Approfondendo i loro legami di lunga data, l'UE e Israele esplorano nuove opportunità di crescita e innovazione
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Data documento: 21-10-2013
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Building on long-standing ties, EU and Israel explore new opportunities for growth and innovation
Approfondendo i loro legami di lunga data, l'UE e Israele esplorano nuove opportunità di crescita e innovazione
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Strengthening already amicable business relations and exploring further opportunities for European SMEs on the Israeli market will be the main focus of this week's visit to Israel by Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship.
L'approfondimento delle relazioni commerciali già amichevoli e l'esplorazione di ulteriori opportunità per le PMI europee sul mercato israeliano saranno i principali obiettivi della visita che il vicepresidente Antonio Tajani, commissario responsabile per l'Industria e le Imprese, effettuerà questa settimana in Israele.
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During the visit, which will take place from October 21st to 23rd, he will be accompanied by more than 65 industry associations and companies from EU member states to help them form new partnerships and expand into new markets, especially in the areas of innovative and environmental technologies, information and communication technology, machinery, and space.
Nel corso della visita, che si svolgerà dal 21 al 23 ottobre, il vicepresidente Tajani sarà accompagnato dai rappresentanti di più di 65 associazioni industriali e imprese degli Stati membri dell'UE, che avranno l'opportunità di costituire nuovi partenariati e accedere a nuovi mercati, soprattutto nei settori delle tecnologie innovative e ambientali, delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, dei macchinari e dello spazio.
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In meetings with President Shimon Peres and key Israeli ministers, the Vice-President will also sign agreements strengthening cooperation on industrial policy, in the field of satellite navigation research and SME cooperation.
In incontri che terrà con il presidente Shimon Peres e con i principali ministri israeliani, il vicepresidente firmerà inoltre accordi per rafforzare la cooperazione in tema di politica industriale, di ricerca nel campo della navigazione satellitare e di cooperazione tra le PMI.
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This visit is part of the "Missions for Growth" to help European enterprises, in particular small and medium sized businesses better profit from fast growing international markets.
Questa visita rientra nelle "Missioni per la crescita" volte ad aiutare le imprese europee, in particolare le piccole e medie imprese, a trarre maggiori vantaggi dai mercati internazionali in rapida crescita.
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Relying on mutual strengths
Prendere le mosse dai reciproci punti di forza
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Israel is one of the most competitive economies in the world, and like the EU, one of its main strengths is its world-class capacity for innovation.
Israele è una delle economie più competitive al mondo e, come nel caso dell'UE, uno dei suoi principali punti forti consiste nella sua capacità di innovazione che la situa tra le economie di punta.
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Therefore, Israel and the EU have a strong mutual interest in increasing bilateral business relations and market integration to further promote innovation, boost sustainable growth and create jobs.
Per tale motivo, Israele e l'UE hanno un forte interesse reciproco ad accrescere le relazioni commerciali bilaterali e l'integrazione dei loro mercati per promuovere ulteriormente l'innovazione, dare impulso alla crescita sostenibile e creare posti di lavoro.
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The Mission for Growth to Israel targets numerous industry sectors, such as space technologies; information and communication technology and tourism;
La Missione per la crescita effettuata in Israele è interessata a diversi settori industriali, come le tecnologie spaziali, le tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione e il turismo;
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however, innovative and environmental technologies will also be key topics on the agenda.
figureranno comunque ai vertici dell'agenda anche le tecnologie innovative e ambientali.
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The overall objective of this Mission is to enhance European industry’s growth and competitiveness by better exploring the growth potential of Israel's dynamic economy.
L'obiettivo generale di questa Missione consiste nel dare impulso alla crescita e alla competitività delle industrie europee esplorando più a fondo le potenzialità di crescita dell'economia israeliana caratterizzata da uno spiccato dinamismo.
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This will also be the main subject of the discussion at the meeting of President Peres and Vice-President Tajani.
Questo sarà anche l'argomento principale delle discussioni tra il presidente Peres e il vicepresidente Tajani.
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Three more specific objectives are as follows:
Vi sono inoltre tre obiettivi più specifici:
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(1) More cooperation on industrial policy, tourism, space and innovation
1) Una più stretta cooperazione in materia di politica industriale, turismo, spazio e innovazione
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During the visit, Vice-President Tajani will meet Mr. Naftali Bennett, Israel's Minister of Economy to discuss how to further develop cooperation in industrial policy and innovation.
Durante la visita il vicepresidente Tajani incontrerà l'onorevole Naftali Bennett, ministro israeliano dell'Economia, per discutere su come sviluppare ulteriormente la cooperazione nel campo della politica industriale e dell'innovazione.
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The EU-Israel Association Agreement (entered into force on June 1st, 2000) forms the basis of the dialogue about these topics.
L'Accordo di associazione UE-Israele (entrato in vigore il 1° giugno 2000) costituisce la base del dialogo su queste tematiche.
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To put more emphasis on these subjects, the two ministers will sign a letter of intent on industrial policy cooperation, which aims to deepen industrial cooperation between the EU and Israel as well as identify new priorities.
Per dare maggiore rilievo a questi argomenti il vicepresidente Tajani e il ministro Bennett firmeranno una lettera di intenti sulla cooperazione nell'ambito della politica industriale, volta a sviluppare la cooperazione industriale tra l'UE e Israele nonché a identificare nuove priorità.
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Moreover, it also intends to establish a dynamic and integrated approach to managing cooperation in order to create a favourable environment which will serve mutual business interests.
Essa intende inoltre porre le basi per un approccio dinamico e integrato alla gestione della cooperazione al fine di creare un contesto favorevole a vantaggio degli interessi commerciali di entrambe le parti.
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The Vice-President will also meet Mr. Uzi Landau, Minister of Tourism to discuss cooperation in the field of tourism and the implementation of the EU-Israeli Joint Declaration signed in 2011 in the area of tourism.
Il vicepresidente incontrerà anche l'onorevole Uzi Landau, ministro del Turismo, per discutere della cooperazione nel campo del turismo e dell'attuazione della dichiarazione congiunta UE-Israele firmata nel 2011 nel settore del turismo.
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Furthermore, he will hold a meeting with Mr. Yaakov Perry, Minister of Science, Technology and Space to discuss cooperation in the field of space.
Il vicepresidente incontrerà inoltre l'onorevole Yaakov Perry, ministro responsabile per la Scienza, la tecnologia e lo spazio, per discutere le possibilità di cooperazione in ambito spaziale.
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At this meeting, an administrative arrangement on cooperation in the domain of satellite navigation systems will be signed.
In occasione di questa riunione verrà firmato un accordo amministrativo di cooperazione nel campo dei sistemi di navigazione satellitare.
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As the Vice-President's visit will coincide with the Water Technology and Environment Control Conference in Tel Aviv, green and sustainable growth will also be one of the important topics on the agenda.
Poiché la visita del vicepresidente coinciderà con la Conferenza sulle tecnologie idriche e il controllo ambientale che si terrà a Tel Aviv, anche la crescita verde e sostenibile figurerà ai primi posti nell'agenda.
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He will exchange views on boosting green and sustainable growth both in Israel and in the EU with the Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Mr. Silvan Shalom.
Il vicepresidente parteciperà ad uno scambio di vedute sulle modalità per incoraggiare la crescita verde e sostenibile in Israele e nell'UE con Silvan Shalom, ministro responsabile per l'Energia e le risorse idriche.
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There is great potential for cooperation in this area because Israel resides in an area suffering from a shortage of water, which has inspired local entrepreneurs to come up with many novel innovations in water and agricultural technologies.
Vi sono grandi potenzialità di cooperazione in quest'ambito poiché Israele è in una regione interessata dal problema della carenza d'acqua, il che ha ispirato gli imprenditori locali a produrre diverse innovazioni nell'ambito delle tecnologie idriche e agricole.
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(2) Helping EU companies and in particular SMEs to operate in Israel
2) Aiutare le imprese unionali e in particolare le PMI a operare in Israele
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Israel's economy relies heavily on its SME sector to provide growth and jobs, just like those of the EU countries.
L'economia di Israele si basa in notevole misura sul suo settore delle PMI per creare crescita e posti di lavoro, proprio come avviene nei paesi dell'UE.
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In terms of the size-class breakdown, the Israeli SME sector largely reflects that of the EU average, with micro and small enterprises accounting for more than nine out of every ten enterprises.
Per ripartizione dimensionale il settore delle PMI in Israele rispecchia essenzialmente quello della media unionale, e le sue micro e piccole imprese rappresentano più di nove decimi dell'intero parco industriale.
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At the meeting with the Minister of Economy, Vice-President Tajani will promote cooperation and mutual understanding in SME policy.
Nella riunione con il ministro dell'Economia il vicepresidente Tajani promuoverà la cooperazione e la conoscenza reciproca nel campo della politica per le PMI.
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The ultimate objective of this discussion is to reduce costs for companies and increase productivity for businesses on both sides.
L'obiettivo finale di questa discussione è ridurre i costi per le imprese e accrescere la produttività aziendale a vantaggio di entrambe le parti.
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Minister Bennett and Vice-President Tajani will also sign a letter of intent on SME cooperation in order to create a more business-friendly environment conducive to investments.
Il ministro Bennett e il vicepresidente Tajani firmeranno anche una lettere di intenti sulla cooperazione nel campo delle PMI per creare un contesto maggiormente favorevole all'imprenditoria atto ad attirare gli investimenti.
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On the basis of this letter both sides could make further efforts to improve the framework conditions of SMEs by reducing the administrative burden and increasing access to finance.
Sulla base di tale lettera entrambe le parti potrebbero compiere ulteriori sforzi per promuovere le condizioni quadro in cui operano le PMI riducendo gli oneri amministrativi e migliorando l'accesso ai finanziamenti.
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(3) Promoting EU-Israel business contacts and opportunities
3) Promuovere i contatti e le opportunità di affari tra l'UE e Israele
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A match-making event with local entrepreneurs will take place on 22 October 2013, in particular for companies operating in the sectors of environmental technologies, key enabling technologies, machinery and machine tools, information and communication technology, raw materials and space technologies.
Il 22 ottobre 2013 si svolgerà un evento volto ad incoraggiare incontri e contatti con gli imprenditori locali, in particolare con quelli dei settori delle tecnologie ambientali, delle tecnologie chiave abilitanti, dei macchinari e delle macchine utensili, delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, delle materie prime e delle tecnologie spaziali.
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This event was organised with the help of the Enterprise Europe Network - the world's largest business support network, providing free basic service to SME clients to support their expansion into new markets and to improve their competitive position.
Questo evento sarà organizzato con l'aiuto della rete Enterprise Europe, la più grande rete al mondo vocata al sostegno alle imprese, che fornisce un servizio gratuito di base alle PMI per sostenere la loro espansione su nuovi mercati e migliorare la loro posizione competitiva.
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The Enterprise Europe Network has three partner organisations in Israel.
La rete Enterprise Europe ha tre organizzazioni partner in Israele.
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Data on Israel:
Dati su Israele:
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- Population:) 8 million (2012)
- Popolazione: 8 milioni (2012)
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- GDP, current prices: € 175 bn (2011)
- PIL, prezzi correnti:) € 175 miliardi (2011)
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- GDP per capita, current prices: € 22.559 (2011)
- PIL pro capite, prezzi correnti: € 22.559 (2011)
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- Actual individual consumption per capita: € 17.000 (2012)
- Consumo effettivo individuale pro capite: € 17.000 (2012)
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- EU exports to Israel: € 17.0 bn (2012)
- Esportazioni dell'UE verso Israele: € 17,0 miliardi (2012)
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- EU imports from Israel: € 12.6 bn (2012)
- Importazioni nell'UE da Israele:€ 12,6 miliardi (2012)
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- Stock of EU FDI in Israel: € 7.5 bn (2011)
- Stock degli IDE dell'UE in Israele: € 7,5 miliardi (2011)
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- Inflation rate: 1.6 % (2012)
- Tasso di inflazione: 1,6 % (2012)
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Important trading partners
Importanti partner commerciali
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The EU is Israel's first trading partner with total trade amounting to € 29.6 billion in 2012, confirming a positive trend after the 2009 fall due to the global economic crisis.
L'UE è il primo partner commerciale di Israele, con un volume di scambi complessivo che nel 2012 ammontava a 29,6 miliardi di euro, confermando una tendenza positiva dopo la contrazione del 2009 dovuta alla crisi economica globale.
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Israel is also an important trading partner for the EU, especially in the Mediterranean area.
Israele è anche un importante partner commerciale per l'UE, soprattutto nella zona del Mediterraneo.
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Background: a long history of cooperation
Contesto: una lunga storia di cooperazione
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The European Union and Israel share a long common history, marked by growing interdependence and cooperation.
L'Unione europea e Israele condividono una lunga storia comune, contrassegnata da un'interdipendenza e da una cooperazione crescenti.
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Both share the same values of democracy, a respect for freedom and rule of law and are committed to an open international economic system based on market principles.
Entrambi condividono gli stessi valori di democrazia, rispetto della libertà e stato di diritto e sono impegnati a portare avanti un sistema economico internazionale aperto basato sul principio di un'economia di mercato.
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Israeli political, industrial, commercial and scientific leaders maintain close links to Europe.
I leader politici, industriali, commerciali e scientifici di Israele mantengono stretti legami con l'Europa.
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Over five decades of trade, cultural exchanges, political cooperation and a developed system of agreements have reinforced these relations. |
Oltre cinque decenni di commercio, scambi culturali, cooperazione politica e un sistema evoluto di accordi hanno consolidato queste relazioni.
Building on long-standing ties, EU and Israel explore new opportunities
for growth and innovation
Strengthening already amicable business relations and exploring further
opportunities for European SMEs on the Israeli market will be the main focus of
this week's visit to Israel by Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship.
During the visit, which will take place from October 21st to 23rd, he will be
accompanied by more than 65 industry associations and companies from EU member
states to help them form new partnerships and expand into new markets,
especially in the areas of innovative and environmental technologies,
information and communication technology, machinery, and space.
In meetings with President Shimon Peres and key Israeli ministers, the
Vice-President will also sign agreements strengthening cooperation on industrial
policy, in the field of satellite navigation research and SME cooperation.
This visit is part of the "Missions for Growth" to help European enterprises,
in particular small and medium sized businesses better profit from fast growing
international markets.
Relying on mutual strengths
Israel is one of the most competitive economies in the world, and like the
EU, one of its main strengths is its world-class capacity for innovation.
Therefore, Israel and the EU have a strong mutual interest in increasing
bilateral business relations and market integration to further promote
innovation, boost sustainable growth and create jobs.
The Mission for Growth to Israel targets numerous industry sectors, such as
space technologies; information and communication technology and tourism;
however, innovative and environmental technologies will also be key topics on
the agenda.
The overall objective of this Mission is to enhance European industry’s
growth and competitiveness by better exploring the growth potential of Israel's
dynamic economy.
This will also be the main subject of the discussion at the meeting of
President Peres and Vice-President Tajani.
Three more specific objectives are as follows:
(1) More cooperation on industrial policy, tourism, space and innovation
During the visit, Vice-President Tajani will meet Mr. Naftali Bennett,
Israel's Minister of Economy to discuss how to further develop cooperation in
industrial policy and innovation.
The EU-Israel Association Agreement (entered into force on June 1st, 2000)
forms the basis of the dialogue about these topics.
To put more emphasis on these subjects, the two ministers will sign a letter
of intent on industrial policy cooperation, which aims to deepen industrial
cooperation between the EU and Israel as well as identify new priorities.
Moreover, it also intends to establish a dynamic and integrated approach to
managing cooperation in order to create a favourable environment which will
serve mutual business interests.
The Vice-President will also meet Mr. Uzi Landau, Minister of Tourism to
discuss cooperation in the field of tourism and the implementation of the
EU-Israeli Joint Declaration signed in 2011 in the area of tourism.
Furthermore, he will hold a meeting with Mr. Yaakov Perry, Minister of
Science, Technology and Space to discuss cooperation in the field of space.
At this meeting, an administrative arrangement on cooperation in the domain
of satellite navigation systems will be signed.
As the Vice-President's visit will coincide with the Water Technology and
Environment Control Conference in Tel Aviv, green and sustainable growth will
also be one of the important topics on the agenda.
He will exchange views on boosting green and sustainable growth both in
Israel and in the EU with the Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Mr. Silvan
There is great potential for cooperation in this area because Israel resides
in an area suffering from a shortage of water, which has inspired local
entrepreneurs to come up with many novel innovations in water and agricultural
(2) Helping EU companies and in particular SMEs to operate in Israel
Israel's economy relies heavily on its SME sector to provide growth and jobs,
just like those of the EU countries.
In terms of the size-class breakdown, the Israeli SME sector largely reflects
that of the EU average, with micro and small enterprises accounting for more
than nine out of every ten enterprises.
At the meeting with the Minister of Economy, Vice-President Tajani will
promote cooperation and mutual understanding in SME policy.
The ultimate objective of this discussion is to reduce costs for companies
and increase productivity for businesses on both sides.
Minister Bennett and Vice-President Tajani will also sign a letter of intent
on SME cooperation in order to create a more business-friendly environment
conducive to investments.
On the basis of this letter both sides could make further efforts to improve
the framework conditions of SMEs by reducing the administrative burden and
increasing access to finance.
(3) Promoting EU-Israel business contacts and opportunities
A match-making event with local entrepreneurs will take place on 22 October
2013, in particular for companies operating in the sectors of environmental
technologies, key enabling technologies, machinery and machine tools,
information and communication technology, raw materials and space technologies.
This event was organised with the help of the Enterprise Europe Network - the
world's largest business support network, providing free basic service to SME
clients to support their expansion into new markets and to improve their
competitive position.
The Enterprise Europe Network has three partner organisations in Israel.
Data on Israel:
- Population:) 8 million (2012)
- GDP, current prices: € 175 bn (2011)
- GDP per capita, current prices: € 22.559 (2011)
- Actual individual consumption per capita: € 17.000 (2012)
- EU exports to Israel: € 17.0 bn (2012)
- EU imports from Israel: € 12.6 bn (2012)
- Stock of EU FDI in Israel: € 7.5 bn (2011)
- Inflation rate: 1.6 % (2012)
Important trading partners
The EU is Israel's first trading partner with total trade amounting to € 29.6
billion in 2012, confirming a positive trend after the 2009 fall due to the
global economic crisis.
Israel is also an important trading partner for the EU, especially in the
Mediterranean area.
Background: a long history of cooperation
The European Union and Israel share a long common history, marked by growing
interdependence and cooperation.
Both share the same values of democracy, a respect for freedom and rule of
law and are committed to an open international economic system based on market
Israeli political, industrial, commercial and scientific leaders maintain
close links to Europe.
Over five decades of trade, cultural exchanges, political cooperation and a
developed system of agreements have reinforced these relations.