Lavoro: nel 2012 il Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione ha erogato più di 73,5 milioni di euro per sostenere 15 700 lavoratori dell'UE
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Data documento:14-11-2013
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Employment: Globalisation Adjustment Fund provided over €73.5 million to support 15 700 EU workers in 2012
Lavoro: nel 2012 il Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione ha erogato più di 73,5 milioni di euro per sostenere 15 700 lavoratori dell'UE
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The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) helped a total of 15 700 workers dismissed due to the economic crisis and the effects of globalisation find new job opportunities in 2012, according to a report adopted today by the European Commission.
Secondo una relazione approvata oggi dalla Commissione europea, nel 2012 il Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione (FEG) ha fornito sostegno nella ricerca di nuove opportunità di impiego a complessivamente 15 700 lavoratori licenziati in seguito alla crisi economica e agli effetti della globalizzazione.
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The EGF provided more than €73.5 million to assist workers in 11 Member States (Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain and Sweden) matched by another €51.7 million from national resources.
Il FEG ha erogato più di 73,5 milioni di euro destinati all'assistenza dei lavoratori in 11 Stati Membri (Austria, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Irlanda, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Romania, Spagna e Svezia). A questo importo si aggiungono altri 51,7 milioni di euro provenienti da risorse nazionali.
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European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor, said:
Il Commissario europeo per l'Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'inclusione, László Andor, ha dichiarato:
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"The European Globalisation Fund has proved to be an effective tool to help people who have lost their jobs, and in particular for lower-skilled and disadvantaged jobseekers.
"Il Fondo europeo di globalizzazione si è dimostrato uno strumento efficace ad aiutare chi ha perso il lavoro, soprattutto le persone meno qualificate e le categorie di disoccupati più svantaggiate.
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I am glad that the Council and the European Parliament have agreed for the EGF to continue in the 2014-20 period and that it will again be able to help workers made redundant as a result of the economic crisis.
Sono lieto che il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio abbiano convenuto di proseguire le attività del FEG nel periodo 2014-2020, in modo che il fondo possa continuare ad aiutare i lavoratori in esubero a causa della crisi economica.
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Also, for the first time, the EGF will be available to fixed-term workers and the self-employed and, in regions of high youth unemployment, young people not in employment, education or training".
Inoltre, il FEG sarà per la prima volta utilizzabile per i lavoratori a tempo determinato e quelli autonomi, nelle regioni colpite da una elevata disoccupazione giovanile, per i giovani che non lavorano e non seguono corsi di studio o di formazione."
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The EGF provides funding for concrete measures to help dismissed workers improve their employability and find new job opportunities.
Il FEG finanzia misure concrete che aiutano i lavoratori licenziati a migliorare la propria occupabilità e a trovare nuove opportunità di impiego.
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An advantage of the EGF is that it can be used to finance measures tailored to the specific circumstances of the workers concerned.
Il FEG offre inoltre il vantaggio di poter essere utilizzato per il finanziamento di misure adattate alla specifica situazione dei lavoratori interessati.
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Such measures include:
Le misure comprendono:
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- intensive, personalised job-search assistance
- un'assistenza intensa e personalizzata nella ricerca di un impiego
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- various types of vocational training, up-skilling and retraining measures
- vari tipi di formazione professionale, di miglioramento delle competenze e di riqualificazione
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- temporary incentives and allowances for the duration of the active measures
- incentivi e indennità temporanei per la durata delle misure
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- business creation support
- un sostegno alla creazione di imprese
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- mentoring
- mentoring
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- public employment schemes.
- regimi pubblici a favore dell'occupazione
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The report shows that half of the workers (14,333 out of 28,662) who participated in the 41 EGF initiatives already completed in previous years found new jobs or were self-employed at the end of the assistance period, and an additional 1,069 people were in education or training to increase their future employability.
Dalla relazione risulta che, al termine del periodo di assistenza, la metà dei lavoratori (14 333 lavoratori su 28 662) che avevano preso parte a una delle 41 iniziative del FEG, portate a termine negli anni precedenti, avevano trovato un nuovo impiego o svolgevano un'attività autonoma, mentre altre 1 069 persone seguivano corsi di studi o di formazione finalizzati a migliorare la loro occupabilità.
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The results in terms of re-integration into employment are encouraging, given the current difficult job situation, and considering that EGF supports workers in particularly difficult circumstances of mass lay-offs affecting a specific territory and that the supported workers are usually among those with greater difficulties in the labour market, such as lower-skilled or other disadvantaged jobseekers.
I risultati in termini di reinserimento professionale sono incoraggianti, se si considera la difficile situazione occupazionale attuale e il fatto che il FEG fornisce sostegno a lavoratori che si trovano in situazioni particolarmente difficili caratterizzate da licenziamenti di massa che colpiscono un determinato territorio; inoltre il suo sostegno di solito è destinato ai lavoratori con maggiori difficoltà sul mercato del lavoro, come le persone meno qualificate e le categorie di disoccupati più svantaggiate.
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The EGF in 2014-2020
Il FEG nel periodo 2014-2020
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Building on this experience, the Commission proposed to continue operating the Fund during the 2014-2020 period.
Sulla base di quest'esperienza la Commissione ha proposto di proseguire l'attività di sostegno del FEG nel periodo 2014-2020.
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On 11 October 2013, the Council and the European Parliament agreed on the text for the new EGF Regulation, allowing Member States to apply for EGF co-funding under the new rules from January 2014 onwards.
L'11 ottobre 2013 il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio hanno raggiunto un accordo sul testo del nuovo regolamento del FEG, il che consente agli Stati membri di presentare domanda di contributo del FEG secondo le nuove regole a partire da gennaio 2014.
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The scope of the EGF has been expanded to:
L'ambito di applicazione del FEG è stato esteso:
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- workers made redundant because of a continuation of the global financial and economic crisis or a new similar crisis, a criterion that had already been applied from May 2009 until the end of 2011.
- ai lavoratori in esubero in seguito alla persistenza della crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale o a una nuova crisi simile, un criterio che era già stato applicato nel periodo compreso tra il maggio 2009 e la fine del 2011;
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- fixed-term workers and the self-employed.
- ai lavoratori a tempo determinato e ai lavoratori autonomi;
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- young people not in employment, education or training in regions of high youth unemployment.
- ai giovani che non lavorano e non seguono corsi di studi o di formazione in regioni a elevata disoccupazione giovanile.
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The EGF started its operations in 2007.
Il FEG è operativo dal 2007.
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Up to August 2013, there had been 110 applications: 20 Member States requested some €471.2 million to help 100,022 workers made redundant.
Fino ad agosto 2013 sono pervenute 110 domande di contributo del FEG presentate da 20 Stati membri per un importo pari a 471,2 milioni di euro destinati ad aiutare 100 022 lavoratori in esubero.
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Since the amendment of the EGF Regulation in 2009, EGF applications have been presented by an increasing number of Member States and in an increasing number of sectors.
In seguito alla modifica del regolamento nel 2009, un crescente numero di Stati membri ha presentato domanda di contributo del FEG per un crescente numero di settori.
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Further details are available in MEMO/13/988 and the annexes of the annual report.
Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili nel MEMO/13/988 e negli allegati della relazione annuale.
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Regarding the 41 cases for which final results are now available and which have been fully analysed by the Commission (as of August 2013), Member States have reported that the personal situation, employability and self-confidence of the workers concerned had visibly improved thanks to the EGF assistance and services, even if not all of them had found new work immediately.
Per quanto concerne i 41 casi, esaminati dalla Commissione (da agosto 2013) e i cui esiti finali sono ora disponibili, gli Stati membri hanno comunicato che la situazione personale, la fiducia in se stessi e l'occupabilità dei lavoratori destinatari delle misure sono visibilmente migliorate grazie all'assistenza e ai servizi del FEG, anche se non tutti i lavoratori hanno trovato un nuovo impiego in tempi rapidi.
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The EGF enabled Member States to act more intensively in the areas affected by redundancies, in terms of the number of people assisted and the scope, duration and quality of support than would have been possible without EGF funding.
Nelle regioni colpite dagli esuberi il FEG ha consentito agli Stati membri di agire in modo più incisivo - in termini sia di numero di persone aiutate che di portata, durata e qualità del sostegno - di quanto sarebbe stato possibile senza tali finanziamenti.
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With the help of the EU funds, they could respond more flexibly and include in their packages highly personalised, sometimes innovative, actions and thus devote more care to specific population groups, such as the lower-skilled and disadvantaged jobseekers (people aged over 50, having migrant backgrounds, with handicaps, with only basic education and skills, etc.).
Grazie ai fondi UE, gli Stati membri hanno potuto rispondere in modo più flessibile e hanno potuto includere nei pacchetti offerti azioni altamente personalizzate e talvolta innovative, potendosi così concentrare maggiormente su gruppi di popolazione specifici, come le persone meno qualificate e le categorie di disoccupati più svantaggiate (i disoccupati con più di 50 anni, gli immigrati, le persone con disabilità, coloro che hanno solo un'istruzione e competenze basilari, ecc.).
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Job fairs involving the redundant workers have proven particularly effective, as have actions where the implementing agencies contacted local businesses in order to identify with them vacancies not yet published so that the supported workers could be trained to match their skills with the needs of the vacant posts. |
Particolarmente efficienti si sono dimostrate le fiere del lavoro che hanno coinvolto i lavoratori in esubero e gli interventi delle agenzie d'attuazione, le quali hanno contattato le imprese locali al fine di individuare i posti vacanti non ancora resi noti, in modo che i lavoratori aiutati grazie al fondo potessero ricevere una formazione incentrata sullo sviluppo delle competenze richieste per questi posti. |
Employment: Globalisation Adjustment Fund provided over €73.5 million to
support 15 700 EU workers in 2012
The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) helped a total of 15 700
workers dismissed due to the economic crisis and the effects of globalisation
find new job opportunities in 2012, according to a report adopted today by the
European Commission.
The EGF provided more than €73.5 million to assist workers in 11 Member
States (Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the
Netherlands, Romania, Spain and Sweden) matched by another €51.7 million from
national resources.
European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László
Andor, said:
"The European Globalisation Fund has proved to be an effective tool to help
people who have lost their jobs, and in particular for lower-skilled and
disadvantaged jobseekers.
I am glad that the Council and the European Parliament have agreed for the
EGF to continue in the 2014-20 period and that it will again be able to help
workers made redundant as a result of the economic crisis.
Also, for the first time, the EGF will be available to fixed-term workers and
the self-employed and, in regions of high youth unemployment, young people not
in employment, education or training".
The EGF provides funding for concrete measures to help dismissed workers
improve their employability and find new job opportunities.
An advantage of the EGF is that it can be used to finance measures tailored
to the specific circumstances of the workers concerned.
Such measures include:
- intensive, personalised job-search assistance
- various types of vocational training, up-skilling and retraining measures
- temporary incentives and allowances for the duration of the active measures
- business creation support
- mentoring
- public employment schemes.
The report shows that half of the workers (14,333 out of 28,662) who
participated in the 41 EGF initiatives already completed in previous years found
new jobs or were self-employed at the end of the assistance period, and an
additional 1,069 people were in education or training to increase their future
The results in terms of re-integration into employment are encouraging, given
the current difficult job situation, and considering that EGF supports workers
in particularly difficult circumstances of mass lay-offs affecting a specific
territory and that the supported workers are usually among those with greater
difficulties in the labour market, such as lower-skilled or other disadvantaged
The EGF in 2014-2020
Building on this experience, the Commission proposed to continue operating
the Fund during the 2014-2020 period.
On 11 October 2013, the Council and the European Parliament agreed on the
text for the new EGF Regulation, allowing Member States to apply for EGF
co-funding under the new rules from January 2014 onwards.
The scope of the EGF has been expanded to:
- workers made redundant because of a continuation of the global financial
and economic crisis or a new similar crisis, a criterion that had already been
applied from May 2009 until the end of 2011.
- fixed-term workers and the self-employed.
- young people not in employment, education or training in regions of high
youth unemployment.
The EGF started its operations in 2007.
Up to August 2013, there had been 110 applications: 20 Member States
requested some €471.2 million to help 100,022 workers made redundant.
Since the amendment of the EGF Regulation in 2009, EGF applications have been
presented by an increasing number of Member States and in an increasing number
of sectors.
Further details are available in MEMO/13/988 and the annexes of the annual
Regarding the 41 cases for which final results are now available and which
have been fully analysed by the Commission (as of August 2013), Member States
have reported that the personal situation, employability and self-confidence of
the workers concerned had visibly improved thanks to the EGF assistance and
services, even if not all of them had found new work immediately.
The EGF enabled Member States to act more intensively in the areas affected
by redundancies, in terms of the number of people assisted and the scope,
duration and quality of support than would have been possible without EGF
With the help of the EU funds, they could respond more flexibly and include
in their packages highly personalised, sometimes innovative, actions and thus
devote more care to specific population groups, such as the lower-skilled and
disadvantaged jobseekers (people aged over 50, having migrant backgrounds, with
handicaps, with only basic education and skills, etc.).
Job fairs involving the redundant workers have proven particularly effective,
as have actions where the implementing agencies contacted local businesses in
order to identify with them vacancies not yet published so that the supported
workers could be trained to match their skills with the needs of the vacant