Restrizioni alla libera circolazione dei capitali che interessano imprese operanti sui mercati dell’energia elettrica e del gas naturale possono essere conformi al diritto europeo
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Data documento: 22-10-2013
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Restrictions on the free movement of capital affecting undertakings active in the electricity and natural gas markets may be compatible with EU law
Restrizioni alla libera circolazione dei capitali che interessano imprese operanti sui mercati dell’energia elettrica e del gas naturale possono essere conformi al diritto europeo
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In that context, the objectives of maintaining undistorted competition in order to protect consumers and ensuring security of energy supply constitute overriding reasons in the public interest
Gli obiettivi di mantenere una concorrenza non falsata per tutelare i consumatori e di garantire la sicurezza degli approvvigionamenti di energia costituiscono motivi imperativi di interesse generale
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In accordance with the 2003 Directives, the aim of EU law on the internal market in electricity and natural gas is, inter alia, to establish an open and transparent market, non-discriminatory and transparent access to the network of the distribution system operator, and a level playing field.
Ai sensi di talune direttive del 2003, il diritto dell’Unione relativo al mercato interno dell’energia elettrica e del gas naturale mira in particolare a garantire un mercato aperto e trasparente, un accesso non discriminatorio e trasparente alla rete del gestore del sistema di distribuzione nonché condizioni di concorrenza uniformi.
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Under recent Netherlands legislation, a private investor may not acquire or own shares or interests in the capital of an electricity or gas distribution system operator in the Netherlands (‘the privatisation prohibition’).
Secondo una recente legislazione del Regno dei Paesi Bassi, un investitore privato non può acquisire o detenere azioni o partecipazioni nel capitale di un gestore di sistemi di distribuzione di energia elettrica e di gas attivo sul territorio olandese («divieto di privatizzazione»).
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Also prohibited are ownership or control links between, on the one hand, companies which are members of the same group as an operator of such distribution systems and, on the other, companies which are members of the same group as an undertaking which generates/produces, supplies or trades in electricity or gas in the Netherlands (‘the group prohibition’).
Sono inoltre vietati legami di proprietà o di controllo tra, da un lato, le società appartenenti ad un gruppo cui appartiene un gestore siffatto e, dall’altro, le società appartenenti ad un gruppo cui appartiene un’impresa che produce, fornisce o commercializza energia elettrica o gas sul territorio olandese («divieto di gruppo»).
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Last, the national legislation also prohibits engagement by such an operator and by the group of which it is a member in transactions or activities which may adversely affect the operation of the system concerned.
Infine, la legge nazionale vieta altresì il compimento da parte di un gestore siffatto e del gruppo cui quest’ultimo appartiene di operazioni o attività che potrebbero pregiudicare l’interesse della gestione della rete interessata.
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When that legislation was adopted, Essent, Eneco and Delta were vertically integrated undertakings, active both in the generation/production, supply and/or trade in electricity and/or gas in the Netherlands and in the operation and use of electricity or gas distribution systems in the Netherlands.
All’atto dell’adozione di tale legislazione, la Essent, la Eneco e la Delta erano imprese integrate verticalmente, attive sia nella produzione, fornitura e/o commercializzazione di energia elettrica e/o gas sul territorio olandese sia nella gestione e utilizzo di sistemi di distribuzione di energia elettrica o di gas sullo stesso territorio.
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Following the adoption of the national legislation which introduced the privatisation prohibition, the group prohibition and the prohibition of activities which may adversely affect system operation, Essent NV was split, on 1 July 2009, into two separate companies, namely
In seguito all’adozione della legislazione nazionale che introduce i divieti di privatizzazione, di gruppo e di attività che potrebbero pregiudicare l’interesse della gestione della rete, la Essent NV è stata scissa, il 1° luglio 2009, in due società distinte:
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(i) Enexis Holding NV, whose object as a company is the operation of a gas and electricity distribution system in the Netherlands and all of whose shares are owned by the authorities and (ii) Essent NV, whose object as a company is to generate/produce, supply and market electricity and gas.
da un lato, la Enexis Holding NV (il cui oggetto sociale consiste nella gestione di un sistema di distribuzione di gas e di energia elettrica sul territorio olandese ed il cui intero pacchetto azionario è detenuto da alcune autorità) e, dall’altro, la Essent NV (il cui oggetto sociale consiste nella produzione, fornitura e commercializzazione dell’energia elettrica e del gas).
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The latter company was purchased by the subsidiary of a German group which specialises in the energy sector, RWE AG.
Quest’ultima società è stata successivamente acquisita dalla controllata di un gruppo tedesco specializzato nel settore dell’energia, la RWE AG.
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Eneco Holding NV and Delta NV were not split, but identified their subsidiaries Stedin Netbeheer BV and Delta Netwerkbedrijf BV as the respective operators of their distribution systems.
La Eneco Holding NV e la Delta NV non sono state scisse, ma hanno designato le loro controllate Stedin Netbeheer BV e Delta Netwerkbedrijf BV quali gestori rispettivi dei loro sistemi di distribuzione.
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Against that background, Essent, Eneco and Delta brought actions before the national courts, arguing that the national legislation was incompatible with the free movement of capital.
In tale contesto, la Essent, la Eneco e la Delta hanno adìto i giudici nazionali, sostenendo che la legislazione nazionale era incompatibile con la libera circolazione dei capitali.
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The Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Supreme Court of the Netherlands), hearing the case on appeal, decided to refer questions to the Court of Justice on that issue.
Lo Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Corte di cassazione, Regno dei Paesi Bassi), investito in ultima istanza della controversia, ha deciso di interrogare la Corte di giustizia su tale questione.
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The Court holds, first, that the privatisation prohibition – which means, inter alia, that no private investor may acquire shares or interests in the capital of an electricity or gas distribution system operator active in the Netherlands – falls within the scope of Article 345 TFEU, which is an expression of the principle of the neutrality of the Treaties in relation to the rules in Member States governing the system of property ownership and under which, in particular, Member States may legitimately pursue an objective of establishing or maintaining a body of rules relating to the public ownership of certain undertakings.
La Corte di giustizia, nella sua sentenza odierna, rileva, innanzitutto, che il divieto di privatizzazione – il quale implica in particolare che nessun investitore privato può acquisire azioni o partecipazioni nel capitale di un gestore del sistema di distribuzione di energia elettrica e di gas attivo sul territorio olandese – rientra nell’ambito di applicazione dell’articolo 345 TFUE, che sancisce il principio di neutralità dei Trattati rispetto al regime di proprietà esistente negli Stati membri e secondo il quale, segnatamente, gli Stati membri possono legittimamente perseguire l’obiettivo che consiste nell’istituire o mantenere un regime di proprietà pubblico per talune imprese.
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Nonetheless, Article 345 TFEU does not mean that rules governing the system of property ownership current in the Member States are not subject to the fundamental rules of the FEU Treaty, which rules include inter alia, the prohibition of discrimination, freedom of establishment and the free movement of capital.
L’articolo 345 TFUE non produce tuttavia l’effetto di sottrarre i regimi di proprietà esistenti negli Stati membri alle norme fondamentali del Trattato FUE tra cui, in particolare quelle di non discriminazione, di libertà di stabilimento e di libertà di circolazione dei capitali.
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Consequently, the Court holds that, having regard to its effects, the privatisation prohibition constitutes a restriction on the free movement of capital.
La Corte dichiara pertanto che, alla luce dei suoi effetti, il divieto di privatizzazione costituisce una restrizione alla libera circolazione dei capitali.
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However, the reasons underlying the choice of the rules of property ownership adopted by the national legislation are factors which may be taken into consideration as circumstances capable of justifying restrictions on the free movement of capital.
Ciò nonostante, le ragioni sottese alla scelta del sistema di proprietà operata dalla legislazione nazionale costituiscono fattori che possono essere presi in considerazione quali elementi idonei a giustificare restrizioni alla libera circolazione dei capitali.
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It is for the referring court to conduct such an examination.
Spetta al giudice del rinvio procedere ad un esame siffatto.
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As regards the group prohibition and the prohibition of activities which may adversely affect system operation, the Court holds that those also constitute restrictions on the free movement of capital which must be justified.
Per quanto riguarda i divieti di gruppo e di attività che potrebbero pregiudicare l’interesse della gestione della rete, la Corte dichiara che essi costituiscono del pari restrizioni alla libera circolazione dei capitali, che necessitano di giustificazione.
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In that regard, the Court states that the objectives of combating cross-subsidisation in the broad sense, including exchange of strategic information, in order to achieve transparency in the electricity and gas markets, and to prevent distortions of competition, mentioned by the referring court, serve to ensure undistorted competition on the markets for the generation/production, supply and trade of electricity and gas.
Gli obiettivi che consistono nel contrastare le sovvenzioni incrociate in senso ampio, compreso lo scambio di informazioni strategiche, nel garantire la trasparenza sui mercati dell’energia elettrica e del gas e nel prevenire le distorsioni della concorrenza, richiamati nella domanda del giudice del rinvio, mirano a garantire una concorrenza non falsata sui mercati della produzione, della fornitura e della commercializzazione dell’energia elettrica e del gas.
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The objective of combating cross-subsidisation seeks, further, to guarantee adequate investment in the electricity and gas distribution systems.
L’obiettivo che consiste nel contrastare le sovvenzioni incrociate intende inoltre garantire un investimento sufficiente nei sistemi di distribuzione di energia elettrica e di gas.
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The Court states that the national measures at issue thereby pursue overriding objectives in the public interest.
Secondo la Corte, le misure nazionali di cui trattasi perseguono in tal modo obiettivi imperativi di interesse generale.
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The objective of undistorted competition is also pursued by the FEU Treaty, the ultimate aim being to protect consumers.
Infatti, l’obiettivo di una concorrenza non falsata è perseguito anche dal Trattato FUE, e ciò, in definitiva, per tutelare i consumatori.
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Further, according to the Court’s settled case law, consumer protection constitutes an overriding reason in the public interest.
Inoltre, secondo giurisprudenza costante della Corte, la tutela dei consumatori costituisce un motivo imperativo di interesse generale.
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Next, the Court states that the objective of guaranteeing adequate investment in the electricity and gas distribution systems is designed to ensure, inter alia, security of energy supply, an objective which it has also recognised as being an overriding reason in the public interest.
La Corte rileva inoltre che l’obiettivo di garantire un investimento sufficiente nei sistemi di distribuzione di energia elettrica e di gas mira ad assicurare, in particolare, la sicurezza degli approvvigionamenti di energia, obiettivo che essa ha parimenti riconosciuto come motivo imperativo d’interesse generale.
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Last, the group prohibition and the prohibition of activities which may adversely affect system operation were introduced by Netherlands legislation which itself, inter alia, amended provisions of national law adopted in order to transpose the 2003 Directives.
Infine, i divieti di gruppo e di attività che possono pregiudicare la gestione della rete sono stati introdotti dalla legge olandese che, a sua volta, ha in particolare modificato le disposizioni nazionali adottate per trasporre le direttive del 2003.
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Even if those prohibitions were not imposed by those directives, the Kingdom of the Netherlands pursued, by introducing those measures, objectives sought by those directives.
Sebbene tali divieti non siano imposti da dette direttive, il Regno dei Paesi Bassi, attraverso l’introduzione di tali misure, ha perseguito obiettivi previsti da queste direttive.
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Consequently, the objectives referred to by the national court may, in principle, as overriding reasons in the public interest, justify the identified restrictions on fundamental freedoms.
Pertanto, gli obiettivi invocati dal giudice del rinvio possono, in linea di principio, quali motivi imperativi di interesse generale, giustificare le constatate restrizioni alle libertà fondamentali.
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The Court states however that the restrictions at issue must be appropriate to the objectives pursued, and must not go beyond what is necessary to attain those objectives, which it is for the referring court to determine.
La Corte ricorda tuttavia che le restrizioni in parola devono essere idonee a garantire la realizzazione degli obiettivi perseguiti e non possono eccedere quanto necessario per raggiungerli, circostanza che il giudice del rinvio dovrà accertare.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
Restrictions on the free movement of capital affecting undertakings active
in the electricity and natural gas markets may be compatible with EU law
In that context, the objectives of maintaining undistorted competition
in order to protect consumers and ensuring security of energy supply constitute
overriding reasons in the public interest
In accordance with the 2003 Directives, the aim of EU law on the internal
market in electricity and natural gas is, inter alia, to establish an open and
transparent market, non-discriminatory and transparent access to the network of
the distribution system operator, and a level playing field.
Under recent Netherlands legislation, a private investor may not acquire or
own shares or interests in the capital of an electricity or gas distribution
system operator in the Netherlands (‘the privatisation prohibition’).
Also prohibited are ownership or control links between, on the one hand,
companies which are members of the same group as an operator of such
distribution systems and, on the other, companies which are members of the same
group as an undertaking which generates/produces, supplies or trades in
electricity or gas in the Netherlands (‘the group prohibition’).
Last, the national legislation also prohibits engagement by such an operator
and by the group of which it is a member in transactions or activities which may
adversely affect the operation of the system concerned.
When that legislation was adopted, Essent, Eneco and Delta were vertically
integrated undertakings, active both in the generation/production, supply and/or
trade in electricity and/or gas in the Netherlands and in the operation and use
of electricity or gas distribution systems in the Netherlands.
Following the adoption of the national legislation which introduced the
privatisation prohibition, the group prohibition and the prohibition of
activities which may adversely affect system operation, Essent NV was split, on
1 July 2009, into two separate companies, namely
(i) Enexis Holding NV, whose object as a company is the operation of a gas
and electricity distribution system in the Netherlands and all of whose shares
are owned by the authorities and (ii) Essent NV, whose object as a company is to
generate/produce, supply and market electricity and gas.
The latter company was purchased by the subsidiary of a German group which
specialises in the energy sector, RWE AG.
Eneco Holding NV and Delta NV were not split, but identified their
subsidiaries Stedin Netbeheer BV and Delta Netwerkbedrijf BV as the respective
operators of their distribution systems.
Against that background, Essent, Eneco and Delta brought actions before the
national courts, arguing that the national legislation was incompatible with the
free movement of capital.
The Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Supreme Court of the Netherlands), hearing the
case on appeal, decided to refer questions to the Court of Justice on that
The Court holds, first, that the privatisation prohibition – which means,
inter alia, that no private investor may acquire shares or interests in the
capital of an electricity or gas distribution system operator active in the
Netherlands – falls within the scope of Article 345 TFEU, which is an expression
of the principle of the neutrality of the Treaties in relation to the rules in
Member States governing the system of property ownership and under which, in
particular, Member States may legitimately pursue an objective of establishing
or maintaining a body of rules relating to the public ownership of certain
Nonetheless, Article 345 TFEU does not mean that rules governing the system
of property ownership current in the Member States are not subject to the
fundamental rules of the FEU Treaty, which rules include inter alia, the
prohibition of discrimination, freedom of establishment and the free movement of
Consequently, the Court holds that, having regard to its effects, the
privatisation prohibition constitutes a restriction on the free movement of
However, the reasons underlying the choice of the rules of property ownership
adopted by the national legislation are factors which may be taken into
consideration as circumstances capable of justifying restrictions on the free
movement of capital.
It is for the referring court to conduct such an examination.
As regards the group prohibition and the prohibition of activities which may
adversely affect system operation, the Court holds that those also constitute
restrictions on the free movement of capital which must be justified.
In that regard, the Court states that the objectives of combating
cross-subsidisation in the broad sense, including exchange of strategic
information, in order to achieve transparency in the electricity and gas
markets, and to prevent distortions of competition, mentioned by the referring
court, serve to ensure undistorted competition on the markets for the
generation/production, supply and trade of electricity and gas.
The objective of combating cross-subsidisation seeks, further, to guarantee
adequate investment in the electricity and gas distribution systems.
The Court states that the national measures at issue thereby pursue
overriding objectives in the public interest.
The objective of undistorted competition is also pursued by the FEU Treaty,
the ultimate aim being to protect consumers.
Further, according to the Court’s settled case law, consumer protection
constitutes an overriding reason in the public interest.
Next, the Court states that the objective of guaranteeing adequate investment
in the electricity and gas distribution systems is designed to ensure, inter
alia, security of energy supply, an objective which it has also recognised as
being an overriding reason in the public interest.
Last, the group prohibition and the prohibition of activities which may
adversely affect system operation were introduced by Netherlands legislation
which itself, inter alia, amended provisions of national law adopted in order to
transpose the 2003 Directives.
Even if those prohibitions were not imposed by those directives, the Kingdom
of the Netherlands pursued, by introducing those measures, objectives sought by
those directives.
Consequently, the objectives referred to by the national court may, in
principle, as overriding reasons in the public interest, justify the identified
restrictions on fundamental freedoms.
The Court states however that the restrictions at issue must be appropriate
to the objectives pursued, and must not go beyond what is necessary to attain
those objectives, which it is for the referring court to determine.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.