Da un sondaggio europeo risulta che il pubblico è a favore di una ricerca e un'innovazione responsabili
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Data documento: 14-11-2013
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EU-wide poll shows public support for responsible research and innovation
Da un sondaggio europeo risulta che il pubblico è a favore di una ricerca e un'innovazione responsabili
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A new Eurobarometer survey shows that more than three quarters (77%) of Europeans think that science and technology has a positive influence on society.
Da una nuova indagine Eurobarometro è emerso che oltre tre quarti (77%) degli europei ritiene che la scienza e la tecnologia abbiano un impatto positivo sulla società.
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Respondents however also express concern over risks from new technologies, such as to human health and the environment.
Gli intervistati hanno comunque espresso anche preoccupazione per i rischi derivanti dalle nuove tecnologie, come i rischi per la salute umana e per l'ambiente.
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They want research and innovation to be carried out with due attention to ethical principles (76%), gender balance (84%), and public dialogue (55%).
Essi auspicano che la ricerca e l'innovazione siano realizzate con la dovuta attenzione ai principi etici (76%)all'equilibrio di genere (84%) e al dialogo con il pubblico (55%).
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Similar to results of earlier Eurobarometer surveys, more than half of all Europeans are interested in developments in science and technology (53%), but a majority do not feel informed enough (58%).
In linea con i risultati di precedenti indagini Eurobarometro, oltre la metà degli europei è interessata agli sviluppi scientifici e tecnologici (53%), ma la maggioranza non si sente sufficientemente informata (58%).
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Research, Innovation and Science Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
La Commissaria per la ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn ha così commentato:
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"The results of this survey show that Europeans support the role of science and technology in society, but at the same time expect scientists and politicians to ensure that their values and concerns are taken into account.
"I risultati dell'indagine indicano che gli europei sostengono il ruolo della scienza e della tecnologia nella società, ma al tempo stesso si aspettano che gli scienziati e i politici prendano in considerazione i loro valori e le loro preoccupazioni.
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The next EU research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, is focused on achieving that balance.
Il futuro programma di ricerca e innovazione, Orizzonte 2020, si incentra sul raggiungimento di tale equilibrio.
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We now need to step up our efforts to enter into dialogue with society about science, and must get more young people interested in science and innovation careers.”
Ora dobbiamo intensificare gli sforzi per stabilire con la società un dialogo sulla scienza, e dobbiamo assolutamente fare in modo che un numero maggiore di giovani si accosti ad una carriera nei settori della scienza e dell'innovazione".
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66% of respondents in the survey think that scientists working at universities or in government laboratories are best qualified to explain the impact of scientific and technological developments on society, and this group is also most likely to be seen (82%) as trying to behave responsibly towards society.
Il 66% dei partecipanti all'indagine pensa che i ricercatori che lavorano presso università o laboratori del settore pubblico siano i più qualificati per spiegare l'impatto dei progressi scientifici e tecnologici sulla società, e sono ritenuti i più inclini (82%) a comportarsi in modo responsabile nei confronti della società.
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Most Europeans get their information about developments in these areas from television (65%), followed by newspapers (33%), websites (32%) and magazines (26%).
La maggior parte degli europei ottiene le informazioni sugli sviluppi in questi settori dalla televisione (65%), da giornali (33%), siti web (32%) e riviste (26%).
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Just under half of the respondents (47%) have ever studied science or technology, either at school, university, college or another location.
Poco meno della metà degli intervistati (il 47%) ha studiato scienza o tecnologia, a scuola, all'università o in un altro contesto.
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At the same time, Europeans have a positive view of the effect of science education on young people and the majority of respondents (65%) think that their governments are not doing enough to stimulate young people’s interest in science.
Al tempo stesso, gli europei hanno un'opinione positiva dell'effetto dell'educazione scientifica sui giovani e la maggioranza degli intervistati (65%) ritiene che i governi non facciano abbastanza per stimolare l'interesse dei giovani per la scienza.
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This Eurobarometer survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews in the European Union Member States to evaluate European citizens’ attitudes towards science and innovation.
Questo sondaggio Eurobarometro è stato realizzato mediante colloqui individuali negli Stati membri dell'Unione europea per valutare l'atteggiamento dei cittadini europei nei confronti della scienza e dell'innovazione.
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A total of 27563 respondents from different social and demographic groups were interviewed between the 26th of April and 14th of May 2013.
Tra il 26 aprile e il 14 maggio 2013 sono stati intervistati 27 563 individui di diverse fasce sociali e demografiche.
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For this study the EU averages provided represent EU27 averages, due to the fact that Croatia was not yet an EU Member State at the time when fieldwork was conducted.
Per questo studio le medie dell'UE sono le medie UE-27,in quanto la Croazia non era ancora uno Stato membro dell'UE al momento della rilevazione.
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Horizon 2020, the next EU research and innovation programme, will run from 2014 to 2020.
Orizzonte 2020, il prossimo programma di ricerca e innovazione dell'UE, sarà in vigore dal 2014 al 2020.
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It has a strong orientation towards addressing societal challenges that affect people's lives, such as better healthcare, greener transport or food and energy security.
Il programma è decisamente orientamento sulle sfide sociali che influiscono sulla vita degli individui, come ad esempio una migliore assistenza sanitaria, trasporti più ecologici o la sicurezza energetica e alimentare.
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Horizon 2020 will feature a specific budget for "Science with and for society", which will focus on the integration of scientific and technological endeavour into European society.
Orizzonte 2020 è dotato di un bilancio specifico per la parte "Scienza con e per la società" che si incentrerà sull'integrazione delle iniziative scientifiche e tecnologiche nella società europea.
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In addition, it will be used to increase the attractiveness of scientific and technological careers, in particular for young people, as well as to address the existing gender imbalance in these fields.
Questa dotazione di bilancio sarà utilizzata anche per rafforzare l'interesse suscitato dalle carriere scientifiche e tecnologiche, in particolare tra i giovani, nonché per affrontare l'attuale squilibrio di genere in questi settori.
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An example of the work already on-going to engage people directly is VOICES (Views, Opinions and Ideas of Citizens in Europe on Science http://www.voicesforinnovation.eu/).
Un esempio delle iniziative già in corso per coinvolgere il pubblico è costituito da VOICES (pareri, opinioni e idee dei cittadini europei sulla scienza http://www.voicesforinnovation.eu/).
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This is a year-long, Europe-wide citizen consultation exploring the concept of waste as a resource.
Si tratta di una consultazione a livello europeo, della durata di un anno, sul concetto "i rifiuti come risorsa".
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The results are being used to shape Horizon 2020 research priorities with regard to urban waste management. |
I risultati vengono utilizzati per definire le priorità di ricerca di Orizzonte 2020 in materia di gestione dei rifiuti urbani. |
EU-wide poll shows public support for responsible research and innovation
A new Eurobarometer survey shows that more than three quarters (77%) of
Europeans think that science and technology has a positive influence on society.
Respondents however also express concern over risks from new technologies,
such as to human health and the environment.
They want research and innovation to be carried out with due attention to
ethical principles (76%), gender balance (84%), and public dialogue (55%).
Similar to results of earlier Eurobarometer surveys, more than half of all
Europeans are interested in developments in science and technology (53%), but a
majority do not feel informed enough (58%).
Research, Innovation and Science Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
"The results of this survey show that Europeans support the role of science
and technology in society, but at the same time expect scientists and
politicians to ensure that their values and concerns are taken into account.
The next EU research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, is focused on
achieving that balance.
We now need to step up our efforts to enter into dialogue with society about
science, and must get more young people interested in science and innovation
66% of respondents in the survey think that scientists working at
universities or in government laboratories are best qualified to explain the
impact of scientific and technological developments on society, and this group
is also most likely to be seen (82%) as trying to behave responsibly towards
Most Europeans get their information about developments in these areas from
television (65%), followed by newspapers (33%), websites (32%) and magazines
Just under half of the respondents (47%) have ever studied science or
technology, either at school, university, college or another location.
At the same time, Europeans have a positive view of the effect of science
education on young people and the majority of respondents (65%) think that their
governments are not doing enough to stimulate young people’s interest in
This Eurobarometer survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews in
the European Union Member States to evaluate European citizens’ attitudes
towards science and innovation.
A total of 27563 respondents from different social and demographic groups
were interviewed between the 26th of April and 14th of May 2013.
For this study the EU averages provided represent EU27 averages, due to the
fact that Croatia was not yet an EU Member State at the time when fieldwork was
Horizon 2020, the next EU research and innovation programme, will run from
2014 to 2020.
It has a strong orientation towards addressing societal challenges that
affect people's lives, such as better healthcare, greener transport or food and
energy security.
Horizon 2020 will feature a specific budget for "Science with and for
society", which will focus on the integration of scientific and technological
endeavour into European society.
In addition, it will be used to increase the attractiveness of scientific and
technological careers, in particular for young people, as well as to address the
existing gender imbalance in these fields.
An example of the work already on-going to engage people directly is VOICES
(Views, Opinions and Ideas of Citizens in Europe on Science
This is a year-long, Europe-wide citizen consultation exploring the concept
of waste as a resource.
The results are being used to shape Horizon 2020 research priorities with
regard to urban waste management.