L'applicazione del diritto dell'Unione negli Stati membri: il bilancio del 2012
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Data documento: 22-10-2013
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The 2012 performance of EU Member States in applying EU law
L'applicazione del diritto dell'Unione negli Stati membri: il bilancio del 2012
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The correct application of EU law is a cornerstone of the EU Treaties and at the heart of the Commission's regulatory fitness programme (REFIT).
La corretta applicazione del diritto dell'Unione è uno dei
pilastri dei trattati ed è al centro del Programma di controllo dell'adeguatezza
della regolamentazione avviato dalla Commissione (REFIT).
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The 30th Annual Report on monitoring the application of EU law shows how Member States are performing in applying EU law.
La 30a relazione annuale sul controllo dell'applicazione del diritto dell'Unione europea mostra i risultati ottenuti dagli Stati membri nell'applicazione della legislazione dell'UE.
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There were fewer infringements open at the end of 2012 than previous years.
Alla fine del 2012 il numero di procedure d'infrazione aperte era inferiore agli anni precedenti.
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The number of cases in problem solving mechanisms such as EU Pilot increased. This reflects the determination of the European Commission to work with the Member States to solve problems and improve compliance.
Era invece aumentato il numero di casi trattati con meccanismi di risoluzione dei problemi quali EU Pilot, il che dimostra come la Commissione europea sia determinata a collaborare con gli Stati membri per risolvere i problemi e aumentare il rispetto della legge.
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At the end of 2012, the number of open infringement procedures decreased again, by 25 % compared to the previous year.This is related in part to the more frequent use of EU Pilot and other problem solving mechanisms (such as SOLVIT) which aim to solve problems and promote compliance:
Alla fine del 2012 il numero di procedure d'infrazione aperte era ulteriormente diminuito del 25% rispetto all'anno precedente, in parte grazie all'uso più frequente di EU Pilot e di altri meccanismi (come SOLVIT) che mirano a risolvere i problemi e a promuovere il rispetto della normativa.
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Environment, transport, taxation and internal market & services were the four most infringement-prone areas, together representing more than 60% of all the cases.
Ambiente, trasporti, fiscalità e mercato interno e servizi sono stati i quattro settori più colpiti da infrazioni, nei quali si è registrato complessivamente oltre il 60% dei casi.
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The most infringement procedures were open against Italy (99), Belgium (92) and Spain (91).
I paesi nei cui confronti è stata aperta la maggior parte delle procedure di infrazione sono l'Italia (99), il Belgio (92) e la Spagna (91).
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Similar to 2011, Latvia was the best performer with only 20 cases, followed by Lithuania and Estonia (22 and 24 procedures respectively).
Come nel 2011, la Lettonia è il paese che ha ottenuto i migliori risultati, con appena 20 casi, seguita dalla Lituania e dall'Estonia (con 22 e 24 procedure rispettivamente).
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Late transposition of directives: fewer cases, more penalty proposals
Recepimento tardivo delle direttive: meno procedure, più sanzioni proposte
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Earlier Annual Reports pointed to Member States' late transposition of directives.
Le precedenti relazioni annuali mettevano in evidenza i ritardi nel recepimento delle direttive da parte degli Stati membri.
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Last year's poor performance has significantly improved.
Rispetto ai cattivi risultati dell'anno scorso, la situazione è nettamente migliorata:
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By the end of 2012, 45 % less infringements were open because of late transposition than 12 months before.
alla fine del 2012, le procedure d'infrazione aperte per recepimento tardivo erano inferiori del 45% a quelle registrate 12 mesi prima.
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During last year, most of the late transposition infringements were opened against Italy (36), Portugal (34) and Hungary while Estonia (5), the Netherlands and Sweden (6 each) had the best performance in that regard.
L'anno scorso, la maggior parte dei casi d'infrazione per recepimento tardivo è stata aperta nei confronti dell'Italia(36), del Portogallo (34) e dell'Ungheria (26), mentre i migliori risultati sotto questo aspetto sono stati ottenuti dall'Estonia (5), dai Paesi Bassi e dalla Svezia (6 casi ciascuno).
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In order to deter late transposition, the Commission has continued to make full use of the sanctions system introduced under the Lisbon Treaty.
Per scoraggiare questi ritardi, la Commissione ha continuato a fare pieno uso del sistema delle sanzioni introdotto con il trattato di Lisbona.
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It has referred 35 cases to the Court of Justice of the European Union ("Court") with a request for financial penalties (against Poland (10), Slovenia (5), the Netherlands, Finland (4 each), Cyprus, Belgium (3 each), Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Portugal and Hungary (1 each)).
Ha quindi deferito 35 casi alla Corte di giustizia con richiesta di sanzioni pecuniarie, nei confronti di Polonia (10), Slovenia (5), Paesi Bassi e Finlandia (4 ciascuno), Cipro e Belgio (3 ciascuno), Germania, Bulgaria, Slovacchia, Lussemburgo, Portogallo e Ungheria (1 ciascuno).
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The Commission passed only 9 such referral decision during 2011.
Nel 2011 erano state solo 9 le decisioni di rinvio alla Corte prese dalla Commissione.
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Complaints: vital feedback from the public
Le denunce: un contributo vitale del pubblico
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With 3141 registered complaints in 2012, citizens, businesses and stakeholders provided important input to the Commission in its monitoring of the correct application of EU rules.
Con le 3 141 denunce registrate nel 2012, i cittadini, le imprese e i portatori di interessi hanno offerto alla Commissione un contributo importante per controllare la corretta applicazione delle norme dell'UE.
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Citizen complaints were most frequent in regard to environment, justice and internal market & services (588, 491 and 462 complaints, respectively) and against Italy (438), Spain (306) and France (242)..
Le denunce dei cittadini si sono concentrate soprattutto nei settori dell'ambiente, della giustizia e del mercato interno e servizi (rispettivamente 588, 491 e 462 denunce) e hanno riguardato per la maggior parte l'Italia (438), la Spagna (306) e la Francia (242).
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Infringement profiles: Member States and EU policies
Profili di infrazioni: gli Stati membri e le politiche dell'UE
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The annexes to the Report look at performance of each Member State and performance in specific policy areas.They provide illustrative cases and highlight key issues in the application of law.
Gli allegati della relazione esaminano i risultati ottenuti per Stato membro e per settore, presentando casi esemplari e mettendo in evidenza i principali problemi in materia di applicazione della legge.
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From 23 October, the full Annual Report will be available under the link
indicated below. |
A partire dal 23 ottobre, il testo integrale della relazione annuale sarà consultabile sul sito
indicato sotto. |
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Following a request made by the European Parliament the Commission presents, every year, since 1984, an annual report on monitoring the application of Community law during the preceding year.
In risposta a una richiesta del Parlamento europeo, dal 1984 la Commissione presenta annualmente una relazione sul controllo dell'applicazione del diritto dell'Unione relativa all'anno precedente.
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The European Parliament adopts, every year, a report on the Commission report, explaining its position on the main issues. |
Ogni anno il Parlamento europeo adotta un rapporto sulla relazione annuale della Commissione, in cui esprime la sua posizione in merito alle principali tematiche affrontate. |
http://ec.europa.eu/eu_law/infringements/infringements_annual_report_en.htm |
The 2012 performance of EU Member States in applying EU law
The correct application of EU law is a cornerstone of the EU Treaties and at
the heart of the Commission's regulatory fitness programme (REFIT).
The 30th Annual Report on monitoring the application of EU law shows how
Member States are performing in applying EU law.
There were fewer infringements open at the end of 2012 than previous years.
The number of cases in problem solving mechanisms such as EU Pilot increased.
This reflects the determination of the European Commission to work with the
Member States to solve problems and improve compliance.
At the end of 2012, the number of open infringement procedures decreased
again, by 25 % compared to the previous year.This is related in part to the more
frequent use of EU Pilot and other problem solving mechanisms (such as SOLVIT)
which aim to solve problems and promote compliance:
Environment, transport, taxation and internal market & services were the four
most infringement-prone areas, together representing more than 60% of all the
The most infringement procedures were open against Italy (99), Belgium (92)
and Spain (91).
Similar to 2011, Latvia was the best performer with only 20 cases, followed
by Lithuania and Estonia (22 and 24 procedures respectively).
Late transposition of directives: fewer cases, more penalty proposals
Earlier Annual Reports pointed to Member States' late transposition of
Last year's poor performance has significantly improved.
By the end of 2012, 45 % less infringements were open because of late
transposition than 12 months before.
During last year, most of the late transposition infringements were opened
against Italy (36), Portugal (34) and Hungary while Estonia (5), the Netherlands
and Sweden (6 each) had the best performance in that regard.
In order to deter late transposition, the Commission has continued to make
full use of the sanctions system introduced under the Lisbon Treaty.
It has referred 35 cases to the Court of Justice of the European Union
("Court") with a request for financial penalties (against Poland (10), Slovenia
(5), the Netherlands, Finland (4 each), Cyprus, Belgium (3 each), Germany,
Bulgaria, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Portugal and Hungary (1 each)).
The Commission passed only 9 such referral decision during 2011.
Complaints: vital feedback from the public
With 3141 registered complaints in 2012, citizens, businesses and
stakeholders provided important input to the Commission in its monitoring of the
correct application of EU rules.
Citizen complaints were most frequent in regard to environment, justice and
internal market & services (588, 491 and 462 complaints, respectively) and
against Italy (438), Spain (306) and France (242)..
Infringement profiles: Member States and EU policies
The annexes to the Report look at performance of each Member State and
performance in specific policy areas.They provide illustrative cases and
highlight key issues in the application of law.
From 23 October, the full Annual Report will be available under the link
indicated below.
Following a request made by the European Parliament the Commission presents,
every year, since 1984, an annual report on monitoring the application of
Community law during the preceding year.
The European Parliament adopts, every year, a report on the Commission
report, explaining its position on the main issues.