La Corte precisa la portata della tutela dei consumatori nelle vendite transfrontaliere
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Data documento: 17-10-2013
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The Court sets out the scope of consumer protection in cross-border sales
La Corte precisa la portata della tutela dei consumatori nelle vendite transfrontaliere
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A consumer may sue a foreign trader with whom he has concluded a contract before the national courts where it is established that the trader has directed his activities to the consumer’s State, even if the means thus employed to direct his activities were not the basis for the conclusion of the contract
Un consumatore può convenire dinanzi ai giudici nazionali il commerciante estero con il quale abbia concluso un contratto qualora sia dimostrato che quest’ultimo ha diretto le proprie attività verso lo Stato del consumatore, anche qualora il mezzo utilizzato per dirigere in tal senso le proprie attività non sia stato all’origine della conclusione del contratto
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Regulation No 44/2001 determines the jurisdiction of the courts in civil and commercial matters.
Il regolamento n.44/2001 determina la competenza dei giudici in materia civile e commerciale.
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The basic principle is that the courts having jurisdiction are those of the Member State in which the defendant is domiciled.
Il principio fondamentale è che i giudici competenti sono quelli dello Stato membro in cui il convenuto ha il domicilio.
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However, in certain cases, the defendant may be sued before the courts of another Member State.
Tuttavia, in determinate ipotesi, il convenuto può essere citato dinanzi ai giudici di un altro Stato membro.
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Thus, as regards consumer contracts, a consumer also has the choice of bringing an action before the courts for the place of his domicile if two conditions are met.
Così, in caso di contratti di consumo, il consumatore può altresì scegliere di agire in giudizio dinanzi al tribunale del luogo del suo domicilio, ove ricorrano due presupposti.
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First, the trader must carry on his commercial or professional activities in the Member State where the consumer resides or must direct, by any means (for example, the internet), his activities to that Member State and, second, the disputed contract must fall within the scope of those activities.
Da un lato, il commerciante deve esercitare le proprie attività commerciali o professionali nello Stato membro di residenza del consumatore oppure dirigere, con qualsiasi mezzo (ad esempio attraverso Internet), le proprie attività verso tale Stato membro ; dall’altro, il contratto deve rientrare nell’ambito di dette attività.
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In Spicheren, a town close to the German border, Mr Sabranovic sells second-hand motor vehicles.
Il sig. Sabranovic commercializza a Spicheren, località situata in Francia in prossimità del confine tedesco, vetture usate.
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He had an internet site on which French telephone numbers and a German mobile telephone number were mentioned, together with the respective international codes.
Egli disponeva di un sito Internet sul quale erano indicati i numeri di telefono francesi e un numero di telefono cellulare tedesco, accompagnati dai rispettivi prefissi internazionali.
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Mr Emrek, who resides in Saarbrücken (Germany) and who learned through acquaintances (not via the internet) of Mr Sabronovic’s business went there and purchased a second-hand motor vehicle.
Il sig. Emrek, residente a Saarbrücken (Germania) apprendeva tramite conoscenti (e non attraverso il sito Internet) dell’esistenza dell’impresa del sig. Sabranovic, vi si recava e acquistava un veicolo usato.
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Subsequently, Mr Emrek made claims against Mr Sabronovic under the warranty before the Amtsgericht (District Court) Saarbrücken.
Successivamente, il sig. Emrek conveniva in giudizio il sig. Sabranovic con azione in garanzia dinanzi all’Amtsgericht (Pretura di) Saarbrücken.
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Mr Emrek took the view that, under Regulation No 44/2001, that court had jurisdiction to hear such an action.
Egli riteneva che, ai sensi del regolamento n. 44/2001, tale giudice fosse competente a conoscere dell’azione.
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It was clear from the set-up of Mr Sabranovic’s website that his commercial activity was also directed to Germany.
Infatti, dal contenuto del sito Internet del sig. Sabranovic risulterebbe che l’attività commerciale di quest’ultimo è parimenti diretta verso la Germania.
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The District Court, which did not share that view, dismissed the action as inadmissible.
Orbene, l’Amtsgericht, non essendo dello stesso avviso, dichiarava il ricorso irricevibile.
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The Landgericht (Regional Court) Saarbrücken, before which Mr Emrek brought an appeal, held that Mr Sabranovic’s activity was directed to Germany.
Il Landgericht (tribunale regionale di) Saarbrücken, dinanzi al quale il sig. Emrek ha proposto appello, ritiene, invece, che l’attività del sig. Sabranovic fosse diretta verso la Germania.
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However, it is unsure whether, in the present case, there must be a causal link between the means employed to direct the commercial activity to the Member State of the consumer’s domicile, namely the internet site, and the conclusion of the contract with the consumer.
Si chiede, tuttavia, se, nel caso di specie, debba sussistere un nesso di causalità tra il mezzo, vale a dire il sito Internet, utilizzato per dirigere l’attività commerciale verso lo Stato membro del domicilio del consumatore e la conclusione del contratto con il consumatore medesimo.
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In today’s judgment, the Court observes, first of all, that the actual wording of the regulation does not expressly require the existence of a causal link.
La Corte di giustizia rileva, anzitutto, che il tenore stesso del regolamento non richiede espressamente la sussistenza di un simile nesso di causalità.
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Moreover, the Court has already ruled that the essential condition for the application of the provision at issue is that related to commercial or professional activity directed to the State of the consumer’s domicile, which the Landgericht considers to have been satisfied.
Inoltre, la Corte ha già avuto modo di dichiarare che il requisito essenziale per applicare la disposizione in questione è quello legato all’attività commerciale o professionale diretta verso lo Stato del domicilio del consumatore, requisito che il Landgericht considera soddisfatto.
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Second, the Court considers that the addition of a condition requiring a causal link, which is not provided for by the regulation, would be contrary to the aim that it pursues, which is to protect consumers who are regarded as the weaker parties to contracts concluded between them and a professional.
In secondo luogo, la Corte ritiene che postulare l’ulteriore requisito del nesso di causalità, non previsto dal regolamento, risulterebbe in conflitto con l’obiettivo perseguito da quest’ultimo, ossia quello della tutela dei consumatori, considerati parti deboli dei contratti che concludono con un professionista.
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The requirement of prior consultation of a website by a consumer could give rise to problems of proof, in particular where, as in the present case, the contract was not concluded at a distance through that site.
Infatti, la necessità della previa consultazione di un sito Internet da parte del consumatore potrebbe far sorgere problemi di prova, in particolare nel caso in cui il contratto, come nella specie, non sia stato concluso a distanza attraverso il sito medesimo.
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Difficulties related to proof of the existence of a causal link would tend to dissuade consumers from bringing actions before the courts of their domicile and would weaken the protection of consumers pursued by the regulation.
Le difficoltà legate alla prova dell’esistenza di un nesso di causalità potrebbero dissuadere i consumatori dall’adire i giudici nazionali del loro domicilio e indebolirebbero la tutela dei consumatori perseguita dal regolamento.
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Thus, the Court replies that the regulation does not require the existence of a causal link between the means employed to direct the commercial or professional activity to the Member State of the consumer’s domicile, namely an internet site, and the conclusion of the contract with that consumer.
La Corte risponde dunque che il regolamento non postula la sussistenza di un nesso di causalità tra il mezzo, vale a dire un sito Internet, utilizzato per dirigere l’attività commerciale o professionale verso lo Stato membro del domicilio del consumatore, e la conclusione del contratto con il consumatore medesimo.
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However, although the causal link is not a condition, it may nonetheless constitute strong evidence which may be taken into consideration by the national court to determine whether the activity is in fact directed to the Member State in which the consumer is domiciled.
Tuttavia, tale nesso di causalità, pur non costituendo un requisito, può nondimeno rappresentare un indizio che il giudice nazionale può prendere in considerazione per determinare se l’attività sia effettivamente diretta verso lo Stato membro di domicilio del consumatore.
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The Court notes that, in its earlier case law, it has already identified a non-exhaustive list of factors which may assist a national court in determining whether the essential condition of commercial activity directed to the Member State of the consumer’s domicile has been satisfied.
La Corte rammenta di aver già individuato, nella sua precedente giurisprudenza, un elenco non esaustivo di indizi che possono risultare d’ausilio per il giudice nazionale nella valutazione della sussistenza del requisito essenziale relativo all’attività commerciale diretta verso lo Stato membro di domicilio del consumatore.
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Among those factors are ‘the establishment of contact at a distance’ and ‘the conclusion of a consumer contract at a distance’, which are of such a nature as to establish that the contract relates to an activity directed to the Member State of the consumer’s domicile.
Rientrano fra tali indizi, in particolare, «l’avvio di contatti a distanza» e «la conclusione a distanza di un contratto stipulato con un consumatore», che sono idonei a dimostrare la riconducibilità del contratto ad un’attività diretta verso lo Stato membro di domicilio del consumatore.
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The Court concludes that it is for the national court to make an overall assessment of the circumstances in which the consumer contract concerned was concluded, in order to decide whether, depending on the existence or absence of evidence mentioned on the non-exhaustive list of factors established by the Court, special jurisdiction, which is advantageous to consumers, is applicable.
La Corte dichiara, in conclusione, che spetta giudice del rinvio effettuare una valutazione complessiva delle circostanze in cui il contratto con il consumatore oggetto del procedimento principale è stato stipulato, al fine di determinare se, sulla base dell’esistenza o dell’assenza di elementi ricompresi, o meno, nell’elenco non esaustivo compilato dalla Corte sia applicabile la competenza speciale a favore del consumatore.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
The Court sets out the scope of consumer protection in cross-border sales
A consumer may sue a foreign trader with whom he has concluded a
contract before the national courts where it is established that the trader has
directed his activities to the consumer’s State, even if the means thus employed
to direct his activities were not the basis for the conclusion of the contract
Regulation No 44/2001 determines the jurisdiction of the courts in civil and
commercial matters.
The basic principle is that the courts having jurisdiction are those of the
Member State in which the defendant is domiciled.
However, in certain cases, the defendant may be sued before the courts of
another Member State.
Thus, as regards consumer contracts, a consumer also has the choice of
bringing an action before the courts for the place of his domicile if two
conditions are met.
First, the trader must carry on his commercial or professional activities in
the Member State where the consumer resides or must direct, by any means (for
example, the internet), his activities to that Member State and, second, the
disputed contract must fall within the scope of those activities.
In Spicheren, a town close to the German border, Mr Sabranovic sells
second-hand motor vehicles.
He had an internet site on which French telephone numbers and a German mobile
telephone number were mentioned, together with the respective international
Mr Emrek, who resides in Saarbrücken (Germany) and who learned through
acquaintances (not via the internet) of Mr Sabronovic’s business went there and
purchased a second-hand motor vehicle.
Subsequently, Mr Emrek made claims against Mr Sabronovic under the warranty
before the Amtsgericht (District Court) Saarbrücken.
Mr Emrek took the view that, under Regulation No 44/2001, that court had
jurisdiction to hear such an action.
It was clear from the set-up of Mr Sabranovic’s website that his commercial
activity was also directed to Germany.
The District Court, which did not share that view, dismissed the action as
The Landgericht (Regional Court) Saarbrücken, before which Mr Emrek brought
an appeal, held that Mr Sabranovic’s activity was directed to Germany.
However, it is unsure whether, in the present case, there must be a causal
link between the means employed to direct the commercial activity to the Member
State of the consumer’s domicile, namely the internet site, and the conclusion
of the contract with the consumer.
In today’s judgment, the Court observes, first of all, that the actual
wording of the regulation does not expressly require the existence of a causal
Moreover, the Court has already ruled that the essential condition for the
application of the provision at issue is that related to commercial or
professional activity directed to the State of the consumer’s domicile, which
the Landgericht considers to have been satisfied.
Second, the Court considers that the addition of a condition requiring a
causal link, which is not provided for by the regulation, would be contrary to
the aim that it pursues, which is to protect consumers who are regarded as the
weaker parties to contracts concluded between them and a professional.
The requirement of prior consultation of a website by a consumer could give
rise to problems of proof, in particular where, as in the present case, the
contract was not concluded at a distance through that site.
Difficulties related to proof of the existence of a causal link would tend to
dissuade consumers from bringing actions before the courts of their domicile and
would weaken the protection of consumers pursued by the regulation.
Thus, the Court replies that the regulation does not require the existence of
a causal link between the means employed to direct the commercial or
professional activity to the Member State of the consumer’s domicile, namely an
internet site, and the conclusion of the contract with that consumer.
However, although the causal link is not a condition, it may nonetheless
constitute strong evidence which may be taken into consideration by the national
court to determine whether the activity is in fact directed to the Member State
in which the consumer is domiciled.
The Court notes that, in its earlier case law, it has already identified a
non-exhaustive list of factors which may assist a national court in determining
whether the essential condition of commercial activity directed to the Member
State of the consumer’s domicile has been satisfied.
Among those factors are ‘the establishment of contact at a distance’ and ‘the
conclusion of a consumer contract at a distance’, which are of such a nature as
to establish that the contract relates to an activity directed to the Member
State of the consumer’s domicile.
The Court concludes that it is for the national court to make an overall
assessment of the circumstances in which the consumer contract concerned was
concluded, in order to decide whether, depending on the existence or absence of
evidence mentioned on the non-exhaustive list of factors established by the
Court, special jurisdiction, which is advantageous to consumers, is applicable.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised