Dichiarazione di Tonio Borg, Commissario per la Salute, in merito all'entrata in vigore della direttiva sui diritti dei pazienti relativi all'assistenza sanitaria transfrontaliera
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 25-10-2013
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Statement by Health Commissioner, Tonio Borg, on the entry into force of the Directive on Patients' Rights in Cross-border Healthcare
Dichiarazione di Tonio Borg, Commissario per la Salute, in merito all'entrata in vigore della direttiva sui diritti dei pazienti relativi all'assistenza sanitaria transfrontaliera
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"Today is an important day for patients across the European Union.
"Oggi è un giorno importante per i pazienti dell'Unione europea.
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As of today, EU law in force enshrines citizens' right to go to another EU country for treatment and get reimbursed for it.
A partire da oggi, la normativa UE in vigore sancisce il diritto dei cittadini di recarsi in un altro paese UE per sottoporsi a trattamenti sanitari e di ottenere un rimborso.
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From today, all EU countries should have transposed the Directive on Patients' rights in Cross-border Healthcare, adopted 30 months ago, into their National law.
Entro oggi tutti i paesi dell'UE devono aver recepito nella normativa nazionale la direttiva sui diritti dei pazienti relativi all'assistenza sanitaria transfrontaliera, adottata 30 mesi fa.
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For patients, this Directive means empowerment:
Per i pazienti, questa direttiva significa empowerment:
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greater choice of healthcare, more information, easier recognition of prescriptions across-borders.
scelta tra molteplici servizi di assistenza sanitaria, accesso a maggiori informazioni e riconoscimento delle prescrizioni su scala transfrontaliera facilitato.
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The Directive is also good news for Europe's health systems, improving cooperation between Member States on interoperable eHealth tools, the use of health technology assessment, and the pooling of rare expertise.
La direttiva è una buona notizia anche per i sistemi sanitari europei, migliorando la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri per quanto riguarda gli strumenti interoperabili di assistenza sanitaria elettronica, l'uso della valutazione delle tecnologie sanitarie e la condivisione di competenze rare.
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For patients to benefit from the rights granted by EU law, the law needs to be properly transposed and enforced.
Perché i pazienti possano esercitare i diritti sanciti dalla normativa UE, la direttiva deve essere adeguatamente recepita e fatta rispettare.
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The Commission has provided a great deal of support to Member States during the transposition period.
La Commissione ha fornito un notevole sostegno agli Stati membri nel corso del periodo di recepimento.
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Now I urge all Member States to deliver on their obligations and fully transpose this Directive.
Oggi invito tutti gli Stati membri a ottemperare ai loro obblighi e recepire pienamente la presente direttiva.
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The Commission will carefully monitor transposition, provide assistance, and take appropriate action where necessary." |
La Commissione monitorerà con attenzione il recepimento, fornirà assistenza e adotterà, se necessario, misure idonee." |
Statement by Health Commissioner, Tonio Borg, on the entry into force of
the Directive on Patients' Rights in Cross-border Healthcare
"Today is an important day for patients across the European Union.
As of today, EU law in force enshrines citizens' right to go to another EU
country for treatment and get reimbursed for it.
From today, all EU countries should have transposed the Directive on
Patients' rights in Cross-border Healthcare, adopted 30 months ago, into their
National law.
For patients, this Directive means empowerment:
greater choice of healthcare, more information, easier recognition of
prescriptions across-borders.
The Directive is also good news for Europe's health systems, improving
cooperation between Member States on interoperable eHealth tools, the use of
health technology assessment, and the pooling of rare expertise.
For patients to benefit from the rights granted by EU law, the law needs to
be properly transposed and enforced.
The Commission has provided a great deal of support to Member States during
the transposition period.
Now I urge all Member States to deliver on their obligations and fully
transpose this Directive.
The Commission will carefully monitor transposition, provide assistance, and
take appropriate action where necessary."