Tempo scaduto per la presentazione delle prime iniziative dei cittadini europei: si passa alla prossima tappa
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-1012_it.htm
Data documento: 31-10-2013
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Time's up for supporters of the first European Citizens' Initiatives – what happens next?
Tempo scaduto per la presentazione delle prime iniziative dei cittadini europei: si passa alla prossima tappa
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Tomorrow, organisers of the first eight European Citizens' Initiatives (ECIs) run out of time to collect statements of support.
Domani scade il termine per la raccolta delle dichiarazioni di sostegno da parte degli organizzatori delle prime otto iniziative dei cittadini europei.
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Three groups claim to have reached the target of one million signatures.This includes a minimum number of signatures in at least seven Member States, as required by the ECI legislation.
Tre gruppi affermano di aver raggiunto l'obiettivo di un milione di firme, con un numero minimo di firme in almeno sette Stati membri, conformemente alla normativa pertinente.
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They include Right2Water, who believe 'water is a public good, not a commodity', One of Us, who seek to end EU financing of activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, and Stop Vivisection, who want to see an end to live animal experimentation.
Fra questi figurano Right2Water, il cui motto è "L'acqua è un bene comune, non una merce!", One of Us, il cui obiettivo è far sì che l'UE smetta di finanziare attività che comportano la distruzione di embrioni umani, e Stop Vivisection, che lotta per far cessare la sperimentazione su animali vivi.
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Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič said:
Il Vicepresidente Maroš Šefčovič ha dichiarato:
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"I am greatly encouraged by the fact that three such diverse ECIs may have passed the threshold of success. It proves that this very ambitious and unique experiment in transnational participatory democracy has captured the imagination of people across Europe.
"Trovo molto incoraggiante la possibilità che tre iniziative dei cittadini europei così diverse abbiano raggiunto la soglia fissata, a riprova dell'attrattiva che questo esperimento unico e ambizioso di democrazia partecipativa transnazionale esercita sui cittadini di tutta Europa.
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"I offer my commiserations to the organisers of the other five ECIs. But their efforts and energy were certainly not wasted.
Gli organizzatori delle altre cinque iniziative che non hanno raggiunto la soglia hanno tutta la mia solidarietà e possono essere certi che i loro sforzi e la loro energia non sono stati inutili
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They have all succeeded in forging links with like-minded people across the continent, and sparking genuine pan-European debates on issues that are clearly very important to them.
Perché sono serviti a sviluppare i contatti con persone che condividono le loro idee nell'intero continente e hanno dato vita a dibattiti realmente paneuropei su questioni che considerano fondamentali.
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These are solid foundations on which they can continue to campaign."
Su queste solide basi potranno continuare la loro campagna.".
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National authorities now have three months to validate the signatures, a process which already started in September for the Right2Water initiative.
Ora le autorità nazionali hanno tre mesi di tempo per convalidare le firme, un processo già iniziato a settembre per l'iniziativa Right2Water.
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Once a successful ECI is validated, the Commission will then have three months to examine the initiative and decide how to act on it. It will meet the organisers so they can explain the issues raised in their initiative in more depth.
Una volta convalidata un'iniziativa, la Commissione dispone di tre mesi per esaminarla e decidere come procedere dopo aver incontrato gli organizzatori per consentire loro di illustrare in modo più approfondito le questioni sollevate.
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The organisers will also have the opportunity to present their initiative at a public hearing organised at the European Parliament.
Gli organizzatori hanno anche la possibilità di presentare l'iniziativa in occasione di un'audizione pubblica al Parlamento europeo.
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Finally, the Commission will adopt a Communication explaining its conclusions on the initiative, what action it intends to take, if any, and its reasoning.
Successivamente la Commissione espone in una comunicazione le sue conclusioni riguardo all'iniziativa, l'eventuale azione che intende intraprendere e i suoi motivi per agire o meno in tal senso. |
http://ec.europa.eu/citizens-initiative/public/welcome |
Time's up for supporters of the first European Citizens' Initiatives –
what happens next?
Tomorrow, organisers of the first eight European Citizens' Initiatives (ECIs)
run out of time to collect statements of support.
Three groups claim to have reached the target of one million signatures.This
includes a minimum number of signatures in at least seven Member States, as
required by the ECI legislation.
They include Right2Water, who believe 'water is a public good, not a
commodity', One of Us, who seek to end EU financing of activities which
presuppose the destruction of human embryos, and Stop Vivisection, who want to
see an end to live animal experimentation.
Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič said:
"I am greatly encouraged by the fact that three such diverse ECIs may have
passed the threshold of success. It proves that this very ambitious and unique
experiment in transnational participatory democracy has captured the imagination
of people across Europe.
"I offer my commiserations to the organisers of the other five ECIs. But
their efforts and energy were certainly not wasted.
They have all succeeded in forging links with like-minded people across the
continent, and sparking genuine pan-European debates on issues that are clearly
very important to them.
These are solid foundations on which they can continue to campaign."
National authorities now have three months to validate the signatures, a
process which already started in September for the Right2Water initiative.
Once a successful ECI is validated, the Commission will then have three
months to examine the initiative and decide how to act on it. It will meet the
organisers so they can explain the issues raised in their initiative in more
The organisers will also have the opportunity to present their initiative at
a public hearing organised at the European Parliament.
Finally, the Commission will adopt a Communication explaining its conclusions
on the initiative, what action it intends to take, if any, and its reasoning.