Aprendosi ad un regime democratico, il Myanmar offre nuove opportunità alle imprese dell'Unione Europea
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Data documento: 11-11-2013
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Opening up to democracy, Myanmar offers new opportunities for EU enterprises
Aprendosi ad un regime democratico, il Myanmar offre nuove opportunità alle imprese dell'Unione Europea
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After decades of isolation under authoritarian rule, Myanmar recently started opening its doors to democracy, foreign investment and a liberal economy.
Dopo decenni di isolamento, sotto il controllo di una dittatura militare, il Myanmar ha iniziato recentemente ad aprire le sue porte alla democrazia, agli investimenti esteri e all'economia liberale.
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To help both European and Myanmar companies take advantage of new opportunities that will come with Myanmar's reintegration into the global economy, European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, will travel to Myanmar from Nov 13th to 15th.
A tal proposito, il Vice Presidente della Commissione Europea Antonio Tajani, responsabile per l'Industria e l'Imprenditoria, sarà in Myanmar dal 13 al 15 novembre, con lo scopo di aiutare tanto le imprese locali, quanto quelle europee, a trarre vantaggio dalle nuove opportunità offerte dalla reintegrazione del Myanmar nella scena economica mondiale.
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During his visit he will be accompanied by more than 100 companies and associations from 16 Member States, representing a turnover of 420 billion euros, to help both Myanmar and European companies form new partnerships and expand into new markets.
Durante la visita, Antonio Tajani sarà accompagnato da oltre 100 imprese e associazioni provenienti da 16 Stati Membri, con un fatturato di 420 miliardi, per incoraggiare le aziende birmane ed europee a dare vita a nuovi partenariati ed inserirsi in nuovi mercati.
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He will also sign three letters of intent to strengthen cooperation on SME policy, sustainable tourism and raw materials.
Il Vice Presidente sottoscriverà, inoltre, tre lettere di intenti per rafforzare la cooperazione sulla politica delle PMI, il turismo sostenibile e le materie prime.
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His visit will take place under the umbrella of the EU-Myanmar Task Force chaired by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton.
La visita di Antonio Tajani si svolgerà sotto l'egida della Task Force Euro-Birmana, presieduta dall'Alto Rappresentante per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza, Catherine Ashton.
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Other members of the task force include Commissioner Andris Piebalgs, responsible for Development and Cooperation, and Commissioner Dacian Ciolos, responsible for Agriculture and Rural development.
Tra gli altri membri della Task Force, il Commissario Andris Piebalgs, responsabile per lo Sviluppo e la cooperazione, e il Commissario Dacian Ciolos, responsabile per l'Agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale.
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A delegation of the European Parliament will be also part of the task force and an inter-parliamentary meeting will be held with Myanmar’ parliamentarians.
Alla task force prenderà parte anche una delegazione del Parlamento europeo che incontrerà i parlamentari birmani nell'ambito di un meeting interparlamentare.
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The task force's mission to Myanmar will have three main objectives:
La missione della task force in Myanmar avrà tre obiettivi principali:
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- to support and foster Myanmar’s economic and democratic transition process;
- Sostenere ed incoraggiare il processo di transizione economico e democratico del Myanmar;
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- to reinforce EU-Myanmar development co-operation;
- Rafforzare la cooperazione tra UE e Myanmar in termini di sviluppo;
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- to promote growth and business opportunities on both sides.
- Promuovere la crescita e le opportunità commerciali da entrambi i lati.
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For Vice President Tajani, this visit will also be part of his "Missions for Growth" to help European enterprises, in particular small and medium sized businesses, better profit from fast growing international markets.
Per il Vice Presidente Tajani, questa visita sarà parte integrante delle sue "Missioni per la Crescita" volte ad aiutare le imprese europee, in particolare le PMI, a trarre profitto dai mercati internazionali in rapida espansione.
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EU private sector can aid in Myanmar’s development
Il settore privato europeo può sostenere lo sviluppo del Myanmar
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Decades of economic mismanagement and isolation in Myanmar have led to deep-rooted structural poverty.
Decenni di cattiva amministrazione e isolamento hanno condotto il Myanmar ad uno stato di povertà strutturale profondamente radicato.
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Unemployment is very high and GDP per capita is the lowest among South East Asian Countries.
Il tasso di disoccupazione è notevole ed il prodotto interno lordo pro capite è il più basso tra i Paesi del Sud-Est Asiatico.
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Furthermore, more than 50 years of dictatorship have eroded state institutions and undermined citizens’ confidence in the state’s capacity to deliver.
In aggiunta, gli oltre 50 anni di dittatura hanno eroso le istituzioni pubbliche e intaccato la fiducia dei cittadini nel funzionamento dello Stato.
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The EU recognises the vital contribution that the private sector can play in this country’s development and that is why an important part of this mission will be to create trade and investment opportunities for both Myanmar and European companies.
L'Unione europea riconosce il contributo vitale che il settore privato può giocare nello sviluppo di questo Paese ed è per questo che una parte importante di questa missione consisterà nel creare scambi e opportunità di investimento tanto per le imprese birmane che per quelle europee.
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To that effect, on the morning of Nov 14th, Vice President Antonio Tajani will be co-chairing a Business Forum in which high-level officials and representatives of the European and Myanmar business communities will participate.
A tal proposito, la mattina del 14 novembre, il Vice Presidente Antonio Tajani presidierà un Business Forum al quale prenderanno parte funzionari e rappresentanti delle comunità economiche europee e birmane.
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Discussions will focus on five economic areas:
La discussione sarà incentrata su cinque aree economiche:
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tourism, agriculture business, manufactured goods, energy and infrastructure as well as business environment support services (e.g. financial services, insurance).
turismo, agricoltura, beni industriali, energia e infrastrutture, oltre che servizi di supporto al contesto aziendale (servizi finanziari, assicurazione).
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On the same day in the afternoon, a matchmaking event will take
place for European companies interested in contacts with Myanmar entrepreneurs
in these five sectors.
Nel pomeriggio dello stesso giorno, avrà luogo un evento di matchmaking per le aziende europee interessate a prendere contatti con imprenditori birmani appartenenti a questi cinque settori.
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On Nov 15th, Tajani will participate in the task force’s Economic Session, which will focus on Myanmar’s economic development programme and planned measures to attract private investment.
Il 15 novembre, Tajani parteciperà alla Sessione Economica della task force, che si concentrerà sul programma di sviluppo economico del Myanmar e sulle misure pianificate per attirare investimenti privati.
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Participants will also discuss measures that the EU and Myanmar will implement in close collaboration in order to accelerate sustainable development and economic cooperation.
I partecipanti discuteranno inoltre dei provvedimenti che l'UE e il Myanmar potranno implementare in stretta collaborazione per accelerare un processo di sviluppo sostenibile e di cooperazione economica.
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On the same day Tajani will meet with several high-level Myanmar officials, and sign three letters of intent.
Nello stesso giorno Tajani incontrerà diversi funzionari birmani di alto livello, e firmerà tre lettere di intenti.
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1) With the Minister for Industry, U Maung Myint, Tajani will sign a letter of intent on SMEs
1) Con il Ministro all'Industria, U Maung Myint, Tajani firmerà una lettera di intenti sulle PMI
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By signing a letter of intent on SME policy, Myanmar and the EU will pledge to work together to improve the business environment for SMEs by reducing administrative burdens and encouraging the internationalisation of companies on both sides.
Con la sottoscrizione della lettera di intenti sulla politica delle PMI, il Myanmar e l'UE si impegneranno a lavorare insieme per migliorare il contesto aziendale delle PMI riducendo gli oneri amministrativi ed incoraggiando l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese su entrambi i fronti.
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Special attention will be paid to exchanging best practices to create SME friendly legislation;
Particolare attenzione sarà riservata alla condivisione delle migliori procedure per la creazione di una legislazione che favorisca le PMI;
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cooperation between the public and private sectors in research and innovation;
alla cooperazione tra il settore pubblico e quello privato per la ricerca e l'innovazione;
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and building strong business associations.
alla costruzione di associazioni aziendali forti.
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2) With the Minister for Tourism, U Htay Aung, Tajani will sign a letter of intent on sustainable tourism
2) Con il Ministro del Turismo, U Htay Aung, Tajani firmerà una lettera di intenti per migliorare la cooperazione in materia di turismo sostenibile
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For both countries, it is strategically important to develop new tourism initiatives based on the principles of sustainability, responsibility and competitiveness.
Per entrambi i Paesi, risulta strategicamente importante lo sviluppo di nuove iniziative turistiche basate sui principi della sostenibilità, della responsabilità e della competitività.
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The tourism sector developed in a sensitive and sustainable way could help maintain Myanmar's cultural heritage and traditions and, at the same time, preserve its natural environment.
Il comparto turistico, se sviluppato in modo sensibile e sostenibile, potrebbe aiutare a preservare il patrimonio culturale e le tradizioni del Myanmar, consentendo al Paese, nello stesso tempo, di proteggere il suo ambiente naturale.
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Therefore, Myanmar and the EU will strive to establish a dialogue in the tourism field and exchange good practices, especially in the fields of natural and cultural heritage.
Inoltre, Myanmar e UE si impegneranno a instaurare un dialogo nel settore turistico e a favorire lo scambio di buone procedure, soprattutto in merito al patrimonio naturale e culturale.
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3) With the Minister for Mines, Myint Aung, Tajani will sign a letter of intent on raw materials
3) Con il Ministro delle Miniere, Myint Aung, Tajani firmerà una lettera di intenti per rafforzare il dialogo su materie prime
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In Both Myanmar and the EU, raw materials – such as minerals and forest-based materials – are indispensable to industrial production which provides growth and employment.
Tanto in Myanmar quanto in Europa, le materie prime, come i minerali e i materiali forestali, sono indispensabili per la produzione industriale, garanzia di crescita e occupazione.
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By signing a letter of intent, Myanmar and the EU will open a dialogue in two main areas: mining and the forest–based sector.
Sottoscrivendo la lettera d'intenti, Myanmar e UE apriranno un dialogo su entrambe le aree di riferimento: il settore minerario e quello dei prodotti forestali.
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It is hoped that the dialogue will promote mutual understanding, enhance bilateral cooperation and the exchange of information on policies related to raw materials.
Con la speranza che il dialogo possa favorire la conoscenza reciproca, la cooperazione bilaterale e lo scambio di informazioni sulle politiche relative alle materie prime.
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Establishing long-term economic dialogue
Stabilire un dialogo economico di lungo periodo
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To further strengthen and promote economic cooperation between EU and Myanmar, during the mission Vice-President Tajani will also initiate the formation of the EU-Myanmar Business Advisory Council.
Per rafforzare e promuovere ulteriormente la cooperazione economica tra UE e Myanmar, durante la missione, il Vice Presidente Tajani darà l'avvio alla formazione di un Comitato Consultivo per gli affari tra UE e Myanmar.
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The Council would be composed of a limited group of European business associations and entrepreneurs (big and small), with a wide and diverse range of expertise.
Il comitato sarà composto da un limitato gruppo di associazioni aziendali e di imprenditori (piccoli e grandi), con un margine di competenze ampio e diversificato.
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It would maintain a dialogue with a wide-variety of Myanmar and EU enterprises and provide advice to the Myanmar government on the development of a business-friendly environment.
Favorirà il dialogo tra un'ampia varietà di imprese birmane ed europee e fornirà il giusto sostegno al governo birmano per lo sviluppo di un ambiente favorevole alle imprese.
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Furthermore, it would explore new business opportunities for both Myanmar and European companies, and suggest ways to deepen the industrial cooperation and promotion of the entrepreneurship.
Inoltre, sonderà nuove opportunità di business tanto per le aziende europee che per quelle birmane, suggerendo strategie per una cooperazione industriale sempre più profonda e la promozione dell'imprenditoria.
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EU is also in the process of supporting the creation of a European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, which will help boost contacts with Myanmar companies and ensure advocacy with the authorities.
L'UE sta sostenendo, inoltre, la creazione di una Camera Europea di Commercio in Myanmar, che aiuterà ad incrementare i contatti con le aziende birmane con il patrocinio delle autorità.
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Data on Myanmar (2012)
Dati sul Myanmar (2012)
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Population: 61,2 million
Popolazione: 61,2 milioni
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GDP, current prices: € 34 billion
PIL: € 34 miliardi
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GDP per capita, current prices: € 923
PIL pro capite: € 923
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EU exports to Myanmar: € 132 million
Esportazioni dell'UE verso il Myanmar: € 132 milioni
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EU imports from Myanmar: € 164 million
Importazioni dell'UE dal Myanmar: € 164 milioni
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Inflation rate: 6 %
Tasso d'inflazione: 6 %
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Myanmar is the largest country on mainland Southeast Asia.
Il Myanmar è lo Stato continentale più esteso del Sud-Est Asiatico.
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Its strategic location - linking Southeast Asia, China and the Indian sub-continent - makes it the gateway to a potential market of 2 billion consumers.
La sua posizione strategica – a cavallo tra il Sud Est Asiatico, la Cina e il Sub-continente Indiano – lo rende il punto di accesso privilegiato ad un potenziale mercato di 2 miliardi di consumatori.
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It is still the poorest country in Southeast Asia, but the economy is projected to grow 6,8 % this year (up from 5,5 % last year).
Resta ancora il Paese più povero del Sud-Est Asiatico, ma si prevede che la sua economia cresca del 6,8% quest'anno (5,5% lo scorso anno).
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The pickup reflects business optimism following the government’s steps since 2011 to liberalize the economy.
La ripresa è il riflesso positivo del percorso del governo verso la liberalizzazione dell'economia, avviato nel 2011.
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Improved economic prospects have drawn interest from foreign investments.
Prospettive economiche tanto favorevoli hanno suscitato l'interesse degli investitori esteri.
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For example, two large gas fields are expected to come online in 2013, more than doubling gas production and raising exports to China and Thailand (gas represents 38 % of total exports).
Ad esempio, si stima che per il 2013 saranno rilevati due giacimenti di gas che raddoppieranno la produzione di gas, incrementando le esportazioni verso Cina e Tailandia (il gas rappresenta il 38% delle esportazioni totali).
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EU And Myanmar: the history of trade
UE e Myanmar: storia degli scambi economici
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Bilateral trade between Myanmar and the EU has been very limited.
Gli accordi bilaterali tra Myanmar ed UE sono sempre stati piuttosto limitati.
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From 1990 onwards, the EU imposed numerous sanctions on Myanmar including a ban on imports, exports and investment in key sectors such as timber, gems and precious metals.
Dal 1990 in avanti, l'UE ha imposto numerose sanzioni al Myanmar, incluso il divieto di importazioni, esportazioni e investimenti in alcuni settori chiave come quello del legname, delle gemme e dei metalli preziosi.
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Furthermore, in 1997 the EU withdrew its Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP), which allows developing country exporters to pay lower duties on their exports to the EU.
Inoltre, nel 1997 l'UE ha ritirato il suo Schema di Preferenze Generalizzate (SPG), che consentiva ai Paesi in via di sviluppo di pagare imposte ridotte per le loro esportazioni verso l'UE.
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However, in 2012 EU Exports increased by 60 % compared to 2011, reflecting renewed EU confidence in trading with this country, as well as the increasing need of Myanmar for input for its industry.
Tuttavia, nel 2012 le esportazioni dell'UE sono incrementate del 60% rispetto al 2011, rispecchiando un rinnovato interesse da parte dell'UE agli scambi commerciali con questo Paese e confermando, inoltre, la necessità del Myanmar di garantire input alla sua industria.
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In recognition of the democratic reforms under way and the progress Myanmar has made in combating forced labour, the European Council lifted EU sanctions in April 2013 – except the arms embargo.
Considerate le riforme democratiche in corso e i progressi che il Myanmar ha fatto per combattere i lavori forzati, il Consiglio Europeo ha abolito le sanzioni nell'aprile del 2013, fatta eccezione per l'embargo delle armi.
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Furthermore, the Commission doubled development aid to the country to 75 million per year.
Inoltre, la Commissione ha raddoppiato gli aiuti per lo sviluppo del Paese portandoli a 75 milioni l'anno.
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In July of 2013, the EU also reinstated Myanmar’s access to the GSP which provides duty-free and quota-free access for the country’s products to the European Single Market.
Nel luglio del 2013, l'UE ha concesso nuovamente al Myanmar l'accesso al SPG, che assicura l'abolizione delle imposte e dei limiti per le esportazioni dei prodotti locali nel Mercato Unico Europeo.
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Additionally, The EU-Myanmar Task Force is expected to provide high-level political and business contacts to step-up the EU’s support to the transition process and help the socio-economic development in Myanmar.
Infine, ci si aspetta che la task force UE-Myanmar assicuri un alto livello di contatti politici ed economici che incrementino il sostegno dell'UE al processo di transizione e favoriscano lo sviluppo socio-economico del Myanmar.
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Thus, the trade and investment relations between the EU and Myanmar are bound to be substantially increased. |
In questo modo, i rapporti economici tra l'UE e il Myanmar subiranno sicuramente un incremento. |
Opening up to democracy, Myanmar offers new opportunities for EU
After decades of isolation under authoritarian rule, Myanmar recently started
opening its doors to democracy, foreign investment and a liberal economy.
To help both European and Myanmar companies take advantage of new
opportunities that will come with Myanmar's reintegration into the global
economy, European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for
Industry and Entrepreneurship, will travel to Myanmar from Nov 13th to 15th.
During his visit he will be accompanied by more than 100 companies and
associations from 16 Member States, representing a turnover of 420 billion
euros, to help both Myanmar and European companies form new partnerships and
expand into new markets.
He will also sign three letters of intent to strengthen cooperation on SME
policy, sustainable tourism and raw materials.
His visit will take place under the umbrella of the EU-Myanmar Task Force
chaired by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
Catherine Ashton.
Other members of the task force include Commissioner Andris Piebalgs,
responsible for Development and Cooperation, and Commissioner Dacian Ciolos,
responsible for Agriculture and Rural development.
A delegation of the European Parliament will be also part of the task force
and an inter-parliamentary meeting will be held with Myanmar’ parliamentarians.
The task force's mission to Myanmar will have three main objectives:
- to support and foster Myanmar’s economic and democratic transition process;
- to reinforce EU-Myanmar development co-operation;
- to promote growth and business opportunities on both sides.
For Vice President Tajani, this visit will also be part of his "Missions for
Growth" to help European enterprises, in particular small and medium sized
businesses, better profit from fast growing international markets.
EU private sector can aid in Myanmar’s development
Decades of economic mismanagement and isolation in Myanmar have led to
deep-rooted structural poverty.
Unemployment is very high and GDP per capita is the lowest among South East
Asian Countries.
Furthermore, more than 50 years of dictatorship have eroded state
institutions and undermined citizens’ confidence in the state’s capacity to
The EU recognises the vital contribution that the private sector can play in
this country’s development and that is why an important part of this mission
will be to create trade and investment opportunities for both Myanmar and
European companies.
To that effect, on the morning of Nov 14th, Vice President Antonio Tajani
will be co-chairing a Business Forum in which high-level officials and
representatives of the European and Myanmar business communities will
Discussions will focus on five economic areas:
tourism, agriculture business, manufactured goods, energy and infrastructure
as well as business environment support services (e.g. financial services,
On the same day in the afternoon, a matchmaking event will take place for
European companies interested in contacts with Myanmar entrepreneurs in these
five sectors. In parallel, a Development Forum will take place that morning,
with the presence of Commissioner Piebalgs, to highlight EU's contribution
towards the inclusive and sustainable growth of Myanmar.Further financial
assistance to the country during the next few years will also be discussed at
the development forum.
On Nov 15th, Tajani will participate in the task force’s Economic Session,
which will focus on Myanmar’s economic development programme and planned
measures to attract private investment.
Participants will also discuss measures that the EU and Myanmar will
implement in close collaboration in order to accelerate sustainable development
and economic cooperation.
On the same day Tajani will meet with several high-level Myanmar officials,
and sign three letters of intent.
1) With the Minister for Industry, U Maung Myint, Tajani will sign a
letter of intent on SMEs
By signing a letter of intent on SME policy, Myanmar and the EU will pledge
to work together to improve the business environment for SMEs by reducing
administrative burdens and encouraging the internationalisation of companies on
both sides.
Special attention will be paid to exchanging best practices to create SME
friendly legislation;
cooperation between the public and private sectors in research and
and building strong business associations.
2) With the Minister for Tourism, U Htay Aung, Tajani will sign a letter
of intent on sustainable tourism
For both countries, it is strategically important to develop new tourism
initiatives based on the principles of sustainability, responsibility and
The tourism sector developed in a sensitive and sustainable way could help
maintain Myanmar's cultural heritage and traditions and, at the same time,
preserve its natural environment.
Therefore, Myanmar and the EU will strive to establish a dialogue in the
tourism field and exchange good practices, especially in the fields of natural
and cultural heritage.
3) With the Minister for Mines, Myint Aung, Tajani will sign a letter of
intent on raw materials
In Both Myanmar and the EU, raw materials – such as minerals and forest-based
materials – are indispensable to industrial production which provides growth and
By signing a letter of intent, Myanmar and the EU will open a dialogue in two
main areas: mining and the forest–based sector.
It is hoped that the dialogue will promote mutual understanding, enhance
bilateral cooperation and the exchange of information on policies related to raw
Establishing long-term economic dialogue
To further strengthen and promote economic cooperation between EU and
Myanmar, during the mission Vice-President Tajani will also initiate the
formation of the EU-Myanmar Business Advisory Council.
The Council would be composed of a limited group of European business
associations and entrepreneurs (big and small), with a wide and diverse range of
It would maintain a dialogue with a wide-variety of Myanmar and EU
enterprises and provide advice to the Myanmar government on the development of a
business-friendly environment.
Furthermore, it would explore new business opportunities for both Myanmar and
European companies, and suggest ways to deepen the industrial cooperation and
promotion of the entrepreneurship.
EU is also in the process of supporting the creation of a European Chamber of
Commerce in Myanmar, which will help boost contacts with Myanmar companies and
ensure advocacy with the authorities.
Data on Myanmar (2012)
Population: 61,2 million
GDP, current prices: € 34 billion
GDP per capita, current prices: € 923
EU exports to Myanmar: € 132 million
EU imports from Myanmar: € 164 million
Inflation rate: 6 %
Myanmar is the largest country on mainland Southeast Asia.
Its strategic location - linking Southeast Asia, China and the Indian
sub-continent - makes it the gateway to a potential market of 2 billion
It is still the poorest country in Southeast Asia, but the economy is
projected to grow 6,8 % this year (up from 5,5 % last year).
The pickup reflects business optimism following the government’s steps since
2011 to liberalize the economy.
Improved economic prospects have drawn interest from foreign investments.
For example, two large gas fields are expected to come online in 2013, more
than doubling gas production and raising exports to China and Thailand (gas
represents 38 % of total exports).
EU And Myanmar: the history of trade
Bilateral trade between Myanmar and the EU has been very limited.
From 1990 onwards, the EU imposed numerous sanctions on Myanmar including a
ban on imports, exports and investment in key sectors such as timber, gems and
precious metals.
Furthermore, in 1997 the EU withdrew its Generalised Scheme of Preferences
(GSP), which allows developing country exporters to pay lower duties on their
exports to the EU.
However, in 2012 EU Exports increased by 60 % compared to 2011, reflecting
renewed EU confidence in trading with this country, as well as the increasing
need of Myanmar for input for its industry.
In recognition of the democratic reforms under way and the progress Myanmar
has made in combating forced labour, the European Council lifted EU sanctions in
April 2013 – except the arms embargo.
Furthermore, the Commission doubled development aid to the country to 75
million per year.
In July of 2013, the EU also reinstated Myanmar’s access to the GSP which
provides duty-free and quota-free access for the country’s products to the
European Single Market.
Additionally, The EU-Myanmar Task Force is expected to provide high-level
political and business contacts to step-up the EU’s support to the transition
process and help the socio-economic development in Myanmar.
Thus, the trade and investment relations between the EU and Myanmar are bound
to be substantially increased.