La Commissione europea avvia un'iniziativa per la riforma della pubblica amministrazione e per il rilancio della crescita economica
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Data documento: 29-10-2013
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The European Commission takes initiative to reform public administration and boost economic growth
La Commissione europea avvia un'iniziativa per la riforma della pubblica amministrazione e per il rilancio della crescita economica
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In many Member States, inefficient public administration remains one of the main obstacles to industrial competitiveness and economic growth.
In molti Stati membri l'inefficienza della pubblica amministrazione resta uno dei principali ostacoli alla competitività industriale e alla crescita economica.
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The Commission has made public administration reform one of its top five economic priorities for the last two years, as set out in the Annual Growth Survey.
La Commissione ha fatto della riforma della pubblica amministrazione una delle sue cinque priorità in campo economico durante gli ultimi due anni, come indica l'analisi annuale della crescita.
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To focus more closely on the issue, the Commission hosts today a high-level conference in Brussels to spur a debate on how public administrations across Europe can become more efficient and transparent.
Per concentrarsi più da vicino su tale questione, oggi, 29 ottobre, la Commissione ospita un convegno di alto livello a Bruxelles per stimolare il dibattito su come rendere maggiormente efficienti e trasparenti le pubbliche amministrazioni in tutta Europa.
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At the conference, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Vice Presidents Antonio Tajani and Maroš
Šefčovič discussed with industry leaders, ministers, policy makers and advisers about how to make administrations across Europe more business-friendly.
Nel corso del convegno il presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso, il vicepresidente Antonio Tajani e il vicepresidente Maroš
Šefčovič hanno discusso con ministri, responsabili politici, consulenti e protagonisti del settore industriale su come rendere le pubbliche amministrazioni in tutta Europa più favorevoli all'imprenditorialità.
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The conference allowed them to exchange ideas and experiences about how such difficulties can be overcome.
L'evento ha permesso uno scambio di idee e di esperienze sulle modalità per superare tali difficoltà.
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During the conference, Vice President Tajani also launched an award for best public procurement of innovative goods and services, the first award of this kind at the European level.
Nel corso del convegno il vicepresidente Tajani ha annunciato inoltre il concorso per il premio al migliore appalto pubblico per le merci e i servizi innovativi, la prima iniziativa di questo tipo a livello europeo.
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What is the problem?
Qual è il problema?
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In order to prosper, businesses need an efficient, cost-effective and high-quality public service where decisions are made without undue delay, and where there is certainty and stability when it comes to laws and the length of procedures.
Per avere successo, le imprese hanno bisogno di un servizio pubblico efficiente, economicamente vantaggioso e di alta qualità, in cui le decisioni vengano prese senza indebiti ritardi e vi sia certezza e stabilità per quanto riguarda le leggi e la durata delle procedure.
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However, overall government effectiveness in the EU has slightly fallen in 2012 compared to the previous year, according to the latest data.
Tuttavia, gli ultimi dati indicano che l'efficacia complessiva della pubblica amministrazione nell'UE ha subito un lieve calo nel 2012 rispetto all'anno precedente.
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Thirteen Member States either maintained or improved their position relative to 2011, while another 15 Member States fell in their ranking.
13 Stati membri hanno mantenuto o migliorato la loro posizione rispetto al 2011, mentre altri 15 Stati membri hanno perso posizioni nella graduatoria.
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Four Member States –Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania – are performing very poorly (See figure 1)
Quattro Stati membri –Italia, Grecia, Bulgaria e Romania – hanno registrato prestazioni molto scarse (cfr.figura 1).
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The differences between Member States range from time and cost required to start a company to the number of hours required to comply with tax return rules.
Le disparità tra gli Stati membri vanno dai tempi e dai costi necessari per avviare un’impresa al numero di ore richieste per gli adempimenti relativi alla dichiarazione dei redditi.
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For example:
Per esempio:
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- Businesses need to be able to start up a company at a low cost and quickly.
- deve essere possibile avviare un'impresa a costi bassi e in tempi brevi.
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The Competitiveness Council of May 2011 stipulated that Member States should ensure that companies can be set up in three days at a maximum cost of €100.
Il Consiglio "Competitività" di maggio 2011 ha incoraggiato gli Stati membri a garantire la possibilità di avviare un'impresa in 3 giorni con un costo massimo di 100 EUR.
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While progress has been made, this target has not been reached.
Benché siano stati compiuti progressi, tale obiettivo non è stato raggiunto.
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For example, in Belgium, Portugal, the Netherlands and Hungary it takes less than five days to start your own company.
Ad esempio, in Belgio, Portogallo, Paesi Bassi e Ungheria sono necessari meno di cinque giorni per avviare un'impresa.
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But in Malta, Poland, Spain, and Austria it takes more than 20 days (see figure 2).
Ma a Malta, in Polonia, in Spagna e in Austria occorrono più di 20 giorni (cfr.figura 2).
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On average it still takes 5.4 days at a cost of €372.
In media sono ancora necessari 5,4 giorni con un costo pari a 372 EUR.
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- Businesses face cumbersome tax and administrative procedures, which means they spend a long time compiling tax returns.
- le imprese devono far fronte a procedure amministrative e fiscali complesse che si traducono in tempi lunghi necessari per la compilazione delle dichiarazioni dei redditi.
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This can vary from 60 hours to more than 400 hours in some countries.
Si va da 60 ore a più di 400 ore in alcuni paesi.
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For example, in Luxemburg, Ireland, Estonia and Finland it takes less than 100 hours to comply with tax return rules.
Ad esempio, in Lussemburgo, Irlanda, Estonia e Finlandia servono meno di 100 ore per gli adempimenti relativi alla dichiarazione dei redditi.
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However, in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, it takes more than 400 hours (see figure 3).
Tuttavia, nella Repubblica ceca e in Bulgaria occorrono più di 400 ore (cfr. figura 3).
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Overall, the average EU company spends 193 hours per annum on tax compliance procedures.
Nel complesso, l'impresa media UE è occupata per 193 ore all'anno nelle procedure fiscali.
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- Public procurement can contribute to innovation and increased efficiency in the government sector.
- Gli appalti pubblici possono contribuire all’innovazione e a una maggiore efficienza nel settore pubblico.
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But public authorities remain risk-averse and lack expertise and political support to purchase innovative goods and services.
Ma le autorità pubbliche rimangono avverse al rischio e non dispongono delle competenze e del sostegno politico per acquistare beni e servizi innovativi.
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Countries that see high levels of innovation in public procurement are Denmark (48% of companies), Cyprus (45%) and Malta (40%), while Hungary has only 6% of companies selling innovative products or services to the public sector (see figure 4).
I paesi a elevato livello di innovazione negli appalti pubblici sono la Danimarca (48% delle imprese), Cipro (45%) e Malta (40%), mentre in Ungheria soltanto il 6% delle imprese vende prodotti o servizi innovativi al settore pubblico (cfr. figura 4).
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Exchanging ideas and best practices
Lo scambio di idee e di migliori pratiche
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The aim of the conference, The Path to Growth: For a Business Friendly Public Administration, is to identify key difficulties experienced by industry in dealing with public administrations, but also to exchange ideas and experiences about how such difficulties can be overcome and to showcase concrete achievements and best practices in public administrations among Member States.
Lo scopo del convegno, intitolato "La strada per la crescita: conseguire l'eccellenza in una pubblica amministrazione business-friendly" (The Path to Growth: Achieving Excellence in Business Friendly Public Administration), é quello di individuare le principali difficoltà incontrate dall’industria nel rapporto con le pubbliche amministrazioni, ma anche scambiare idee ed esperienze su come superare tali difficoltà e presentare realizzazioni concrete e migliori pratiche nelle pubbliche amministrazioni degli Stati membri.
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For example:
Per esempio:
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- To fully exploit the benefits of e-government, Denmark and the United Kingdom have taken steps towards making "online" the default channel for certain services.
- per sfruttare al meglio i benefici dell’e-government, la Danimarca e il Regno Unito hanno adottato misure volte a fare della modalità online di erogazione di determinati servizi la procedura standard;
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- To increase the level of predictability and legal certainty, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Sweden and the United Kingdom have implemented a system in which all new amended regulations come into force on a limited number of pre-defined dates each year.
- per incrementare la prevedibilità e la certezza del diritto, Paesi Bassi, Slovacchia, Svezia e Regno Unito hanno attuato un sistema in base al quale tutte le modifiche normative entrano in vigore in un numero limitato di date prestabilite ogni anno;
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- To reduce the number of new regulations for businesses, the government in the United Kingdom has operated a "one-in, two-out" rule since January 2013.
- per ridurre il numero di nuove normative per le imprese, il governo del Regno Unito applica da gennaio 2013 la regola "una dentro, due fuori" (one-in, two-out):
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Every new regulation that imposes a new quantifiable burden on firms must be offset by removing or modifying an existing regulation to double the savings.
per ogni nuova normativa che impone un nuovo onere quantificabile a carico delle imprese, una normativa esistente va abrogata o modificata per un risparmio pari al doppio del nuovo onere;
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- In 2012, Spain launched an express licence regime for retail outlets.
- nel 2012, la Spagna ha avviato un regime di concessione "accelerata" delle licenze per i punti vendita al dettaglio.
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This permits retail businesses of up to 300 m2 to start operating without any local authorisation.
Ciò consente ad esercizi al minuto di una superficie fino a 300 m² di iniziare l'attività senza un’autorizzazione locale.
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Instead, businesses only have to provide the administration with a declaration confirming their compliance with relevant legislation and requirements.
Le imprese sono invece tenute semplicemente a fornire all’amministrazione una dichiarazione di conformità alla legislazione e alle prescrizioni applicabili.
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The government now plans to extend this regime to businesses of up to 500 m2.
Ora il governo prevede di estendere tale regime agli esercizi con una superficie fino a 500 m²;
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- 74% of Europeans believe that the EU generates too much red tape.
- il 74 % degli europei ritiene che l’UE genera troppa burocrazia.
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In response to that concern, the Commission has made a concerted effort over the past few years to streamline legislation and reduce regulatory burdens.
Per rispondere a tale preoccupazione, la Commissione ha compiuto uno sforzo concertato negli ultimi anni per semplificare la legislazione e ridurre gli oneri normativi.
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For example, in its recent Communication on Regulatory Fitness and Performance (REFIT) the Commission sets out in a concrete way, policy area by policy area, where it will take further action to simplify or withdraw EU laws, ease the burden on businesses and facilitate implementation.
Ad esempio, nella sua recente comunicazione sul Programma di controllo dell'adeguatezza della regolamentazione (REFIT), la Commissione illustra in modo concreto, settore per settore, dove intende intervenire ulteriormente per semplificare o ritirare atti legislativi UE, per alleggerire l’onere che grava sulle imprese e agevolare l’applicazione.
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It is the result of a screening of the entire stock of EU legislation. (IP/13/891).
È il risultato di un’analisi dell’intero corpus normativo dell’UE. (IP/13/891).
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Last week the European Council endorsed the Commission’s REFIT communication calling on the Commission to submit further proposals and look forward to agreeing further steps in this direction.
Settimana scorsa il Consiglio Europeo ha appoggiato la Comunicazione REFIT chiedendo alla Commissione di contribuire con ulteriori proposte in questa direzione.
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The main conclusions of the conference will assist the Commission and Member States in further developing policy guidance for modernising public administration and increasing industrial competitiveness across the EU, which are priorities in the EU's Annual Growth Survey.
Le conclusioni principali del convegno supporteranno la Commissione e gli Stati membri nell'ulteriore sviluppo di orientamenti strategici per l’ammodernamento della pubblica amministrazione e una migliore competitività industriale in tutta l’UE, fattori che rappresentano le priorità nell'analisi annuale della crescita dell'UE.
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Encouraging innovation in public services
Stimolo all'innovazione nei servizi pubblici
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To fully harness the opportunities offered by public procurement (19% of Europe’s GDP) towards innovative goods and services, during the conference Vice President Tajani launched the competition for the First Public Procurement of Innovation Award and the new online Procurement of Innovation Platform.
Per approfittare di tutte le opportunità offerte dagli appalti pubblici (19% del PIL europeo) per beni e servizi innovativi, nel corso del convegno il vicepresidente Tajani ha annunciato il concorso per il Primo premio degli appalti pubblici per l'innovazione e la nuova Piattaforma online degli appalti per l'innovazione.
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The aim of this new initiative is to promote the procurement of innovative goods and services and to provide a forum in which public authorities can exchange ideas and find guidelines on this topic.
L’obiettivo di questa nuova iniziativa è promuovere l’innovazione negli appalti pubblici e creare una tribuna in cui le autorità pubbliche possono scambiare idee e raccogliere orientamenti su questo tema.
The European Commission takes initiative to reform public administration
and boost economic growth
In many Member States, inefficient public administration remains one of the
main obstacles to industrial competitiveness and economic growth.
The Commission has made public administration reform one of its top five
economic priorities for the last two years, as set out in the Annual Growth
To focus more closely on the issue, the Commission hosts today a high-level
conference in Brussels to spur a debate on how public administrations across
Europe can become more efficient and transparent.
At the conference, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Vice
Presidents Antonio Tajani and Maroš Šefčovič
discussed with industry leaders, ministers, policy makers and advisers about how
to make administrations across Europe more business-friendly.
The conference allowed them to exchange ideas and experiences about how such
difficulties can be overcome.
During the conference, Vice President Tajani also launched an award for best
public procurement of innovative goods and services, the first award of this
kind at the European level.
What is the problem?
In order to prosper, businesses need an efficient, cost-effective and
high-quality public service where decisions are made without undue delay, and
where there is certainty and stability when it comes to laws and the length of
However, overall government effectiveness in the EU has slightly fallen in
2012 compared to the previous year, according to the latest data.
Thirteen Member States either maintained or improved their position relative
to 2011, while another 15 Member States fell in their ranking.
Four Member States –Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania – are performing very
poorly (See figure 1)
The differences between Member States range from time and cost required to
start a company to the number of hours required to comply with tax return rules.
For example:
- Businesses need to be able to start up a company at a low cost and quickly.
The Competitiveness Council of May 2011 stipulated that Member States should
ensure that companies can be set up in three days at a maximum cost of €100.
While progress has been made, this target has not been reached.
For example, in Belgium, Portugal, the Netherlands and Hungary it takes less
than five days to start your own company.
But in Malta, Poland, Spain, and Austria it takes more than 20 days (see
figure 2).
On average it still takes 5.4 days at a cost of €372.
- Businesses face cumbersome tax and administrative procedures, which means
they spend a long time compiling tax returns.
This can vary from 60 hours to more than 400 hours in some countries.
For example, in Luxemburg, Ireland, Estonia and Finland it takes less than
100 hours to comply with tax return rules.
However, in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, it takes more than 400 hours
(see figure 3).
Overall, the average EU company spends 193 hours per annum on tax compliance
- Public procurement can contribute to innovation and increased efficiency in
the government sector.
But public authorities remain risk-averse and lack expertise and political
support to purchase innovative goods and services.
Countries that see high levels of innovation in public procurement are
Denmark (48% of companies), Cyprus (45%) and Malta (40%), while Hungary has only
6% of companies selling innovative products or services to the public sector
(see figure 4).
Exchanging ideas and best practices
The aim of the conference, The Path to Growth: For a Business Friendly Public
Administration, is to identify key difficulties experienced by industry in
dealing with public administrations, but also to exchange ideas and experiences
about how such difficulties can be overcome and to showcase concrete
achievements and best practices in public administrations among Member States.
For example:
- To fully exploit the benefits of e-government, Denmark and the United
Kingdom have taken steps towards making "online" the default channel for certain
- To increase the level of predictability and legal certainty, the
Netherlands, Slovakia, Sweden and the United Kingdom have implemented a system
in which all new amended regulations come into force on a limited number of
pre-defined dates each year.
- To reduce the number of new regulations for businesses, the government in
the United Kingdom has operated a "one-in, two-out" rule since January 2013.
Every new regulation that imposes a new quantifiable burden on firms must be
offset by removing or modifying an existing regulation to double the savings.
- In 2012, Spain launched an express licence regime for retail outlets.
This permits retail businesses of up to 300 m2 to start operating without any
local authorisation.
Instead, businesses only have to provide the administration with a
declaration confirming their compliance with relevant legislation and
The government now plans to extend this regime to businesses of up to 500 m2.
- 74% of Europeans believe that the EU generates too much red tape.
In response to that concern, the Commission has made a concerted effort over
the past few years to streamline legislation and reduce regulatory burdens.
For example, in its recent Communication on Regulatory Fitness and
Performance (REFIT) the Commission sets out in a concrete way, policy area by
policy area, where it will take further action to simplify or withdraw EU laws,
ease the burden on businesses and facilitate implementation.
It is the result of a screening of the entire stock of EU legislation.
Last week the European Council endorsed the Commission’s REFIT communication
calling on the Commission to submit further proposals and look forward to
agreeing further steps in this direction.
The main conclusions of the conference will assist the Commission and Member
States in further developing policy guidance for modernising public
administration and increasing industrial competitiveness across the EU, which
are priorities in the EU's Annual Growth Survey.
Encouraging innovation in public services
To fully harness the opportunities offered by public procurement (19% of
Europe’s GDP) towards innovative goods and services, during the conference Vice
President Tajani launched the competition for the First Public Procurement of
Innovation Award and the new online Procurement of Innovation Platform.
The aim of this new initiative is to promote the procurement of innovative
goods and services and to provide a forum in which public authorities can
exchange ideas and find guidelines on this topic.