VW ai vertici della R&S globale, ma le imprese dell'UE presentano risultati sfumati
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Data documento: 18-11-2013
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VW tops global R&D ranking, but EU companies put in mixed performance
VW ai vertici della R&S globale, ma le imprese dell'UE presentano risultati sfumati
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For the first time since 2004, an EU company – the German carmaker Volkswagen – is the world’s largest private sector R&D investor.
Per la prima volta dal 2004 un'impresa dell'UE, il produttore di automobili Volkswagen, è il massimo investitore privato in R&S al mondo.
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Volkswagen tops the European Commission's 2013 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard with an investment of €9.5bn in 2012.
Volkswagen si trova ai vertici dell'EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard del 2013 (quadro di valutazione degli investimenti europei nella R&S 2013) con un investimento di 9,5 miliardi di euro nel 2012.
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Overall, EU-based firms (527 companies) stepped up R&D investment by 6.3%, just above the average of the 2000 firms in the Scoreboard (+6.2%).
Nel complesso le aziende con base nell'UE (527 imprese) hanno accresciuto l'investimento nella R&S del 6,3%, poco al di sopra della media delle 2000 imprese censite nello Scoreboard (+6,2%).
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However, like last year they lagged behind their US counterparts (+8.2%).
Tuttavia, come l'anno precedente esse si trovavano in posizione arretrata rispetto alle controparti statunitensi (+8,2%).
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EU companies also showed a mixed performance depending on the sector, with strong R&D growth in some but stagnation or decline elsewhere.
Le imprese unionali presentano inoltre risultati sfumati a seconda del settore, alcuni segnalano una forte espansione della R&S mentre altrove si constata un ristagno o addirittura un declino.
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EU Scoreboard companies surveyed expect to increase their R&D investments by 2.6 % on average per year for the period 2013-2015, a fall in expectations over the previous year.
Le imprese censite nello Scoreboard dell'UE prevedono di accrescere il loro investimento nella R&S in media del 2,6% all'anno nel periodo 2013-2015, ridimensionando le aspettative manifestate nell'anno precedente.
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Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissario responsabile per la Ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza, ha affermato:
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"The EU still lags behind its main competitors in business investment in R&D, and there are some worrying signs in these latest reports.
"L'UE è ancora in posizione arretrata rispetto ai suoi principali competitori per quanto concerne gli investimenti delle aziende nella R&S e nelle ultime relazioni si leggono dei segnali che suscitano preoccupazione.
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Despite the positive results of top EU companies in important industrial sectors such as automobiles, we are still too weak in high tech sectors such as biotechnology and software."
Nonostante i risultati positivi delle compagnie unionali di punta in importanti settori industriali come quello automobilistico siamo ancora troppo deboli nei settori ad alta tecnologia come le biotecnologie e il software."
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The 6.2% increase on average in R&D growth of the Scoreboard companies came despite a slowdown of net sales growth (+4.2% vs +9.9% in 2011) and a 10.1% decline in operating profits in 2012.
L'aumento medio del 6,2% dell'espansione della R&S nelle imprese che figurano nello Scoreboard si è registrato nonostante un rallentamento della crescita delle vendite nette (+4,2% contro il +9,9% del 2011) e un declino del 10,1% degli utili di esercizio per il 2012.
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The EU's overall positive results were largely driven by the R&D growth rates of German companies, particularly in the automobile sector.
I risultati nel complesso positivi registrati dall'UE sono dovuti per l'essenziale ai tassi d'espansione della R&S attribuibili alle imprese tedesche, soprattutto nel settore automobilistico.
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Second place in the ranking goes to Samsung Electronics from South Korea with an investment of €8.3bn.
Il secondo posto nella classifica va a Samsung Electronics della Corea del sud con un investimento di 8,3 miliardi di euro.
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Other companies in the top-10 include five based in the US (Microsoft, Intel, Merck, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer), two in Switzerland (Roche and Novartis) and one in Japan (Toyota).
Tra le top-ten figurano inoltre cinque imprese basate negli USA (Microsoft, Intel, Merck, Johnson & Johnson e Pfizer), due in Svizzera (Roche e Novartis) e una in Giappone (Toyota).
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EU based companies in the Automobiles & Parts sector showed strong R&D growth (+14.4% vs -2.6% for their US counterparts).
Le imprese con base nell'UE attive nel settore automobilistico e della componentistica presentano forti tassi di espansione della R&S (+14,4% rispetto al -2,6% delle controparti statunitensi).
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EU companies also outperformed US ones in Industrial Engineering (+12.3% vs +9.4%) and Aerospace & Defence (+9.5% vs -1.3%).
Le imprese dell'UE hanno superato inoltre quelle statunitensi nel campo dell'ingegneria industriale (+12,3% contro +9,4%) nonché nel settore aerospaziale e della difesa (+9,5% contro -1,3%).
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Results of EU companies in the ICT sector were mixed, with Software and Computer Services performing well (+14.2%) but showing a decline in IT Hardware (-2.3%).
I risultati delle imprese unionali nel settore delle TIC appaiono meno univoci, poiché mentre i servizi nel campo del software e dell'informatica si piazzano bene (+14,2%) si registra un declino nell'hardware informatico(-2,3%) |
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In contrast, US-based companies performed well across both sectors (+12.6% and +14.8% respectively).
Di converso, le imprese basate negli USA hanno avuto risultati positivi in entrambi i settori (+12,6% e +14,8% rispettivamente).
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An analysis of trends over the last 10 years shows that the US continue to increase its specialisation in R&D intensive sectors such as ICT and health (70% share of the total R&D investments made by US Scoreboard companies in 2012 vs 64 % in 2004).
Da un'analisi delle tendenze dell'ultimo decennio è emerso che gli USA continuano ad acuire la loro specializzazione in settori ad alta intensità di R&S come le TIC e la sanità (una quota del 70% sugli investimenti totali in R&S fatti dalle imprese statunitensi censite nello scoreboard nel 2012 rispetto al 64% nel 2004).
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Despite the strong US lead in these highly R&D intensive sectors, a closer look at the lower ranks of the EU companies shows a significant number of good performers in sectors such as Software and Biotech, companies which might become leaders in the future.
Nonostante il forte ruolo guida degli USA in questi settori ad alta intensità di R&S, da un esame più attento delle imprese unionali di secondo piano emerge un numero significativo di buoni piazzamenti in settori come quello del software e delle biotecnologie, il che fa pensare che tali imprese potrebbero essere i leader futuri.
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The EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard is published annually by the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation and Joint Research Centre).
L'EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard è pubblicato annualmente dalla Commissione europea (DG Ricerca e innovazione e Centro comune di ricerca).
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The 2013 Scoreboard is based on a sample of 2,000 companies, top investors in R&D who together account for an investment value equivalent to more than 90% of the total expenditure on R&D by businesses worldwide.
Lo Scoreboard 2013 si basa su un campione di 2 000 imprese che erano grandi investitrici nella R&S e cui corrisponde un valore di investimento superiore al 90% della spesa complessiva di R&S delle imprese di tutto il mondo.
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It measures the total value of their global R&D investment financed with their own funds, irrespective of the location where the relevant R&D takes place.
Lo Scoreboard misura il valore totale del loro investimento globale in R&S finanziato con capitali propri, indipendentemente dal luogo in cui si svolge la pertinente R&S
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The sample comprises companies that invested more than €22.6 million in R&D in 2012 and are based in the EU (527), the US (658), Japan (353) and other countries (462) including China, South Korea, Switzerland, India, Canada, Australia, Israel, Norway and Brazil.
Il campione comprende imprese che hanno investito più di 22,6 milioni di euro nella R&S nel 2012 e che sono basate nell'UE (527), negli USA (658), in Giappone (353) e in altri paesi (462) compresi Cina, Corea del sud, Svizzera, India, Canada, Australia, Israele, Norvegia e Brasile.
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The EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends complements the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard by gathering qualitative information on factors and issues surrounding and influencing companies' current and prospective R&D investment strategies.
L'EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends (indagine dell'UE sulle tendenze delle industrie a investire in R&S) integra lo Scoreboard e raccoglie informazioni qualitative su fattori e questioni di contorno che influenzano le strategie d'investimento in R&S attuali e future delle imprese.
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The 2013 survey results are based on 172 responses of mainly larger companies from the 1,000 EU-based companies in the 2012 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard.
I risultati dell'indagine 2013 si basano su 172 risposte di imprese, per lo più grandi, tratte dalla lista delle 1 000 imprese basate nell'UE che figurano nello Scoreboard 2012.
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These responses were collected between April and June 2012.
Le risposte sono state raccolte tra aprile e giugno 2012.
VW tops global R&D ranking, but EU companies put in mixed performance
For the first time since 2004, an EU company – the German carmaker Volkswagen
– is the world’s largest private sector R&D investor.
Volkswagen tops the European Commission's 2013 EU Industrial R&D Investment
Scoreboard with an investment of €9.5bn in 2012.
Overall, EU-based firms (527 companies) stepped up R&D investment by 6.3%,
just above the average of the 2000 firms in the Scoreboard (+6.2%).
However, like last year they lagged behind their US counterparts (+8.2%).
EU companies also showed a mixed performance depending on the sector, with
strong R&D growth in some but stagnation or decline elsewhere.
EU Scoreboard companies surveyed expect to increase their R&D investments by
2.6 % on average per year for the period 2013-2015, a fall in expectations over
the previous year.
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science
"The EU still lags behind its main competitors in business investment in R&D,
and there are some worrying signs in these latest reports.
Despite the positive results of top EU companies in important industrial
sectors such as automobiles, we are still too weak in high tech sectors such as
biotechnology and software."
The 6.2% increase on average in R&D growth of the Scoreboard companies came
despite a slowdown of net sales growth (+4.2% vs +9.9% in 2011) and a 10.1%
decline in operating profits in 2012.
The EU's overall positive results were largely driven by the R&D growth rates
of German companies, particularly in the automobile sector.
Second place in the ranking goes to Samsung Electronics from South Korea with
an investment of €8.3bn.
Other companies in the top-10 include five based in the US (Microsoft, Intel,
Merck, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer), two in Switzerland (Roche and Novartis)
and one in Japan (Toyota).
EU based companies in the Automobiles & Parts sector showed strong R&D growth
(+14.4% vs -2.6% for their US counterparts).
EU companies also outperformed US ones in Industrial Engineering (+12.3% vs
+9.4%) and Aerospace & Defence (+9.5% vs -1.3%).
Results of EU companies in the ICT sector were mixed, with Software and
Computer Services performing well (+14.2%) but showing a decline in IT Hardware
In contrast, US-based companies performed well across both sectors (+12.6%
and +14.8% respectively).
An analysis of trends over the last 10 years shows that the US continue to
increase its specialisation in R&D intensive sectors such as ICT and health (70%
share of the total R&D investments made by US Scoreboard companies in 2012 vs 64
% in 2004).
Despite the strong US lead in these highly R&D intensive sectors, a closer
look at the lower ranks of the EU companies shows a significant number of good
performers in sectors such as Software and Biotech, companies which might become
leaders in the future.
The EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard is published annually by the
European Commission (DG Research and Innovation and Joint Research Centre).
The 2013 Scoreboard is based on a sample of 2,000 companies, top investors in
R&D who together account for an investment value equivalent to more than 90% of
the total expenditure on R&D by businesses worldwide.
It measures the total value of their global R&D investment financed with
their own funds, irrespective of the location where the relevant R&D takes
The sample comprises companies that invested more than €22.6 million in R&D
in 2012 and are based in the EU (527), the US (658), Japan (353) and other
countries (462) including China, South Korea, Switzerland, India, Canada,
Australia, Israel, Norway and Brazil.
The EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends complements the EU
Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard by gathering qualitative information on
factors and issues surrounding and influencing companies' current and
prospective R&D investment strategies.
The 2013 survey results are based on 172 responses of mainly larger companies
from the 1,000 EU-based companies in the 2012 EU Industrial R&D Investment
These responses were collected between April and June 2012.