Libero accesso ai dati satellitari dell'UE a vantaggio delle imprese, dei cittadini e dell'ambiente
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Data documento: 13-11-2013
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Business, citizens and environment to benefit from free access to EU satellite data
Libero accesso ai dati satellitari dell'UE a vantaggio delle imprese, dei cittadini e dell'ambiente
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The European Commission will provide free, full and open access to a wealth of important environmental data gathered by Copernicus, Europe's Earth observation system.
La Commissione europea fornirà gratuitamente un accesso completo e aperto a una grande varietà di importanti dati ambientali raccolti da Copernicus, il sistema europeo di osservazione della Terra.
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The new open data dissemination regime, which will come into effect next month, will support the vital task of monitoring the environment and will also help Europe's enterprises, creating new jobs and business opportunities.
Il nuovo regime di divulgazione di dati aperti, che entrerà in vigore il mese prossimo, contribuirà al compito fondamentale di monitoraggio dell'ambiente e aiuterà inoltre le imprese europee grazie alla creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro e di opportunità commerciali.
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Sectors positively stimulated by Copernicus are likely to be services for environmental data production and dissemination, as well as space manufacturing.
A ricevere un impulso positivo da Copernicus saranno probabilmente il settore dei servizi per la produzione e la divulgazione di dati ambientali come pure il segmento manifatturiero del settore spaziale.
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Indirectly, a variety of other economic segments will see the advantages of accurate earth observation, such as transport, oil and gas, insurance and agriculture.
Una serie di altri segmenti economici (trasporti, petrolio e gas, assicurazioni e agricoltura) beneficerà indirettamente dei vantaggi derivanti da un'accurata osservazione della Terra.
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Studies show that Copernicus – which includes six dedicated satellite missions, the so-called Sentinels, to be launched between 2014 and 2021 – could generate a financial benefit of some € 30 billion and create around 50.000 jobs by 2030.
Gli studi indicano che Copernicus - che prevede sei missioni satellitari dedicate, i cosiddetti satelliti Sentinel, il cui lancio è previsto tra il 2014 e 2021 - potrebbe generare un utile dell'ordine di 30 miliardi di euro e creare circa 50 000 posti di lavoro entro il 2030.
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Moreover, the new open data dissemination regime will help citizens, businesses, researchers and policy makers to integrate an environmental dimension into all their activities and decision making procedures.
Il nuovo regime di divulgazione di dati aperti aiuterà inoltre i cittadini, le imprese, i ricercatori e i responsabili politici ad integrare una dimensione ambientale in tutte le loro attività e procedure decisionali.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, ha affermato:
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"This open data strategy is essential in unleashing the full potential of the Copernicus programme and developing the Earth observation markets.
"Questa strategia sui dati aperti è fondamentale per realizzare appieno le potenzialità del programma Copernicus e sviluppare i mercati connessi all'osservazione della Terra.
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Its services will deliver information to a chain of information re-processors and end-users on a sustained basis.
I suoi servizi forniranno informazioni in modo continuativo a tutta una serie di rielaboratori e utilizzatori finali di informazioni.
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The 'Copernicus economy' will grow by attracting investment in the innovative applications market which is striving to meet increasing user demands for new services.
La cosiddetta 'economia Copernicus' crescerà grazie al fatto di attirare investimenti nel mercato delle applicazioni innovative, un mercato che si sforza di soddisfare le crescenti richieste di nuovi servizi da parte degli utenti.
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Copernicus services are already essential to monitor the areas hit by natural catastrophes.
I servizi di Copernicus sono gia' essenziali per monitorare le aree colpite da catastrofi naturali.
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A few days ago, Copernicus offered to the civil protection images of the most damage areas hit by the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, contributing to organise rescues”.
Qualche giorno fa, Copernicus ha offerto alla protezione civile le immagini delle aree più colpite del Tifone Hayan nelle Filippine, contribuendo ad organizzare i soccorsi”.
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The European Commissioner for the Environment, Janez
Potočnik said:
Il Commissario europeo per l'ambiente, Janez
Potočnik, ha dichiarato:
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"Copernicus is an essential part of the shared environmental information infrastructure that will significantly contribute to better implementation of environmental policies, one priority of the 7th Environmental Action Programme.
"Copernico è un elemento essenziale dell'infrastruttura comune di informazioni ambientali che contribuirà in modo significativo ad una migliore attuazione delle politiche ambientali, una priorità del 7° Programma d'azione ambientale.
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Environmental policy making depends on up-to date, accurate and comparable data on the current and future state of the Earth.
L'elaborazione della politica ambientale dipende da dati aggiornati, precisi e comparabili sullo stato attuale e futuro della Terra.
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Free, full and open access to Copernicus earth observation data represents a key contribution to good environmental governance in Europe.”
L'accesso libero, completo e aperto ai dati di Copernico sull'osservazione della terra rappresenta un contributo fondamentale per una buona governance ambientale in Europa".
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Benefits for citizens' security, agriculture, aquaculture and businesses
Benefici per la sicurezza dei cittadini, l'agricoltura, l'acquacoltura e le imprese
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In a world facing an increased risk of natural and other disasters Copernicus aims to gather observations and implement information services that will monitor the state of the environment on land, at sea and in the atmosphere and will also improve citizens' security.
Di fronte al rischio crescente di catastrofi naturali e di altro tipo, Copernicus mira a raccogliere osservazioni e a mettere in opera servizi di informazione per monitorare lo stato dell'ambiente terrestre, marino e atmosferico e anche per migliorare la sicurezza dei cittadini.
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Copernicus will provide consistent data across borders, making it easy to evaluate change and the impact of environmental policies.
Copernico fornirà dati coerenti attraverso i confini, rendendo semplice la valutazione di cambiamenti e l'impatto delle politiche ambientali.
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As an example, Copernicus data and information will allow us to monitor the following elements of the atmosphere:
A titolo di esempio, i dati e le informazioni Copernicus consentiranno di monitorare i seguenti elementi dell'atmosfera:
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- greenhouse gases that influence climate change,
- gas a effetto serra che influiscono sui cambiamenti climatici,
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- reactive gases that influence the quality of the air we breathe,
- gas reattivi che influiscono sulla qualità dell'aria che respiriamo,
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- the ozone layer and levels of solar UV radiation reaching the ground, and
- lo strato di ozono e i livelli di radiazioni solari UV che raggiungono il suolo,
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- aerosols that affect temperature and air quality.
- gli aerosol che incidono sulla temperatura e sulla qualità dell'aria.
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Although some environmental observational data are already available – mainly through R&D satellite missions and in situ sensors on the ground, at sea and in the air - the monitoring system will become more complete and operational when the Sentinel missions are in place, with the first Sentinel scheduled for launch in spring of 2014.
Benché siano già disponibili alcuni dati osservazionali sull'ambiente, grazie principalmente a missioni satellitari di R&S e a sensori terrestri, marini e aerei in situ, il sistema di monitoraggio diventerà più completo e operativo grazie alle missioni Sentinel: il lancio del primo satellite Sentinel è previsto nella primavera del 2014.
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Sentinel-1 will circle the Earth in Low Earth Orbit (at an altitude of around 700 km) and will be the only truly operational imaging radar satellite of this kind in the world.
Sentinel-1 girerà attorno alla Terra in orbita bassa (ad un’altitudine di circa 700 km) e sarà l’unico satellite al mondo realmente in grado di acquisire immagini radar di questo tipo.
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Subsequent Sentinel satellites will be launched in a rolling programme until 2021, each one providing different types of observations to serve the needs of the various Copernicus information services and the wide variety of interested data users.
I successivi satelliti Sentinel saranno lanciati secondo un programma modulato fino al 2021 e ciascuno di essi fornirà tipi diversi di osservazioni per soddisfare le esigenze dei vari servizi di informazione Copernicus e dell'ampio ventaglio di utilizzatori di dati interessati.
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To make maximum use of this wealth of information, researchers, citizens and businesses will be able to access Copernicus data and information through dedicated Internet-based portals.
Per sfruttare appieno questa profusione di informazioni, i ricercatori, i cittadini e le imprese potranno accedere ai dati e alle informazioni Copernicus grazie a portali Internet dedicati.
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This free access will support the development of useful applications for a number of different industry segments (e.g. agriculture, insurance, transport, and energy).
Questo libero accesso contribuirà allo sviluppo di applicazioni utili per tutta una serie di segmenti industriali (ad esempio l'agricoltura, le assicurazioni, i trasporti e l’energia).
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Other examples include precision agriculture or the use of data for risk modelling in the insurance industry.
Tra gli altri esempi figurano l'agricoltura di precisione o l'utilizzo dei dati per l'elaborazione dei modelli di rischio in campo assicurativo.
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It will fulfil a crucial role, meeting societal, political and economic needs for the sustainable delivery of accurate environmental data.
Tale accesso svolgerà un ruolo fondamentale nel soddisfare la necessità, da parte dell'economia, della politica e della società, di un'erogazione sostenibile di dati ambientali accurati.
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The international dimension
Dimensione internazionale
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The Copernicus open dissemination regime also has an international dimension.
Il regime Copernicus di divulgazione di dati aperti presenta anche una dimensione internazionale.
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It is important that a programme, which may be used, for example, to provide information about a possible future food shortage in certain regions of our planet, can share this information with the public authorities in charge of the population concerned.
È importante che un programma in grado, ad esempio, di fornire informazioni su un’eventuale futura penuria alimentare in determinate regioni del nostro pianeta possa condividere tali informazioni con le autorità pubbliche della popolazione interessata.
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Sharing this kind of information is an important aspect of Europe’s ‘soft power’ activities.
La condivisione di questo tipo di informazioni costituisce un aspetto importante delle attività di "potere morbido" (soft power) che può svolgere l'Europa.
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Likewise, sharing information on climate change is a contribution to a debate engaging the future of many nations and should be done on a free and worldwide basis without discrimination.
Analogamente, lo scambio di informazioni sui cambiamenti climatici contribuisce a un dibattito che coinvolge il futuro di molte nazioni e dovrebbe avvenire in modo libero, senza discriminazioni, su scala mondiale.
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A balanced approach between openness and the protection of specific interests
Un approccio equilibrato fra apertura e tutela di interessi specifici
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The Regulation that will be published in the Official Journal by mid-November, foresees a set of criteria that will address the protection of the Union and its Member States’ security interests.
Il regolamento, che sarà pubblicato nella Gazzetta ufficiale entro la metà di novembre, prevede una serie di criteri relativi alla protezione degli interessi della sicurezza dell'Unione e dei suoi Stati membri.
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With that protection in place, the Copernicus open dissemination regime can deliver its full benefit to the downstream industry and users.
Grazie a tale tutela, il regime Copernicus di divulgazione di dati aperti sarà in grado di offrire appieno i suoi vantaggi all'industria a valle e agli utenti.
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The Commission will closely monitor the effects of the open dissemination regime and will adjust it if necessary. |
La Commissione seguirà attentamente gli effetti del regime di divulgazione di dati aperti e provvederà ad un suo eventuale adeguamento secondo necessità. |
Business, citizens and environment to benefit from free access to EU
satellite data
The European Commission will provide free, full and open access to a wealth
of important environmental data gathered by Copernicus, Europe's Earth
observation system.
The new open data dissemination regime, which will come into effect next
month, will support the vital task of monitoring the environment and will also
help Europe's enterprises, creating new jobs and business opportunities.
Sectors positively stimulated by Copernicus are likely to be services for
environmental data production and dissemination, as well as space manufacturing.
Indirectly, a variety of other economic segments will see the advantages of
accurate earth observation, such as transport, oil and gas, insurance and
Studies show that Copernicus – which includes six dedicated satellite
missions, the so-called Sentinels, to be launched between 2014 and 2021 – could
generate a financial benefit of some € 30 billion and create around 50.000 jobs
by 2030.
Moreover, the new open data dissemination regime will help citizens,
businesses, researchers and policy makers to integrate an environmental
dimension into all their activities and decision making procedures.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry
and Entrepreneurship, said:
"This open data strategy is essential in unleashing the full potential of the
Copernicus programme and developing the Earth observation markets.
Its services will deliver information to a chain of information re-processors
and end-users on a sustained basis.
The 'Copernicus economy' will grow by attracting investment in the innovative
applications market which is striving to meet increasing user demands for new
Copernicus services are already essential to monitor the areas hit by natural
A few days ago, Copernicus offered to the civil protection images of the most
damage areas hit by the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, contributing to
organise rescues".
The European Commissioner for the Environment, Janez
Potočnik said:
"Copernicus is an essential part of the shared environmental information
infrastructure that will significantly contribute to better implementation of
environmental policies, one priority of the 7th Environmental Action Programme.
Environmental policy making depends on up-to date, accurate and comparable
data on the current and future state of the Earth.
Free, full and open access to Copernicus earth observation data represents a
key contribution to good environmental governance in Europe."
Benefits for citizens' security, agriculture, aquaculture and businesses
In a world facing an increased risk of natural and other disasters Copernicus
aims to gather observations and implement information services that will monitor
the state of the environment on land, at sea and in the atmosphere and will also
improve citizens' security.
Copernicus will provide consistent data across borders, making it easy to
evaluate change and the impact of environmental policies.
As an example, Copernicus data and information will allow us to monitor the
following elements of the atmosphere:
- greenhouse gases that influence climate change,
- reactive gases that influence the quality of the air we breathe,
- the ozone layer and levels of solar UV radiation reaching the ground,
- aerosols that affect temperature and air quality.
Although some environmental observational data are already available – mainly
through R&D satellite missions and in situ sensors on the ground, at sea and in
the air - the monitoring system will become more complete and operational when
the Sentinel missions are in place, with the first Sentinel scheduled for launch
in spring of 2014.
Sentinel-1 will circle the Earth in Low Earth Orbit (at an altitude of around
700 km) and will be the only truly operational imaging radar satellite of this
kind in the world.
Subsequent Sentinel satellites will be launched in a rolling programme until
2021, each one providing different types of observations to serve the needs of
the various Copernicus information services and the wide variety of interested
data users.
To make maximum use of this wealth of information, researchers, citizens and
businesses will be able to access Copernicus data and information through
dedicated Internet-based portals.
This free access will support the development of useful applications for a
number of different industry segments (e.g. agriculture, insurance, transport,
and energy).
Other examples include precision agriculture or the use of data for risk
modelling in the insurance industry.
It will fulfil a crucial role, meeting societal, political and economic needs
for the sustainable delivery of accurate environmental data.
The international dimension
The Copernicus open dissemination regime also has an international dimension.
It is important that a programme, which may be used, for example, to provide
information about a possible future food shortage in certain regions of our
planet, can share this information with the public authorities in charge of the
population concerned.
Sharing this kind of information is an important aspect of Europe’s ‘soft
power’ activities.
Likewise, sharing information on climate change is a contribution to a debate
engaging the future of many nations and should be done on a free and worldwide
basis without discrimination.
A balanced approach between openness and the protection of specific
The Regulation that will be published in the Official Journal by
mid-November, foresees a set of criteria that will address the protection of the
Union and its Member States’ security interests.
With that protection in place, the Copernicus open dissemination regime can
deliver its full benefit to the downstream industry and users.
The Commission will closely monitor the effects of the open dissemination
regime and will adjust it if necessary.