free Trade Association countries
(Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), to EU candidate and potential
candidate countries (Montenegro, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo) and to neighbourhood
countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Algeria,
Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria and Israel).
Non-EU countries have to pay an 'entry ticket' to participate in the
The cost is based on the size of their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in
relation to the budget of the programme
Can individuals apply for funding?
Creative Europe will not be open to applications from individuals, but around
250 000 individual artists and cultural and audiovisual professionals will
receive funding through projects submitted by cultural organisations.
This is a much more cost-effective way to achieve results and a lasting
The Commission estimates that millions of people will be reached directly or
indirectly through the projects supported by Creative Europe.
What will Creative Europe exactly support?
Virtually all of the projects receiving support will have a cross-border
Most of the budget will be used to provide grants to individual projects.
However, the programme will also support initiatives pursuing similar
objectives such as European Capitals of Culture, the European Heritage Label,
the European Heritage Days and five European Union prizes (EU Prize for Cultural
Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards, EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture, EU Prize
for Literature, European Border Breakers Awards, and EU Prix MEDIA).
What challenges is the programme tackling?
The cultural and creative sectors do not currently make the most of the
Single Market.
One of the biggest challenges that the sector faces is market fragmentation,
linked to different cultural traditions and languages:
the European Union has 24 official languages, 3 alphabets and approximately
60 officially recognised regional and minority languages.
This diversity is part of Europe's rich tapestry but it hinders efforts by
authors to reach readers in other countries, for cinema or theatre goers to see
foreign works, and for musicians to reach new listeners.
A Eurobarometer survey last month (IP/13/1023) has shown that only 13% of
Europeans go to a concert by artists from another European country, and only 4%
see a theatre performance from another European country.
A stronger focus on support for audience building and on the sectors'
capacity to interact with audiences, for example through media literacy
initiatives or new interactive online tools, has the potential to open up more
non-national works to the public.
How will Creative Europe differ from the current Culture, MEDIA and MEDIA
Mundus programmes? Will these names disappear?
Creative Europe will combine the current separate support mechanisms for the
culture and audiovisual sectors in Europe in a one-stop shop open to all the
cultural and creative sectors.
However, it will continue to address the particular needs of the audiovisual
industry and the other cultural and creative sectors through its specific
Culture and MEDIA sub-programmes.
These will build on the success of the current Culture and MEDIA programmes
and will be adapted to future challenges.
MEDIA Mundus, which supports cooperation between European and international
professionals and the international distribution of European films, will be
integrated into the MEDIA sub-programme.
A single framework programme will maximise synergies between the different
sectors and increase efficiency gains.
Creative Europe will include a cross-sectoral strand. What does this
This strand will consist of two parts:
the Financial Guarantee Facility, managed by the European Investment Fund and
operational as of 2016, will make it easier for small operators to access bank
The cross-sectoral strand will also provide support for studies, analysis and
better data collection to improve the evidence-base for policy-making, funding
for experimental projects to encourage cooperation between the audiovisual and
other cultural and creative sectors, and funding for the Creative Europe Desks
which provide assistance to applicants.
How will Creative Europe be managed?
Creative Europe will be a simpler, easily recognisable and accessible gateway
for European cultural and creative professionals, regardless of their artistic
discipline and it will offer support for international activities within and
outside the EU.
The current system of management, through the Education, Culture and
Audiovisual Executive Agency, will continue.