Ambiente: al via la Settimana europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti
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Data documento: 15-11-2013
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Environment: European Week for Waste Reduction begins
Ambiente: al via la Settimana europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti
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We talk about the importance of the "3Rs" – encouraging citizens to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – but it is the first R that is the most important. For the next 7 days the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) will be putting this in the spotlight.
Si parla spesso dell’importanza delle “3 R” – per incoraggiare i cittadini a Ridurre, Riutilizzare e Riciclare –, ma è la prima di tali azioni ad essere fondamentale, come sarà evidenziato dalle iniziative dei prossimi sette giorni, nell’ambito della Settimana dedicata alla promozione della riduzione dei rifiuti.
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The aim is to increase awareness about how we can change habits in Europe, and also to encourage debate on issues of resource efficiency and circular economy.
L’obiettivo è aumentare la consapevolezza dei cittadini europei del modo in cui possono cambiare le loro abitudini e, al tempo stesso, stimolare il dibattito sui temi dell’efficienza delle risorse e dell’economia circolare.
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The project, coordinated by the Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Waste Management (ACR+) and supported by the EU's LIFE+ programme, now covers 17 countries, including 3 non-EU Member States.
Il progetto, coordinato dall’Associazione delle città e delle regioni per il riciclaggio e la gestione sostenibile dei rifiuti (ACR+) con il sostegno del programma dell’UE LIFE +, vede coinvolti 17 paesi, compresi 3 paesi terzi.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"There is enormous potential in reusing and recycling waste.
“Il potenziale di riutilizzo e di riciclaggio dei rifiuti è enorme.
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We are making great progress in moving up the waste hierarchy… reducing landfilling and increasing recycling.
Stiamo facendo molti progressi nell’attuazione della gerarchia di gestione dei rifiuti, riducendo lo smaltimento in discarica e incrementando il riciclaggio.
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Grassroots initiatives like the European Week of Waste Reduction are an important way of involving everyone in the creation of a zero-waste society."
Le iniziative della società civile, quali la settimana europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti, costituiscono un canale importante per coinvolgere tutti nella creazione di una società «a zero rifiuti».»
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The European Week for Waste Reduction, which runs from 16 to 24 November, is proposing new ways to spread the word about reducing waste, reusing products and recycling materials.
La Settimana europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti (16-24 novembre) propone nuovi modi per sensibilizzare alla riduzione dei rifiuti, al riutilizzo dei prodotti e al riciclaggio dei materiali.
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The aim is to develop and test communication tools that target administrations and associations, businesses, schools, and individual citizens.
L’iniziativa intende sviluppare e verificare l’efficacia degli strumenti di comunicazione rivolti alle amministrazioni e alle associazioni, alle imprese, alle scuole e ai singoli cittadini.
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Activities will peak during the Waste Prevention Thematic Days, which this year focus on Reuse, with local activities such as second-hand markets, repair workshops and swap parties.
Le attività culmineranno nelle giornate tematiche di prevenzione dei rifiuti, che quest’anno si concentrano sul riutilizzo e prevedono iniziative locali come mercatini dell’usato, atelier di riparazione e occasioni di baratto e scambio di oggetti.
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Linked to the EWWR, a European Clean-Up Day will be launched to take place on – and around - 10 May 2014.
In connessione con la Settimana europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti, sarà istituita una Giornata europea della pulizia di strade e spiagge che si terrà nel periodo del 10 maggio 2014.
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“Let’s Clean Up Europe” will challenge volunteers to clean up waste in their neighbourhoods and on beaches. The aim is not only to clear up litter, but to generate a debate about waste and how we manage it.
La campagna «Let’s clean up Europe», che vedrà impegnati i volontari a ripulire i loro quartieri e le spiagge dai rifiuti, mira non solo ad eliminare la spazzatura ma anche a stimolare un dibattito sui temi dei rifiuti e delle modalità di gestirli.
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European citizens generate over 500 kg of municipal waste per person every year, but this ranges from just over 300 kg in some Member States to more than 700 kg in others.
Ciascun cittadino europeo produce oltre 500 kg di rifiuti urbani all’anno, ma la situazione varia da poco più di 300 kg in alcuni Stati membri ad oltre 700 kg in altri.
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On average half of this is recycled, but there are enormous differences between Member States.
Mediamente il 50% di tali rifiuti è riciclato, ma esistono enormi differenze tra gli Stati membri.
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In some Member States, landfilling has disappeared and recycling rates reach 70 %, while others recycle very little and landfill over 90% of their municipal waste.
In alcuni Stati membri non avviene più lo smaltimento in discarica e le percentuali di riciclaggio toccano il 70%, mentre altri Stati riciclano poco e conferiscono in discarica oltre il 90% dei rifiuti urbani.
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Consumers and households have a vital role to play in reducing waste through shopping habits, reuse and waste sorting.
I consumatori e le famiglie possono incidere profondamente sulla riduzione dei rifiuti modificando le loro abitudini di spesa, riutilizzando i prodotti e effettuando la raccolta differenziata.
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Launched in 2009, the EWWR originally focused on raising awareness of waste prevention.
Istituita nel 2009, la Settimana europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti mirava inizialmente a sensibilizzare i cittadini alla prevenzione dei rifiuti.
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Over the four past editions, the Week has seen a growing success in Europe (and beyond), implementing over 25,000 communication actions in 28 countries and developing a network of public and private actors working in the field of waste prevention.
Nel corso delle precedenti quattro edizioni, la Settimana ha registrato un successo crescente in Europa (e oltre), attuando oltre 25 000 azioni di comunicazione in 28 paesi e mettendo in rete i soggetti pubblici e privati che operano nel campo della prevenzione dei rifiuti.
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Actions will take place in Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iceland.
Quest’anno iniziative avranno luogo in Andorra, Austria, Belgio, Bulgaria, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Ungheria, Italia, Lussemburgo, Malta, Portogallo, Spagna, Svezia, Regno Unito, Bosnia-Erzegovina e l’Islanda.
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The Waste Framework Directive gives priority to prevention, reuse and recycling over incineration, with landfilling or incineration without energy recovery the last resort.
La direttiva quadro sui rifiuti privilegia la prevenzione, il riutilizzo e il riciclaggio rispetto all’incenerimento, mentre il conferimento in discarica o l’incenerimento senza recupero di energia sono considerate le alternative meno accettabili.
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A study prepared for the Commission estimates that full implementation of EU waste legislation would save EUR 72 billion a year, increase the annual turnover of the EU waste management and recycling sector by EUR 42 billion and create over 400 000 jobs by 2020.
Un recente studio elaborato per la Commissione stima che la piena attuazione della legislazione UE sui rifiuti consentirebbe di risparmiare 72 miliardi di euro l’anno, aumenterebbe di 42 miliardi di euro il fatturato annuo dell’industria della gestione e del riciclaggio dei rifiuti e creerebbe oltre 400 000 posti di lavoro entro il 2020.
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The European Commission is carrying out a review of its waste targets, the result of which will feed into a policy review in 2014. |
La Commissione europea sta riconsiderando i suoi obiettivi in materia di rifiuti; le conclusioni di tali riflessioni alimenteranno il processo di revisione politica che avrà luogo nel 2014. |
Environment: European Week for Waste Reduction begins
We talk about the importance of the "3Rs" – encouraging citizens to Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle – but it is the first R that is the most important. For the
next 7 days the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) will be putting this in
the spotlight.
The aim is to increase awareness about how we can change habits in Europe,
and also to encourage debate on issues of resource efficiency and circular
The project, coordinated by the Association of Cities and Regions for
Recycling and Sustainable Waste Management (ACR+) and supported by the EU's
LIFE+ programme, now covers 17 countries, including 3 non-EU Member States.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
"There is enormous potential in reusing and recycling waste.
We are making great progress in moving up the waste hierarchy… reducing
landfilling and increasing recycling.
Grassroots initiatives like the European Week of Waste Reduction are an
important way of involving everyone in the creation of a zero-waste society."
The European Week for Waste Reduction, which runs from 16 to 24 November, is
proposing new ways to spread the word about reducing waste, reusing products and
recycling materials.
The aim is to develop and test communication tools that target
administrations and associations, businesses, schools, and individual citizens.
Activities will peak during the Waste Prevention Thematic Days, which this
year focus on Reuse, with local activities such as second-hand markets, repair
workshops and swap parties.
Linked to the EWWR, a European Clean-Up Day will be launched to take place on
– and around - 10 May 2014.
"Let’s Clean Up Europe" will challenge volunteers to clean up waste in their
neighbourhoods and on beaches. The aim is not only to clear up litter, but to
generate a debate about waste and how we manage it.
European citizens generate over 500 kg of municipal waste per person every
year, but this ranges from just over 300 kg in some Member States to more than
700 kg in others.
On average half of this is recycled, but there are enormous differences
between Member States.
In some Member States, landfilling has disappeared and recycling rates reach
70 %, while others recycle very little and landfill over 90% of their municipal
Consumers and households have a vital role to play in reducing waste through
shopping habits, reuse and waste sorting.
Launched in 2009, the EWWR originally focused on raising awareness of waste
Over the four past editions, the Week has seen a growing success in Europe
(and beyond), implementing over 25,000 communication actions in 28 countries and
developing a network of public and private actors working in the field of waste
Actions will take place in Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland,
France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the
United Kingdom, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iceland.
The Waste Framework Directive gives priority to prevention, reuse and
recycling over incineration, with landfilling or incineration without energy
recovery the last resort.
A study prepared for the Commission estimates that full implementation of EU
waste legislation would save EUR 72 billion a year, increase the annual turnover
of the EU waste management and recycling sector by EUR 42 billion and create
over 400 000 jobs by 2020.
The European Commission is carrying out a review of its waste targets, the
result of which will feed into a policy review in 2014.