È lecito inserire le impronte digitali nel passaporto
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Data documento: 17-10-2013
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Including fingerprints in passports is lawful
È lecito inserire le impronte digitali nel passaporto
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Although the taking and storing of fingerprints in passports constitutes an infringement of the rights to respect for private life and the protection of personal data, such measures are nonetheless justified for the purpose of preventing any fraudulent use of passports
Il rilevamento e la conservazione nel passaporto delle impronte digitali lede i diritti al rispetto della vita privata e alla tutela dei dati personali, ma tali misure sono giustificate dal fine di impedire qualsiasi uso fraudolento dei passaporti
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Regulation No 2252/2004 provides that passports are to include a highly secure storage medium which must contain, besides a facial image, two fingerprints.
Il regolamento n.2252/2004 prevede che i passaporti presentino un supporto di memorizzazione altamente protetto che contiene, accanto all’immagine del volto, due impronte digitali.
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Those fingerprints may be used only for verifying the authenticity of a passport and the identity of its holder.
Queste possono essere utilizzate al solo scopo di verificare l’autenticità del passaporto e l’identità del suo titolare.
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Mr Schwarz applied to the Stadt Bochum (city of Bochum, Germany) for a passport, but refused at that time to have his fingerprints taken.
Il sig. Schwarz ha chiesto all’amministrazione della città di Bochum (Germania) il rilascio di un passaporto, rifiutandosi però di farsi rilevare le impronte digitali.
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After the city rejected his application, Mr Schwarz brought an action before the Verwaltungsgericht Gelsenkirchen (Administrative Court, Gelsenkirchen, Germany) in which he requested that the city be ordered to issue him with a passport without taking his fingerprints.
Poiché l’autorità ha respinto la sua richiesta, il sig. Schwarz ha proposto ricorso dinanzi al Verwaltungsgericht Gelsenkirchen (tribunale amministrativo di Gelsenkirchen, Germania), affinché ingiungesse all’amministrazione di rilasciargli il passaporto senza prelevargli le impronte digitali.
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In that context, the Administrative Court seeks to establish whether the regulation is valid, particularly in light of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in so far as it obliges any person applying for a passport to provide fingerprints and provides for those fingerprints to be stored in that passport.
In tale contesto, il tribunale amministrativo chiede alla Corte se il regolamento, obbligando chi richiede il passaporto a far rilevare le proprie impronte digitali e prevedendo la conservazione di queste nel passaporto, sia valido, in particolare, alla luce della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea.
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By today’s judgment, the Court of Justice answers that question in the affirmative.
Con la sentenza odierna la Corte di giustizia risponde in senso affermativo a tale domanda.
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Although the taking and storing of fingerprints in passports constitutes an infringement of the rights to respect for private life and the protection of personal data, those measures are in any event justified by the aim of protecting against any fraudulent use of passports.
Sebbene il rilevamento delle impronte digitali e la loro conservazione nel passaporto costituiscano un pregiudizio ai diritti al rispetto della vita privata e alla tutela dei dati personali, tali misure sono in ogni caso giustificate dallo scopo di preservare i passaporti dagli usi fraudolenti.
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In that regard, the Court finds that the contested measures pursue, in particular, the general interest objective of preventing illegal entry into the EU.
La Corte osserva al riguardo che le misure contestate perseguono, in particolare, l’obiettivo d’interesse generale di impedire l’ingresso illegale di persone nell’Unione europea.
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To that end, they are intended to prevent both the falsification of passports and the fraudulent use thereof.
A tal fine, esse mirano a prevenire la falsificazione dei passaporti e a impedirne l’uso fraudolento.
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First of all, it is not apparent from the evidence available to the Court, nor has it been claimed, that those measures do not respect the essence of the fundamental rights at issue.
Innanzitutto, non si evince dagli elementi messi a disposizione della Corte, né è stato sostenuto, che tali misure non rispettino il contenuto essenziale dei diritti fondamentali di cui trattasi.
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Next, the Court finds that the contested measures are appropriate for attaining the aim of protecting against the fraudulent use of passports, by significantly reducing the likelihood that, owing to an error, unauthorised persons will be allowed to enter the EU.
Inoltre, le misure contestate sono idonee a conseguire lo scopo di preservare i passaporti da un uso fraudolento, riducendo notevolmente il rischio che a persone non autorizzate sia erroneamente consentito entrare nel territorio dell’Unione europea.
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Lastly, the contested measures do not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the above aim.
Infine, le misure contestate non eccedono quanto necessario al conseguimento del suddetto scopo.
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The Court has not been made aware of any measure which would be sufficiently effective and less of a threat than the taking of fingerprints.
Infatti, per quanto attiene al rilevamento delle impronte digitali, non è stata riferita alla Corte l’esistenza di misure sufficientemente efficaci che siano meno pregiudizievoli.
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The Court observes in particular that iris-recognition technology is not yet as advanced as fingerprint-recognition technology and that, owing to the significantly higher costs currently involved in using the former technology, it is less suitable for general use.
La Corte rileva in particolare che il grado di maturità tecnologica del metodo basato sul riconoscimento dell’iride non è pari a quello del metodo basato sulle impronte digitali e che, dati i costi al momento molto più elevati, tale metodo è meno adatto a un impiego generalizzato.
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With regard to the processing of fingerprints, the Court notes that fingerprints play a particular role in the field of identifying persons in general.
Quanto al trattamento delle impronte digitali, la Corte rileva che queste svolgono un ruolo specifico nel settore dell'identificazione delle persone in generale.
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Thus, comparing fingerprints taken in a particular place with those stored in a database makes it possible to establish whether a certain person is in that particular place, whether in the context of a criminal investigation or in order to monitor that person indirectly.
Infatti, il confronto delle impronte digitali rilevate in un luogo con quelle memorizzate in una banca dati consente di dimostrare la presenza in tale luogo di una determinata persona, che ciò avvenga nell’ambito di un'indagine penale oppure allo scopo di sorvegliare indirettamente tale persona.
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However, the Court also notes that the regulation explicitly states that fingerprints may be used only for verifying the authenticity of a passport and the identity of its holder.
La Corte tuttavia osserva che il regolamento precisa espressamente che le impronte digitali possono essere utilizzate soltanto allo scopo di verificare l'autenticità del passaporto e l’identità del suo titolare.
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Moreover, the regulation does not provide for the storage of fingerprints except within the passport itself, which belongs to the holder alone.
Per di più, il regolamento prevede che le impronte digitali siano conservate solamente all’interno del passaporto, il quale permane di esclusivo possesso del suo titolare.
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The regulation not providing for any other form or method of storing those fingerprints, it cannot in and of itself be interpreted as providing a legal basis for the centralised storage of data collected thereunder or for the use of such data for purposes other than that of preventing illegal entry into the EU.
Non prevedendo nessun’altra forma né strumento per conservare tali impronte, il regolamento non può essere interpretato come idoneo a fornire, in quanto tale, un fondamento giuridico ad una eventuale centralizzazione dei dati raccolti in base ad esso oppure all'impiego di questi ultimi a fini diversi da quello di impedire l'ingresso illegale di persone nel territorio dell'Unione.
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Furthermore, the Court finds that the regulation was adopted on an appropriate legal basis and that the procedure leading to the adoption of the measures applicable in the present case is not vitiated by any defect, since the Parliament was fully involved in that procedure in its role as co-legislator.
La Corte di giustizia rileva infine che il regolamento è stato adottato su un adeguato fondamento giuridico e che la procedura che ha portato all’adozione del testo applicabile nel caso di specie non è viziata, dato che il Parlamento vi ha pienamente partecipato come colegislatore.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
Including fingerprints in passports is lawful
Although the taking and storing of fingerprints in passports constitutes an
infringement of the rights to respect for private life and the protection of
personal data, such measures are nonetheless justified for the purpose of
preventing any fraudulent use of passports
Regulation No 2252/2004 provides that passports are to include a highly
secure storage medium which must contain, besides a facial image, two
Those fingerprints may be used only for verifying the authenticity of a
passport and the identity of its holder.
Mr Schwarz applied to the Stadt Bochum (city of Bochum, Germany) for a
passport, but refused at that time to have his fingerprints taken.
After the city rejected his application, Mr Schwarz brought an action before
the Verwaltungsgericht Gelsenkirchen (Administrative Court, Gelsenkirchen,
Germany) in which he requested that the city be ordered to issue him with a
passport without taking his fingerprints.
In that context, the Administrative Court seeks to establish whether the
regulation is valid, particularly in light of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
of the European Union, in so far as it obliges any person applying for a
passport to provide fingerprints and provides for those fingerprints to be
stored in that passport.
By today’s judgment, the Court of Justice answers that question in the
Although the taking and storing of fingerprints in passports constitutes an
infringement of the rights to respect for private life and the protection of
personal data, those measures are in any event justified by the aim of
protecting against any fraudulent use of passports.
In that regard, the Court finds that the contested measures pursue, in
particular, the general interest objective of preventing illegal entry into the
To that end, they are intended to prevent both the falsification of passports
and the fraudulent use thereof.
First of all, it is not apparent from the evidence available to the Court,
nor has it been claimed, that those measures do not respect the essence of the
fundamental rights at issue.
Next, the Court finds that the contested measures are appropriate for
attaining the aim of protecting against the fraudulent use of passports, by
significantly reducing the likelihood that, owing to an error, unauthorised
persons will be allowed to enter the EU.
Lastly, the contested measures do not go beyond what is necessary to achieve
the above aim.
The Court has not been made aware of any measure which would be sufficiently
effective and less of a threat than the taking of fingerprints.
The Court observes in particular that iris-recognition technology is not yet
as advanced as fingerprint-recognition technology and that, owing to the
significantly higher costs currently involved in using the former technology, it
is less suitable for general use.
With regard to the processing of fingerprints, the Court notes that
fingerprints play a particular role in the field of identifying persons in
Thus, comparing fingerprints taken in a particular place with those stored in
a database makes it possible to establish whether a certain person is in that
particular place, whether in the context of a criminal investigation or in order
to monitor that person indirectly.
However, the Court also notes that the regulation explicitly states that
fingerprints may be used only for verifying the authenticity of a passport and
the identity of its holder.
Moreover, the regulation does not provide for the storage of fingerprints
except within the passport itself, which belongs to the holder alone.
The regulation not providing for any other form or method of storing those
fingerprints, it cannot in and of itself be interpreted as providing a legal
basis for the centralised storage of data collected thereunder or for the use of
such data for purposes other than that of preventing illegal entry into the EU.
Furthermore, the Court finds that the regulation was adopted on an
appropriate legal basis and that the procedure leading to the adoption of the
measures applicable in the present case is not vitiated by any defect, since the
Parliament was fully involved in that procedure in its role as co-legislator.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.