Il Belgio è condannato al pagamento di un’ammenda di 10 milioni di euro per l’omessa esecuzione della sentenza della Corte dell’8 luglio 2004 (C-27/03) concernente il trattamento delle acque reflue urbane
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 17-10-2013
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Belgium is ordered to pay a fine of €10 million for failing to comply with the Court’s 8 July 2004 judgment (Case C-27/03) concerning the treatment of urban waste water
Il Belgio è condannato al pagamento di un’ammenda di 10 milioni di euro per l’omessa esecuzione della sentenza della Corte dell’8 luglio 2004 (C-27/03) concernente il trattamento delle acque reflue urbane
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A penalty payment is also imposed if Belgium does not comply in full with that judgment, non-compliance with which persists in respect of five agglomerations
Al Belgio è parimenti imposto il pagamento di una penalità se non si conforma integralmente alla sentenza C-27/03, la cui omessa esecuzione persiste riguardo a cinque agglomerati
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Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste-water treatment governs the collection, treatment, and discharge of urban waste water and the treatment and discharge of waste water from certain industrial sectors.
La direttiva 91/271/EEC sul trattamento delle acque reflue urbane disciplina la raccolta, il trattamento e lo scarico delle acque reflue urbane, nonché il trattamento e lo scarico delle acque reflue originate da taluni settori industriali.
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It thereby aims to protect the environment from the consequences of the discharge of waste water.
Essa ha lo scopo di proteggere l'ambiente dalle ripercussioni provocate dallo scarico di acque reflue urbane.
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In its judgment of 8 July 2004 in Case C-27/03 Commission v Belgium, the Court declared that Belgium had infringed several provisions of that directive on the grounds that 114 agglomerations in the Flemish Region, 60 agglomerations in the Walloon Region, and the Brussels-Capital Region had failed to comply with the requirements of Directive 91/271.
Nella sua sentenza dell’8 luglio 2004, Commissione/Belgio (C-27/03), la Corte ha dichiarato che il Belgio aveva violato diverse disposizioni di tale direttiva sulla base del rilievo che 114 agglomerati della Regione fiamminga, 60 agglomerati della Regione vallona e l’agglomerato di Bruxelles non si erano conformati ai requisiti della direttiva.
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At the time the present action was brought by the European Commission, the infringement persisted with respect to one Flemish agglomeration, 21 Walloon agglomerations, and the Brussels-Capital Region.
Quando è stato introdotto il presente ricorso da parte della Commissione europea, l’infrazione persisteva per un agglomerato fiammingo, 21 agglomerati valloni nonché l’agglomerato di Bruxelles.
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Subsequently, at the hearing, the Commission agreed that the measures necessary had not been adopted with respect to only five agglomerations.
Successivamente, all’udienza, la Commissione ha convenuto che le misure necessarie non erano state adottate riguardo a soli cinque agglomerati.
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In the light of that information, the Commission amended its claims and further limited the subject-matter of the dispute.
Alla luce di tali elementi, la Commissione ha modificato le sue domande circoscrivendo ulteriormente l’oggetto della controversia.
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First of all, the Court notes that, on the expiry of the time limit set down in the reasoned opinion of 26 June 2009, Belgium had failed to adopt all the measures necessary in order to comply in full with the Court’s 2004 judgment and, therefore, has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
Nella sua sentenza odierna, anzitutto, la Corte dichiara che, alla scadenza del termine fissato nel parere motivato del 26 giugno 2009, il Belgio non aveva adottato tutte le misure necessarie per conformarsi integralmente alla sentenza del 2004 ed è, pertanto, venuto meno agli obblighi cui è tenuto in forza del Trattato sul funzionamento dell’UE.
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As to the determination of the amount of the lump sum, the Court points out that the failure to fulfil obligations lasted for nearly 9 years, which is excessive, although it must be acknowledged that the scale of the tasks to be carried out required a substantial period of several years and that compliance with the judgment must be regarded as substantially, or almost entirely, complete.
Quanto alla determinazione dell’importo della somma forfettaria, la Corte ricorda che l’inadempimento è persistito per circa 9 anni, il che è eccessivo, anche se deve riconoscersi che gli adempimenti da eseguire richiedevano un periodo significativo di diversi anni e che l’esecuzione della sentenza del 2004 va considerata ad un punto avanzato, se non quasi completa.
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Concerning the seriousness of the infringement, the Court observes that, by classifying the whole of its territory as a ‘sensitive area’ in accordance with the directive, Belgium has recognised the need for increased environmental protection on its territory.
Per quanto riguarda la gravità dell’infrazione, la Corte rileva che, classificando l’integralità del suo territorio quale «area sensibile», ai sensi della direttiva, il Belgio ha riconosciuto la necessità di una tutela ambientale rafforzata dello stesso.
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The lack of treatment for urban waste water constitutes damage to the environment.
Orbene, il mancato trattamento delle acque reflue urbane arreca un pregiudizio all’ambiente.
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However, the Court points out that Belgium has agreed to substantial investments in order to comply with the 2004 judgment and has made considerable progress.
Tuttavia, la Corte ricorda che il Belgio ha affrontato investimenti impegnativi per l’esecuzione della sentenza del 2004, compiendo progressi considerevoli.
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Furthermore, substantial progress had already been made by the deadline imposed by the reasoned opinion.
I progressi, peraltro, erano già sostanziali alla scadenza del termine fissato dal parere motivato.
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Moreover, the Court emphasises that Belgium has fully cooperated with the Commission during the procedure.
Inoltre, la Corte sottolinea che il Belgio ha pienamente cooperato con la Commissione nel corso del procedimento.
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Therefore, the Court considers that taking into account the circumstances of the case, it would be fair to set the amount of the lump sum which Belgium has to pay at €10 million.
In tale contesto, la Corte ritiene di procedere a un’equa valutazione delle circostanze del caso fissando una somma forfettaria dell’importo di EUR 10 milioni che il Belgio dovrà versare.
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In addition, taking into account all of the circumstances, the Court considers that the imposition of a penalty payment of €4 722 per day is appropriate.
Inoltre, tenuto conto di tutte le circostanze, la Corte considera adeguata l’imposizione di una penalità dell’importo di EUR 4 722 al giorno.
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As to the frequency of the penalty payment, in accordance with the Commission’s proposal, given that the provision of evidence of the compliance with Directive 91/271 may require a certain amount of time, and in order to take account of any progress made by that State, the Court considers it appropriate for the penalty payment to be calculated on the basis of six-month periods, reducing the total relating to such periods (that is, a penalty payment of €859 404 for each six-month period of delay) by a percentage corresponding to the proportion representing the number of population equivalents which have been brought into compliance with the 2004 judgment.
Quanto alla periodicità della penalità, conformemente alla proposta della Commissione, dato che la produzione della prova della conformità alla direttiva 91/271 può richiedere un certo tempo, e per tener conto del progresso eventualmente compiuto da detto Stato membro, la Corte considera adeguato un calcolo della penalità effettuato sulla base di periodi di sei mesi, riducendo il totale relativo a tali periodi (vale a dire una penalità di EUR 859 404 per semestre di ritardo) di una percentuale corrispondente alla proporzione che rappresenta il numero di abitanti equivalenti che si trovano in situazione di conformità con la sentenza del 2004.
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An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
La Commissione o un altro Stato membro possono proporre un ricorso per inadempimento diretto contro uno Stato membro che è venuto meno ai propri obblighi derivanti dal diritto dell’Unione.
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If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment without delay.
Qualora la Corte di giustizia accerti l’inadempimento, lo Stato membro interessato deve conformarsi alla sentenza senza indugio.
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Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
La Commissione, qualora ritenga che lo Stato membro non si sia conformato alla sentenza, può proporre un altro ricorso chiedendo sanzioni pecuniarie.
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However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission, impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment.
Tuttavia, in caso di mancata comunicazione delle misure di attuazione di una direttiva alla Commissione, su domanda di quest’ultima, la Corte di giustizia può infliggere sanzioni pecuniarie, al momento della prima sentenza. |
Belgium is ordered to pay a fine of €10 million for failing to comply with
the Court’s 8 July 2004 judgment (Case C-27/03) concerning the treatment of
urban waste water
A penalty payment is also imposed if Belgium does not comply in full
with that judgment, non-compliance with which persists in respect of five
Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste-water treatment governs the
collection, treatment, and discharge of urban waste water and the treatment and
discharge of waste water from certain industrial sectors.
It thereby aims to protect the environment from the consequences of the
discharge of waste water.
In its judgment of 8 July 2004 in Case C-27/03 Commission v Belgium, the
Court declared that Belgium had infringed several provisions of that directive
on the grounds that 114 agglomerations in the Flemish Region, 60 agglomerations
in the Walloon Region, and the Brussels-Capital Region had failed to comply with
the requirements of Directive 91/271.
At the time the present action was brought by the European Commission, the
infringement persisted with respect to one Flemish agglomeration, 21 Walloon
agglomerations, and the Brussels-Capital Region.
Subsequently, at the hearing, the Commission agreed that the measures
necessary had not been adopted with respect to only five agglomerations.
In the light of that information, the Commission amended its claims and
further limited the subject-matter of the dispute.
First of all, the Court notes that, on the expiry of the time limit set down
in the reasoned opinion of 26 June 2009, Belgium had failed to adopt all the
measures necessary in order to comply in full with the Court’s 2004 judgment
and, therefore, has failed to fulfil its obligations under the Treaty on the
Functioning of the EU.
As to the determination of the amount of the lump sum, the Court points out
that the failure to fulfil obligations lasted for nearly 9 years, which is
excessive, although it must be acknowledged that the scale of the tasks to be
carried out required a substantial period of several years and that compliance
with the judgment must be regarded as substantially, or almost entirely,
Concerning the seriousness of the infringement, the Court observes that, by
classifying the whole of its territory as a ‘sensitive area’ in accordance with
the directive, Belgium has recognised the need for increased environmental
protection on its territory.
The lack of treatment for urban waste water constitutes damage to the
However, the Court points out that Belgium has agreed to substantial
investments in order to comply with the 2004 judgment and has made considerable
Furthermore, substantial progress had already been made by the deadline
imposed by the reasoned opinion.
Moreover, the Court emphasises that Belgium has fully cooperated with the
Commission during the procedure.
Therefore, the Court considers that taking into account the circumstances of
the case, it would be fair to set the amount of the lump sum which Belgium has
to pay at €10 million.
In addition, taking into account all of the circumstances, the Court
considers that the imposition of a penalty payment of €4 722 per day is
As to the frequency of the penalty payment, in accordance with the
Commission’s proposal, given that the provision of evidence of the compliance
with Directive 91/271 may require a certain amount of time, and in order to take
account of any progress made by that State, the Court considers it appropriate
for the penalty payment to be calculated on the basis of six-month periods,
reducing the total relating to such periods (that is, a penalty payment of €859
404 for each six-month period of delay) by a percentage corresponding to the
proportion representing the number of population equivalents which have been
brought into compliance with the 2004 judgment.
An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member State
which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law may be
brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil
obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment
without delay.
Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied with
the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to the
Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission, impose
penalties at the stage of the initial judgment.