Lancio della nuova politica infrastrutturale dell’UE - Giornate TEN-T a Tallin in Estonia
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Data documento: 14-10-2013
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Launch of the EU's new infrastructure policy - TEN-T Days in Tallinn, Estonia
Lancio della nuova politica infrastrutturale dell’UE - Giornate TEN-T a Tallin in Estonia
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Commission Vice-President responsible for transport, Siim Kallas, will publish next Thursday in Tallinn, Estonia, new maps showing the 9 major infrastructure corridors which will underpin the EU's Single Market, and revolutionise East-West Connections.
Il Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, Siim Kallas, responsabile dei trasporti, pubblicherà giovedì prossimo a Tallin (Estonia) la nuove carte in cui sono riportati i nove corridoi infrastrutturali che costituiranno le arterie principali del mercato interno e rivoluzioneranno le connessioni est-ovest.
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The EU is investing €26 billion for co-funding transport projects to build cross-border missing links, remove bottlenecks and make the network smarter.
L’Unione europea investirà 26 miliardi di euro nel cofinanziamento di progetti di trasporto destinati a costruire collegamenti transfrontalieri mancanti, a eliminare le strozzature e a rendere le reti più intelligenti.
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The launch will be the centrepiece of the "TEN-T Days in Tallinn (16-18 October), during which more than 1,000 people – including more than 18 Transport Ministers, Members of the European Parliament, CEOs and stakeholders from all the transport sectors - will converge on Tallinn for expert discussions on implementing the new transport policy framework.
Il varo dell’iniziativa sarà il fulcro delle Giornate TEN-T che si svolgeranno a Tallin dal 16 al 18 ottobre. È prevista la partecipazione di oltre un migliaio di esperti, tra cui almeno 18 ministri dei trasporti, eurodeputati, amministratori delegati di imprese e soggetti interessati del settore dei trasporti, che discuteranno dell’attuazione del nuovo quadro della politica dei trasporti.
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Vice-President Kallas said:
Il vicepresidente Kallas ha dichiarato:
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"Transport is fundamental to an efficient EU economy, but vital connections are currently missing.
“I trasporti sono fondamentali per un’economia efficiente nell’UE, ma ancora oggi mancano collegamenti vitali.
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We need to connect East with West and transform the current transport patchwork into a real network.
Dobbiamo collegare le regioni orientali a quelle occidentali e trasformare il groviglio di linee attuale in un’autentica rete.
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Without good connections Europe will not grow or prosper."
L’Europa non potrà crescere e prosperare senza buone connessioni.”
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The new policy sets the focus on a core transport network for Europe.
La nuova politica intende creare una rete centrale dei trasporti per tutta l’Europa.
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Its aim is to concentrate spending on a smaller number of projects where real EU added value can be realised.
L’obiettivo è concentrare la spesa su un minor numero di progetti che consentono di realizzare un reale valore aggiunto dell’UE.
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Nine corridors will provide the basis for the co-ordinated development of infrastructure within the core network. Covering at least 3 modes, 3 Member States and 2 cross-border sections, these corridors will bring together the Member States concerned, as well as the relevant stakeholders. |
Alla base dello sviluppo coordinato dell’infrastruttura nella rete centrale ci saranno nove corridoi che copriranno non meno di tre modi di trasporto, tre Stati membri e due sezioni transfrontaliere e collegheranno gli Stati membri e i soggetti interessati. |
Launch of the EU's new infrastructure policy - TEN-T Days in Tallinn,
Commission Vice-President responsible for transport, Siim Kallas, will
publish next Thursday in Tallinn, Estonia, new maps showing the 9 major
infrastructure corridors which will underpin the EU's Single Market, and
revolutionise East-West Connections.
The EU is investing €26 billion for co-funding transport projects to build
cross-border missing links, remove bottlenecks and make the network smarter.
The launch will be the centrepiece of the "TEN-T Days in Tallinn (16-18
October), during which more than 1,000 people – including more than 18 Transport
Ministers, Members of the European Parliament, CEOs and stakeholders from all
the transport sectors - will converge on Tallinn for expert discussions on
implementing the new transport policy framework.
Vice-President Kallas said:
"Transport is fundamental to an efficient EU economy, but vital connections
are currently missing.
We need to connect East with West and transform the current transport
patchwork into a real network.
Without good connections Europe will not grow or prosper."
The new policy sets the focus on a core transport network for Europe.
Its aim is to concentrate spending on a smaller number of projects where real
EU added value can be realised.
Nine corridors will provide the basis for the co-ordinated development of
infrastructure within the core network. Covering at least 3 modes, 3 Member
States and 2 cross-border sections, these corridors will bring together the
Member States concerned, as well as the relevant stakeholders.