I costi regolamentari che gravano sull'industria UE dell'alluminio
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Data documento: 06-11-2013
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Regulatory costs of the EU aluminium industry
I costi regolamentari che gravano sull'industria UE dell'alluminio
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The Commission has today released a study on the regulatory costs in the aluminium sector.
La Commissione ha pubblicato oggi uno studio sui costi regolamentari che gravano sul settore dell'alluminio.
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In line with the Commission's determination to maintain the momentum behind its Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme, as recently endorsed by the European Council, the study looks at the situation in a specific sector and how this can best be tackled.
In linea con la determinazione della Commissione di mantenere la dinamica che sottende il suo programma di controllo dell'adeguatezza e dell'efficacia della regolamentazione, sottoscritto di recente dal Consiglio europeo, lo studio esamina la situazione di un settore specifico e il miglior modo per gestirla.
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The study indicates that the high cost of energy is the main driver of costs, which in turn are mainly influenced by national rather than EU policies and regulation.
Dallo studio emerge che il costo elevato dell'energia è il principale fattore di costo che, a sua volta, è influenzato per lo più dalle politiche e dalle regolamentazioni nazionali piuttosto che da quelle unionali.
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The study looks at the costs associated with EU regulation, and estimates that these are approximately 8% of total costs over a ten year period.
Lo studio esamina i costi associati alla regolamentazione unionale e stima che questi corrispondano approssimativamente all'8% dei costi totali in un arco decennale.
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The Commission is committed to look at how these costs can best be reduced.
La Commissione è impegnata a esaminare come ridurre tali costi.
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The study also looks beyond the issue of regulatory burden and makes the case that, under certain conditions, it is possible to produce aluminium competitively in Europe.
Lo studio va anche al di là dell'onere regolamentare e illustra come, a certe condizioni, in Europa sia possibile produrre alluminio a prezzi competitivi.
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It is important to bear in mind, that while the study looks more narrowly at costs, it does not set out in detail the benefits of targeted EU regulation, which are required to respond to technological change, recycling or access to the EU internal market.
È importante tener presente che, mentre lo studio esamina più particolarmente i costi, esso non illustra nel dettaglio i vantaggi della regolamentazione unionale mirata legati al cambiamento tecnologico, al riciclaggio o all'accesso al mercato interno dell'UE.
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The Commission will examine the report in more detail and assess the possible policy implications.
La Commissione esaminerà la relazione in maggiore dettaglio e ne valuterà le eventuali implicazioni politiche.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
Antonio Tajani, vicepresidente della Commissione europea e commissario responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, ha affermato:
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"Restoring the aluminium industry to competitiveness is an urgent issue.
"Urge ripristinare la competitività dell'industria dell'alluminio.
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We need to carefully consider the effects of all relevant EU policies on this sector.
Dobbiamo esaminare attentamente gli effetti di tutte le pertinenti politiche unionali in questo settore.
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As producers need to be able to source energy at affordable costs, I look forward to the next Competitiveness Council in December addressing the issue of energy costs."
Poiché i produttori devono poter reperire forniture energetiche a costi sostenibili mi attendo che il prossimo consiglio Competitività di dicembre affronti la questione dei costi energetici" . |
Regulatory costs of the EU aluminium industry
The Commission has today released a study on the regulatory costs in the
aluminium sector.
In line with the Commission's determination to maintain the momentum behind
its Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme, as recently endorsed by the
European Council, the study looks at the situation in a specific sector and how
this can best be tackled.
The study indicates that the high cost of energy is the main driver of costs,
which in turn are mainly influenced by national rather than EU policies and
The study looks at the costs associated with EU regulation, and estimates
that these are approximately 8% of total costs over a ten year period.
The Commission is committed to look at how these costs can best be reduced.
The study also looks beyond the issue of regulatory burden and makes the case
that, under certain conditions, it is possible to produce aluminium
competitively in Europe.
It is important to bear in mind, that while the study looks more narrowly at
costs, it does not set out in detail the benefits of targeted EU regulation,
which are required to respond to technological change, recycling or access to
the EU internal market.
The Commission will examine the report in more detail and assess the possible
policy implications.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry
and Entrepreneurship, said:
"Restoring the aluminium industry to competitiveness is an urgent issue.
We need to carefully consider the effects of all relevant EU policies on this
As producers need to be able to source energy at affordable costs, I look
forward to the next Competitiveness Council in December addressing the issue of
energy costs."