Informazioni online sui prodotti da costruzione: un risparmio di tempo e denaro
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Data documento: 30-10-2013
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Online information about construction products to save time and money
Informazioni online sui prodotti da costruzione: un risparmio di tempo e denaro
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Today the Commission took another step to simplify administration and reduce costs for businesses in the construction sector.
Oggi la Commissione ha compiuto un ulteriore passo avanti nella direzione di una semplificazione amministrativa e di una riduzione dei costi per le imprese delle costruzioni.
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According to the Commission’s proposal, manufacturers of construction products (e. bricks, insulation, doors etc.) will be able to upload digital “declarations of performance” on their websites.
In base alla proposta della Commissione, i fabbricanti di prodotti da costruzione (ad esempio, mattoni, prodotti per l'isolamento, porte, ecc.) potranno caricare sui loro siti web "dichiarazioni di prestazione" digitali.
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These documents must accompany every construction product sold, in order to give information on their essential characteristics (e.g. fire resistance, mechanical strength or energy efficiency).
Questi documenti devono accompagnare ogni prodotto da costruzione venduto, in modo da fornire informazioni sulle caratteristiche essenziali (ad esempio, resistenza al fuoco, resistenza meccanica o efficienza energetica).
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Once the legal act is agreed, companies selling construction products in the EU should be able to upload these certificates online for public viewing.
Quando l'atto normativo sarà stato adottato, le imprese che vendono prodotti da costruzione nell'UE dovrebbero poter caricare questi certificati online rendendoli accessibili al pubblico.
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Today, all such declarations must be individually communicated to each customer by post or email.
Attualmente tutte le dichiarazioni di questo tipo devono essere comunicate singolarmente a ogni cliente per posta elettronica o tradizionale.
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Online availability of these declarations should enable faster communication through the supply chain, reduce producer costs and facilitate sales of construction products.
La disponibilità di queste dichiarazioni online dovrebbe tradursi in un incremento della velocità di comunicazione nella catena di fornitura, determinare una riduzione dei costi dei produttori e rendere più agevoli le vendite dei prodotti da costruzione.
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The proposal, which will supplement the recently implemented Construction Products Regulation, will also make it easier for consumers to find out what performance they should expect from the product they are about to buy, thus increasing consumer confidence.
La proposta, che integrerà il regolamento sui prodotti da costruzione diventato di recente pienamente operativo, consentirà al consumatore di stabilire più facilmente quali prestazioni aspettarsi dal prodotto che si accinge a comperare, con ricadute positive in termini di fiducia del consumatore.
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European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship commented:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria ha dichiarato:
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“The construction sector is an important sector of the EU economy.
"Quello delle costruzioni è un settore importante dell'economia dell'Unione europea.
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By further reducing administrative burden we aim to help this sector recover from the current crisis.
Attraverso un'ulteriore riduzione degli oneri amministrativi puntiamo ad aiutare il comparto ad uscire dall'attuale crisi.
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The Commission is therefore trying to move as quickly as possible to implement this initiative.”
La Commissione sta cercando di muoversi con la massima rapidità possibile per dare attuazione a questa iniziativa."
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Declarations of performance
Dichiarazioni di prestazione
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The market for construction products contains over 40 families of products such as doors, thermal insulating products, cement, roofing products or bricks.
Nei "prodotti da costruzione" rientrano oltre 40 famiglie di prodotti, quali porte, prodotti per l'isolamento termico, cemento, prodotti per coperture e mattoni.
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It is therefore both wide ranging and extremely large in scale.
Si tratta quindi di un mercato ampio, sia per varietà di prodotti sia per dimensioni.
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Declaration of performance must be made for each construction product sold in the EU, and also distributed to all purchasers, whether they are distributors, construction companies or non-professional consumers, e.g. individuals performing amateur home improvement projects.
La dichiarazione di prestazione è obbligatoria per ogni prodotto da costruzione venduto nell'UE e deve essere consegnata a tutti gli acquirenti, siano essi distributori, imprese di costruzioni o consumatori "non professionisti", ad esempio, persone che realizzano progetti di ristrutturazione domestica "fai da te".
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The declarations describe important aspects of a construction product, such as its level of fire resistance or mechanical strength.They give the manufacturer the opportunity to deliver the information about the essential characteristics of his product to the market.
Le dichiarazioni descrivono aspetti importanti di un prodotto da costruzione, come il livello di resistenza al fuoco o la resistenza meccanica, consentendo al fabbricante di fornire al mercato informazioni circa le caratteristiche essenziali del prodotto.
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On the basis of this information, the user will decide to buy, amongst all the products available on the market, the one which is fit for the intended purpose.
È sulla base di queste informazioni che l'utilizzatore deciderà di acquistare, tra tutti i prodotti disponibili sul mercato, quello consono all'impiego previsto.
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The ability to post their declarations of performance online instead of having to send the performance declaration for each product directly to the purchaser - either physically or via email - should help reduce producers’ administrative costs.
La possibilità di pubblicare le dichiarazioni di prestazione online, invece dell'obbligo di invio diretto all'acquirente della dichiarazione relativa a ogni prodotto (per posta tradizionale o elettronica), dovrebbe contribuire a una riduzione dei costi amministrativi che gravano sui produttori.
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When making a declaration of performance available online producers will need to ensure that the content of such a declaration is not altered after it has been posted online.
Nel rendere disponibile online una dichiarazione di prestazione, i produttori dovranno garantire che il suo contenuto non venga modificato successivamente alla pubblicazione online.
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Declarations of performance constitute a key element in the functioning of the EU’s Internal Market for construction products by providing it with the transparency necessary for the flow of goods between EU countries.
Le dichiarazioni di prestazione costituiscono un elemento fondamentale ai fini del funzionamento del mercato interno UE dei prodotti da costruzione, in quanto assicurano la trasparenza necessaria alla circolazione dei prodotti fra i paesi dell'UE.
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The construction industry, including construction products, has an enormous importance for Europe’s economic well-being.
Il settore delle costruzioni, prodotti da costruzione compresi, ha un'importanza enorme per il benessere economico dell'Europa:
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It accounts for about 9.5 % of GDP and 10 % of the EU’s workforce. However it has experienced a sustained and dramatic decline since the start of the crisis.
rappresenta circa il 9,5% del PIL e il 10% della forza lavoro dell’UE, anche se dall'inizio della crisi registra una contrazione sensibile e prolungata.
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The Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011 was adopted by the Commission in 2011 and has been fully in force since 1 July 2013.
Il regolamento (UE) n.305/2011 sui prodotti da costruzione è stato adottato dalla Commissione nel 2011 e si applica integralmente dal 1º luglio 2013.
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It replaced the “Construction Products Directive” (89/106/EEC).
Ha sostituito la "direttiva sui prodotti da costruzione" (89/106/CEE).
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The objective of the Regulation is to ensure the availability of reliable and accurate information on the performance of construction products, based on technical specifications that are harmonized across all EU countries.
Scopo del regolamento sui prodotti da costruzione è assicurare – sulla base di specifiche tecniche armonizzate in tutti i paesi dell'UE – informazioni affidabili e accurate sulle prestazioni dei prodotti da costruzione.
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The CPR provides a ‘common technical language’ that manufacturers can use to declare the performance of the products they place on the European market in terms of essential characteristics.
Il regolamento sui prodotti da costruzione introduce un "linguaggio tecnico comune" che i fabbricanti possono utilizzare per attestare le prestazioni dei prodotti da essi commercializzati sul mercato europeo (in termini di caratteristiche essenziali).
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This common language, which is based on harmonised standards, is used by all bodies involved in construction:
Questo linguaggio comune, che si fonda su norme armonizzate, è utilizzato da tutti i soggetti che ruotano intorno alle costruzioni:
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authorities, engineers, contractors and end users.
autorità, ingegneri, costruttori e utilizzatori finali.
Online information about construction products to save time and money
Today the Commission took another step to simplify administration and reduce
costs for businesses in the construction sector.
According to the Commission’s proposal, manufacturers of construction
products (e. bricks, insulation, doors etc.) will be able to upload digital
"declarations of performance" on their websites.
These documents must accompany every construction product sold, in order to
give information on their essential characteristics (e.g. fire resistance,
mechanical strength or energy efficiency).
Once the legal act is agreed, companies selling construction products in the
EU should be able to upload these certificates online for public viewing.
Today, all such declarations must be individually communicated to each
customer by post or email.
Online availability of these declarations should enable faster communication
through the supply chain, reduce producer costs and facilitate sales of
construction products.
The proposal, which will supplement the recently implemented Construction
Products Regulation, will also make it easier for consumers to find out what
performance they should expect from the product they are about to buy, thus
increasing consumer confidence.
European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry
and Entrepreneurship commented:
"The construction sector is an important sector of the EU economy.
By further reducing administrative burden we aim to help this sector recover
from the current crisis.
The Commission is therefore trying to move as quickly as possible to
implement this initiative."
Declarations of performance
The market for construction products contains over 40 families of products
such as doors, thermal insulating products, cement, roofing products or bricks.
It is therefore both wide ranging and extremely large in scale.
Declaration of performance must be made for each construction product sold in
the EU, and also distributed to all purchasers, whether they are distributors,
construction companies or non-professional consumers, e.g. individuals
performing amateur home improvement projects.
The declarations describe important aspects of a construction product, such
as its level of fire resistance or mechanical strength.They give the
manufacturer the opportunity to deliver the information about the essential
characteristics of his product to the market.
On the basis of this information, the user will decide to buy, amongst all
the products available on the market, the one which is fit for the intended
The ability to post their declarations of performance online instead of
having to send the performance declaration for each product directly to the
purchaser - either physically or via email - should help reduce producers’
administrative costs.
When making a declaration of performance available online producers will need
to ensure that the content of such a declaration is not altered after it has
been posted online.
Declarations of performance constitute a key element in the functioning of
the EU’s Internal Market for construction products by providing it with the
transparency necessary for the flow of goods between EU countries.
The construction industry, including construction products, has an enormous
importance for Europe’s economic well-being.
It accounts for about 9.5 % of GDP and 10 % of the EU’s workforce. However it
has experienced a sustained and dramatic decline since the start of the crisis.
The Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011 was adopted by the
Commission in 2011 and has been fully in force since 1 July 2013.
It replaced the "Construction Products Directive" (89/106/EEC).
The objective of the Regulation is to ensure the availability of reliable and
accurate information on the performance of construction products, based on
technical specifications that are harmonized across all EU countries.
The CPR provides a ‘common technical language’ that manufacturers can use to
declare the performance of the products they place on the European market in
terms of essential characteristics.
This common language, which is based on harmonised standards, is used by all
bodies involved in construction:
authorities, engineers, contractors and end users.