Se il diritto nazionale consente ai familiari della vittima di un incidente stradale di chiedere un risarcimento per il danno morale, questo dev'essere coperto dall'assicurazione obbligatoria r.c.a.
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 24-10-2013
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If national law allows family members of the victim of a road traffic accident to seek compensation for non-material damage suffered, that compensation must be covered by compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles
Se il diritto nazionale consente ai familiari della vittima di un incidente stradale di chiedere un risarcimento per il danno morale, questo dev'essere coperto dall'assicurazione obbligatoria r.c.a.
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In such a case, the minimum cover laid down under EU law for personal injuries also applies to non-material damage
In tal caso, la copertura minima prevista dal diritto dell’Unione per i danni alla persona si applica anche al danno morale
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The First Directive on compulsory insurance requires the Member States to ensure that civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles normally based in their territory is covered by insurance.
La prima direttiva dell’Unione in materia di assicurazione obbligatoria per gli autoveicoli impone agli Stati membri di provvedere affinché i veicoli che stazionano abitualmente nel loro territorio siano coperti da un’assicurazione.
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Although the Member States are free to determine the damage covered by that insurance and the detailed rules in that respect, the Second Directive adopted in this field provides that insurance must cover personal injuries to a minimum amount of €1 million per victim or €5 million per claim, irrespective of the number of victims in the latter case.
Anche se gli Stati membri sono liberi di determinare i danni coperti da tale assicurazione e le modalità della stessa, la seconda direttiva sull’argomento prevede che l’assicurazione copra obbligatoriamente i danni alle persone, per un importo minimo di copertura pari a EUR 1 000 000 per vittima o a EUR 5 000 000 per sinistro, indipendentemente dal numero delle vittime.
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Similarly, it must also cover material damage to a minimum amount of €1 million per claim, irrespective of the number of victims.
Inoltre, essa deve coprire anche i danni alle cose per un importo minimo di 1 000 000 EUR per sinistro, indipendentemente dal numero delle vittime.
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Case C-22/12
Causa C-22/12
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Mr Haas was killed on 7 August 2008 in Czech territory in a road traffic accident caused by Mr Petrík, who was driving a private motor vehicle belonging to Mrs Holingová.
A causa di un incidente stradale provocato dal sig. Petrik, che guidava un’automobile da turismo appartenente alla sig.ra Holingová, il passeggero, sig. Haas, è deceduto il 7 agosto 2008 in territorio ceco.
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Mrs Holingová’s car, registered in Slovakia and in which Mr Haas was a passenger, collided with a heavy goods vehicle registered in the Czech Republic.
L’automobile della sig.ra Holingová, immatricolata nella Repubblica slovacca, si è scontrata con un automezzo pesante immatricolato nella Repubblica ceca.
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Mr Petrík, who was held responsible for that accident, was ordered, inter alia, to pay compensation to Mrs Haasová, the victims’s wife, for the damage she suffered as a result of the accident.
Il sig. Petrík, riconosciuto responsabile di tale incidente, è stato condannato a risarcire il danno subito dalla sig.ra Haasová, moglie della vittima.
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Nonetheless, Mrs Haasová and her daughter are also claiming, from Mrs Holingová’s insurer, compensation for the non-material damage resulting from the loss of their husband and father.
Tuttavia, la sig.ra Haasová e sua figlia rivendicano altresì, presso la compagnia assicuratrice della sig.ra Holingová, il risarcimento del danno morale risultante dalla perdita del rispettivo coniuge e padre.
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The court before which the case was brought explains that Czech civil law, which it considers to be applicable in this case, enables a physical person to seek compensation for non-material damage resulting from an infringement of his personal rights.
Il giudice investito della controversia spiega che il diritto civile ceco, a suo parere applicabile alla fattispecie, consente alla persona fisica di chiedere un risarcimento per il danno morale risultante da una lesione dell’integrità personale.
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However, considering that compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles does not cover, under Slovak compulsory insurance law, non-material damage, Mrs Holingová’s insurer refuses to pay such compensation.
Tuttavia, poiché la copertura garantita dall’assicurazione obbligatoria per gli autoveicoli non si estende, secondo la normativa slovacca sull’assicurazione obbligatoria, al danno morale, la compagnia assicuratrice della sig.ra Holingová rifiuta un risarcimento siffatto.
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The Krajský súd v Prešove (Regional Court of Prešove, Slovakia) asks the Court of Justice whether such compulsory insurance must cover compensation for non-material damage suffered by the next of kin of the deceased victims of a road traffic accident.
Il Krajský súd v Prešove (giudice regionale di Prešov, Repubblica slovacca), chiede alla Corte di giustizia se l’assicurazione obbligatoria per gli autoveicoli debba garantire il risarcimento dei danni immateriali sofferti dai congiunti delle vittime, decedute, di un incidente stradale.
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In its judgment, the Court of justice finds, first of all, that the obligation to provide insurance cover against civil liability for damage caused to third parties by motor vehicles is distinct from the extent of the compensation to be afforded to them on the basis of the civil liability of the insured person.
Nella sua sentenza odierna la Corte ricorda, anzitutto, che l’obbligo di copertura, mediante assicurazione della responsabilità civile, dei danni causati dagli autoveicoli si distingue dalla questione dell’entità del risarcimento degli stessi a titolo di responsabilità civile dell’assicurato.
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Whereas the former is defined and guaranteed by EU law, the latter is, essentially, governed by national law.
Infatti, mentre il primo è definito e garantito dalla normativa dell’Unione, la seconda è sostanzialmente disciplinata dal diritto nazionale.
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Thus, in principle the Member States remain free, in relation to their civil liability schemes, to determine, in particular, which damage caused by motor vehicles is to be compensated, the extent of such compensation and the persons who are entitled to it.
Di conseguenza, gli Stati membri restano in linea di principio liberi di determinare, nell’ambito dei loro rispettivi regimi di responsabilità civile, quali danni causati dai veicoli devono essere risarciti, l’entità del risarcimento e le persone aventi diritto.
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However, the Court points out that it is in order to reduce the disparities which continued to exist between the laws of the Member States with respect to the extent of the obligation of insurance cover that EU law required compulsory cover against civil liability, for both damage to property and personal injuries, up to specified sums laid down in the Second Directive.
Tuttavia, la Corte sottolinea che al fine di ridurre le disparità tra le legislazioni degli Stati membri circa la portata dell’obbligo di assicurazione, l’Unione ha imposto la copertura obbligatoria dei danni alle cose e dei danni alle persone, a concorrenza di importi stabiliti nella seconda direttiva.
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The Member States are thus free to determine the damage covered and the terms and conditions of compulsory insurance, provided that they comply with the rules laid down under EU law.
Gli Stati membri sono quindi tenuti a determinare i danni coperti e le modalità dell’assicurazione obbligatoria per gli autoveicoli tenendo conto delle norme del diritto dell’Unione.
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Next, the Court points out that personal injuries, in respect of which cover is compulsory under the Second Directive, includes any type of damage resulting from an injury to physical integrity, including both physical and psychological suffering.
La Corte precisa, successivamente, che i danni alla persona, la cui copertura è obbligatoria in forza della seconda direttiva, comprendono ogni danno arrecato all’integrità della persona, incluse le sofferenze sia fisiche sia psicologiche.
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Thus, non-material damage, compensation for which is provided for as part of the civil liability of the insured person, under the national law applicable in the dispute, features among the types of damage in respect of which compensation must be provided in accordance with EU law.
Di conseguenza, tra i danni che devono essere risarciti conformemente al diritto dell’Unione figurano i danni immateriali il cui risarcimento è previsto a titolo della responsabilità civile dell’assicurato dalla normativa nazionale applicabile alla controversia.
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Finally, the Court states that the protection which must be assured under that directive extends to anyone who is entitled, under national civil liability law, to compensation for damage caused by motor vehicles.
La Corte rileva infine che la tutela garantita dalla prima direttiva è estesa a chiunque abbia diritto, in base alla normativa nazionale sulla responsabilità civile, al risarcimento del danno causato da autoveicoli.
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Since, in accordance with the information submitted by the Slovak court, Czech law grants Mrs Haasová and her daughter the right to compensation for the non-material damage suffered as a result of the death of their spouse and father, they should thus be able to benefit from the protection afforded by that directive.
Poichè la normativa ceca, secondo le indicazioni fornite dal giudice slovacco, riconosce alla sig.ra Haasová e a sua figlia il diritto al risarcimento del danno immateriale subito a causa del decesso del loro rispettivo coniuge e padre, esse dovrebbero poter beneficiare della tutela garantita da tale direttiva.
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Case C-277/12
Causa C-277/12
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In Latvia, although compensation for pain and psychological suffering caused by the death of the family’s economic provider, a dependant or a spouse may be claimed from the insurer of the person responsible for a road traffic accident, it is limited, however, to LVL 100 (approximately €142) for each applicant and per deceased person.
In Lettonia, la compagnia assicuratrice del responsabile dell’incidente stradale può essere chiamata a risarcire il danno morale per dolori e patimenti psicologici conseguenti al decesso di una persona da cui si dipende economicamente, di una persona a carico o del coniuge.Tuttavia, l’ammontare di tale risarcimento è limitato a LVL 100 (circa EUR 142) per ciascun richiedente e per persona deceduta.
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On 14 February 2006, the parents of Vita-lijs Drozdovs died in a road traffic accident in Riga (Latvia).
Il 14 febbraio 2006 i genitori del sig. Drozdovs sono deceduti in un incidente stradale avvenuto a Riga (Lettonia).
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Vita-lijs Drozdovs, who is 10 years old, was placed under the supervision of his grandmother, who was also made his legal guardian.
Il sig. Drozdovs, che aveva dieci anni di età, è stato posto sotto la tutela di sua nonna.
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His guardian then requested the insurer of the person responsible for the road traffic accident to pay compensation in the amount of LVL 200 000 (approximately €284 820) for the non-material damage which her grandson has suffered as a result of the loss of his parents.
Successivamente la tutrice ha invitato la compagnia assicuratrice del responsabile dell’incidente a corrispondere un indennizzo di importo pari a LVL 200 000 (circa EUR 284 820) per il danno morale subito dal sig. Drozdovs a causa della perdita dei genitori.
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The Augsta-ka-s tiesas Sena-ts (Senate of the Supreme Court of Latvia), before which the dispute between Vita-lijs Drozdovs and the insurer has been brought, first referred the same question to the Court of Justice as the Slovak court in Haasová and, second, asked whether the limitation under Latvian law on the maximum amount of compensation for non-material damage suffered as a result of a road traffic accident is compatible with EU law.
L’Augsta-ka-s tiesas Sena-ts (Senato della Corte suprema, Lettonia), investito della controversia tra il sig. Drozdovs e la compagnia assicuratrice, ha, da un lato, sottoposto alla Corte la stessa questione sollevata dal giudice slovacco nella causa Haasová e, dall’altro, ha chiesto se la limitazione dell’importo massimo del risarcimento del danno morale subito a causa di un incidente stradale, stabilita dal diritto lettone, sia compatibile con il diritto dell’Unione.
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In the same way as it ruled in today’s judgment in Hassová, the Court of Justice finds that, if national law allows family members of the victim of a road traffic accident to seek compensation for non-material damage suffered, that compensation must be covered by compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles.
Come nell’odierna sentenza nella causa Haasová, la Corte rileva che se la normativa nazionale consente ai familiari della vittime di un incidente stradale di chiedere un indennizzo per il danno morale subito, quest’ultimo dev’essere coperto dall’assicurazione obbligatoria per gli autoveicoli.
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Since, according to the information submitted by the national court, Latvian law grants Mr Drozdovs the right to compensation for the non-material damage which he suffered as a result of the death of his parents, he should thus be able to benefit from the protection afforded by the First Directive.
Orbene, poiché la normativa lettone, secondo le indicazioni del giudice del rinvio, riconosce al sig. Drozdovs il diritto al risarcimento del danno immateriale subito a causa del decesso dei suoi genitori, egli dovrebbe poter beneficiare della tutela accordata dalla prima direttiva.
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The Court also finds that, if a Member State recognises the right to compensation for non-material damage suffered, it may not provide, for that specific category of damage – which falls under the category of personal injuries for the purposes of the Second Directive – maximum amounts to be guaranteed which are lower than the minimum amounts guaranteed under that directive.
La Corte constata altresì che, se uno Stato membro riconosce il diritto a una compensazione per il danno morale subito, esso non può prevedere per questa specifica categoria di danni, rientranti tra i danni alla persona ai sensi della seconda direttiva, massimali di garanzia inferiori agli importi minimi di garanzia fissati in tale direttiva.
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The Second Directive neither provides for nor makes a distinction between the damage covered, other than the distinction made between personal injuries and damage to property.
Infatti, la direttiva non prevede né autorizza una distinzione, tra i danni coperti, oltre a quella stabilita tra danni alle persone e danni alle cose.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
If national law allows family members of the victim of a road traffic
accident to seek compensation for non-material damage suffered, that
compensation must be covered by compulsory insurance against civil liability in
respect of the use of motor vehicles
In such a case, the minimum cover laid down under EU law for personal
injuries also applies to non-material damage
The First Directive on compulsory insurance requires the Member States to
ensure that civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles normally
based in their territory is covered by insurance.
Although the Member States are free to determine the damage covered by that
insurance and the detailed rules in that respect, the Second Directive adopted
in this field provides that insurance must cover personal injuries to a minimum
amount of €1 million per victim or €5 million per claim, irrespective of the
number of victims in the latter case.
Similarly, it must also cover material damage to a minimum amount of €1
million per claim, irrespective of the number of victims.
Case C-22/12
Mr Haas was killed on 7 August 2008 in Czech territory in a road traffic
accident caused by Mr Petrík, who was driving a private motor vehicle belonging
to Mrs Holingová.
Mrs Holingová’s car, registered in Slovakia and in which Mr Haas was a
passenger, collided with a heavy goods vehicle registered in the Czech Republic.
Mr Petrík, who was held responsible for that accident, was ordered, inter
alia, to pay compensation to Mrs Haasová, the victims’s wife, for the damage she
suffered as a result of the accident.
Nonetheless, Mrs Haasová and her daughter are also claiming, from Mrs
Holingová’s insurer, compensation for the non-material damage resulting from the
loss of their husband and father.
The court before which the case was brought explains that Czech civil law,
which it considers to be applicable in this case, enables a physical person to
seek compensation for non-material damage resulting from an infringement of his
personal rights.
However, considering that compulsory insurance against civil liability in
respect of the use of motor vehicles does not cover, under Slovak compulsory
insurance law, non-material damage, Mrs Holingová’s insurer refuses to pay such
The Krajský súd v Prešove (Regional Court of Prešove, Slovakia) asks the
Court of Justice whether such compulsory insurance must cover compensation for
non-material damage suffered by the next of kin of the deceased victims of a
road traffic accident.
In its judgment, the Court of justice finds, first of all, that the
obligation to provide insurance cover against civil liability for damage caused
to third parties by motor vehicles is distinct from the extent of the
compensation to be afforded to them on the basis of the civil liability of the
insured person.
Whereas the former is defined and guaranteed by EU law, the latter is,
essentially, governed by national law.
Thus, in principle the Member States remain free, in relation to their civil
liability schemes, to determine, in particular, which damage caused by motor
vehicles is to be compensated, the extent of such compensation and the persons
who are entitled to it.
However, the Court points out that it is in order to reduce the disparities
which continued to exist between the laws of the Member States with respect to
the extent of the obligation of insurance cover that EU law required compulsory
cover against civil liability, for both damage to property and personal
injuries, up to specified sums laid down in the Second Directive.
The Member States are thus free to determine the damage covered and the terms
and conditions of compulsory insurance, provided that they comply with the rules
laid down under EU law.
Next, the Court points out that personal injuries, in respect of which cover
is compulsory under the Second Directive, includes any type of damage resulting
from an injury to physical integrity, including both physical and psychological
Thus, non-material damage, compensation for which is provided for as part of
the civil liability of the insured person, under the national law applicable in
the dispute, features among the types of damage in respect of which compensation
must be provided in accordance with EU law.
Finally, the Court states that the protection which must be assured under
that directive extends to anyone who is entitled, under national civil liability
law, to compensation for damage caused by motor vehicles.
Since, in accordance with the information submitted by the Slovak court,
Czech law grants Mrs Haasová and her daughter the right to compensation for the
non-material damage suffered as a result of the death of their spouse and
father, they should thus be able to benefit from the protection afforded by that
Case C-277/12
In Latvia, although compensation for pain and psychological suffering caused
by the death of the family’s economic provider, a dependant or a spouse may be
claimed from the insurer of the person responsible for a road traffic accident,
it is limited, however, to LVL 100 (approximately €142) for each applicant and
per deceased person.
On 14 February 2006, the parents of Vita-lijs Drozdovs died in a road traffic
accident in Riga (Latvia).
Vita-lijs Drozdovs, who is 10 years old, was placed under the supervision of
his grandmother, who was also made his legal guardian.
His guardian then requested the insurer of the person responsible for the
road traffic accident to pay compensation in the amount of LVL 200 000
(approximately €284 820) for the non-material damage which her grandson has
suffered as a result of the loss of his parents.
The Augsta-ka-s tiesas Sena-ts (Senate of the Supreme Court of Latvia),
before which the dispute between Vita-lijs Drozdovs and the insurer has been
brought, first referred the same question to the Court of Justice as the Slovak
court in Haasová and, second, asked whether the limitation under Latvian law on
the maximum amount of compensation for non-material damage suffered as a result
of a road traffic accident is compatible with EU law.
In the same way as it ruled in today’s judgment in Hassová, the Court of
Justice finds that, if national law allows family members of the victim of a
road traffic accident to seek compensation for non-material damage suffered,
that compensation must be covered by compulsory insurance against civil
liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles.
Since, according to the information submitted by the national court, Latvian
law grants Mr Drozdovs the right to compensation for the non-material damage
which he suffered as a result of the death of his parents, he should thus be
able to benefit from the protection afforded by the First Directive.
The Court also finds that, if a Member State recognises the right to
compensation for non-material damage suffered, it may not provide, for that
specific category of damage – which falls under the category of personal
injuries for the purposes of the Second Directive – maximum amounts to be
guaranteed which are lower than the minimum amounts guaranteed under that
The Second Directive neither provides for nor makes a distinction between the
damage covered, other than the distinction made between personal injuries and
damage to property.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.